The Dramatic Works of Gerhart Hauptmann
Chapter 4 : HOFFMANN Oh, yes--green.LOTH Put it so, if you want to. You'll have to admit, at al


Oh, yes--green.


Put it so, if you want to. You'll have to admit, at all events, that he was a very gifted fellow. And yet for five years he had to work as a stucco-worker, and for another five years he had to starve along, so to speak, on his own hook, and in addition he modelled his little statues.


And they were revolting. I want to be cheered by art ... No, that kind of art wasn't a bit to my taste.


Not exactly to mine either. Certain ideas had bitten themselves into his mind. However, last spring there was a compet.i.tion for a monument. Some two-penny princeling was to be immortalised, I believe. Fips competed and--won. Shortly afterward, he killed himself.


I don't see that that throws any ray of light on his so-called conscientiousness. I call that sort of thing silly and highfalutin.


That is the common view.


I'm very sorry, but I'm afraid I can't help sharing it.


Well, it can make no difference to him now, what....


Oh, anyhow, let's drop the subject. At bottom I'm just as sorry for him as you can be. But now that he is dead, the good fellow, tell me something of yourself. What have you been doing? How has the world used you?


It has used me as it was my business to expect. Didn't you hear anything about me at all? From the papers, I mean?


[_Somewhat embarra.s.sed._] Not that I know of.


Nothing of that business at Leipzig?


Ah, yes, that! Yes, yes ... I believe so ... but nothing definite.


Well, then, the matter was as follows--


[_Laying his hand on LOTH'S arm._] Before you begin, won't you take anything at all?


Perhaps later.


Not even a little gla.s.s of brandy?


No; that least of all.


Well, then I'll take a little ... There's nothing better for the stomach.

[_He gets a bottle and two little from the sideboard and places them on the table before LOTH._] Grand champagne, finest brand. I can recommend it. Won't you really?


No, thank you.


[_Tilting the contents of the gla.s.s into his mouth._] Ah-h--well, now I'm all ears.


To put it briefly, I got into a nasty mess.


The sentence was two years, wasn't it?


Quite right. You seem to be informed after all. Yes, I was sentenced to two years' imprisonment, and afterwards they expelled me from the university too. And at that time I was just--twenty-one. However, during those two years I wrote my first book on economics. In spite of that I couldn't truthfully say that it was very good fun to be behind the bars.


Lord, what idiots we were! It's queer. And we had really taken the thing into our heads in good earnest. I can't help thinking, old man, that it was sheer puerility. The idea! A dozen green kids like ourselves to go to America and found ... _we_ found ... a model state. Delicious notion!

Chapter 4 : HOFFMANN Oh, yes--green.LOTH Put it so, if you want to. You'll have to admit, at al
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