A Concise Dictionary of Middle English
Chapter 3 : +A+, _adv._ ever, S; +aa+, S; +a buten+, ever without, S; see +O+.[[Addition]]+A-bac+, _

+A+, _adv._ ever, S; +aa+, S; +a buten+, ever without, S; see +O+.


+A-bac+, _adv._ backwards, S, W2; +abec+, S; +abak+, C2, W; +obak+, S2.--AS. _on-baec_. (+A-+ 2.)

+Aba.s.shen+, _v._ to abash, S3; +aba.s.shed+, _pp._ abashed, ashamed, alarmed, C3, PP; +abashed+, S2; +aba.s.s.h.i.+d+, S3; +abasched+, PP; +abaisshed+, PP; +abaischid+, W; +abaischt+, S2; +abaissed+, PP; +abaist+, S3; +abayste+, S2, C2.--OF. _esbahiss-_ stem of pr. p. of _esbahir_, to astonish; Lat. _ex_ + *_badire_ for _badare_, to open the mouth. (+A-+ 9.)

+Abate+, _v._ to beat down, bring down, calm down, P, NED.--AF. _abatre_ (pr. p. _abatant_); Late Lat. *_adbatere_. (+A-+ 7.)

+Abaue+, _v._ to put to confusion, to be confounded, NED, HD, JD; +abawed+, _pp._ HD; +abaued+, HD.--OF. *_abavir_: _esbahir_ (with _v_ in place of lost _h_, see Brachet, s.v. _glaive_). (+A-+ 9). See +Aba.s.shen+.

+Abaye+, _sb._ barking; _phr._ +at e abaie, at abaye+, at bay, S2.--OF.

_abai_, barking, from _abaier_; cp. F. _aboi_ in phr.: _etre aux abois_.

+Abbay+, _sb._ abbey, C2; +abbeis+, pl., S2.--AF. _abbeie_ (_abeie_); Church Lat. _abbadia_, _abbatia_, from _abbatem_. See +Abbod+.

+Abbesse+, _sb._ abbess, PP.--OF. _abbesse_; Church Lat. _abbatissa_.

+Abbod+, _sb._ abbot, MD, S2; +abbot+, S, PP; +abbodes+, _pl._ S2.--Church Lat. _abbatem_ (p.r.o.nounced _abbadem_), nom. _abbas_; Gr.

???; Syriac, _abba_, father.

+Abbodesse+, _sb._ abbess, PP.

+Abbot-rice+, _sb._ abbacy, S.--AS. _abbod-rice_, the rule of an abbot.

+A-B-C+, the alphabet, P; +abcy+, Cath.; +abce+, Cath. (_n._), PP; +abcee+, Cotg.; +abece+, Cath. (_n._); +apece+, Prompt.--Cp. OF.

_abece_, the crosse rowe (Cotg.).

+Abeah+, +Abeh+; see +Abu?en+.

+Abeggen+, +Abeien+; see +Abyen+.

+A-bernen+, _v._ to burn; +abern+, _pr. s._ S.--AS. _a-beornan_.

(+A-+ 1.)

+Abhominacioun+, _sb._ abomination, NED, C2.

+Abhomynable+, _adj._ abominable, S3, C3.--AF. _abhominable_; Lat.


+A-biden+, _v._ to abide, remain, await, endure, S, S2, W2; +habide+, S2; +abyde+, C2; +abid+, _imp._, S, S2; +abid+, _pr. s._, S; +abit+, S, S2, C3; +abod+, _pt. s._, S; +abood+, W2; +abide+, _pt. pl._, S2; +abididen+, W2; +abide+, _pp._, G.--AS. _a-bidan_. (+A-+ 1.)

+A-biding+, _sb._ expectation, W2.

+Abiggen+; see +Abyen+.

+Abil+, _adj._ able, CM; +able+, C; +hable+, S3, MD.--OF. _able_, _hable_ (mod. F. _habile_); Lat. _habilem_.

+Abilite+, _sb._ ability, NED; +habilitie+, S3.--OF. _habilite_.

+Abil?eit+, _pp._ apparelled, S3.--OF. _habiller_.

+Abil?ement+, _sb._ clothing, S3.--OF. _habillement_.

+Abit+, _sb._ dress, a monk's clothing, habit, PP, CM, HD; +abite+, W.--AF. _abit_ (_habit_); Lat. _habitum_ (acc.).

+A-biten+, _v._ to bite, S.--AS. _a-bitan_. (+A-+ 1.)

+Abject+, _pp._ and _adj._ cast out, NED.

+Abjecte+, _v._ to cast aside, S3.

+A-blawen+, _v._ to blow, MD; +ableow+, _pt. s._, S.--AS. _a-blawan_.

(+A-+ 1.)

+A-blenden+, _v._ to blind, MD; +ablent+, _pr. s._, S; _pl._, S; +ablende+, _pt. s._, MD; +ablend+, _pp._ MD.--AS. _a-blendan_. (+A-+ 1.)

+A-bouten+, _adv._ and _prep._ about, C2, P, MD; +abuten+, S; +abuuten+, S; +abuton+, S; +abute+, S; +aboute+, S, G; +oboute+, MD; +obout+, S2.--AS. _on-butan_ (= _on-be-utan_). (+A-+ 2.)

+A-bouen+, _adv._ and _prep._ above, C2, PP, MD; +aboue+, PP; +abufen+, S; +abuuen+, MD; +abowen+, MD; +abone+, S3, JD; +oboven+, MD; +obowen+, MD; +oboune+, MD. _Phr._: +at here aboue+, S2.--AS. _on_ + _bufan_ (= _be_ + _ufan_). (+A-+ 2.)

+Abregge+, _v._ to abridge, shorten, C; +abreggide+, _pp._, W; +breggid+, W.--OF. _abreger_, _abregier_: Prov. _abrevjar_; Lat.

_abbreviare_. (+A-+ 8.)

+A-breiden+, _v._ to start up, to draw (sword), to thrust out, to blame, S; +abreyden+, NED; +abraid+, _pt. s._, S; +abreyde+, C2; +abrayde+, C; +abroden+, _pp._, S; +abruden+, S.--AS. _a_ + _bregdan_. (+A-+ 1.)

+A-brode+, _adv._ abroad, PP; +abrood+, C2; +abrod+, widely apart, PP.

(+A-+ 2.)

+Abusioun+, _sb._ deceit, S2, C3.--OF. _abusion_ (Cotg.).

+Abute+, +Abuton+, +Abuten+; see +A-bouten+.

+A-bu?en+, _v._ to bow, MD; +abuen+, MD; +abouwen+, MD; +abowe+, NED; +abeah+, _pt. s._, MD; +abeh+, S.--AS. _a-bugan_. (+A-+ 1.)

+A-byen+, +Abye+, _v._ to buy, to pay for, S3, C2, C3, PP; +abygge+, PP; +abiggen+, PP; +abuggen+, S, PP; +abeggen+, MD, G; +abeien+, S; +abie+, PP; +abui+, _pr. s._, S; +abuge+, _pr. pl._, S; +abouhte+, _pt. s._, S; +aboughte+, G; +abought+, _pp._ C3.--AS. _abycgan_. (+A-+ 1.)

+Abyme+, _sb._ abyss, S2, HD.--OF. _abime_, _abisme_; Low Lat.

*_abyssimum_, superl. of Lat. _abyssus_; Gr. ??ss??, bottomless.

(+A-+ 11.)

+Ac+, _conj._ but, S, S2, P; +acc+, S; +ah+, S, S2; +ak+, S2, PP; +hac+, S; +ach+, MD; +auh+, MD, S; +auch+, MD; +oc+, S; +occ+, S.--AS. _ac_.

+Acc-+; see +Ac-+.

+Accident+, _sb._ accident (a term of the schoolmen), C3.--Lat.


+Accidie+, _sb._ sloth, indolence, S, CM, PP.--AF. _accidie_ (NED); Low Lat. _accidia_, _acedia_; Gr. ???d?a, heedlessness, torpor. (+A-+ 11.)

Chapter 3 : +A+, _adv._ ever, S; +aa+, S; +a buten+, ever without, S; see +O+.[[Addition]]+A-bac+, _
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