A Concise Dictionary of Middle English
Chapter 13 : +Aqueynten+, _v._ to become known, MD; +aquointe+, _pp._ acquainted, NED; +aquente+, NE

+Aqueynten+, _v._ to become known, MD; +aquointe+, _pp._ acquainted, NED; +aquente+, NED; +aquynt+, S2.--OF. _acointer_ (_acuinter_); Late Lat. _adcognitare_, from Lat. _ad_ + _cognitum_, pp. of _cognoscere_.

(+A-+ 7.)

+Ar+, _prep._, _conj._ and _adv._ before, S, S2, G, H, P; see +Er+.

+Ar+, _pr. pl._ are, S2, PP; see +Aren+.

+Arace+, _v._ to pull up by the roots, C2, CM; +arache+, NED.--AF.

_aracer_, OF. _esrachier_; Lat. _e(x)radicare_. (+A-+ 9.)

+Aranye+, _sb._ spider, Prompt.; +arain+, HD; +aranee+, HD; +eranye+, Prompt.; +erayne+, Prompt.; +erayn+, H; +arane+, H; +erane+, Voc.; +yreyne+, W2; +aran+, H; +irain+, NED; +arrans+, _pl._, HD; +yreyns+, W2.--OF. _araigne_ (_iraigne_); Lat. _aranea_.

+Arate+, _v._ to correct, blame, rate, PP. Probably a variant of +Aretten+. Cf. OF. _aratter_ = _aretter_ (G.o.defroy).

+Aray+, _sb._ array, PP; +array+, S2 (19. 393), C2, C.--OF. _arei_ (_arroi_).

+Arayen+, _v._ to array, NED, PP; +arayed+, _pp._ W; +arrayed+, C2, C3.--AF. _arayer_; OF. _areier_, _areer_: It. _arredare_ (Florio); from Lat. _ad_ + Low Lat. *_redo_ (OF. _rei_), preparation, of Teutonic origin. (+A-+ 7.)

+Arblaste+, _sb._ a military engine for throwing missiles, MD, S2; +alblast+, S2.--OF. _arbaleste_; Late Lat. _arcuballista_.

+Arblaster+, _sb._ an arblast-man, S2.

+Arch+, _sb._ arch, Prompt.; +arches+, _pl._ court of Arches, P.--OF.

_arche_ (Cotg.).

+Arch-+, _prefix_, chief; +erche-+, Church Lat. _archi-_; Gr. ????-, ???-,.

+Arch-angel+, _sb._ archangel, S, PP; +archangles+, _pl._ S.--Church Lat. _archangelus_; Gr. ??????e???.

+Arche-biscop+, _sb._ archbishop, S; +erchebissop+, S2.--AS.

_aerce-biscop_ (S); Lat. _archi-_ + AS. _biscop_.

+Archer+, _sb._ archer, S2; +archeer+, C2; +harchere+. Voc.--AF.

_archer_. See +Ark+.

+Archi-deken+, _sb._ archdeacon, PP; +erchedekene+, S2.

+Archi-flamyn+, _sb._ high-priest, S2.--Church Lat. _archiflamen_, archbishop (Ducange), from Lat. _flamen_.

+Archi-triclin+, _sb._ the ruler of the feast, S; +architriclyn+, W.--Church Lat. _architriclinus_ (Vulg.); Gr. ????t????????.

+Arch-wyfe+, _sb._ a wife who rules; +arche-wyues+, _pl._ C2, CM.

+Are+, _sb._ honour, reverence, also, grace, clemency, MD, NED, S; +ore+, S, S2, G, HD; happy augury, MD, S.--AS. _are_ (_ar_); cp. OHG.

_era_, honour (Otfrid).

+Are+, _sb._ oar, MD; see +Ore+. [[Addition]]

+A-recchen+, _v._ to explain, expound, to speak, NED.--AS. _a-reccan_.

(+A-+ 1.)

+A-rechen+, _v._ to reach, to strike, to reach in thought, to imagine, to be sufficient, NED, S, S (ii. 47), S2, W, PP.--AS. _a-r?can_.

(+A-+ 1.)

+A-reden+, _v._ to declare, to interpret, NED, W; +areede+, W.--AS.

_a-redan_; cp. G. _errathen_. (+A-+ 1.)

+A-redy+, _adj._ ready, P, HD, NED; +?e-redi+, MD. (+A-+ 6.)

+Are-full+, _adj._ compa.s.sionate, MD, S.--AS. _ar-full_.

+Are-les+, _adj._ merciless, MD; +oreleas+, S; +oreles+, S.--AS.


+Aren+, _v._ to show mercy to, S, MD.--AS. _arian_.

+Aren+, _pr. pl._ are, S, PP; +arn+, MD, C2, PP; +are+, MD; +ar+, MD, S2, PP; +ere+, MD, S2; +er+, H.--ONorth. _aron_.

+Arende+, _sb._ errand; HD, PP; see +Erende+.

+Arerage+, _sb._ the state of being in arrear, indebtedness, NED, PP; +arrerage+, C, PP.--OF. _arerage_, AF. _arrerage_.

+Arere+, _adv._ to the rear, in the rear, PP; +Arrere+, PP.--AF.

_arere_; Late Lat. _ad retro_, backward. (+A-+ 7.)

+A-reren+, _v._ to raise, build, to arise, to rear, S2, PP; +arearen+, S; +areride+, _pt. s._, W; +arerde+, S; +arerd+, S; +arerdon+, _pl._, S; +arered+, _pp._, S2, W, W2; +arerd+, S2.--AS. _a-r?ran_: Goth.

_ur-raisjan_. Causal of +Arisen+. (+A-+ 1.)

+A-rest+, at rest, PP. (+A-+ 2.)

+Arest+, _sb._ stop, S2; +arreest+, custody, C. _Phr._: +spere in arest+, in rest, C.--OF. _areste_, stoppage, AF. _arest_, act of arresting. (+A-+ 7.)

+Aresten+, _v. int._ and _tr._ to stop, cause to stop, NED, C.--AF.

_arester_; Lat. _ad_ + _restare_. (+A-+ 7.)

+Aretten+, _v._ to reckon, count, accuse, NED, W, W2; +aretted+, _pp._ C; +arettid+, W, W2; +rettid+, W.--AF. _aretter_, OF. _areter_; _a_ + _reter_: OSp. _reptar_, to challenge (Minsheu); Lat. _reputare_, to count; cp. Late Lat. _reptare_ (Ducange). (+A-+ 7.) Cf. +Retten+.

+A-reysen+, _v._ to raise, to arouse, NED; +areysed+, _pt. s._, S3; +areisid+, _pp._, W. (+A-+ 1.)

+Are?th+, _sb._ cowardice; +are?the+, _dat._, S. See +Arwe+.

+Arfe+, _adj._ difficult, MD; +arefe+, S; +earfe+, MD; +arue+, NED; +erfe+, MD.--AS. _earfee_; cp. _earfee_, _earfo_, labour, toil: Goth. _arbaiths_.

+Argoile+, _sb._ the tartar deposited from wines, C3, NED; +arguyll+, NED; +argall+, Cotg. (s.v. _tartre_), ND.--AF. _argoil_.

+Arguen+, _v._ to prove, to reason, PP.--OF. _arguer_; Late Lat.

_argutare_, from Lat. _arguere_.

+Arguere+, _sb._ reasoner, PP.

Chapter 13 : +Aqueynten+, _v._ to become known, MD; +aquointe+, _pp._ acquainted, NED; +aquente+, NE
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