A Concise Dictionary of Middle English
Chapter 15 : +Asche+, _sb._ ash, _cinis_; +aische+, W, W2; +aske+, H; +asken+, _pl._, S; +axen+, S;

+Asche+, _sb._ ash, _cinis_; +aische+, W, W2; +aske+, H; +asken+, _pl._, S; +axen+, S; +a.s.shen+, C2; +a.s.skess+, S; +a.s.shes+, C3; +aschis+, W2; +askes+, S2, P; +askis+, H; +askez+, S2.--AS. _asce_ (_axe_): Icel.

_aska_: Goth. _azgo_.

+Ascrien+, _v._ to cry out, NED; +escrien+, MD.--OF. _escrier_; Late Lat. _ex_ + _quiritare_, see Diez.

+Ascrive+, _v._ to ascribe, H.--OF. _ascriv-_ stem of pr. p. of _ascrire_: It. _ascrivere_; Lat. _adscribere_. (+A-+ 7.)

+Ascry+, _sb._ outcry, S2.

+Asegen+, _v._ to besiege, C.--OF. _asegier_: It. _a.s.sediare_ (Florio).

(+A-+ 7.)

+Aselen+, _v._ to seal up, to set one's seal to, NED; +aseele+, W2; +a.s.selen+, PP, S2.--OF. _anseler_, _enseler_; Late Lat. _insigillare_, from _sigillum_, seal. (+A-+ 10.) Cf. +Ensele+.

+A-senchen+, _v._ to cause to sink, S; +aseynt+, _pp._, MD. (+A-+ 1.)

+Asent+, _sb._ a.s.sent, S2, PP; +a.s.sent+, C3, PP.--OF. _as(s)ent_.

(+A-+ 7.)

+Aseth+, _sb._ satisfaction, PP, HD; +aseeth+, W; +asethe+, Cath., HD; +a.s.syth+, JD; +a.s.setz+, PP; +a.s.seth+, NED, HD.--OF. _aset_, _a.s.set_; from Late Lat. _ad satis_. For the final _-t_ in OF. = in English, cp.

OF. _feit_ with ME. _fei_, faith. Hence our _a.s.sets_. (+A-+ 7.)

+A-setnesse+, _sb._ appointed order, S.--AS. _a-setnis_, inst.i.tute (Schmid).

+A-setten+, _v._ to set up, appoint, NED.--AS. _a-settan_. (+A-+ 1.)

+Asise+, _sb._ decree, edict, judgment, S2; +a.s.sise+, C, G; +a.s.sises+, _pl._ a.s.sizes, PP.--OF. _as(s)ise_, a sitting down, settlement of imposts, from _as(s)is_, pp. of _as(s)eeir_, to sit at, to settle; Lat.

_a.s.sidere_. (+A-+ 7.)

+Asisour+, _sb._ juror, PP; +acisoure+, PP; +sisour+, PP; +sysour+, PP.

+Ask-+; see +Asc-+.

+Ask+, _sb._ a newt or eft, a lizard, NED, HD, JD; +aske+, NED; +asker+, HD, JD, DG; +askis+, _pl._, NED; +arskes+, S2.--AS. _aexe_: OS.

_egitha.s.sa_; cp. OHG. _egidehsa_ (G. _eidechse_).

+Aske+, _sb._ ash, H; +askes+, _pl._, S2, P; +askis+, H; see +Asche+.

+Aske-baie+, _sb._ one who sits among the ashes, S; +askebathe+, NED.

+Aske-fise+, _sb._ one who blows the ashes, Prompt.; +askfist+, NED. Cp.

Sw. _askefis_ and G. _aschenfister_ (Grimm).

+Asken+, _v._ to ask, S, S2; +eskien+, MD; +aschen+, MD; +eschen+, MD; +esse+, MD, S2; +ocsien+, MD; +acsien+, MD, S2; +axien+, MD, S2; +axen+, S, S2, S3, C2, C3, W, W2; +escade+, _pt. s._, S; +easkede+, S; +haxede+, S; +esste+, S2.--AS. _ascian_: OHG. _eiscon_ (Otfrid); cp. G.


+A-slaken+, _v._ to diminish, to become slack, C, NED. (+A-+ 1.)

+A-slawe+, _pp._ slain, S2; +asla?e+, S; +asla?en+ S.--AS. _a-slagen_, pp. of _a-slean_, see Sievers, 378. (+A-+ 1.)

+A-slepe+, _adv._ asleep, S, PP.--AS. _on sl?pe_. (+A-+ 2.)

+A-slepid+, _pp._ gone to sleep, W2.

+A-sonder+, _adv._ asunder, C, C3.--AS. _on sundran_. (+A-+ 2.)

+A-soylen+, _v._ to absolve, to answer (a question), PP, S2; +a.s.soile+, S3, C3, P, G; +asoyly+, NED; +asoilede+, _pt. s._, S2; +asoylede+, S2; +a.s.soylid+, _pp._, W.--OF. _asoiler_, _a.s.soiler_; Late Lat. _absoluere_ (= Lat. _absolovere_). (+A-+ 8.)

+Aspaltoun+, _sb._ asphalt, S2.--OF. *_aspaltoun_; from Late Lat.

_asphalton_; Gr. ?sfa?t??.

+Aspect+, _sb._ a term in astrology; the relative positions of the heavenly bodies as they appear at a given time, NED, SkD, Sh.; +aspectis+, _pl._, S3.--Lat. _aspectus_. (+A-+ 7.)

+Aspert+, _adj._ expert, clever, S3; see +Apert+.

+Aspie+, _sb._ spy, W, W2; +aspye+, C3; +aspy+, S3.--OF. _espie_.

+Aspien+, _v._ to look after, to watch, S2, S3, W, W2.--OF. _espier_.

See +Espye+.

+Aspiere+, _sb._ spy, W.

+A-spillen+, _v._ to destroy, kill, S. (+A-+ 1.)

+Aspiyng+, _sb._ ambush, W.

+Aspre+, _adj._ rough, cruel, fierce, NED.--OF. _aspre_; Lat. _asprum_, rough, harsh.

+Asprely+, _adv._ roughly, fiercely, S3; +asperliche+, NED.

+A-squint+, _adv._ obliquely, out at the corner of the eyes, S.

+a.s.s-+; see +As-+.

+a.s.say+, _sb._ trial, experiment, an attempt, attack, tested quality, NED, S2, S3, C2, C3; +asaie+, W.--AF. _a.s.sai_ (_asai_): It. _a.s.saggio_; Lat. _exagium_, a weighing, from _ex-agere_ (_exigere_), to weigh, prove, to drive out the tongue of the balance.

+a.s.sayen+, _v._ to examine, to attack, S2, S3, C2, P; +asaien+, W2; +asayen+, S3; +a.s.saied+, _pp._, W.--AF. _a.s.sayer_ (_asayer_): It.


+a.s.semble+, _sb._ a.s.sembly, P.--OF. _asemblee_.

+a.s.semblen+, _v._ to bring together, to come together, NED; +a.s.sembled+, _pp._, C3.--OF. _asembler_; Lat. _a.s.simulare_.

+a.s.siduel+, _adj._ continual, H; +a.s.seduel+, H.--OF. _a.s.siduel_.

+a.s.siduelly+, _adv._ continually, H.

+a.s.soilen+, _v._ to loosen, absolve, explain, PP, S3, C3; see +Asoylen+.

Chapter 15 : +Asche+, _sb._ ash, _cinis_; +aische+, W, W2; +aske+, H; +asken+, _pl._, S; +axen+, S;
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