A Concise Dictionary of Middle English
Chapter 18 : +Aumoner+, _sb._ almoner, alms-giver, NED; +aumonere+, S2, NED; +aumenere+, HD; +amner+

+Aumoner+, _sb._ almoner, alms-giver, NED; +aumonere+, S2, NED; +aumenere+, HD; +amner+, HD.--OF. _aumoner_; Church Lat.

*_almosinarius_, from *_alimosina_. See +Almesse+.

+Aun-+; see +An-+.

+Auncel+, _sb._ a kind of balance and weight, NED, S2, PP; +auncer+, PP; +auncere+, P, HD.--AF. _auncelle_ for *_launcelle_; Late Lat. _lancella_ (cp. It. _lancella_), 'a kind of measure,' (Florio); dim. of Lat. _lanx_ (_lancem_), a plate, a scale of a balance.

+Auncessour+, _sb._ ancestor, NED; +ancessour+, NED, HD.--AF.

_ancessur_; Lat. _antecessorem_.

+Aunceter+, _sb._ predecessor, ancestor, NED, S2, CM; +ancestre+, NED; +auncestre+, NED; +aunsetters+, _pl._, NED, HD; +aunceteres+, HD.--AF.

_auncestre_, _ancestre_; Lat. _ante-cessor_.

+Auncien+, _adj._ old, whilom, ex-; _sb._ an old man, an elder (t.i.tle of dignity), a senior member of an Inn of Court, NED; +auncient+, S3 (25.

136), HD.--AF. _auncien_, OF. _ancien_; Late Lat. _antianum_ (cp. It.

_anziano_), for _ante-anum_, from Lat. _ante_, before.

+Auncre+, _sb._ anch.o.r.ess, nun, S2; see +Ancre+.

+Aunder+, _sb._ afternoon, HD; see +Undern+.

+Aunders-meat+, _sb._ afternoon's collation, Cotg. (s.v. _recine_), HD.

Cp. Goth. _undaurni-mats_.

+Aungel+, _sb._ angel, messenger, W; +aunge+, HD; +aungeles+, _pl._, S2, C3; +aungels+, W2 (Ps. 90. 11).--AF. _angele_. Cf. +Angel+, +Engel+.

+Auntour+, _sb._ chance, adventure, S2; +aunter+, S3. _Comb._: +anaunter+, for +an aunter+, in case, S2; see +Auenture+.

+Auntren+, _v._ to adventure, S3, G, PP.--OF. _aventurer_.

+Auntrous+, _adj._ adventurous, C2, PP.

+Auote+, _adv._ on foot, S2; see +A-fote+. [[Addition]]

+Auter+, _sb._ altar, S, S2, C, C2, C3, P, W, W2; +awter+, S3, HD.--OF.

_auter_, _alter_; Lat. _altare_.

+Autorite+, _sb._ authority, C; see +Auctoritee+. [[Addition]]

+Autour+, _sb._ author, S3; see +Auctour+.

[[Corrected by author from "+Autour+; see +Auctor+."]]

+Au-+ (+Av-+); see +Af-+.

+Auailen+, _v._ to avail, PP; +auail?e+, B; +auaille+, C2, PP, S2; +auayle+, PP, Prompt.; +awayled+, _pt. s._, S2.--Cp. OF. _vail(l)e_, from _valoir_; Lat. _ualere_.

+Aual+, _imp. s._ fell, cause to fall, S; see +A-fallen+. [[Addition]]

+Aualen+, _v._ to descend, to lower, MD, S2, S3, B; +availl+, B; +availed+, _pp._, S3.--OF. _avaler_, from phr. _a val_; Lat. _ad uallem_, to the valley. (+A-+ 7.)

+Auarous+; see +Auerous+.

+Auaunce+, _v._ to advance, NED, S3, C, C3, P; +awance+, S3; +avaunset+, _pp._, S2; +auanced+, S2.--OF. _avancer_.

+Auauncement+, _sb._ advancement, G; +auancement+, S2.

+Auaunt+, _adv._, and _interj._ forward, away, NED.--AF. _avaunt_, OF.

_avant_; Late Lat. _ab-ante_.

+Avaunt+, _sb._ boast, vaunt, C, NED. See +Auaunten+. [[error for +Avaunten+]]

+Auauntage+, _sb._ superiority, advantage, NED, S3, C; +auantage+, S2, C3.--AF. _avantage_, from _avant_, before.

+Avaunten+, _v._ to speak proudly of, to commend, to boast, NED, W2.--OF. _avanter_; Lat. _ad_ + Late Lat. _vanitare_, to boast.

(+A-+ 7.)

+Avauntour+, _sb._ boaster, C; +auaunter+, NED.--OF. _avanteur_.

(+A-+ 7.)

+Auentaille+, _sb._ the moveable front of a helmet, C2, HD.--AF.

_aventaille_, OF. _esventail_; Late Lat. *_exventaculum_, airhole.

(+A-+ 9.)

+Auente+, _v._ to get air by opening the aventaille, HD, NED.

+Auenture+, _sb._ chance, a chance occurrence, jeopardy, S, S3, C, C3, G, PP; +auentur+, S2; +auntour+, S2; +aunter+, S3, PP; +antur+, MD; +eventour+, HD. _Comb._: +an auenture+, lest perchance, PP; +on auenture+, in case, PP; +anaunter+, for +an aunter+, S2; +in auenture+, PP.--AF. _aventure_; Lat. _aduentura_, a thing about to happen.

(+A-+ 7.)

+Auer+, _sb._ property, a beast of burden, HD.--AF. _aver_ (pl.

_avers_); OF. _aveir_ (_avoir_); Lat. _habere_, to have.

+Auere+; see +Afure+.

+Auerous+, _adj._ greedy, H, HD, CM; +auerouse+, W, W2, PP; +auarous+, S2, PP, NED.--OF. _averus_. See +Auer+.

+Auerylle+, _sb._ April, NED; +aueril+, S2; +auerel+, PP.--OF. _avril_; Lat. _aprilis_, from _aperire_. See +Apert+.

+A-ulem+, _imp. s._ drive away, S; see +Aflemen+.

+Auoide+, _v._ to empty, to make of no effect, to make void, to remove, to move away, retire, to avoid, NED, W; +auoyde+, W; +auoyd+, WW, Sh.; +auoided+, _pp._, W, W2.--AF. _avolder_; OF., _esvuidier_; _es_, out + _vuidier_, to empty. (+A-+ 9.)

+Avouter+, _sb._ adulterer, W2; +avowtere+, Prompt.--OF. _avoutre_, _aoutre_; Lat. _adulterum_. For intercalated _v_ see Brachet (s.v.


+Avoutrer+, _sb._ adulterer, HD; +auoutreris+, _pl._, W; +avowtreris+, W2.

+Avoutresse+, _sb._ adulteress, W.--OF. _avoutresse_.

+Avoutrie+, _sb._ adultery, PP, CM, W, HD; +avoutry+, Cath.; +avowtrie+, NED, W; +avowtery+, NED; +auowtries+, _pl._, W.--OF. _avoutrie_, _aouterie_, _aulterie_; Lat. _adulterium_.

Chapter 18 : +Aumoner+, _sb._ almoner, alms-giver, NED; +aumonere+, S2, NED; +aumenere+, HD; +amner+
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