A Concise Dictionary of Middle English
Chapter 26 : +Bienfet+; see +Benefet+.+Biennales+, _sb. pl._ biennials, biennial commemorations of t

+Bienfet+; see +Benefet+.

+Biennales+, _sb. pl._ biennials, biennial commemorations of the dead, P.

+Bierne+, _sb._ man, PP, HD; see +Bern+.

+Bi-fallen+, _v._ to befall, C; +biualle+, S; +biful+, _pt. s._ befell, S; +byfyl+, S2; +befyl+, S2; +byfel+, +byfil+, C; +bifil+, +bifel+, C2; +bifelde+, W2; +bifalle+, _pp._ befallen, S, S2, C; +bifelde+, W2; +biualle+, S.--AS. _be-feallan_.

+Bi-flen+, _v._ to fly from, S.--AS. _be-fleon_.

+Bi-fleten+, _v._ to flow round; +biflette+, _pt. s._, S, NED (p. 721 a).

+Bi-foren+, _prep._ before, S, C2; +biuoren+, S; +byuoren+, S; +beforen+, S; +biforn+, S2, C2, C3; +bifore+, S; +bifor+, S; +befor+, S2; +beforne+, S3.--AS. _biforan_.

+Big+, _adj._ big, C2; +byg+, PP; +bigg+, wealthy, S2, MD; +bygge+, _pl._, PP.

+Bigat+; see +Bi?eten+.

+Biggen+, _v._ to till, dwell, build, MD, PP, S (5. 1611); +byggen+, PP; +biggand+, _pr. p._, H.--Icel. _byggja_; cp. AS. _bugian_.

+Biggen+, _v._ to buy, S3, P; +buggen+, S, S2, PP; +bygge+, PP; +beggen+, MD; +beye+, C3; +bij+, S2; +bye+, S2; +by+, C3; +bie+, W2; +buye+, _pr. s._, PP; +bu+, S; +bies+, redeems, S2; +bohte+, _pt. s._, S; +bouhte+, S; +bo?te+, S2; +bohton+, _pl._, S; +bo?te+, S; +bogt+, _pp._, S; +y-bou?t+, P.--AS. _bycgan_.

+Biggere+, _sb._ buyer, W; +biere+, W2.

+Bi-gilen+, _v._ to beguile, S, P; +bigyle+, C2, C3.

+Bi-ginnen+, _v._ to begin, S, S2; +bigan+, _pt. s._, S, C2; +bigon+, S; +bigonne+, _2 pt. s._, C3; +bigunnen+, _pt. pl._, S; +begouth+, _pt.

s._, S2, S3; +bigunnen+, _pp._, S; +begunnon+, S.--AS. _be-ginnan_.

+Bi-gon+, _pp._ surrounded, provided, set round, MD; +be-gon+, filled, S2.--AS. _began_, pp. of _began_, to go round, surround.

+Bi-greden+, _v._ to cry out at, to lament, S; +begredde+, _pt.

pl._, MD.

+Bi-gripen+, _v._ to seize, MD; +be-gripe+, _pp._, S.--AS. _be-gripan_, to chide.

+Bi-growe+, _pp._ overgrown, S; +begrowe+, MD.

+Bi-grucchen+, _v._ to begrudge, murmur at, P; +bygrucche+, PP.

+Bi-gurdel+, _sb._ a purse, PP.--AS. _bi-gyrdel_ (Matt. 10.9).

+Bi-gynandly+, _adv._ at the beginning, H. See +Biginnan+. [[error for +Biginnen+]]

+Bi-hangen+, _v._ to deck, clothe, MD; +bi-hengen+, _pt. pl._ hung about, S.--AS. _be-hon_.

+Bi-healde+, _v._ to behold; +bihalden+, S2; see +Bi-holden+.


+Bi-heden+, _v._ to behead, MD; +bi-hedide+, _pt. s._, W; +biheedid+, _pp._, W.--AS. _be-heafdian_.

+Bi-heste+, _sb._ promise, S, S2, C2, P; +byheste+, S2; +beheste+, S2; +byhest+, S2; +bihese+, S; +biheest+, W; +bihese+, _pl._, S.--AS.


+Bi-heten+, _v._ to promise, S, C3, W; +bihote+, S, S2, P; +byhote+, C; +beohote+, S2; +bihat+, _pr. s._, S; +bihet+, _pt. s._, S, S2; +bihi?te+, W; +behighte+, S2; +behihte+, S2; +bihight+, P; +biheyhte+, S; +bihoten+, _pp._, S; +byhote+, S2; +behote+, S; named, S3.--AS.

_be-hatan_. See NED (s.v. _behight_).

+Bi-heue+, _adj._ profitable, S, MD.--AS. _be-hefe_, necessary; from *_bihof_, utility (in _behoflic_). See +Bihouely+.

+Bi-hinde+, _prep._ behind, S; _adv._ S2; +bihynde+, backwards, W2; = to come, future, C3.

+Bi-holden+, _v._ to hold, to behold, PP, C, MD; +bi-healde+, S; +bihalden+, S2; +bihalt+, _pr. s._, S; +biheold+, _pt. s._, S; +beoheold+, S2; +bihuld+, S2; +biheolt+, S; +biholde+, _pp._, W2, C3; +beholdinge+ _wrongly used for_ +beholden+, indebted, S3.--AS.


+Bihote+; see +Biheten+.

+Bi-houe+, _sb. dat._ advantage, MD; +biofe+, S2. Cf. +Biheue+.

+Bi-houely+, _adj._ behoveful, necessary, CM, MD; +behouelich+, S2.--AS.


+Bi-houe+, _pr. s._ behoveth, needs, S, C2, P; +behoue+, S2; +byhoue+, S2; +bihoues+, S; +byhoues+, _pr. pl._, are obliged to, S2; +behoued+, _pt. s._, S; +bihofte+, W.--AS. _be-hofian_.

+Bi-huden+, _v._ to hide, MD; +by-hud+, _imp. s._, S.--AS. _be-hdan_.

+Bi-iapen+, _v._ to deceive, befool, MD; +byiaped+, _pp._, C, C3, PP.

+Bijs+; see +Bisse+.

+Bikeihte+; see +Bicacchen+.

+Bikenen+, _v._ to beckon, W2; see +Beknen+.

+Bi-kennedd+, _pp._ begotten, MD.

+Bi-kennen+, _v._ to commit, commend, to signify, MD; +bikenned+, _pt.

s._ recommended, S2; +bekenned+, S2.

+Biker+, _sb._ a fight, MD, HD.

+Bikeren+, _v._ to fight, PP, HD; +bekeryn+, Prompt.; +byckarte+, _pt.

pl._ skirmished, S3.

+Bi-knowen+, _v._ to acknowledge, know, P, C3; +byknowe+, C; +beknowe+, S2; +biknew+, _pt. s._, C; +biknewe+, _pl._, S; +biknowen+, _pp._, favourably received, P.

+Bilaede+, _pt. s._ enclosed, S; see +Bi-leggen+. [[Addition]]

+Bilaeuen+, _v._ to remain, S; see +Bi-leuen+. [[Addition]]

+Bild+, _sb._ building, S3.

Chapter 26 : +Bienfet+; see +Benefet+.+Biennales+, _sb. pl._ biennials, biennial commemorations of t
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