A Concise Dictionary of Middle English
Chapter 28 : +Bire+, _sb. dat._ force, impetus, W; see +Bur+.+Bi-reden+, _v. reflex._ to take counse

+Bire+, _sb. dat._ force, impetus, W; see +Bur+.

+Bi-reden+, _v. reflex._ to take counsel, MD; +by-rad+, _pp._ determined, resolved, S2.

+Bi-reinen+, _v._ to rain upon, bedew, MD; +be-rayne+, _pr. pl._ berain, S3; +birine+, _subj._ S; +beraynde+, _pt. pl._ S3.

+Bi-reusien+, _v._ to lament, regret, MD, S; +bireused+, _pp._ S.--AS.

_be-hreowsian_, to feel remorse.

+Bireusunge+, _sb._ contrition, S.

+Bi-reuen+, _v._ to bereave, C3, P; +birafte+, _pt. s._ C2; +bireued+, _pp._, S; +byreued+, G; +byraft+, C.--AS. _bi-reafian_, to deprive of.

+Bi-rinnen+, _v._ to run with moisture, MD; +bi-runne+, _pp._ bedewed with tears, S.--AS. _bi-rinnan_, to run as a liquid, _bi-runnen_, pp.

+Birle+, _sb._ cup-bearer, MD, HD.--AS. _byrle_, _byrele_.

+Birlen+, _v._ to pour out drink, to give to drink, MD, JD, H, HD; +bryllyn+, Prompt.--AS. _byrlian_; cp. Icel. _byrla_.

+Birlynge+, _sb._ a giving to drink; pouring out liquor, H.

+Bi-rolled+, _pp._ rolled about, S2.

+Birth+, _sb._ birth, offspring, natural disposition, nation, MD; +bur+, MD; +bires+, _pl._ nations, S2, MD.--Icel. _burr_; cp. Goth.

_ga-baurths_, birth, native country.

+Birth-tonge+, _sb._ native tongue; +bur-tonge+, S2.

+Bisay+; see +Bisen+.

+Bi-sched+, _pp._ besprinkled, W2.

+Bi-schetten+, _v._ to shut up; +bessette+, S2; +bischetten+, _pt. pl._, PP; +bishetten+, P; +bishette+, _pp._, PP.

+Bi-schinen+, _v._ to s.h.i.+ne upon, MD; +byschyne+, _pp._ shone upon, S2.

+Bischop+, _sb._ bishop, S, PP; +bisscopp+, the Jewish high priest, S; +bischopis+, _pl._ chief priests, W; +bissopes+, S2.--AS. _biscop_; Lat.


+Bi-schrewen+, _v._ to corrupt, to curse, MD; +byschrewed+, _pp._ cursed, P.

+Bi-schrichen+, _v._ to shriek at, S.

+Bi-schunien+, _v._ to shun, MD; +bisunien+, S.

+Bise+, _sb._ the north-wind, S.--OF. _bise_; cp. OHG. _bisa_.

+Bi-sechen+, _v._ to beseech, S; +biseke+, C2; +beseken+, C, S; +besech+, _imp. s._, S; +bisohte+, _pt. s._ S; +besoght+, S2; +biso?te+, S2; +bisou?ten+, _pl. pl._, S2.

+Bi-segen+, _v._ to besiege, MD; +bi-segiden+, _pt. pl._, W2; +bi-seged+, _pp._, C2.

+Bi-s.e.m.e.n+, _v._ to beseem, to appear, MD; +bi-seme+, _pr. s._, him biseme, he appears, S; +bisemyde+, _pt. s._, beseemed, fitted, W; +ibsemed+, _pp._ made seemly, plausible, S (16. 842).

+Bi-sen+, _v._ to look, to behold, consider, to arrange, appoint, to manage, MD, S; +besie+, S; +biseo+, S2; +bisi+, _pr. s._, S; +bise+, _imp._, W; +byse+, S2; +biseh+, _pt. s._, S; +bisay+, S2; +beseyn+, _pp._ arranged; +beseyne+, decked; +besene+, equipped, S3; +biseye+, as in _phr._ +yuel biseye+, ill to look at, C2, +richely biseye+, splendid in appearance, C2.--AS. _biseon_, to look about.

+Bisenen+, _v._ to give an example, MD; +bisend+, _pp._ likened, signified, S2.--AS. _bysnian_. See +Bisne+.

+Bisening+, _sb._ example, S.--AS. _bys-nung_.

+Bi-setten+, _v._ to fill, occupy, to surround, beset, to set, place, to employ, MD, C, P; +bisettiden+, _pt. pl._, W.--AS. _bi-settan_.

+Bisi+, _adj._ busy, S; see +Busy+.

+Bisily+, _adv._ busily, C2; +bisili+, W; +bisiliche+, S.

+Bi-sitten+, _v._ to sit close to, to press hard, MD, P; +be-saet+, _pt.

s._ besieged, S; +be-saette+, S.--AS. _be-sittan_.

+Bi-slabered+, _pp._ bes...o...b..red, P.

+Bi-smeoruwed+, _pp._ besmeared, S.

+Bi-smer+, _sb._ scorn, reproach, P; +bisemar+, S; +busemare+, S2; +bismare+, HD; +bissemare+, CM; +bismeres+, _pl._, PP; +bismares+, PP.--AS. _bi-smer_, insult; cp. OHG. _bismer_, ridicule (Otfrid).

+Bi-smitten+, _v._ to dirty, MD; +bismitted+, _pp._ dirtied, S; +besmet+, MD.

+Bi-smotered+, _pp._ spotted, s.m.u.tted, C.

+Bisne+, _sb._ example, parable, S, MD.--AS. _bysn_; Goth. _busns_ (in _anabusns_); from _biudan_; see Douse, p. 60.

+Bi-soken+, _sb._ request, pet.i.tion, MD; +bisokne+, NED; +bi-socne+, _dat._, MD; +bisocnen+, _dat. pl._, S.

+Bi-so?te+, _pt. s._ of +Bi-sechen+. [[Addition]]

+Bi-speken+, _v._ to speak to, to speak, blame, to decide, resolve, MD; +bys.p.a.ck+, _pt. s._, G; +bespayke+, S3; +bispeke+, _pp._ S.--AS.


+Bi-spel+, _sb._ parable, S.--AS. _bigspell_, example, proverb, parable.

+Bi-speten+, _v._ to spit upon, W; +bispatten+, _pt. pl._, W; +bispat+, _pp._, W.

+Bi-sprengen+, _v._ to besprinkle, MD; +bi-spreynde+, _pt. s._ W; +besprent+, _pp._ bedewed, S3; +bysprent+, S3; +besprint+, S3; +bispreynt+, W2.--AS. _be-sprengan_.

+Bisse+, _sb._ a stuff of fine texture, MD; +bis+, MD; +bys+, S2; +bies+, +bijs+, fine linen, W; +bijs+ (= _byssus_ = Heb. _shesh_, fine linen, also Egyptian cotton), W2.--OF. _bisse_; Lat. _byssus_; Gr.

?ss??; Heb. _buts_, fine Egyptian cotton.

+Bissyn+, _sb._ fine linen (= _byssinum_), W.--Lat. _byssinum_, a garment made of byssus.

+Bi-stad+, _pp._ placed, circ.u.mstanced, bestead, hard bestead, sorely imperilled, overcome, MD, S2, C3; +bystad+, G; +bistadde+, CM; +bistaed+, MD; +bistaet+, S; +bisteaet+, S. Probably from Icel.

_star_, place, see NED.

Chapter 28 : +Bire+, _sb. dat._ force, impetus, W; see +Bur+.+Bi-reden+, _v. reflex._ to take counse
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