A Concise Dictionary of Middle English
Chapter 32 : +Bol?en+, _v._ to puff up, MD; +boluwe+, _pr. s._, S.--AS. _belgan_, pt. _bealg_ (pl. _

+Bol?en+, _v._ to puff up, MD; +boluwe+, _pr. s._, S.--AS. _belgan_, pt. _bealg_ (pl. _bulgon_), pp. _bolgen_.

+Bon+, _sb._ bone, PP., S2; +boon+, W2; +ban+, S; +banes+, _pl._, S, S2; +bon+, S; +boonys+, W2; +bannes+, S2. _Phr._: +to make bones+, to hesitate, S3.--AS. _ban_.

+Bon+, _pp._ prepared, S2; see +Boun+.

+Bonayre+, _adj._ kind, gentle, MD; +b.o.n.e.re+, MD; +bonair+, _adv._, MD; +bonure+, S2. See +Debonnaire+. [[error for +Debonaire+]]

+Bonayrelyche+, _adv._ reverently, S2.

+Bonchen+, _v._ to strike, b.u.mp, S2, P; see +Bunchen+.

+Bond+; see +Binden+.

+Bonde+, _sb._ a peasant serf, slave, NED, S2; _pl._, PP.--AS. _bonda_, _bunda_, a householder; Icel. _bondi_, for _buandi_, a tiller of the soil.

+Bonde-man+, _sb._ tiller of the soil, NED; +bondman+, P; +bondemen+, _pl._, S2, P, G, PP.

+Bone+, _sb._ pain, poison, PP; see +Bane+.

+Bone+, _sb._ prayer, pet.i.tion, S, S2, C3, G, PP; +bon+, S2; +boone+, C, G; +bonen+, _pl._, S.--Icel. _bon_. Cf. +Bene+.

+Bonen+, _adj._ made of bone, S2.

+Bonet+, _sb._ additional sail, PP, Cath.--OF. _bonet_, bonnet.

+Bonk+, _sb._ bank, sh.o.r.e, S2, S3; see +Bank+.

+Boo-+; see +Bo-+.

+Boor+, _sb._ boar, C, W2; +bare+, S2; +bore+, S, PP; +bor+, S2, PP; +bores+, _pl._, P.--AS. _bar_.

+Boot+, _sb._ boat, S2, W, CM; +bot+, PP.--AS. _bat_.

+Boras+, _sb._ borax, C, C3.--OF. _boras_: It. _borace_; Arab. _boraq_.

+Bord+, _sb._ board, table, S, S2, C, NED; +borde+, S; +boord+, W; +bordes+, _pl._, S.--AS. _bord_, plank. Cf. +Bred+.

+Borgounen+, _v._ to bud, S2; see +Burjounen+.

+Borne+; see +Burne+.

+Bornen+, _v._ to burnish, S3; see +Burnen+.

+Borwe+, _sb._ pledge, surety, W2, C, C2, G; +borgh+, H; +borghe+, P; +borewe+, S2; +borwes+, _pl._, sponsors, S2; pledges, P.--AS. _borh_.

+Borwen+, _v._ to deliver, to borrow, MD, PP, C2, G; +borewe+, W2; +borowe+, NED; +borwede+, _pt. s._, PP.--AS. _borgian_.

+Borwynge+, _sb._ borrowing, Prompt.; +borewyng+, S2.

+Boske+; see +Busch+.

+Bosken+; see +Busken+.

+Bost+, _sb._ boast, noise, MD, C3, PP; +boost+, C2; +boste+, PP; +bostus+, _pl._, H.

+Bosten+, _v._ to boast, PP; +booste+, NED.

+Bosum+, _sb._ bosom, S, W (John 13. 23); +bosem+, MD.--AS. _bosm_.

+Bote+, _prep._ and _conj._ without, except, unless, but, S, S2, PP; +bot+, CM, S2; +bute+, S; +b.u.t.t+, S; +boute+, S, S2; +buten+, S; +buton+, S; _Comb._: +bote-?ef+, except that, unless, S2, C.--AS.

_be-uton_ (_buton_).

+Bote+, _sb._ remedy, succour, amendment, S, S2, C2, G, P; +boote+, S3, C, G. _Phr._: +to bote+, to advantage, in addition, NED.--AS. _bot_; cp.

Goth. _bota_.

+Botelees+, _adj._ without remedy, PP; +bootelesse+, useless, S3; +botles+, S2.

+Botelere+, _sb._ butler, Voc.; +botiler+, C; +butler+, S.

+Botelle+, _sb._ bottle, MD; +botel+, CM.--OF. _boutelle_, also _botel_.

+Boterace+, _sb._ b.u.t.tress; +boteras+, Prompt.; +b.u.t.terace+, SkD (p. 789); +b.u.t.teras+, _pl._, SkD; +b.u.t.trace+, SkD; +b.u.t.teraces+, SkD.--ME. _boterace_ for OF. _bouterets_, i.e. (pillars) bearing a thrust, _pl._ of _bouteret_.

+Boterace+, _v._ to b.u.t.tress; +b.u.t.teras+, Palsg.; +boteraced+, _pp._, PP.

+Bothe+, _adj._ both, PP, S; +bae+, S, S2; +beoe+, S; +bee+, S; +buoe+, S2.--Icel. _bai_, both (_neut._).

+Botme+, _sb._ bottom, C, C3, Prompt.; +boom+, a vale, S2, NED; +boem+, S2.--AS. _botm_.

+Botme-les+, _adj._ bottomless, CM.

+Botnen+, _v._, to heal, to recover, MD; +botened+, _pp._ bettered, P.

See +Bote+.

+Botun+, _sb._ b.u.t.ton, bud, Prompt., Voc.; +bothom+, MD, CM; +b.u.t.tonys+, _pl._, S3.--OF. _bouton_, b.u.t.ton, bud (Cotg.).

+Bouel+, _sb._ bowel, MD; +bouele+, S2.--OF. _boel_ (and _boele_); Lat.


+Bouge+, _sb._ a leathern bottle or wallet, _uter_, W2 (Ps. 77. 13); +bowge+, W2, Prompt.--OF. _bouge_, budget, leather-case; Low Lat.

_bulga_, leathern vessel (Voc.). Cf. +Waterbulge+.

[[Cross-reference could not be identified. In sources other than the Dictionary, the most common term is "water bouget".]]

+Bouhte+; see +Biggen+.

+Bouk+, _sb._ the belly, trunk, body, C, JD; +buc+, S.--AS. _buc_: Icel.


Chapter 32 : +Bol?en+, _v._ to puff up, MD; +boluwe+, _pr. s._, S.--AS. _belgan_, pt. _bealg_ (pl. _
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