A Concise Dictionary of Middle English
Chapter 38 : +Can+, _pr. s._ can, knows, S, S2. _Phr._: +can anc+, S; see +Kunnen+.+Canceler+, _sb._

+Can+, _pr. s._ can, knows, S, S2. _Phr._: +can anc+, S; see +Kunnen+.

+Canceler+, _sb._ chancellor, S; see +Chaunceler+.

+Candel+, _sb._ candle, MD; +kandel+, S; +candlen+, _pl._ S2.--AS.

_candel_ (_condel_); Lat. _candela_; cp. Icel. _kyndill_, candle, torch.

+Candel-messe+, _sb._ Candlema.s.s, MD; +candel-ma.s.se+, _dat._, S, S2.--Cp. Icel. _kyndill-messa_, in Church Lat. _candelaria_, the feast of the Purification.

+Canelle+, _sb._ cinnamon, S2, Voc., Cath. (_n_); +canylle+, Cath.; +canel+, W, W2.--AF. _canelle_; Late Lat. _canella_, cinnamon, also, a reed (Ducange), from Lat. _canna_. See +Canne+.

+Canevas+, _sb._ canvas, C3; +canvas+, Voc.; +canwas+, Voc.--AF.

_canevas_, _canevace_; Late Lat. _canabacius_, hempen cloth; from OF.

_canve_ (F. _chanvre_), hemp; Late Lat. _cannab.u.m_, Lat. _cannabis_; Gr.


+Cang+, _adj._ foolish, l.u.s.tful, MD; +canges+, _sb. gen._, fool's, S; +kanges+, _pl._, MD. See PP; Notes, (p. 241).

+Cangen+, _v._ to befool, MD.

+Cang-liche+, _adv._ foolishly, MD.

+Cang-schipe+, _sb._ foolishness, MD.

+Canker+, _sb._ cancer, a disease, MD, W; +cankyr+, Voc.; +cankere+, Voc.--Lat. _cancer_, crab, an eating tumour, also, in pl. _cancri_, lattice-work.

+Cankerd+, _pp._ corrupted, S3.

+Canne+, _sb._ cane, reed, MD; +cane+, Voc.--Lat. _canna_; Gr. ????a, ?????, cane, reed; Heb. _qaneh_.

+Canne+, _sb._ can, MD, W; +cane+, Voc. Cp. Late Lat. _canna_, a measure for liquids; see Weigand (s.v. _Kanne_).

+Canon+, _sb._ a rule, MD, PP; +canoun+, MD; canon-law, PP.--Lat.

_canon_; Gr. ?a???, a rule, standard, from ????, ?????, a cane, reed.

See +Canne+.

+Canonisen+, _v._ to admit into the canon of the Ma.s.s, to canonize, MD; to consecrate, admit to the dignity of the papacy, MD.--Late Lat.


+Canonistres+, _sb. pl._ men skilled in canon-law or ecclesiastical law, PP.--OF. _canoniste_; Late Lat. _canonista_.

+Canoun+, _sb._ a canon of a chapter, MD; +kanun+, S; +chanoun+, S, Voc., C3, G; +chanon+, C3.--OF. _canone_, _canoine_ (_chanoine_); Church Lat. _canonic.u.m_ (acc.) one on the church-roll or list (_canon_).

[[Addition:]] Church Lat. _canonicus_ did not mean originally 'one on the church-roll or list,' but one who was bound to observe a certain rule of life (_canon_, ?a???). OF. _chanoine_ is not the precise equivalent of _canonic.u.m_, but represents a Latin type *_canonium_. See Scheler's Dict. (ed. 3).

+Cant+, _adj._ lively, brave, cheerful, MD, S2, JD.

+Cant+, _sb._ a portion, S3; corner, SkD, ND.--OF. _cant_; cp. It.

_canto_, corner (Florio).

+Cantel+, _sb._ edge, piece, bit, MD, C, Prompt., Palsg.; +kantel+, MD; +cantle+, Sh., ND.--OF. _cantel_ (F. _chanteau_).

+Caper-cailye+, _sb._ capercailyie, JD.--Ir. _capull-coille_, lit., the horse of the forest. See +Capul+.

+Capitain+, _sb._ captain, C2; +capitayne+, S3.--OF. _capitain_; Late Lat. _capitaneum_ (acc.) captain, from Lat. _caput_.--Cf. +Cheuetayn+.

+Capitle+, _sb._ the sum, the chief point, W; see +Chapitre+.

+Cappe+, _sb._ cap, MD; +keppen+, _pl._, S.

+Capret+, _sb._ a wild goat, W2; +capretis+, _pl._, W2.--Late Lat.

_capretus_; cp. F. _chevrette_.

+Capul+, _sb._ horse, nag, MD, Prompt., PP, HD; +capil+, MD; +capel+, C3; +caple+, MD, PP, HD.--Icel. _kapall_; Lat. _caballus_; cp. Ir.

_capull_, Wel. _ceffyl_.

+Caracter+, _sb._ a mark, sign, character, W; +carecter+, W; +carracte+, Palsg.; +carecte+, PP; +carect+, W; +caractes+, _pl._, HD; +carectes+, PP.--Lat. _character_; Gr. ?a?a?t??, an engraved mark; cp. Prov.


+Carayne+, _sb._ carrion, S2; see +Caroigne+.

+Carboncle+, _sb._ a precious stone, MD; +carbokyl+, Voc.; +charboncle+, MD; +charbucle+, MD; +charbocle+, C2.--OF. _carboncle_ (_carboucle_, _charboucle_); Lat. _carbunculum_ (acc.).

+Carde+, _sb._ teasel, Prompt.;--OF. _carde_; Late Lat. _cardum_ (acc.), from Lat. _carduus_, thistle.

+Carden+, _v._ to card wool, MD, Prompt., S3.--OF. _carder_, It.

_cardare_ (Florio).

+Cardiacle+, _sb._ pain about the heart, PP, Cath. (_n._), C3; +cardyacle+, Prompt.; +cardiakylle+, Cath., Voc.; +cardiake+, Cath.--OF.

_cardiaque_, a malady of the heart (Cotg.); Late Lat. _cardiaca_, 'cordis pa.s.sio'; Gr. ?a?d?a???, from ?a?d?a, the heart. For the intrusion of _l_ see +Cronique+.

+Care+, _sb._ grief, S, C3, G; +cayr+, S3; +kare+, S2.--AS. _cearu_: OS.

_kara_; cp. OHG. _chara_.

+Care-full+, _adj._ full of grief, S3, C; +karful+, S2; +carefullich+, _adv._ anxiously, P; +carfuli+, S2.

+Caren+, _v._ to be anxious, MD; +karien+, S; +cared+, _pt. s._, G; _pl._, P.--AS. _cearian_.

+Carf+, _pt. s._ cut, C2; see +Keruen+.

+Carited+, _sb._ charity, S; see +Charitee+.

+Cark+, +Carke+; see +Charge+.

+Carl+, _sb._ a man, _rusticus_, _colonus_, _maritus_, MD, C3.--Icel.

_karl_; cp. OHG. _karl_ (Otfrid).

+Carl-man+, _sb._ a man; +carman+, MD; +caremane+, MD; +carlmen+, _pl._, S.--Icel. _karlmar_ (_karmar_), a man, male.

Chapter 38 : +Can+, _pr. s._ can, knows, S, S2. _Phr._: +can anc+, S; see +Kunnen+.+Canceler+, _sb._
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