A Concise Dictionary of Middle English
Chapter 41 : +Chapolory+, _sb._ a kind of scarf, S3; see +Scaplorye+.+Char+, +Chare+, _sb._ car, S3;

+Chapolory+, _sb._ a kind of scarf, S3; see +Scaplorye+.

+Char+, +Chare+, _sb._ car, S3; see +Carre+.

+Charbocle+, _sb._ carbuncle (stone), C2; see +Carboncle+.

+Charen+, _v._ to turn, S; see +Cherren+.

+Charge+, _sb._ a load, injunction, responsibility, MD, S2, C3, C, W; +charche+, MD; +carke+, S3; +karke+, MD; +cark+, MD, G.--AF. _charge_, also _kark_.

+Chargen+, _v._ to put a load on, to enjoin, MD, S2; to care for, W, W2; +charchyng+, _pr. p._, S3; +y-charged+, _pp._, S2; +charged+, S2.--AF.

_charger_; OF. _cargier_; Late Lat. _carricare_. See +Carry+.

+Chargeouse+, _adj._ burdensome, W; +chariouse+, W2.

+Charitee+, _sb._ charity, C2; +charyte+, S2; +charite+, MD, S2, G; +carited+, S; +karite+, MD.--AF. _charite_, OF. _caritet_, Prov.

_caritat_; Lat. _caritatem_. Cf. +Cherte+.

+Chari?+, _adj._ sad, S.--AS. _cearig_; cp. OS. _karag_. See +Care+.

+Charnel+, _sb._ charnel-house, P, SkD.--AF. _charnel_, _carnel_; Lat.


+Chartre+, _sb._ prison, S, MD.--OF. _chartre_, Ps. 141. 7; Lat.

_carcerem_, see Brachet. For _tr_ from original _cr_, compare OF.

_veintre_; Lat. _vincere_.

+Chartre+, _sb._ charter, S, PP.--AF. _chartre_; Lat. _chartula_, dimin.

of _charta_.

+Chase+, _sb._ hunting, pursuit, also, hunting-ground, MD; +chas+, MD; +chays+, S3.--AF. _chace_, hunting-ground.

+Chaser+, _sb._ hunter (horse), chaser, MD; +chaseris+, _pl._, S2.

+Chastelet+, _sb._ little castle, domain, P.--OF. _chastelet_ (Cotg.).

See +Castel+.

+Chasteleyne+, _sb._ castellan, MD.--AF. _chasteleyn_.

+Chastien+, _v._ to chastise, MD, S; +chaste+, S2, C2, P.--AF.

_chastier_, OF. _castier_; Lat. _castigare_.

+Chastisen+, _v._ to chastise, MD; +chastyse+, C2.

+Chastyng+, _sb._ chastis.e.m.e.nt, P.

+Chaud+, _adj._ hot, S2, PP.--OF. _chaud_, _chald_; Late Lat. _caldum_; from Lat. _calidus_.

+Chaunce+, _sb._ chance, S2, C2, C3; +cheance+, MD; +cheaunce+, MD; +chans+, MD; +chance+, S3.--OF. _cheance_; Late Lat. _cadentia_, a falling, from _cadere_.

+Chauncel+, _sb._ chancel, Prompt.; +chauncell+, Palsg.; +chawnsylle+, Voc.--OF. _chancel_; Late Lat. _cancellus_, chancel, screen; cp. Lat.

_cancetti_, pl., latticework, dimin. of _cancri_, lattice work, from _cancer_, a crab. See +Canker+.

+Chaunceler+, _sb._ chancellor, Prompt.; +chanceler+, MD; +cancaler+, S.--AF. _chanceler_, OF. _cancelier_; Late Lat. _cancellarius_.

+Chauncellerie+, _sb._ chancery, MD; +chancelerie+, MD.--AF.


+Chauncerye+, _sb._ chancery, MD.--AF. _chancerie_.

+Chaunge+, _sb._ change, C2.

+Chaungen+, _v._ to change, MD, S2; +chaungi+, S; +chongen+, S2; +i-changet+, _pp._, S.--AF. _changer_; OF. _changier_, _cangier_; Low Lat. _cambiare_, to barter.

+Chaunger+, _sb._ money-changer, W.

+Chaungyng+, _sb._ changing, W2.

+Chaunterie+, _sb._ chantry for singing ma.s.ses for the dead, C.--AF.

_ckaunterie_, OF. _chanterie_; Late Lat. _cantaria_, from Lat.

_cantare_, to sing.

+Chavel+, _sb._ the jaw, MD; +chavyl+, MD; +chawle+, MD; +chaul+, MD; +choule+, MD; +chol+, S3; +choll+, MD.--AS. _ceafl_. See further in SkD (s.v. _jowl_).

+Chavyl-bone+, _sb._ jaw-bone, Prompt.; +chavylbon+, MD.

+Che-+; see +Chi-+.

+Cheap+, _sb._ bargain, S; see +Chepe+.

+Cheap-ild+, _sb._ a female trader, S. See +-ild+.

+Chearre+, _v._ to turn, S; see +Cherren+.

+Cheas+, _pt. s._ chose, S; see +Chesen+.

+Checker+, _sb._ exchequer, S3; see +Escheker+.

+Cheef+, _sb._ and _adj._ head, upper part, chief, MD, PP; +chief+, MD; +cheff+, PP; +chef+, MD; +chyf+, PP.--OF. _chef_ (AF. _chief_) _cheve_; Late Lat. _capum_ (acc.); cp. It. _capo_, Sp. _cabo_.

+Cheef-mete+, _sb._ chief meat, PP, S2.

+Chees+; see +Chesen+.

+Cheest+; see +Chest+.

+Cheffare+, _sb._ business, S; see +Chaffare+.

+Chekelew+, _adj._ suffocating, HD; see +-lewe+.

Chapter 41 : +Chapolory+, _sb._ a kind of scarf, S3; see +Scaplorye+.+Char+, +Chare+, _sb._ car, S3;
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