Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 6 : Not completely defined.--(Stated: "10 min. contain 1/32 grn. each gold and a.r.s.en

Not completely defined.--(Stated: "10 min. contain 1/32 grn. each gold and a.r.s.enic bromides.--Alterative Tonic.--~Dose:~ 5--15 min., in water, after meals.")

~a.r.s.en-hemol Merck.~

Hemol with 1% a.r.s.enous acid.--Brown powd.--Alterative and Hematinic; subst.i.tute for a.r.s.enic, without untoward action on stomach.--~Dose:~ 1-1/2 grn., in pill, 2 to 3 t. daily, adding one pill to the daily dose every fourth day until 10 pills are taken per day.

~a.r.s.enic Bromide Merck.~

Colorless, deliquescent prisms; strong a.r.s.enic odor.--SOL. in water.--USES: Diabetes.--~Dose:~ 1/60--1/15 grn.--MAX. D.: 1/6 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Same as a.r.s.enous acid.--INCOMPATIBLE: Water.--CAUTION: Keep well-stoppered!

~a.r.s.enic Chloride Merck.~

Colorless, oily liq.--Decomposes with water.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, oils.--~Dose:~ 1/60--1/15 grn.

~a.r.s.enic Iodide Merck.--U.S.P.--Pure, Cryst.~

~Dose:~ 1/60--1/15 grn., in pills.--MAX. D.: 1/8 grn.--INCOMPATIBLE: Water.--CAUTION: Keep from air and light!


~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.--_Preparations:_ Emuls. (4 per cent.); Pills (3 grn.); Tr. (1:5).

~Asaprol Merck.~

CALCIUM BETA-NAPHTOL-ALPHA-MONO-SULPHONATE.--Whitish to reddish-gray powd.; slightly bitter, then sweet, taste.--SOL. in water; 3 parts alcohol.--a.n.a.lgesic, Antiseptic, Antirheumatic, Antipyretic.--USES: Tuberculosis, rheumatism, pharyngitis, gout, typhoid fever, sciatica, diphtheria, etc.--~Dose:~ 8--15 grn.--EXTERN. in 2--5% solut.--INCOMPATIBLES: Antipyrine and quinine.--CAUTION: Keep from heat and moisture!


PLEURISY ROOT.--_Preparation:_ F.E. (D. 20--60 min.).

~Aseptol Merck.~

SOZOLIC ACID.--33-1/3% solut. ortho-phenol-sulphonic acid.--Yellow-brown liq.; odor carbolic acid.--SOL. in alcohol, glycerin; all proportions water.--Antiseptic, Disinfectant.--USES: _Extern._, in diseases of bladder, eye, skin, and in diphtheria, laryngitis, gingivitis, etc.--APPLIED in 1 to 10% solut.--CAUTION: Keep from light!


MALE FERN.--~Dose:~ 30--90 grn.--_Preparation:_ Oleoresin (q.v.).


QUEBRACHO.--_Preparation:_ F.E. (D., 30--60 min.).

~Aspidospermine Merck.~--Amorph., Pure.

Brown-yellow plates; bitter taste.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform, benzene.--Respiratory Stimulant, Antispasmodic.--USES: Dyspnea, asthma, spasmodic croup, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--2 grn., in pills.

~Atropine (Alkaloid) Merck.~--U.S.P.--C.P., Cryst.

~Dose:~ 1/120--1/60 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics; pilocarpine, muscarine nitrate, or morphine, hypodermically; tannin, or charcoal before absorption.--INCOMPATIBLES: _Chemical_, alkalies, tannin, salts of mercury; _physiological_, morphine, pilocarpine, muscarine, aconitine, and eserine.

~Atropine Sulphate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P., Cryst.~

USES and DOSE: Same as of alkaloid.

(Other salts of Atropine are not described because used substantially like the above.)

Balsam Peru--U.S.P.

SOL. in absol. alcohol, chloroform; insol. in water.--~Dose:~ 10--30 min.

Balsam Tolu--U.S.P.

SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; insol. in water.--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.--_Preparations:_ Syr. (1:100); Tr. (1:10).

~Baptisin Merck.--Pure.~

Brownish powd.--SOL. in alcohol.--Purgative in large doses; Tonic, Astringent in small doses.--USES: Scarlet fever, chronic dysentery, etc.--~Dose:~ 1/2--5 grn., in pills.

~Barium Chloride Merck.--C.P., Cryst.~

Colorl.; bitter, salty taste.--SOL. in 2-1/2 parts water; almost insol.

in alcohol.--Cardiac Tonic and Alterative.--USES: _Intern._, arterial sclerosis and atheromatous degeneration, syphilis, scrofula, etc.; _extern._, eye-wash.--~Dose:~ 1/10--1/2 grn., 3 t. daily, in 1% sweetened, aromatic solut.--ANTIDOTES: Sodium or magnesium sulphate; emetic; stomach pump.

~Barium Iodide Merck.~

Deliquescent cryst.--Decomposes and reddens on exposure.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--Alterative.--USES: Scrofulous affections, morbid growths.--~Dose:~ 1/10--1/2 grn., 3 t. daily.--EXTERN. as oint. 4 grn.

in 1 ounce lard.--CAUTION: Keep well stoppered!

~Barium Sulphide Merck.--Pure.~

Amorph., light-yellow powd.--SOL. in water.--Alterative.--USES: Syphilitic and scrofulous affections; depilatory (with flour).--~Dose:~ 1/2--1 grn. in keratin-coated pills.

~Bebeerine Merck.--Pure.~

BEBIRINE; BIBIRINE; supposed identical with BUXINE and PELOSINE.--Yellowish-brown, amorph. powd.; odorl.; bitter.--SOL. in alcohol, ether; insol. in water.--Antipyretic, Tonic, similar to quinine.--~Dose:~ _Febrifuge_, 6--12 grn.; _tonic_, 1/2--1-1/2 grn. 3 or 4 t. daily.

~Bebeerine Sulphate Merck.~

Reddish-brown scales.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--USES and DOSES: As of bebeerine.

Belladonna Leaves--U.S.P.

_Preparations:_ Ext. (D., 1/8--1/2 grn.); Tr. (D., 5--20 min.); Plaster (20 per cent. ext.); Oint. (10 per cent. ext.)

Belladonna Root--U.S.P.

_Preparations:_ F.E. (D., 1/2--2 min.); Lin. (95 per cent. F.E., 5 per cent. camphor).

~Benzanilide Merck.~

Chapter 6 : Not completely defined.--(Stated: "10 min. contain 1/32 grn. each gold and a.r.s.en
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