Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 7 : White powd., or colorl. scales.--SOL. in 58 parts alcohol; slightly in ether; almost ins

White powd., or colorl. scales.--SOL. in 58 parts alcohol; slightly in ether; almost insol. in water.--Antipyretic, especially for children.---~Dose:~ _Children_, 1-1/2--6 grn., according to age, several t. daily; _adults_, 10--15 grn.

~Benzene, from Coal Tar, Merck.--Highly Purified, Crystallizable.~

MISCIBLE with alcohol, ether, chloroform, oils.--Antispasmodic and Anticatarrhal.--USES: Whooping-cough, influenza, etc.--~Dose:~ 2--10 [min.] every 3 hours, in emulsion, or on sugar or in capsules.--MAX.

D.: 45 [min.].


_Preparations:_ Tr. (D., 20--40 min.), Comp. Tr. (D., 30--60 min.).


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Alkaline solution of various highly approved antiseptics of recognized value in catarrhal affections; Dental and Surgical Disinfectant; Antifermentative.--Liq.--SOL. in water.--~Dose:~ 1 fl. dr., diluted.--EXTERN. in 10--30% solut.")


BENZOYL-GUAIACOL; GUAIACOL BENZOATE.--Wh., odorl., alm. tastel., cryst.

powd.--SOL. in alcohol; insol. in water.--Ant.i.tubercular, Intest.

Antiseptic.--~Dose:~ 3--15 grn., in pill, or powd. with peppermint-oil sugar.

~Benzoyl-pseudotropeine Hydrochlorate Merck,~--see TROPACOCAINE, ETC.

~Berberine Carbonate Merck.~

Yellowish-brown cryst. powd.: bitter taste.--SOL. in diluted acids.--Antiperiodic, Stomachic, Tonic.--USES: Malarial affections, amenorrhea, enlargement of spleen, anorexia, chronic intestinal catarrh, vomiting of pregnancy, etc.--~Dose:~ _Antiperiodic_, 8--15 grn.; _stomachic and tonic_, 1/2--1-1/2 grn. 3 t. daily; in pills or capsules.

~Berberine Hydrochlorate Merck.--Cryst.~

Yellow, microcrystalline needles.--SOL. in water.--USES and DOSE: Same as berberine carbonate.

~Berberine Phosphate Merck.--Cryst.~

Yellow powd.--SOL. in water.--Most sol. salt of berberine, and easiest to administer, in pills, hydro-alcoholic solut., or aromatic syrup.---USES and DOSE: Same as berberine carbonate.

~Berberine Sulphate Merck.--Cryst.~

Yellow needles.--SOL. with difficulty in water; almost insol. in alcohol.--USES and DOSE: Same as berberine carbonate.

~Betol Merck.~

NAPHTALOL; NAPHTO-SALOL; SALI-NAPHTOL; BETA-NAPHTOL SALICYLATE.--White powd.; odorl.; tastel.--SOL. in boiling alcohol, in ether, benzene; insol. in water, glycerin.--Internal Antiseptic, Antizymotic, Antirheumatic.--USES: Putrid processes of intestinal tract, cystic catarrh, rheumatism, etc.--~Dose:~ 4--8 grn., 4 t. daily, in wafers, milk or emulsion.


BIs.m.u.tH METHYLENE-DIGALLATE, _Merck_.--Gray-blue powd.--SOL. in alkalies; insol. in water or gastric juice.--Intestinal Astringent (especially in diarrheas not benefited by opiates).--~Dose:~ 2--5 grn.

every 3 hours, in wafers or powd. Benzoate Merck.--C.P.~

White, tastel. powd.--27% of benzoic acid.--SOL. in mineral acids; insol. in water.--Antiseptic.--USES: _Intern._, gastro-intestinal diseases; _extern._, like iodoform on wounds, etc.--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn. Beta-naphtolate.~

ORPHOL.--Brown, insol. powd.; 23% beta-naphtol.--Intestinal Antiseptic.--~Dose:~ 8--15 grn., in pills or wafers; children half as much. Citrate Merck.--U.S.P.~

White powd.; odorl.; tastel.--SOL., very slightly in water.--Stomachic and Astringent.--USES: Diarrhea, dyspepsia, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--3 grn. Nitrate Merck.--Cryst.~

BIs.m.u.tH TER-NITRATE or TRINITRATE.--Colorl. hygroscopic cryst.; acid taste.--Changed to sub-nitrate by water.--SOL. in acids, glycerin.--Astringent, Antiseptic.--USES: Phthisical diarrhea, etc.--~Dose:~ 5--10 grn., dissolved in glycerin and then diluted with water. Oxyiodide Merck.~

BIs.m.u.tH SUBIODIDE.--Brownish-red, amorph., insol. powd.; odorl., tastel.--Antiseptic.--USES: _Extern._, on suppurating wounds, ulcers, in skin diseases, gonorrhea, etc.; _intern._, gastric ulcers, typhoid fever, and diseases of mucous membranes.--~Dose:~ 3--10 grn., 3 t.

daily, in mixture, powd., or capsule.--EXTERN. like iodoform; in gonorrhea in 1% injection. Phosphate, Soluble, Merck.~

White powd.--SOL. in 3 parts water.--Intestinal Antiseptic and Astringent.--USES: Acute gastric or intestinal catarrh.--~Dose:~ 3--8 grn. Salicylate Merck.--Basic.--64% Bi{2}O{3}.~

White, odorl., tastel. powd.; insol. in water.--External and Intestinal Antiseptic and Astringent.--USES: _Intern._, phthisical diarrhea, summer complaint, typhoid, etc.; _extern._, like iodoform.--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn. Sub-benzoate Merck.~

White powd.--Antiseptic, like iodoform.--USES: As dusting-powd. for syphilitic ulcers, etc. Subcarbonate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P.~

~Dose:~ 5--30 grn. Subgallate Merck.~

Odorl., yellow, insol. powd.; 55% Bi{2}O{3}.--Siccative Antiseptic, and subst.i.tute for subnitrate internally.--USES: _Extern._, on wounds, ulcers, eczemas, etc.; _intern._, in gastro-intestinal affections.--~Dose:~ 4--8 grn., several t. daily.--EXTERN. like iodoform. Subiodide~,--see BIs.m.u.tH OXYIODIDE. Subnitrate Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P.~

~Dose:~ 5--40 grn.

MERCK'S Subnitrate is a very light powder and fully conforms to the pharmacopoeial requirements. Valerianate Merck.~

White powd., valerian odor.--INSOL. in water, alcohol.--Sedative, Antispasmodic.--USES: Nervous headache, cardialgia, ch.o.r.ea, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--3 grn.

Chapter 7 : White powd., or colorl. scales.--SOL. in 58 parts alcohol; slightly in ether; almost ins
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