Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 10 : Castanea--U.S.P.CHESTNUT.--_Preparation:_ F.E. (D., 1--2 drams).Catechu--U.S.P.~Dose:~


CHESTNUT.--_Preparation:_ F.E. (D., 1--2 drams).


~Dose:~ 5--20 grn.--_Preparations:_ Comp. Tr. (1:10); Troches (1 grn.).


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Each fl. dr. represents 5 grn. each celery, coca, kola, viburnum, and aromatics.--Nerve Tonic, Sedative.--~Dose:~ 1--2 fl. drs.")

~Cerium Oxalate, Cerous, Merck.--Pure.~

White granular powd.; odorl.; tastel.--SOL. in diluted sulphuric and hydrochloric acids.--Sedative, Nerve-tonic.--USES: Vomiting of pregnancy, sea-sickness, epilepsy, migraine, chronic diarrhea.--~Dose:~ 1--5 grn.


ICELAND MOSS.--_Preparation:_ Decoct. (D., 1--4 oz.).--See also, Cetrarin.

~Cetrarin Merck.--C.P., Cryst.~

Cetraric Acid.--White needles, conglomerated into lumps; bitter.--Sol.

in alkalies and their carbonates; slightly in water, alcohol, ether.--Hematinic, Stomachic, Expectorant.--Uses: Chlorosis, incipient phthisis, bronchitis, digestive disturbances with anemia, etc.--~Dose:~ 1-1/2--3 grn.


~Chamomilla Compound (Fraser's).~

Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Mixture of mother tinctures of cinchona, chamomilla, ignatia, and phosphorus, with aromatics and nux vomica.--Nerve Tonic, Stomachic.--~Dose:~ 1 fl. dr. before meals and at bedtime, with tablespoonful hot water.")


WOOD CHARCOAL.--~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.


CELANDINE.--~Dose:~ 10--40 grn.


American Wormseed.--~Dose:~ 10--40 grn.--_Preparation:_ Oil (D., 10 min. 3 t. daily; castor oil next day).


PIPSISSEWA; PRINCE'S PINE.--_Preparation:_ F.E. (D., 30--60 min.).


~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.--_Preparations:_ F.E. (1:1); Tr. (1:10).


CHLORAL-FORMAMIDE.--Colorl., bitter cryst.--SOL. in abt. 20 parts water (slowly); in 2 alcohol; decomp. by hot solvents.--Hypnotic, Sedative, a.n.a.lgesic.--~Dose:~ 15--45 grn.

~Chloral Hydrate Merck.--U.S.P.--Loose Cryst.; also Flakes.~

~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.--MAX. D.: 60 grn.--CONTRA-INDICATED in gastritis; large doses must not be given in heart disease; in children and the aged, use with caution.--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach siphon; cocaine, strychnine, or atropine, hypodermically; stimulants, oxygen, mucilage acacia.--INCOMPATIBLES: Carbolic acid, camphor, alcohol, pota.s.sium iodide, pota.s.sium cyanide, borax; alkaline hydrates and carbonates.

~Chloral-ammonia Merck.~

White, cryst. powd.; chloral odor and taste.--SOL. in alcohol, ether; insol. in cold water; decomposed by hot water.--Hypnotic, a.n.a.lgesic.--USES: Nervous insomnia, neuralgia, etc.--~Dose:~ 15--30 grn.

~Chloralimide Merck.~--(_Not: Chloralamide._)

Colorl. needles; odorl.; tastel.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform, oils; insol. in water.--Hypnotic, a.n.a.lgesic.--USES: Insomnia, headache, etc.--~Dose:~ 15--30 grn., 2 or 3 t. daily.--MAX. D.: 45 grn. single; 90 grn. daily.

~Chloralose Merck.~

Small, colorl. cryst.; bitter, disagreeable taste.--SOL. in alcohol; slightly in water.--Hypnotic.--USES: Insomnia. Free from disagreeable cardiac after-effects and c.u.mulative tendency of chloral hydrate. Acts by reducing excitability of gray matter of brain.--~Dose:~ 3--12 grn.

Chlorine Water--U.S.P.

0.4 per cent. Cl.--~Dose:~ 1--4 drams.--ANTIDOTES: Milk and

~Chloroform Merck.--Recryst. and Redistilled, for Anesthesia.~

~Dose:~ 10--20 [min.].--MAX. D.: 30 [min.].--_Preparations:_ Emuls.

(4%); Lin. (3%); Spt. (6%); Water (1/2%).--ANTIDOTES: Vomiting, stomach siphon, cold douche, fresh air, artificial respiration, etc.--CAUTION: Keep in dark amber. Never administer as anesthetic near a flame, as the vapor then decomposes, evolving very irritating and perhaps poisonous gases!

MERCK'S Chloroform is prepared by a new process insuring the highest attainable purity. It is absolutely free from all by-products that are liable to cause untoward effects.

~Chrysarobin Merck.--U.S.P.~

So-called "CHRYSOPHANIC ACID"; Purified Goa-Powder.--Antiparasitic, Reducing Dermic, etc. Not used internally.--EXTERN. 2--10% oint. or paint.--_Preparation:_ Oint. (5%).--CAUTION: Very dangerous to the eyes!


BLACK SNAKEROOT; BLACK COHOSH.--~Dose:~ 15--45 grn. _Preparations:_ Ext. (D., 2--6 grn.); F.E. (1:1); Tr. (1:5).--See also, Cimicifugin.

~Cimicifugin Merck.~

MACROTIN.--Yellowish-brown, hygroscopic powd.--SOL. in alcohol.--Antispasmodic, Nervine, Oxytocic.--USES: Rheumatism, dropsy, hysteria, dysmenorrhea, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--2 grn.


~Dose:~ _Tonic_, 5--15 grn.; _antiperiodic_, 40--120 grn.--_Preparations:_ Ext. (D., 1--10 grn.); F.E. (1:1); Infus.

(6:100); Tr. (1:5); Comp. Tr. (vehicle).--See also, its var. alkaloids.

Chapter 10 : Castanea--U.S.P.CHESTNUT.--_Preparation:_ F.E. (D., 1--2 drams).Catechu--U.S.P.~Dose:~
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