Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 14 : PYROGALLOL MONOACETATE, _Knoll._--Syrupy, transparent, dark-yellow ma.s.s.--SOL. in wat

PYROGALLOL MONOACETATE, _Knoll._--Syrupy, transparent, dark-yellow ma.s.s.--SOL. in water readily.--Succedaneum for Pyrogallol in obstinate chronic psoriasis; very vigorous in action.--APPLIED like pyrogallol.

~Eugenol Merck.--Pure.~

EUGENIC ACID; CARYOPHYLLIC ACID.--Colorl., oily liq.; spicy odor; burning taste.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform, solut. caustic soda,--Antiseptic, Ant.i.tubercular, Local Anesthetic.--USES: _Extern._, oint. with adeps lanae in eczema and other skin diseases, local anesthetic in dentistry etc.; _intern._, tuberculosis, chronic catarrhs, etc.--~Dose:~ 8--30 [min.].--MAX. D.: 45 [min.].


WAHOO.--_Preparation:_ Ext. (D., 2--5 grn.).


BONESET.--_Preparation:_ F.E. (D., 20--60 min.).

~Euonymin, American, Brown, Merck.~

Brownish powd.--USES: Cholagogue and drastic purgative, similar to podophyllin.--~Dose:~ 1-1/2--6 grn.

~Euphorin Merck.~--(_Not Europhen._)

PHENYL-ETHYL URETHANE.--Colorl. needles; slight aromatic odor; clove taste.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, slightly in water.--Antirheumatic, Anodyne, Antiseptic, Antipyretic--USES: _Intern._, rheumatism, tuberculosis, headache, and sciatica; _extern.,_ dusting-powd. in venereal and other skin diseases, ulcers.--~Dose:~ 8--16 grn., 2--3 t.



QUININE ETHYL-CHLOROCARBONATE.--Slightly bitter powd.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; slightly sol. in water.--Succedaneum for other quinine salts, internally.--~Dose:~ About 1-1/2 times that of quin.

sulph., in powd. or cachets, or with soup, milk, or cacao.


RESORCIN MONOACETATE, _Knoll._--Viscid, transparent, yellow ma.s.s, readily pulverizable.--Succedaneum for Resorcin.--USES: Chiefly acne, sycosis simplex, seborrhea, etc.--EXTERN. in 5 to 20% oint.


CHRYSAROBIN TRIACETATE, _Knoll._--SOL. in chloroform, acetone, ether; insol. in water. Succedaneum for Chrysarobin; very active reducer or "reactive."--EXTERN. in 1 to 20% solut. in acetone, with 5 to 10% of saligallol.


Yellow powd.; 27.6% iodine.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform, fixed oils; insol. in water or glycerin.--Antisyphilitic, Surgical Antiseptic.--~Dose:~ (by inject.): 1/2--1-1/2 grn. once daily, in oil.--EXTERN. like iodoform.

~Extract, Bone-Marrow, (Armour's).~

Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Medullary glyceride, containing all the essential ingredients of fresh red bone-marrow.--Hematinic, Nutrient.--USES: Anemia, chlorosis, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--2 fl. drs., in water, milk, or wine, 3 t. daily.")

~Extract Cod-Liver Oil,~--see GADUOL.

~Extract, Ergot, Aqueous, Soft,~--see ERGOTIN.

~Extract, Licorice, Purified, Merck.--U.S.P.--Clearly soluble.~

PURE EXTRACT GLYCYRRHIZA.--Used to cover taste of bitter mixtures, infusions, or decoctions; also as pill-excipient. Enters into Comp.

Mixt. Glycyrrhiza.

~Extract, Male Fern,~--see OLEORESIN, MALE FERN.

~Extract, Malt, Merck.--Dry, Powd.~

Contains maximum amount diastase, dextrin, dextrose, protein bodies, and salts from barley.--Tonic, Dietetic. USES: Children, scrofulous patients, dyspeptics, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--4 drams.

~Extract, Monesia, Merck.--Aqueous, Dry~

Alterative, Intestinal Astringent.--USES: Chronic diarrhea, catarrh, scrofula, scurvy, etc.--~Dose:~ 2--5 grn.

~Extract, Muira-puama, Fluid, Merck.~

Aphrodisiac, Nerve-stimulant.--USES: s.e.xual debility, senile weakness, etc.--~Dose:~ 15--30 [min.].

~Extract, Opium, Aqueous, Merck.--U.S.P.--Dry.~

~Dose:~ 1/4--1 grn.--MAX. D.: 2 grn. single; 5 grn. daily.


FERRIC-CHLORIDE-ANTIPYRINE, _Knoll;_ FERRIPYRINE.--64% antipyrine, 12% iron, 24% chlorine.--Orange-red non-hygroscopic powd.--SOL. in 5 parts water, 9 parts boiling water; in alcohol, benzene, slightly in ether.--Hematinic, Styptic, Astringent, Antineuralgic--USES: _Intern._, anemia, chlorosis, migraine, headache, neuralgia; _extern._, gonorrhea, nosebleed, etc. ~Dose:~ 5--15 grn., with peppermint-oil sugar, or in solut.--EXTERN. in 1--1-1/2% solut. for gonorrhea; 20% solut. or pure for hemorrhages.

~Firwein (Tilden's).~

Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Each fl. dr. contains 1/100 grn.

phosphorus, 1/6 grn. iodine, 1/6 grn. bromine.--Alterative, Anticatarrhal.--USES: Chronic bronchitis, phthisis, catarrh, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--2 fl. drs., before meals.")

~Fluorescein Merck.~

Orange-red powd.--SOL. in ether, alkaline solut.--USES: Diagnosis of corneal lesions and impervious strictures of nasal duct. Solut. 10 grn., with 15 grn. sodium bicarbonate, in ounce water.

~Foods and Dietetic Products.~

BOVININE.--"Unaltered bovine blood."



GLOBON.--A chemically pure alb.u.min.--See under "G."

HEMABOLOIDS.--"Iron-bearing nucleo-alb.u.mins, reinforced by bone-marrow extract, and antiseptically treated with nuclein."

HORLICK'S FOOD.--"Containing in 100 parts 3.39 water, 0.08 fat, 34.99 glucose, 12.45 cane sugar, 6.71 alb.u.minoids, 1.28 mineral const.i.tuents, but no starch."

Chapter 14 : PYROGALLOL MONOACETATE, _Knoll._--Syrupy, transparent, dark-yellow ma.s.s.--SOL. in wat
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