Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 18 : ~Hyoscine Hydrobromate Merck.--U.S.P.--True, Cryst.~ Colorl. cryst.--SOL. in water, alc

~Hyoscine Hydrobromate Merck.--U.S.P.--True, Cryst.~

Colorl. cryst.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--USES and DOSES, same as Hyoscine.

~(Other salts of Hyoscine are not described because used substantially as the above.)~

~Hyoscyamine, True, Merck.--C.P., Cryst.~--(_Much stronger than Amorph.!_)

From Hyoscyamus niger.--White, silky, permanent cryst.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform, acidulated water; slightly in water.--Hypnotic, Sedative.--USES: To quiet insane and nervous; ease cough in consumption; asthma, etc.--~Dose:~ 1/128--1/32 grn., several t. daily, in pill or solut.; as _hypnotic_ for insane, 1/8--1/4 grn.--ANTIDOTES: As for Atropine.

~Hyoscyamine, True, Merck.--Pure, Amorph.~--(_Much weaker than Cryst.!_)

Brown, syrupy liq.--~Dose:~ 1/8--1/4 [min.].

~Hyoscyamine Sulphate, True, Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P., Cryst.~

White, deliquescent, microscopic needles; acrid taste.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--USES, DOSE, ETC.: As of Hyoscyamine, True, _Cryst._

~Hyoscyamine Sulphate, True, Merck.--Pure, Amorph.~

Yellowish, hygroscopic powd.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--~Dose:~ 1/8--1/4 grn.

~Other salts of Hyoscyamine are not described because (used substantially as the above.)~


HENBANE.--_Preparations:_ Ext. (D., 1--3 grn.); F.E. (D., 5--15 min.); Tr. (D., 20--60 min.)


ICHTHYOL ALb.u.mINATE, _Knoll._--Gray-brown, odorl., almost tastel.

powd.; 4 parts equal 3 parts ichthyol.--SOL. in alkaline fluids (such as intestinal secretion); insol. in ordinary solvents and in diluted acids (as gastric juice).--Succedaneum for Ichthyol _internally_ as an Alterant, Antiphlogistic, and a.s.similative.--USES: Phthisis, scrofula, rheumatism, skin diseases, etc.--~Dose:~ 15--30 grn., 2 or 3 t. daily, before meals.--[Further information in "Merck's Digest" on "ICHTHALBIN," containing clinical reports and detailed information.]


AMMONIUM SULPHO-ICHTHYOLATE, _Ichthyol Co._,--(NH{4}){2}C{28}H{36}S{3}O{6}.--Thick, brown liq.; bituminous odor; 15% easily a.s.similable sulphur.--SOL. in water, mixture alcohol and ether; miscible with glycerin, oils.--Antiphlogistic, Anodyne, Alterative, Antigonorrhoic, Dermic--USES: _Intern._, skin diseases, rheumatism, scrofula, nephritis; _extern._, 5 to 50% oint., solut., etc.: uterine and inflammation, urticaria, erosions, pruritus, gout, boils, carbuncles, acne, eczema, herpes, burns, catarrh, etc.; 2% solut. in gonorrhea.--~Dose:~ 3--10 [min.] in pills, capsules, or water.--(See "ICHTHALBIN",--a preferable form for _internal_ use.)


Digestive ferment obtained from gizzard of chicken.--Yellowish powd.--~Dose:~ 5--20 grn.


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Combination of active principles from green roots of stillingia, helonias, saxifraga, menispermum; with 5 grn. pota.s.s. iodide per fl. dr.--Alterative, Uterine Tonic--~Dose:~ 1--3 fl. dr., 3 t. daily.")

~Iodine Merck.--U.S.P.--Resublimed.~

~Dose:~ 1/4--1 grn.--_Preparations:_ Oint. (4%); Comp. Solut. (5%, with 10% KI); Tr. (7%).--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach pump; starchy food in abundance.--INCOMPATIBLES: Oil turpentine, starch, tannin.


Iodine addition-product of sesame oil.--Yellow fluid, of purely oleaginous taste; 10% iodine.--Alterative Tonic; carried even to remotest parts of body.--USES: Syphilis, scrofula, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--2 fl. drs., 3 or 4 t. daily, in emulsion with peppermint water and syrup; children in proportion.

~Iodo-bromide of Calcium Comp. (Tilden's).~

Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Each fl. oz. contains 72 grn.

combined salts of bromine, iodine, and chlorine with calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, pota.s.sium; together with combined const.i.tuents of 1 oz. mixed stillingia, sarsaparilla, rumex, dulcamara, lappa, taraxac.u.m, menispermum.--Alterative, Tonic--USES: Scrofula, cancer, chronic coughs, eczema, etc.--~Dose:~ 1--2 fl. drs., in water, before meals.")

~Iodoform Merck.--U.S.P.--C.P., Cryst. or Powd.~

~Dose:~ 1--3 grn.--_Preparation:_ Oint. (10%).--INCOMPATIBLE: Calomel.


IODOFORM ALb.u.mINATE, _Knoll._--Brown-yellow, fine, dry, non-conglutinating powd.; about 3 times as voluminous as iodoform, more pervasive, and free from its odor.--Especially convenient, economical, and efficient form of Iodoform; liberates the latter, on contact with wound surfaces, gradually and equably, and hence is more persistent in action.


TETRAIODO-PYRROLE, _Kalle._--Light, fine, grayish-brown powd.; 89% iodine.--SOL. in alcohol, chloroform, oils; 3 parts ether; slightly in water.--Antiseptic, Alterative.--USES: _Intern._, syphilis, scrofula, etc.; _extern._, 5 to 10% oint. in chronic ulcers, lupus, chancre, etc.; powd. or solut. on mucous membranes, as in ozena, tonsillitis, etc.--~Dose:~ 8--15 grn., daily, in wafers.


THYROIODINE.--Dry preparation of thyroid gland.--Alterative, Discutient.--USES: Goiter, corpulency, myxedema, etc.--~Dose:~ 15--40 grn. per day.


~Dose:~ _Stomachic_, 1/2--1 grn.; _emetic_, 10--20 grn.--_Preparations:_ F.E. (1:1); Powd. of Ipecac and Opium (1:10 each); Troches (1/4 grn.); Syr. (7 per cent. F.E.); Tr. Ipecac and Opium (D., 5--15 min.); Troches w. Morphine (one-twelfth grn. ipecac, one-fortieth grn. morph.); Wine (10 per cent. F.E.).


BLUE FLAG.--_Preparations:_ Ext. (D., 2--6 grn.); F.E. (D., 10--30 min.).

~Iron, by Hydrogen, Merck.~--(_Reduced Iron, U.S.P._).

QUEVENNE'S IRON.--~Dose:~ 2--5 grn.

~Iron Acetate Merck.--Scales.~

~Dose:~ 3--10 grn.

~Iron Alb.u.minate Merck.--Scales or Powd.~ Brown; very stable.--SOL. in water.--Hematinic.--~Dose:~ 3--10 grn.

~Iron a.r.s.enate Merck.~

Yellowish-green, insol. powd.--~Dose:~ 1/16--1/8 grn., in pill.

Iron Carbonate, Ma.s.s--U.S.P.

VALLET'S Ma.s.s.--50 per cent. Fe CO{3}.--~Dose:~ 3--5 grn., in pill.

Chapter 18 : ~Hyoscine Hydrobromate Merck.--U.S.P.--True, Cryst.~ Colorl. cryst.--SOL. in water, alc
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