Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 30 : Light-brown, insol. powd.--USED chiefly for children.--~Dose~ (Children): 5--15 grn., w

Light-brown, insol. powd.--USED chiefly for children.--~Dose~ (Children): 5--15 grn., with chocolate, in powd. or tablets.

~Quinine Valerianate Merck.--U.S.P.~

Slight odor of valerian.--SOL. in 5 parts alcohol, 100 parts water.--Nerve-tonic, Antipyretic, etc.--USES: Hemicrania and debilitated or malarial condition with a nervous state or hysteria.--~Dose:~ 2--6 grn.

~Quinine & Urea Hydrochlorate Merck.~

CARBAMIDATED QUININE DIHYDROCHLORATE.--Colorl. cryst.--SOL. freely in water, alcohol.--Used by INJECTION: 2--8 grn.

~(Other salts of Quinine are not described because used substantially as the above.)~

~Quinoidine Merck.~

CHINOIDINE.--Very bitter, brownish-black ma.s.s.--SOL. in diluted acids, alcohol, chloroform.--Antiperiodic, Tonic, etc.--USES: Intermittent and remittent fevers. Best taken between paroxysms.--~Dose:~ 2--15 grn.


ROSIN; COLOPHONY.--Vulnerary; Irritant.--_Preparations:_ Cerate (35 per cent.): Plaster (14 per cent.).

~Resin, Jalap, Merck.--U.S.P.--True, Brown.~

HEAVY JALAP RESIN.--SOL. in alcohol; partly solut. in ether.--~Dose:~ 2--5 grn.

~Resin, Podophyllum, Merck.--Perfectly and Clearly Sol. in Alcohol and in Ammonia.~

PODOPHYLLIN.--In habitual constipation, small continued doses act best.--~Dose:~ 1/8--1/2 grn.; in _acute_ constipation, 3/4--1-1/2 grn.

~Resin, Scammony, Merck.--White, and Brown.~

~Dose:~ 3--8 grn.

~Resinol.--(_Not Retinol!_)~

UNGUENTUM RESINOL.--Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Combination of active principle of Juniperus oxycedrus and a synthetical derivative of the coal-tar series, with lanolin-petrolatum base.--Antipruritic, Antiphlogistic, Dermic.--EXTERN.: pure, night and morning.")

~Resorcin Merck.--C.P., Resublimed or Recryst.~

RESORCINOL.--White cryst.; reddish on exposure; unpleasant sweet taste.--SOL. in 0.5 part alcohol, 0.6 part water; ether, glycerin.--Antiseptic Antispasmodic, Antipyretic, Antiemetic, Antizymotic.--USES: _Intern._, for vomiting, seasickness, asthma, dyspepsia, gastric ulcer, cholera infantum, hay-fever, diarrhea, whooping-cough, cyst.i.tis, and diphtheria; _extern._, inflammatory diseases of skin, eyes, throat, nose, mouth, urethra, v.a.g.i.n.a, etc.--~Dose:~ _Seasickness_, chronic gastric catarrh, cholera nostras, or cholera morbus, 2--3 grn. every 1--2 hours, in solut. or powder; _ordinary_, 5--10 grn. several t. daily; _antipyretic_, 15--30 grn.--MAX. D.: 45 grn.--EXTERN. in 5--30% solut.

~Retinol Merck.~

ROSIN OIL.--Viscid, yellow, oily liq.--SOL. in ether, oils, alcohol, oil turpentine, glycerin.--Antiseptic.--USES: _Intern._, venereal affections; _extern._, oint. or liniment in skin diseases, and injection for gonorrhea; also solvent of phosphorus, salol, camphor, naphtol, carbolic acid, etc. Recommended as excipient for phosphorus.--~Dose:~ 5--10 [min.], 4--6 t. daily, in capsules.--EXTERN.: 10--50% oint.


~Dose:~ _Tonic_, 3--10 grn., _lax._, 10--20 grn.; _purg._, 20--40 grn.--_Preparations:_ Ext. (D., 1--3--10 grn.); F.E. (1:1); Pills (3 grn.); Comp. Pills (rhub., aloes, myrrh); Tr. (1:10); Arom. Tr. (1:5); Sweet Tr. (1:10, with liquorice and glycerin); Syr. (10 per cent.

F.E.); Arom. Syr. (15 per cent. arom. tr.); Comp. Powd. (rhub., 25; magnes., 65; ginger, 10). Rhus Glabra--U.S.P.

SUMACH BERRIES.--Astringent.--_Preparation:_ F.E. (D., 30--60 min.).

Rhus Toxicodendron--U.S.P.

POISON IVY; POISON OAK.--Alterative, Cerebral and Spinal Stimulant.--Used mostly as 20 per cent. tr., 5--30 min. per dose.

~Roch.e.l.le Salt,~--see POTa.s.sIUM & SODIUM TARTRATE.

Rose, Red--U.S.P.

Astringent.--_Preparations: _ F.E. (30--60 min.); Confect. (8:100); Honey (12 per cent. F.E.); Syr. (12-1/2 per cent. F.E.).

~Rubidium Iodide Merck.~

White cryst.--SOL. in water.--Alterative.--USES: As pota.s.sium iodide.

Does not derange stomach.--~Dose:~ 1--5 grn.

~Rubidium & Ammonium Bromide Merck.~

White, or yellowish-white, powd.; cooling taste; saline after-taste.--SOL. in water.--Antiepileptic, Sedative, Hypnotic.--USES: Epilepsy, and as soporific, instead of pota.s.sium bromide.--~Dose:~ _Antiepileptic,_ 60--100 grn. daily, in solut.; _hypnotic_, 60--75 grn.


BLACKBERRY.--Astringent.--_Preparations:_ F.E. (D., 30--60 min.); Syr.

(25 per cent. F.E.).


YELLOW DOCK.--Alterative, Antis...o...b..tic.--_Preparation:_ F.E. (D., 15--60 min.).

~Saccharin Tablets Merck.~

Each tablet equal in sweetness to a large lump of sugar.--USES: For sweetening tea, coffee, and other beverages.


BENZOYL-SULPHONIC IMIDE, _Fahlberg_; GLUSIDE.--White powd.; over 500 times as sweet as cane sugar.--SOL. in 50 parts ether, 30 parts alcohol, 230 parts water. Alkaline carbonates increase solubility in water.--Non-fermentable Sweetener.--USES: Sweeten food of diabetics and dyspeptics; cover taste of bitter and acrid remedies.


~Dose~: 10--20 grn.--_Preparation:_ Tr. (1:10).

~Salicin Merck.~

SOL. in 28 parts water, 30 parts alcohol.--Tonic, Antiperiodic, Antirheumatic.--USES: Rheumatism, malaria, general malaise, and ch.o.r.ea.--~Dose:~ 20--30 grn.--MAX. D.: 150 grn. daily.


Chapter 30 : Light-brown, insol. powd.--USED chiefly for children.--~Dose~ (Children): 5--15 grn., w
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