Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 35 : Solution, Sodium a.r.s.enate--U.S.P.1 per cent.--Alterative, Antiperiodic.--~Dose:~ 3--

Solution, Sodium a.r.s.enate--U.S.P.

1 per cent.--Alterative, Antiperiodic.--~Dose:~ 3--10 min.

Solution, Sodium Hydrate--U.S.P.

SODA SOLUTION.--5 per cent. Na OH.--ACTION, USES, DOSE, etc.: As of Solut. Pota.s.s. Hydr.

Solution, Sodium Silicate--U.S.P.

20 per cent. silica, 10 per cent. soda.--Used only for surgical dressings.

~Solution, Trimethylamine, Merck.--10%.--Medicinal.~

So-called "PROPYLAMINE."--Colorl. liq.; strong fishy and ammoniacal odor.--Antirheumatic, Sedative.--USES: Rheumatism, ch.o.r.ea, etc.--~Dose:~ 15--45 [min.]; in ch.o.r.ea as much as 1-1/2 ounces daily may be given, in sweetened, flavored water.

Solution, Zinc Chloride--U.S.P.

50 per cent.--Disinfectant, Astringent.


MERCURY DIIODO-PARAPHENOL-SULPHONATE, _Trommsdorff_.--Orange powd.--SOL. in solut. of sodium chloride or pota.s.sium iodide.--Antisyphilitic, Antiseptic, Alterative. USES: Syphilitic eruptions and ulcers, enlarged glands, parasitic skin diseases, and diseased joints.--APPLIED in 2--20% oint. or powd.; _Injection_ (hypodermically), 1--3 grn., in solut. of pota.s.sium iodide.


POTa.s.sIUM DIIODO-PARAPHENOL-SULPHONATE, _Trommsdorff._--White, odorl., cryst. powd.; 52.8% of iodine; 20% of phenol; and 7% sulphur.--SOL.

slightly in cold water; insol. in alcohol.--Antiseptic Vulnerary; Non-poisonous Succedaneum for Iodoform.--USES: _Extern._, scabies, eczema, herpes tonsurans, impetigo, syphilitic ulcers, diphtheria, burns, and scalds; ozena, ot.i.tis, and rhinitis; injection for gonorrhea.--APPLIED in 10--25% oint's or dusting-powders, which are as effective as iodoform pure.--INCOMPATIBLES: Mineral acids, ferric chloride, silver salts.



needles.--SOL. in 44 parts water; alcohol, 20 parts glycerin.--Antiseptic, Astringent, Antipyretic.--USES: _Intern._, as intestinal antiseptic, and in diabetes; _extern._, gonorrhea, cyst.i.tis, nasal catarrh, ulcers, whooping-cough, etc.--~Dose:~ 5--30 grn. daily.--EXTERN.: 10% oint., with adeps lanae, 1% solut.

in water, or 2% solut. in paraffin. In whooping-cough, 3 grn.

daily, blown into nose.



needles.--SOL. in 25 parts water, in alcohol, glycerin.--Antiseptic Astringent.--USES: Gonorrhea, nasal and pharyngeal catarrhs, etc.--APPLIED: _Rhinitis_, 5--10% trituration with milk sugar by insufflation, or 3--5% paint; _gonorrhea_, 1/2--1% solut.; _skin diseases_, 5--10% oint.; _gargle_, 1--2% solut.

~Sparteine Sulphate Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in water, alcohol.--Heart-stimulant, Diuretic.--USES: Best where digitalis fails or is contra-indicated.--~Dose:~ 1/4--1 grn.


_Preparations:_ Oil (D., 2--5 min.); Spt. (10 per cent. oil); Water (one-fifth per cent. oil).

~Spermine, Poehl.--Sterilized.~

2% solut. of spermine hydrochlorate with sodium chloride.--Nervine.--USES: Nervous diseases with anemia, neurasthenia, hystero-epilepsy, angina pectoris, locomotor ataxia, asthma, etc.; usually hypodermically.--INJECTION: 15 [min.], usually given on the lower extremities or near the shoulder-blade, once daily, for 8 or 10 days.--INCOMPATIBLE with pota.s.sium iodide treatment.

~Spermine Poehl.--Essence.~

4% aromatized alcoholic solut. of the double-salt spermine hydrochlorate-sodium chloride.--USES: _Intern._, for same diseases as the preceding.--~Dose:~ 10--30 [min.], in alkaline mineral water, every morning.


PINKROOT.--Anthelmintic.--~Dose:~ 1--2 drams.--_Preparation:_ F.E.


~Spirit, Ants, True, Merck.~

From ants.--Rubefacient.--USES: Counter-irritant in painful local affections.--APPLIED undiluted.

Spirit Glonoin--U.S.P.

SPIRIT (SOLUTION) OF NITROGLYCERIN (TRINITRIN).--1 per cent.--Antispasmodic, Vaso-dilator.--~Dose:~ 1--3 min.

~Spirit, Melissa, Concentrated, Merck.~

Rubefacient, Stimulant, Carminative.--USES: _Extern._, as counter-irritant; _intern._, in cardialgia, colic, and diarrhea.--~Dose:~ 1/2--1 dram on sugar.

Spirit, Nitrous Ether--U.S.P.

~Dose:~ 30--90 min.--INCOMPATIBLES: Antipyrine, tannin, acetanilid, phenacetin, iodides, fl. ext. buchu, tr. guaiac, and morphine salts.


~Dose:~ 1--3 grn.--_Preparations:_ F.E. (1:1); Syr. (45 per cent.

vinegar squill); Comp. Syr. (F.E. squill, 8 per cent.; F.E. senega, 8 per cent.; tartar emetic, one-fifth per cent.); Tr. (15:100); Vinegar (1:10).


STAVESACRE.--Parasiticide.--USED extern., in substance or 1:16 solut.

of fl. ext. in dil. acetic acid.


_Preparation:_ Glycerite (1:10).

~Starch, Iodized, Merck.~

2% iodine.--Bluish-black powd.--Disinfectant, Antiseptic.--USES: _Intern._, diarrhea, typhoid fever, etc.; _extern._, with adeps lanae, as subst.i.tute for tincture of iodine.--~Dose:~ 3--10 grn.


QUEEN'S ROOT.--Alterative, Resolvent.--_Preparation:_ F.E. (D., 15--60 min.).

Chapter 35 : Solution, Sodium a.r.s.enate--U.S.P.1 per cent.--Alterative, Antiperiodic.--~Dose:~ 3--
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