Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 38 : ~Thallium Acetate Merck.~--(_Not Thalline!_) White, deliquescent cryst.--SOL. in water,

~Thallium Acetate Merck.~--(_Not Thalline!_)

White, deliquescent cryst.--SOL. in water, alcohol.--USES: Recently recommended in phthisical night-sweats.--~Dose:~ 1-1/2--3 grn., at bedtime.

~Theine,~--see CAFFEINE.

~Theobromine Merck.--C.P.~

White powd.; bitter taste.--SOL. in ether; insol. in water or chloroform.--Diuretic, Nerve-stimulant.--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.

~Theobromine Salicylate Merck.--True Salt.~

Small, white, acid, permanent needles; not decomposable by water.--SOL.

slightly in water.--USES: Powerful Diuretic and Genito-urinary Antiseptic; similar in action to diuretin, but perfectly stable.--~Dose:~ 15 grn., several t. daily, in wafers, or in powd. with saccharin.

~Theobromine and Lithium Benzoate,~--see UROPHERIN B.

~Theobromine and Lithium Salicylate,~--see UROPHERIN S.

~Theobromine and Sodium Salicylate Merck.~

DIURETIN.--White, fine powd., odorl.; containing 49.7% theobromine, 38.1% salicylic acid; decomposes on exposure.--Diuretic.--USES: Heart disease; nephritis, especially of scarlet fever.--~Dose:~ 15 grn., 5--6 t. daily, in powd., or capsules, followed by water.



cryst.--SOL. slightly in water.--Antipyretic, a.n.a.lgesic.--USES: Typhoid, pneumonia, influenza, tuberculosis, etc. Temperature reduction begins in 1 hour after taking and reaches its lowest in four hours.--~Dose:~ _Antipyretic_, 5--10 grn.; _anodyne_, 15--20 grn.


POTa.s.sIUM GUAIACOLSULPHONATE, _Roche_.--White, odorl. powd., of faint bitter, then sweet, taste; 60% guaiacol.--SOL. freely in water.--ANt.i.tUBERCULAR and ANTICATARRHAL; reported non-irritating to mucosae of digestive tract, readily a.s.similated, uniformly well borne even by the most sensitive, and perfectly innocuous.--USES: Phthisis, chronic coughs and catarrhs, scrofulous disorders, etc.--~Dose:~ 8 grn., gradually increased to 30 or 40 grn., 3 t. daily; preferably in solut. with orange syrup.

~Thiosinamine Merck.~

ALLYL SULPHO-CARBAMIDE.--Colorl. cryst.; faint garlic odor; bitter taste.--SOL. in water, alcohol, or ether.--Discutient, Antiseptic.--USES: _Extern._, lupus, chronic glandular tumors; and for removing scar tissue. Possesses the power of softening cicatricial tissue, also tumors of the uterine appendages.--~Dose:~ 1/2 grn., grad. increased to 1-1/2 grn., twice daily, in diluted alcohol; _hypodermically_, 2--8 grn. in glycerino-aqueous solut., once every 3 or 4 days.

~Thymol Merck.--U.S.P.--Cryst.~

THYMIC ACID.--SOL. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; 1200 parts water.--USES: _Intern._, rheumatism, gout, chyluria, worms, gastric fermentation, etc.; _extern._, inhaled in bronchitis, coughs, coryza, etc.; for toothache and mouth-wash, and for wounds, ulcers, and skin diseases.--~Dose:~ 1--10 grn.


STANDARDIZED DRIED EXTRACT THYROID GLAND, _Knoll_.--1 part represents 2 parts fresh gland. Light-brownish, sweet, permanent powd., free from ptomaines.--Alterative.--USES: Diseases referable to disturbed function of the thyroid gland (myxedema, cretinism, struma, certain skin diseases, etc.).--~Dose:~ 15--25 grn. daily, gradually increased if necessary; children, 1/4--1/2 as much.

~Tincture, Aconite, Merck.--U.S.P.~

~Dose:~ 1--3 [min.].--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach siphon, stimulants, strychnine, or digitalis.--CAUTION: Tincture Aconite, U.S.P., is 3-1/2 times as powerful as that of the German Pharmacopoeia.

~Tincture, Adonis aestivalis, Merck.~

Antifat.--~Dose:~ 10--30 [min.], after meals, in lithia water.--CAUTION: Do not confound with Tincture Adonis Vernalis!

~Tincture, Adonis Vernalis, Merck.~

Cardiac Stimulant, Diuretic; said to act more promptly than digitalis.--~Dose:~ 3--20 [min.].--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach siphon, tannin, brandy, ammonia, opium.--CAUTION: Do not confound with Tincture Adonis aestivalis!

~Tincture, Arnica Flowers, Merck.--U.S.P.~

Antiseptic, Antipyretic.--USES:--_Intern._, to check fever; _extern._, chiefly in bruises and other injuries.--~Dose:~ 10--30 [min.].

~Tincture, Bursa Pastoris, Merck.~

TINCTURE SHEPHERD'S PURSE.--USES: Chiefly in vesical calculus.--~Dose:~ 30 [min.] three t. daily.

~Tincture, Cactus Grandiflorus, Merck.~

Heart-tonic; claimed free from c.u.mulative action.--~Dose:~ 15 [min.], every 4 hours.--MAX. D.: 30 [min.].

~Tincture, Hydrastis, Merck.--U.S.P.~

Hemostatic, Astringent, Alterative.--USES: Uterine hemorrhages, chronic catarrh, hemorrhoids, leucorrhea, gonorrhea, etc.--~Dose:~ 30--60 [min.].

~Tincture, Hyoscyamus, Merck.--U.S.P.~

~Dose:~ 10--60 [min.].--ANTIDOTES: Animal charcoal followed by emetic; opium; pilocarpine hypodermically, artificial respiration, brandy, ammonia, etc.

~Tincture, Iron Chloride.--U.S.P.~

~Dose:~ 5--20 [min.]., diluted.--INCOMPATIBLES: Alkalies, alkali benzoates and carbonates, antipyrine, most vegetable infusions and tinctures, mucilage acacia, etc.

~Tincture, Nerium Oleander, from leaves, Merck.~

Succedaneum for Digitalis.--~Dose:~ 20 [min.], three t. daily.

~Tincture, Nux Vomica, Merck.--U.S.P.~

a.s.sayed.--Containing 0.3 gramme of combined alkaloids of nux vomica in 100 cubic centimetres.--Tonic, Stimulant.--USES: Atonic indigestion; stimulant to nervous system; in chronic bronchitis, adynamic pneumonia; in poisoning by opium, chloral, or other narcotics; in all affections with impaired muscular nutrition; anemia, etc.--~Dose:~ 5--15 [min.].--ANTIDOTES: Emetics, stomach pump, tannin, pota.s.sium iodide, chloroform, amyl nitrite, opium, absolute repose, etc.

~Tincture, Pulsatilla, Merck.~

Antispasmodic, Sedative, Anodyne.--USES: _Intern._, asthma, whooping-cough, spasmodic dysmenorrhea, orchitis, etc.; _extern._, leucorrhea (1:10 water).--~Dose:~ 3--20 [min.].

~Tincture, Rhus Toxicodendron, Merck.~

USES: Chronic rheumatism, incontinence of urine, skin diseases.--~Dose:~ 15 [min.].

~Tincture, Simulo, Merck.~

Nervine, Antiepileptic.--USES: Hysteria, nervousness, and epilepsy.--~Dose:~ 30--60 [min.], two or three t. daily, in sweet wine.

Chapter 38 : ~Thallium Acetate Merck.~--(_Not Thalline!_) White, deliquescent cryst.--SOL. in water,
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