Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 40 : Valerian-U.S.P.~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.--_Preparations:_ F.E. (1:1): Tr. (1:5); Ammon. Tr.(1


~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.--_Preparations:_ F.E. (1:1): Tr. (1:5); Ammon. Tr.

(1:5 arom. spt ammonia).


MENTHOL VALERIANATE.--Colorl., syrupy liq.; mild, pleasant odor; cooling, faintly bitter taste.--Nerve Sedative, Carminative.--USES: Hysteria, epilepsy; flatulence, dyspepsia, etc.--~Dose:~ 10--20 drops, on sugar.


OXYGENATED PETROLATUM.--Faintly alkaline, yellowish-brown, syrupy ma.s.s, yielding emulsions with water and rendering such active medicaments as creolin, creosote, ichthyol, iodine, pyoktanin, etc., readily absorbable through the skin. Used combined with these, externally as well as internally. _Iodine Vasogen_ (80 grn. daily) recommended by inunction in syphilis and glandular swellings, and internally in arterial sclerosis (4--6 grn. twice daily). _Iodoform Vasogen_ used in tuberculous processes.

~Veratrine Merck.--U.S.P.~

White powd.; causes violent sneezing when inhaled; exceedingly irritating to mucous membranes.--SOL. in 2 parts chloroform, 3 parts alcohol, 6 parts ether; slightly in water.--USES: _Intern._, gout, rheumatism, neuralgia, scrofula, epilepsy; _extern._, stiff joints, sprains, and chronic swellings.--~Dose:~ 1/60--1/30 grn.--MAX. D.: 3/4 grn.--EXTERN.: 1--4% in oint.--_Preparations:_ Oleate (2%); Oint.

(4%).--ANTIDOTES: Tannic acid, emetics, powdered charcoal, stomach pump, stimulants; morphine with atropine hypodermically, heat, rec.u.mbent position.

Veratrum Viride-U.S.P.

AMERICAN h.e.l.lEBORE.--Cardiac Depressant, Diaph.o.r.etic, Diuretic.--_Preparations:_ F.E. (D., 1--4 min.); Tr. (D. 3--10 min.).--See also, Veratrine.

Viburnum Opulus--U.S.P.

CRAMP BARK.--Antispasmodic, Sedative--_Preparations:_ F.E. (D., 30--60 min.).

Viburnum Prunifolium.

BLACK HAW.--Astringent, Nervine, Oxytocic.--_Preparations:_ F.E. (D., 15--60 min.).


Not completely defined.--(Stated: "Definite, stable compound.--Whitish, odorl., insol. powd.--Surgical Antiseptic, Deodorant.--USED only _extern._, pure.")

~Water, Bitter-Almond, Merck.--U.S.P.~

0.1% hydrocyanic acid.--USES: Chiefly as vehicle.--~Dose:~ 10--20 [min.].

~Water, Cherry-Laurel, Merck.~

0.1% hydrocyanic acid.--Turbid liq.--Anodyne, Sedative, Antispasmodic.--USES: Chiefly as vehicle; also in whooping-cough, asthmatic affections, dyspnea, etc.--~Dose:~ 10--20 [min.].

White Oak--U.S.P.

Astringent.--~Dose:~ 30--60 grn., as fl. ext. or decoct.

~White Precipitate,~--see MERCURY-AMMONIUM CHLORIDE.

Wild-Cherry Bark--U.S.P.

Astringent, Tonic, Sedative.--_Preparations:_ F.E. (D., 20--60 min.); Infus. (D., 1--4 oz.); Syr. (D., 1--4 drams).


p.r.i.c.kLY ASH.--Diaph.o.r.etic, Alterative, Counterirritant.--_Preparation:_ F.E. (D., 15--60 min.).


TRIBROM-PHENOL-BIs.m.u.tH.--Yellow-green, alm. odorl. and tastel., insol.

powd.; 50% tribromphenol.--Surgical and Intest. Antiseptic.--USES: _Extern._, infected wounds, buboes, etc.; _intern._, diarrheas of various kinds.--EXTERN. like iodoform.--~Dose:~ 5--15 grn.

~Zinc Acetate Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in 3 parts water, 36 parts alcohol.--Astringent, Antiseptic, Nervine.--USES: Chiefly _extern._, collyrium in ophthalmia, injection in urethritis, and gargle in sore mouth or sore throat.--APPLIED: Eye-wash, 1--2 parts to 1000 water; gargle, 5--10 parts to 1000 water; injection, 2--5 parts to 1000 water.--~Dose:~ 1/2--2 grn.

~Zinc Bromide Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in water, alcohol, ether, ammonia.--USES: Epilepsy, in very diluted solut.--~Dose:~ 1--2 grn.--MAX. D.: 10 grn. daily.

~Zinc Carbonate Merck.--U.S.P.~

USES: Wounds, ulcers, skin diseases, etc.; also face powd.--APPLIED pure or 20% oint. or powd.

~Zinc Chloride Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in 0.3 part water; in alcohol, ether.--~Dose:~ 1/10--1/3 grn.--EXTERN.: Gonorrhea, 1:1000 solut.; wounds. 1:100--500; eyes, 1:1000, tuberculous joints, 1:10.--_Preparation:_ Solut.

(50%).--ANTIDOTES: Alkali carbonates, followed by water or milk;, anodynes, stimulants, tea, etc.

~Zinc Cyanide Merck.--Pure.~

White, cryst. powd.--Alterative, Antiseptic, Anthelmintic.--USES: Ch.o.r.ea, rheumatism, neuralgia, dysmenorrhea, colic, gastralgia, cardiac palpitation. Small doses at first and gradually increased.--~Dose:~ 1/10--1/4 grn.--ANTIDOTES: Stomach siphon, ammonia, mixture of ferrous and ferric sulphates, chlorine inhalation, cold douche, etc.

~Zinc Ferro-cyanide Merck.~

White powd.--Alterative, Antiseptic.--USES: Dysmenorrhea, rheumatism, ch.o.r.ea, gastralgia, etc.--~Dose:~ 1/2--4 grn.

~Zinc Hypophosphite Merck.~

SOL. in water.--Antiseptic, Astringent, Antispasmodic.--USES: Gastric and intestinal catarrh, ch.o.r.ea, whooping-cough, epilepsy, skin diseases.--~Dose:~ 1/2--1-1/2 grn.

~Zinc Iodide Merck.--U.S.P.~

SOL. in water, alcohol, and ether.--~Dose:~ 1--2 grn.

~Zinc Lactate Merck.~

Chapter 40 : Valerian-U.S.P.~Dose:~ 10--30 grn.--_Preparations:_ F.E. (1:1): Tr. (1:5); Ammon. Tr.(1
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