Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 43 : Sulphides: of pota.s.sium, sodium, ammonium, and calcium. They must be used in low dose

Sulphides: of pota.s.sium, sodium, ammonium, and calcium. They must be used in low doses, and are indicated in scrofulous abscess and in the chronic boils of children. To hasten suppuration.


Veratrum Viride: in full dose often aborts.

~Abscess of the Liver.~--_See Hepatic Diseases._

~Acidity of Stomach.~

Acids: before meals, or as an acid wine during meals. For acid eructations, especially of sulphuretted hydrogen.

Acid, Carbolic: to stop fermentation or to relieve an irritable condition of the stomach.

Alkalies: after meals, best as bicarbonates; with flatulence give magnesia if there is constipation; lime water if there is diarrhea.

Ammonia: in headache from acidity.

Ammonium Bicarbonate.

Atropine: for gastric hypersecretion. in gastritis due to chronic abscess or chronic alcoholism.

Very well combined with a.r.s.enic in very chronic cases, with hydrocyanic acid in more acute cases.

Calcium Carbonate, precipitated.

Cerium Oxalate.

Charcoal: as biscuits.

Creosote: same as carbolic acid.


Ipecacuanha: in small doses in pregnancy where flatulence and acidity are both present.

Kino: useful along with opium.

Lead Acetate: in gastric catarrh and pyrosis.

Lime Water.

Liquor Pota.s.sae: useful for both gastric and urinary acidity.

Magnesium Carbonate.

Magnesium Oxide.

Manganese Dioxide: sometimes relieves, probably acting like charcoal.

Mercury: When liver deranged and stools pale.

Nux Vomica: in small doses before meals, especially in pregnancy, or in chronic alcoholism.

Pota.s.sium Bitartrate.

Pota.s.sium Carbonate.

Pulsatilla: every four hours in hot water.

Silver Nitrate: same as silver oxide.

Silver Oxide: especially useful when acidity is accompanied by neuralgic pains in stomach.

Sulphurous Acid: if a.s.sociated with the vomiting of a pasty material, presence of sarcinae.

Tannalbin: when there is abundance of mucus.

Tannic Acid: in acidity a.s.sociated with chronic catarrh and flatulence.

Glycerin 1 minim, tannic acid 4 grn., as pill.


Adeps Lanae: topically.

Alkaline lotions: when skin is greasy and follicles are black and prominent.


a.r.s.enic: in chronic acne; generally, though not always, prevents the acne from bromide or iodide of pota.s.sium.

Belladonna: as local application to check a too abundant secretion.

Berberis: for acne of girls at p.u.b.erty. as ointment or powder. In acne rosacea, if acute.

Borax: solution very useful.

Cajeput Oil: as stimulant in acne rosacea.

Calcium Sulphide: same as sulphur. For internal use.



Chapter 43 : Sulphides: of pota.s.sium, sodium, ammonium, and calcium. They must be used in low dose
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