Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 50 : Cactus Grandiflorus. Calcium Lactophosphate: during nursing or after exhausting purulen

Cactus Grandiflorus.

Calcium Lactophosphate: during nursing or after exhausting purulent discharge.

Calcium Phosphate: during growth, or where system is enfeebled by drain of any kind.



Cold Sponging.

Copper a.r.s.enite.

Diet and Hygiene.





Gold Salts.



Hypophosphite of Calcium or Sodium: in cases of nervous debility care must be taken that it does not derange the digestion.


Iron: very useful. When stomach is at all irritable the carbonate is often best. Weak, anemic girls with vomiting after food are best treated with the perchloride. In coated tongue the ammonio-citrate is often best to begin with. The malate has been useful in pernicious anemia. In gastric disturbance and constipation, a combination with rhubarb is often very effectual. Where mucous membrane is very flabby, large doses of the perchloride. Chalybeate waters more often succeed than pharmaceutical preparations; one drop of the solution of perchloride in a tumbler of water is an approximate subst.i.tute for them.

Levico Water.

Manganese salts: may be given with iron--not much use alone.

Mercury b.i.+.c.hloride.

Napthol, Beta-.

Nux Vomica: useful sometimes along with iron.

Oxygen: to be inhaled in anemia from loss of blood or suppuration.

Pancreatin: in feeble digestion.

Pepsin: in feeble digestion.


Quinine: in malnutrition.

Sea-bathing: good, but not in chlorosis.

Sodium a.r.s.enate.

Sodium Hypophosphite.



Wine: with the food, to aid digestion.


Acid, Gallic, and iron.

Aconite: to relieve pain and slow the circulation.

Aliment: low diet; absolute rest.

Barium Chloride: in doses of 1/5 grn. Perhaps raises the arterial tension.

Calcium Chloride.

Chloroform: inhaled to relieve dyspnea.

Digitalis _is contra-indicated_ (Hare.)

Electrolysis: sometimes useful in causing coagulation within the sac.

Ergotin: a local hypodermic injection has been successful.


Iron-Chloride Solution: to cause coagulation on injection into sac.

Lead Acetate: useful, combined with rest.

Morphine: with croton-chloral, for pain.

Pota.s.sium Iodide: very useful in doses of 30 grn. Should be combined with the rec.u.mbent position.

Strontium Iodide.

Chapter 50 : Cactus Grandiflorus. Calcium Lactophosphate: during nursing or after exhausting purulen
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