Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 59 : ~Balanitis.~ _See also, Phimosis, Gonorrhea._ Acid, Carbolic. Acid, Tannic. Alum. Alumn

~Balanitis.~ _See also, Phimosis, Gonorrhea._

Acid, Carbolic.

Acid, Tannic.





Lead Water.

Lime Water: as lotion.

Mercury: yellow wash, as lotion.

Silver Nitrate: molded.

Sozoiodole-Pota.s.sium: dusting powder.

Sozoiodole-Sodium: lotion.

Tannin or Zinc Oxide: as dusting-powder.


Zinc Sulphate.

~Baldness.~--_See Alopecia._

~Barber's Itch.~--_See Sycosis._


Alcohol: as wash to prevent; afterwards dust with powdered starch.

Alum: with white of egg, as local application.


Balsam of Peru and Unguentum Resinae: equal parts spread on cotton wool. Subnitrate.

Catechu: with lead sub-acetate, to harden skin.

Charcoal: as poultices, to stop bed-sores.

Galvanic Couplet: of zinc and silver; one element on sore, the other on adjacent part.

Glycerin: prophylactic local application.

Hydrargyri Perchloridum: a solution mixed with diluted alcohol.


Incisions: followed by irrigation, if sores tend to burrow.




Iron Chloride: as tonic.

Medicated Poultices: patient to lie with poultices under the parts likely to be affected; if fetor, cataplasma carbonis; if sloughing, addition of Balsam of Peru.


Quinine: local dressing.

Salt and Whisky: topically to harden skin.

Silver Nitrate: dusted over open bed-sores.

Soap Plaster: applied after was.h.i.+ng with b.i.+.c.hloride solution (1 in 5000) and dusting with iodoform or iodoformogen.

Sozoiodole Pota.s.sium.

Styptic Collodion.

Tannate of Lead: at an early stage.

Zinc Oxide: ointment.

~Biliousness.~--_See also, Dyspepsia, Hepatic Congestion, Duodenal Catarrh._

Acids, Mineral: nitrohydrochloric acid especially useful in chronic hepatic affections, dysentery and dropsy of hepatic origin.

Aconite: as adjunct to podophyllin.

Chapter 59 : ~Balanitis.~ _See also, Phimosis, Gonorrhea._ Acid, Carbolic. Acid, Tannic. Alum. Alumn
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