Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 103 : Alcohol: necessary when the attack is due to a failure of digestion; not when it is th
Alcohol: necessary when the attack is due to a failure of digestion; not when it is the result of a sudden large excess.
Ammonium Carbonate: in debility.
Amylene Hydrate.
Antimony: along with opium, to quiet maniacal excitement and give sleep.
Arnica: the tincture when there is great depression.
Beef-tea: most useful.
Belladonna: insomnia when coma-vigil.
Bromide of Pota.s.sium: in large doses, especially when an attack is threatening.
Bromated Camphor: nervine, sedative, and antispasmodic.
Butyl-chloral Hydrate.
Cannabis Indica: useful, and not dangerous.
Capsic.u.m: twenty to thirty grn. doses, repeated after three hours, to induce sleep.
Chloral Hydrate: if the delirium follows a debauch; with caution in old topers and cases of weak heart; instead of sleep sometimes produces violent delirium.
Chloroform: internally by stomach.
Cimicifuga or Cimicifugin: as a tonic.
Cold Douche or Pack: for insomnia.
Conium: as an adjunct to opium.
Croton Oil: purgative.
Digitalis: in large doses has had some success.
Enemata: nutritive, when stomach does not retain food.
Ethylene Bromide.
Food: nutritious; more to be depended on than anything else.
Hyoscine Hydrobromate.
Hyoscyamus: useful, like belladonna, probably, in very violent delirium.
Ice to Head: to check vomiting.
Lupulin: as an adjunct to more powerful remedies.
Morphine Valerianate.
Nux Vomica.
Opium: to be given with caution.
Pota.s.sium Bromide.
Quinine: to aid digestion.
Sodium Bromide.
Stramonium: more powerful than belladonna.
Sumbul: in insomnia and nervous depression and preceding an attack.
Tartar Emetic.
Veratrum Viride: very dangerous.
Zinc Oxide.
Zinc Phosphide.
~Dementia Paralytica.~