Merck's 1899 Manual
Chapter 110 : Calcium Bisulphite: solution, as paint.
Chloral Hydrate.
Chlorinated-Soda Sol
Calcium Bisulphite: solution, as paint.
Chloral Hydrate.
Chlorinated-Soda Solution: as gargle or wash.
Chlorine Water: internally; locally in sloughing of the throat.
Cold: externally.
Copper Sulphate: as emetic.
Guaiac.u.m: internally.
Hydrogen Peroxide.
Ichthyol: paint.
Ice: to neck, and in mouth; with iron chloride internally if suppuration threatens.
Iodine: as inhalation.
Iron: the perchloride in full doses by the mouth, and locally painted over the throat.
Lemon Juice: gargle.
Lime Water: most serviceable in adults, as a spray.
Mercury: internally as calomel or cyanide, 1/20 to 1/40 of a grn.
Mercury b.i.+.c.hloride.
Mercury Oxycyanide.
Methylene Blue.
Milk Diet.
Oil Turpentine.
Oxygen: inhalations, with strychnine and atropine hypodermically. If suffocation is imminent, intubation or tracheotomy may be necessary.
Papain: as solvent of false membrane.
Pepsin: as membrane solvent, locally.
Pilocarpine Hydrochlorate: internally; sometimes aids in loosening the false membrane. Solution: internally.
Pota.s.sium b.i.+.c.hromate: as emetic.
Pota.s.sium Chlorate: internally, frequently repeated, and locally as a gargle.
Pota.s.sium Permanganate: as gargle.
Pyoktanin: topically.
Quinine: strong solution or spray.
Resorcin: spray.
Sanguinaria: as emetic. See under Croup.
Sa.s.safras Oil: locally.
Sodium Benzoate: in large doses, and powder insufflated.
Sodium Borate.
Sodium Hyposulphite, or Sulphites: internally and locally.
Sodium Sulphocarbolate.
Sozoiodole-Pota.s.sium: as dusting-powder with sulphur.
Sozoiodole-Sodium: as preceding; or as solution.
Strychnine: subcutaneously for paralysis.
Tannin: five per cent. solution as a spray.