English and Scottish Ballads
Chapter 42 : They kiest kevels them amang, Wha wou'd to the grenewood gang. 5 The kevels they g

They kiest kevels them amang, Wha wou'd to the grenewood gang. 5

The kevels they gied thro' the ha', And on the youngest it did fa'.

Now she must to the grenewood gang, To pu' the nuts in grenewood hang.

She hadna tarried an hour but ane, Till she met wi' a highlan' groom. 10

He keeped her sae late and lang, Till the evening set, and birds they sang.

He ga'e to her at their parting, A chain o' gold, and gay gold ring:

And three locks o' his yellow hair: 15 Bade her keep them for evermair.

When six lang months were come and gane, A courtier to this lady came.

Lord Dingwall courted this lady gay, And so he set their wedding-day. 20

A little boy to the ha' was sent, To bring her horse was his intent.

As she was riding the way along, She began to make a heavy moan.

"What ails you, lady," the boy said, 25 "That ye seem sae dissatisfied?

"Are the bridle reins for you too strong?

Or the stirrups for you too long?"

"But, little boy, will ye tell me, The fas.h.i.+ons that are in your countrie?" 30

"The fas.h.i.+ons in our ha' I'll tell, And o' them a' I'll warn you well.

"When ye come in upon the floor, His mither will meet you wi' a golden chair.

"But be ye maid, or be ye nane, 35 Unto the high seat make ye boun.

"Lord Dingwall aft has been beguil'd, By girls whom young men hae defiled.

"He's cutted the paps frae their breast bane, And sent them back to their ain hame." 40

When she came in upon the floor, His mother met her wi' a golden chair.

But to the high seat she made her boun': She knew that maiden she was nane.

When night was come, they went to bed, 45 And ower her breast his arm he laid.

He quickly jumped upon the floor, And said, "I've got a vile rank wh.o.r.e."

Unto his mother he made his moan, Says, "Mother dear, I am undone. 50

"Ye've aft tald, when I brought them hame, Whether they were maid or nane.

"I thought I'd gotten a maiden bright, I've gotten but a waefu' wight.

"I thought I'd gotten a maiden clear, 55 But gotten but a vile rank wh.o.r.e."

"When she came in upon the floor, I met her wi' a golden chair.

"But to the high seat she made her boun', Because a maiden she was nane." 60

"I wonder wha's tauld that gay ladie, The fas.h.i.+on into our countrie."

"It is your little boy I blame, Whom ye did send to bring her hame."

Then to the lady she did go, 65 And said, "O Lady, let me know

"Who has defiled your fair bodie?

Ye're the first that has beguiled me."

"O we were sisters, sisters seven, The fairest women under heaven; 70

"And we kiest kevels us amang, Wha wou'd to the grenewood gang;

"For to pu' the finest flowers, To put around our summer bowers.

"I was the youngest o' them a', 75 The hardest fortune did me befa'.

"Unto the grenewood I did gang, And pu'd the nuts as they down hang.

"I hadna stay'd an hour but ane, Till I met wi' a highlan' groom. 80

"He keeped me sae late and lang, Till the evening set, and birds they sang.

"He gae to me at our parting, A chain of gold, and gay gold ring:

"And three locks o' his yellow hair: 85 Bade me keep them for evermair.

"Then for to show I make nae lie, Look ye my trunk, and ye will see."

Unto the trunk then she did go, To see if that were true or no. 90

And aye she sought, and aye she flang, Till these four things came to her hand.

Then she did to her ain son go, And said, "My son, ye'll let me know.

"Ye will tell to me this thing:-- 95 What did yo wi' my wedding-ring?"

"Mother dear, I'll tell nae lie: I gave it to a gay ladie.

"I would gie a' my ha's and towers, I had this bird within my bowers." 100

Chapter 42 : They kiest kevels them amang, Wha wou'd to the grenewood gang. 5 The kevels they g
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