The Letters of Queen Victoria
Chapter 16 : _Tuesday, 20th June 1837._ I was awoke at 6 o'clock by Mamma, who told me that the

_Tuesday, 20th June 1837._

I was awoke at 6 o'clock by Mamma, who told me that the Archbishop of Canterbury and Lord Conyngham were here, and wished to see me. I got out of bed and went into my sitting-room (only in my dressing-gown) and _alone_, and saw them. Lord Conyngham (the Lord Chamberlain) then acquainted me that my poor Uncle, the King, was no more, and had expired at 12 minutes past 2 this morning, and consequently that I am _Queen_. Lord Conyngham knelt down and kissed my hand, at the same time delivering to me the official announcement of the poor King's demise. The Archbishop then told me that the Queen was desirous that he should come and tell me the details of the last moments of my poor good Uncle; he said that he had directed his mind to religion, and had died in a perfectly happy, quiet state of mind, and was quite prepared for his death. He added that the King's sufferings at the last were not very great but that there was a good deal of uneasiness. Lord Conyngham, whom I charged to express my feelings of condolence and sorrow to the poor Queen, returned directly to Windsor. I then went to my room and dressed.

Since it has pleased Providence to place me in this station, I shall do my utmost to fulfil my duty towards my country; I am very young and perhaps in many, though not in all things, inexperienced, but I am sure that very few have more real goodwill and more real desire to do what is fit and right than I have.

Breakfasted, during which time good, faithful Stockmar came and talked to me. Wrote a letter to dear Uncle Leopold and a few words to dear good Feodore. Received a letter from Lord Melbourne in which he said he would wait upon me at a little before 9. At 9 came Lord Melbourne, whom I saw in my room, and of _course quite alone_, as I shall _always_ do all my Ministers. He kissed my hand, and I then acquainted him that it had long been my intention to retain him and the rest of the present Ministry at the head of affairs, and that it could not be in better hands than his. He again then kissed my hand. He then read to me the Declaration which I was to read to the Council, which he wrote himself, and which is a very fine one. I then talked with him some little time longer, after which he left me. He was in full dress. I like him very much, and feel confidence in him. He is a very straightforward, honest, clever and good man. I then wrote a letter to the Queen. At about 11 Lord Melbourne came again to me, and spoke to me upon various subjects. At about half-past 11 I went downstairs and held a Council in the red saloon.

I went in of course quite alone and remained seated the whole time.

My two Uncles, the Dukes of c.u.mberland and Suss.e.x, and Lord Melbourne conducted me. The Declaration, the various forms, the swearing in of the Privy Councillors, of which there were a great number present, and the reception of some of the Lords of the Council, previous to the Council, in an adjacent room (likewise alone) I subjoin here. I was _not_ at all nervous and had the satisfaction of hearing that people were satisfied with what I had done and how I had done it. Received after this, audiences of Lord Melbourne, Lord John Russell, Lord Albemarle (Master of the Horse), and the Archbishop of Canterbury, all in my room and alone. Saw Stockmar. Saw Clark, whom I named my physician. Saw Mary. Wrote to Uncle Ernest. Saw Ernest Hohenlohe, who brought me a kind and very feeling letter from the poor Queen. I feel very much for her, and really feel that the poor good King was always so kind personally to me, that I should be ungrateful were I not to recollect it and feel grieved at his death. The poor Queen is wonderfully composed now, I hear.

Wrote my journal. Took my dinner upstairs alone. Went downstairs.

Saw Stockmar. At about twenty minutes to 9 came Lord Melbourne and remained till near 10. I had a very important and a very _comfortable_ conversation with him. Each time I see him I feel more confidence in him; I find him very kind in his manner too. Saw Stockmar. Went down and said good-night to Mamma, etc. My _dear_ Lehzen will _always_ remain with me as my friend, but will take no situation about me, and I think she is right.


_Lord John Russell to Queen Victoria._

WILTON CRESCENT, _22nd June 1837._

Lord John Russell[54] presents his humble duty to your Majesty, and has the honour to report that he presented to the House of Commons this day your Majesty's gracious Message.

He then moved an Address of Condolence and Congratulation, which was seconded by Sir Robert Peel. Sir Robert Peel very properly took occasion to speak in terms of high admiration of the deportment of your Majesty before the Privy Council on Tuesday. The Address was agreed to without a dissentient voice, and your Majesty may rest a.s.sured that the House of Commons is animated by a feeling of loyalty to the Throne, and of devotion to your Majesty.

[Footnote 54: Writing as Leader of the House of Commons.]

_Queen Adelaide to Queen Victoria._

(Undated--_22nd or 23rd June 1837._)

MY DEAREST NIECE,--I am most grateful for your amiable letter and truly kind offer to come and see me next week. Any day convenient to your Majesty will be agreeable to me, the sooner the better, for I am equally anxious to see you again, and to express to you in person all that I feel for you at this trying moment. If Monday will suit you I shall be ready to receive you and your dear Mother on that day. My prayers are with you and my blessing follows you in all you have to go through. My health is as well as it can be after the great exertions I have suffered, and I try to keep up under my heavy trial and deep affliction.

My best wishes attend you, my dearest Niece, and I am for ever your Majesty's most affectionate and faithful Friend, Aunt and Subject,



_The King of the French to Queen Victoria._

PARIS, _le 23 Juin 1837._

MADAME MA S[OE]UR,--J'ai appris avec une vive peine la perte que votre Majeste vient de faire dans la personne de son tres cher et bien aime Oncle le Roi Guillaume IV. d'auguste et venerable memoire. La vive et sincere amitie que je porte a votre Majeste, et a ceux qui lui sont chers, les liens de parente qui rapprochent nos deux familles par l'alliance de ma fille cherie avec le Roi des Belges votre Oncle bien aime, et enfin le souvenir qui m'est toujours bien cher de la tendre amitie qui m'attachait au feu Prince votre Pere, depuis que nous nous etions vus en Amerique, il y a deja trente-huit ans,[55] me determinent a ne pas attendre les formalites d'usage, pour offrir a votre Majeste mes felicitations sur son avenement au Trone de la Grande-Bretagne. Il m'est doux de penser que l'heureuse direction que la Princesse votre excellente et bien aimee Mere a si sagement donnee a votre jeune age, vous met a portee de supporter dignement le grand fardeau qui vous est echu. Je fais les v[oe]ux les plus sinceres pour que la Providence benisse votre Regne, et qu'il soit une epoque de bonheur et de prosperite pour les peuples que vous etes appelee a gouverner. Puissiez-vous aussi jouir longtemps de tout le bonheur personnel que je vous souhaite du fond de mon c[oe]ur. Je serai toujours bien empresse de manifester a votre Majeste tous les sentiments d'attachement et d'affection que je lui porte. Qu'elle me permette d'y ajouter l'expression de la haute estime et de l'inviolable amitie avec lesquelles je ne cesserai d'etre, Madame ma S[oe]ur, de votre Majeste Le Bon Frere,


[Footnote 55: In 1799 the Duke of Kent was Commander-in-Chief in British North America.]

_The King of the Belgians to Queen Victoria._

LAEKEN, _23rd June 1837._

MY BELOVED CHILD,--Your new dignities will not change or increase my old affection for you; may Heaven a.s.sist you, and may I have the _happiness of being able to be of use to you_, and to contribute to those successes in your new career for which I am so anxious. Your letter of the 19th, written very shortly before the important event took place, gave me _great satisfaction_; it showed me a temper of mind well calculated for the occasion. To see the difficulties of the task without shrinking from them or feeling alarm, and to meet them with courage, is the way to succeed. I have often seen that the _confidence_ of success has been the _cause of the success itself_, and you will do well to _preserve_ that sentiment.

I have been most happy to learn that the swearing in of the Council pa.s.sed so well. The Declaration in the newspapers I find simple and appropriate. The translation in the papers says, "_J'ai ete eleves en Angleterre._" 1. I should advise to say as often as possible that you are _born_ in England. George III. _gloried_ in this, and as _none_ of your cousins are born in England, it is your interest _de faire reporter cela fortement_. 2. You never can say too much in praise of your country and its inhabitants. Two nations in Europe are really almost ridiculous in their own exaggerated praises of themselves; these are the English and the French. Your being very national is highly important, and as you happen to be born in England and never to have left it a moment,[56] it would be odd enough if people tried to make out the contrary. 3. The Established Church I also recommend strongly; you cannot, without _pledging_ yourself to anything _particular_, _say too much on the subject_. 4. Before you decide on anything important I should be glad if you would consult me; this would also have the advantage of giving you time. In politics most measures will come in time within a certain number of days; to retrace or back out of a measure is on the contrary extremely _difficult_, and almost always _injurious_ to the highest authority.

[Footnote 56: The Duke and d.u.c.h.ess of Kent were settled at Amorbach, in Leiningen, till a short time before the birth of their child, when they came to Kensington.]

[Pageheading: THE MINISTERS]

_Queen Victoria to the King of the Belgians._

_25th June 1837._

MY BELOVED UNCLE,--Though I have an _immense_ deal of _business_ to do, I shall write you a few lines to thank you for your kind and useful letter of the 23rd, which I have just received. _Your_ advice is always of the _greatest importance_ to me.

Respecting Claremont, Stockmar will be able to explain to you the _total_ impossibility of my being out of London, as I must see my Ministers _every_ day. I am _very_ well, sleep well, and drive every evening in the country; it is so hot that walking is out of the question. Before I go further let me pause to tell you how fortunate I am to have at the head of the Government a man like Lord Melbourne.

I have seen him now every day, with the exception of Friday, and the more I see him, the more confidence I have in him; he is not only a clever statesman and an honest man, but a good and a kind-hearted man, whose aim is to do his duty for his country and not for a _party_. He is of the greatest use to me both politically and privately.

I have seen almost all my other Ministers, and do regular, hard, but to _me delightful_, work with them. It is to me the _greatest pleasure_ to do my duty for my country and my people, and no fatigue, however great, will be burdensome to me if it is for the welfare of the nation. Stockmar will tell you all these things. I have reason to be highly pleased with all my Ministers, and hope to G.o.d that the Elections[57] may be favourable, as I well know that the present Ministry is the best and most moderate we can have.

Do not, my dearly beloved Uncle, fear for my health; I shall take _good_ care of it. I beg your advice on the enclosed paper.

Ever your devoted and grateful Niece and affectionate _Child_,


[Footnote 57: At that time rendered necessary by the demise of the Crown.]

Chapter 16 : _Tuesday, 20th June 1837._ I was awoke at 6 o'clock by Mamma, who told me that the
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