The Letters of Queen Victoria
Chapter 48 : _27th November 1839._ Lord Melbourne presents his humble duty to your Majesty....A litt

_27th November 1839._

Lord Melbourne presents his humble duty to your Majesty....

A little civility would be well bestowed upon Lord and Lady Tankerville, and might not be without its effect, but if your Majesty does not like it, it cannot be helped.

The others also shall, if possible, be kept in good humour.

The misrepresentation, respecting Prince Alexander[72] your Majesty will see corrected in the _Morning Chronicle_ of that morning, but of course your Majesty will not expect that this contradiction will put an end to bitter and offensive remarks. It will now be said that, knowing the true religion, he has given over his children to the false, and that he has sacrificed their eternal welfare to his own worldly objects.[73] There is nothing which cannot be turned in an hostile and malignant manner by malignant and perverted ingenuity.

Can your Majesty inform Lord Melbourne what is the arrangement respecting King Leopold's children? They are, Lord Melbourne presumes, to be brought up Roman Catholics.

Lord Melbourne earnestly hopes to hear that your Majesty is better and more free from pain. He is himself very well.

[Footnote 72: Prince Alexander of Wurtemberg.]

[Footnote 73: See _ante_, p. 150. (Ch. VIII, Footnote 22)]

_Queen Victoria to the Prince Albert._

WINDSOR CASTLE, _27th November 1839._

_The English are very jealous of any foreigner interfering in the government of this country, and have already in some of the papers (which are friendly to me and you) expressed a hope that you would not interfere. Now, though I know you never would, still, if you were a Peer, they would all say, the Prince meant to play a political part._ I am certain you will understand this, but it is much better not to say anything more about it now, and to let the whole matter rest.

The Tories make a great disturbance (saying) that you are _a Papist_, because the words "_a Protestant Prince_" have not been put into the Declaration--a thing which would be quite unnecessary, seeing that I _cannot_ marry a _Papist_....

_Queen Victoria to the Prince Albert._

_29th November 1839._

I had a talk with Lord Melbourne last night. He thinks your view about the Peerage question quite correct. Uncle seems to me, after all, much more reasonable about it. We had a good talk this morning about your arrangements for our marriage, and also about your official attendants, and he[74] has told me that young Mr. Anson (his Private Secretary), who is with him, greatly wishes to be with you. I am very much in favour of it, because he is an excellent young man, and very modest, very honest, very steady, very well-informed, and will be of _much use_ to you. He is not a member of the House of Commons, which is also convenient; so long as Lord Melbourne is in office he remains his Secretary--but William Cowper[75] was also for some time Secretary to his Uncle, and at the same time my Groom-in-Waiting. Lord Melbourne feared it was not advisable for you to have Mr. Anson, and also his uncle, but I told him that did not matter if the people are fit for the posts....

[Footnote 74: Lord Melbourne.]

[Footnote 75: Afterwards William Cowper-Temple and Lord Mount Temple, author of the well-known amendment to the Education Act of 1870.]


_Queen Maria II. of Portugal to Queen Victoria._

LISBONNE, _1 Decembre 1839._

MA BIEN CHeRE VICTOIRE,--Hier ayant recu la communication de votre mariage avec Albert, je ne veux pas tarder un seul instant a vous en feliciter sur votre heureux choix, et en meme temps vous prier de croire aux v[oe]ux sinceres que je forme pour votre bonheur avec votre excellent c[oe]ur il n'est pas possible le contraire. Permettez que je vous dise que votre choix ne m'a pas du etonner, car sachant combien Albert est bon, vous ne pouviez pas choisir un autre dont vous fussiez aussi sure qu'il puisse vous rendre aussi heureuse comme vous le meritez, chere Victoire. Pour que tous mes souhaits soient exauces je vous desire un bonheur aussi complet que l'est le mien. Qu'Albert soit comme Ferdinand et vous serez parfaitement heureuse. Adieu! ma chere Victoire. Je vous prie de me croire, votre devouee Cousine,


Ferdinand vous fait dire mille choses.


_Queen Victoria to the Prince Albert._

WINDSOR CASTLE, _8th December 1839._

As to your wish about your gentlemen, my dear Albert, I must tell you quite honestly that it will not do. You may entirely rely upon me that the people who will be about you will be absolutely pleasant people, of high standing and good character. _These gentlemen will not be in continual attendance on you; only on great occasions, and to accompany you when you go anywhere, and to dinners, etc. Seymour is your confidential attendant, and also Schenk and Anson,[76] whom Lehzen has written to you about._

_Old Sir George Anson has been told of your gracious wish to have him as Groom of the Bedchamber and is delighted._

_I_ can only have _Lords_, and they will not be _Peers_, but _Lords_, the eldest sons of Dukes or Marquesses, or Earls (Counts), and who as far as possible are not in Parliament, for then they need not change, _but your people are appointed by you and not by me (nominally), and therefore, unless they were to vote against my Government (which would be awkward), they need not change. You may rely upon my care that you shall have proper people, and not idle and not too young, and Lord Melbourne has already mentioned several to me who would be very suitable...._

I have received to-day an ungracious letter from Uncle Leopold. He appears to me to be nettled because I no longer ask for his advice, but dear Uncle is given to believe that he must rule the roast everywhere. However, that is not a necessity. As he has written to Melbourne, Melbourne will reply to him on every point, and will also tell him that Stockmar ought to come here as soon as possible to arrange everything about the treaty. That will be a very good thing, because Stockmar understands all English things so well.

The _Second_, as you always called Palmerston, is to be married within the next few days to Lady Cowper, the sister of my Premier (_Primus_); I have known this for a long time, but Melbourne asked me not to tell it to any one. They are, both of them, above fifty, and I think that they are quite right so to act, because Palmerston, since the death of his sisters, is quite alone in the world, and _Lady C._ is a very clever woman, and _much_ attached to him; still, I feel sure it will make you smile.

[Footnote 76: Mr George Anson had been Private Secretary to Lord Melbourne; it was on Lord Melbourne's recommendation that the Queen appointed him Private Secretary to Prince Albert.

The Prince was inclined to resent the selection, and to think that in the case of so confidential an official he should have been allowed to make his own nomination. But they became firm friends, and the Prince found Mr Anson's capacity, common sense, and entire disinterestedness of the greatest value to him. Later he became keeper of the Prince's Privy Purse, and died in 1849.]

(_Continued on the 9th_).--To-day I have had a _Conseil_, and then I knighted the Mayor of Newport[77] (who distinguished himself so much in that _riot of the Chartists_[78]); he is a very timid, modest man, and was very happy when I told him orally how exceedingly satisfied I am with his conduct.... The officers have been rewarded too.... I am plaguing you already with tiresome politics, but you will in that find a proof of my [confidence] love,[79] because I must share with you everything that rejoices me, everything that vexes or grieves me, and I am certain you will take your part in it....

To-day I saw Lord William Russell--you know him, don't you? I forgot to tell you that you will have a _great Officer of State_ at the head of your Household, who is called the _Groom of the Stole_; it is a position in the Court for prestige only, without any business; he will be a _Peer_....

[Footnote 77: Mr T. Phillips, the Mayor of Newport, Monmouths.h.i.+re, had behaved with great coolness and courage during the riot on 4th November. He read the Riot Act among showers of bullets before ordering the troops to fire.]

[Footnote 78: Frost, Williams, and others, afterwards convicted at Monmouth.]

[Footnote 79: The Queen had begun the word "confidence" but struck it out and subst.i.tuted "love."]

(_Continued 10th December_).--I am very impatient at your bust not having yet arrived; the d.u.c.h.ess of Sutherland wrote to me she had seen it in Rome, and it was so beautiful!...

Who has made the little copy which you sent me, and who the original?

Feodore writes to me so much about you....

We expect Queen Adelaide to-day, who will stay here until the day after to-morrow. Melbourne has asked me to enquire of you whether you know Lord Grosvenor? He is the eldest son of the Marquis of Westminster, and does not belong to any party; he is not in Parliament. He is very pleasant, speaks German very well, and has been a good deal on the Continent. If he accepts, he might be one of your _gentlemen_. _Lord Melbourne is particularly desirous of doing everything that is most agreeable to you._ I have a request to make, too, viz., that you will appoint poor Clark your _physician_; you need not consult him unless you wish it. It is only an honorary t.i.tle, and would make him very happy....

Chapter 48 : _27th November 1839._ Lord Melbourne presents his humble duty to your Majesty....A litt
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