The Bible Story
Chapter 8 : L.J., 109, It is a Sin to Get Angry.S.A., 55, Wait Patiently.S.A., 179, Job.Patriotism H

L.J., 109, It is a Sin to Get Angry.

S.A., 55, Wait Patiently.

S.A., 179, Job.


H.T., 137, Moses.

H.T., 319, Gideon.

T.J., 60, Esther.

T.J., 212, Nehemiah.


H.T., 202, The Commandments.

L.J., 105, The Beat.i.tudes.

S.A., 143, The Songs of the Pure in Heart.

S.A., 256, Praise of the Wise and Virtuous Woman.

S.A., 426, Temptation.


H.T., 470, The Dedication of the Temple.

T.J., 15, The Story of Creation.

L.J., 41, The Wise Men.

L.J., 111, The Right Way to Pray.

L.J., 237, In the Temple.

S.A., 30, Song of the Earth and Sky.

S.A., 42, The Glory of the Lord.

S.A., 113, The Lord Reigneth.

S.A., 120, G.o.d the Creator.

S.A., 245, Remember also Thy Creator.



H.T., 91, Joseph.

T.J., 113, Elijah and Elisha.

L.J., 78, The First Miracle.

L.J., 92, Jesus and the King's Officer.

L.J., 121, The Roman Soldier's Faith.

L.J., 125, Days of Service.

L.J., 130, The Miracle at Nain.

L.J., 136, The Tempest.

L.J., 141, The Little Girl Who Died.

L.J., 143, Learning to Serve.

L.J., 144, The Feeding of the Mult.i.tude.

L.J., 167, The Enemies of Jesus.

L.J., 197, At the Feast of the Dedication.

L.J., 229, The Supper at Bethany.

L.J., 244, The Story of the Faithful Servant.

L.J., 376, The First Missionary Journeys.

L.J., 396, The Macedonian Cry.


L.J., 141, The Little Girl Who Died.

L.J., 144, The Feeding of the Mult.i.tude.

L.J., 215, The Raising of Lazarus from the Dead.

Thankfulness and Cheerfulness

S.A., 22, A Little Lower than G.o.d.

S.A., 26, A Song of Deliverance.

S.A., 35, The Good Shepherd.

S.A., 40, The Lord is My Salvation.

S.A., 45, Weeping may Endure for a Night, but Joy Cometh in the Morning.

S.A., 85, Let the Peoples Praise Thee.

S.A., 116, Thanksgiving and Praise.

S.A., 118, Our Father.

S.A., 170, Songs of Praise.

S.A., 277, G.o.d is My Salvation.

S.A., 286, Awake, O Zion.

S.A., 290, Beautiful Zion.

S.A., 291, Ho, Every One that Thirsteth.


H.T., 91, Joseph.

T.J., 143, How a Great Soldier was Healed of Leprosy.

L.J., 70, The Temptation in the Wilderness.

L.J., 115, The Golden Rule and the Right Way to be Rich.

L.J., 211, The Rich Young Man; L.J., 258, Jesus is the True Vine.

L.J., 261, Jesus Prays for His Disciples.

L.J., 346, Simon the Sorcerer.



Do you know Abraham Lincoln's plan of learning English? It was a very simple and direct way of making the Bible English his own. The Bible, we are told, was one of the four or five books which Lincoln read and loved as a boy. He knew it well and to his study of it he owed the simple, strong, and beautiful English which gave his speeches--his address at Gettysburg, the Second Inaugural address, and many others--their high place among the most perfect and enduring of all writings.

This was his plan: He would read a story, or a part of one, very slowly and thoughtfully, oftentimes aloud. When every detail of it was clear in his mind, he would close the book, take pencil and paper and write the story for himself, using as many of the Bible words as he could remember, and trying always to tell the story as _well_ and as _completely_, and yet in as _few words_ as the Bible.

He tells us his stories were never quite so clear, so brief, and yet so perfect, as those of his model. But he did learn to command its simplicity, its strength, its brevity, and its imagery.

Try Lincoln's way, using the following selections:--

A Cowardly Deed. 91, 92, 95, 96 H. T.

Chapter 8 : L.J., 109, It is a Sin to Get Angry.S.A., 55, Wait Patiently.S.A., 179, Job.Patriotism H
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