Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases
Chapter 60 : vast advantage veering purpose vehement panting veiled insolence velvety lawn venerab

vast advantage

veering purpose

vehement panting

veiled insolence

velvety lawn


venerable placidity

venomous pa.s.sion

veracious journals [veracious = honest; truthful; accurate; precise]

verbal audacities

verbose manner

verdant hope

verifiable facts

veritable triumph

vernacular expression

vernal charm [vernal = resembling spring; fresh; youthful]

versatile grace

vexatious circ.u.mstances

vicarious virtue

vigilant sensibility

vigorous invective [invective = abusive language]

vile desecrater

villainous inconsistency

vindictive sentiment

violent agitation

virgin grace

virile leaders.h.i.+p

virtual surrender

virtuous disdain

virulent prejudice

visible embarra.s.sment

visionary dreamer

vital interpretation

vitiated taste [vitiated = reduce the value; corrupt morally]

vitriolic sneer

vivacious excitement

vivid portrayal

vociferous appeal

voiceless mult.i.tude

volatile fragrance

volcanic suddenness

voluble prose [voluble = ready flow of speech; fluent]

voluminous biography

voluntary relinquishment

voracious animosity

votive wreath

vulgar prosperity

vulnerable foe


wabbling enterprise [wabbling = wobbling]

Chapter 60 : vast advantage veering purpose vehement panting veiled insolence velvety lawn venerab
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