An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 50 : BATWARD, _s._ A boatman; literally, a boat-keeper. _Wyntown._ Isl. _bat_, cymba, and _v

BATWARD, _s._ A boatman; literally, a boat-keeper.


Isl. _bat_, cymba, and _vard_, vigil, Swed. _ward_, custodia.

BAVARD, _adj._ Worn out, in a state of bankruptcy.

_Baiver_ and _baiver-like_, are used in S. to signify shabby in dress and appearance.

V. ~Bevar~.


Fr. _bavard_, _baveur_, a driveller; also, a babbler.

BAUBLE, _s._ A short stick, with a head carved at the end of it like a _poupee_, or _doll_, carried by the fools of former times.

_Lord Hailes._

Fr. _babiole_, a toy, a gewgaw.

BAUCH, BAUGH, BAACH, (gutt.) _adj._

1. Ungrateful to the taste. In this sense _waugh_ is now used, S.


2. Not good, insufficient in whatever respect, S. as "a _baugh_ tradesman," one who is far from excelling in his profession.


_Bauch-shod_, a term applied to a horse, when his shoes are much worn, S.

3. Indifferent, sorry, not respectable, S.


4. Not slippery. In this sense ice is said to be _bauch_, when there has been a partial thaw. The opposite is _slid_ or _gleg_, S.

Isl. _bag-ur_, reluctans, renuens; _bage_, jactura, noc.u.mentum (offals); _baga_, bardum et insulsum carmen.

BAUCHLY, _adv._ Sorrily, indifferently, S.


BAUCHNESS, _s._ Want, defect of any kind, S.


1. To wrench, to distort, to put out of shape; as "_to bauchle shoon_,"

to wear shoes in so slovenly a way as to let them fall down in the heels, S.

_Journ. London._

2. To treat contemptuously, to vilify.


_Bashel_ may be allied to Fr. _bossel-er_, to bruise.

Isl. _backell_, luxatus, valgus, shambling, _biag-a_ violare, whence _biag-adr_ luxatus, membrorum valetudine violatus.


1. An old shoe, used as a slipper, S.

2. Whatsoever is treated with contempt or disrespect. _To mak a bauchle of_ any thing, to use it so frequently and familiarly, as to shew that one has no respect for it, S.

_Ferguson's Prov._

BAUGIE, _s._ An ornament; as, a ring, a bracelet.


Teut. _bagge_ gemma; Isl. _baug-r_; Alem. _boug_, A. S. _beag_, Fr.

_bague_, Ital. _bagun_, annulus.

BAUK, BAWK, _s._

1. One of the cross-beams in the roof of a house, which support and unite the rafters, S.

2. The beam by which scales are suspended in a balance, S.

Teut. _balck waeghe_, a balance. We invert the term, making it _weigh-bauks_. Germ. _balk_, Belg. _balck_, Dan. _bielke_, a beam.

BAUK, BAWK, _s._ A strip of land left unploughed, two or three feet in breadth, S.

_Statist. Acc._

Chapter 50 : BATWARD, _s._ A boatman; literally, a boat-keeper. _Wyntown._ Isl. _bat_, cymba, and _v
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