An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 52 : Perhaps from Su. G. _ba.s.se_, vir potens, V. ~Bausy~, or _base_, spectrum, and _brun_,

Perhaps from Su. G. _ba.s.se_, vir potens, V. ~Bausy~, or _base_, spectrum, and _brun_, fuscus, q. the strong goblin of a brown appearance.

BAXTER, _s._ A baker, S.

V. ~Bakster~.


BAZED, BASED, BASIT, _part. pa._

_Watson's Coll._

_Maitland Poems._

Teut. _baes-en_, delirare; Belg. _byse_, _bysen_, turbatus; Su. G.

_bes-a_ denotes the state of animals so stung by insects, that they are driven hither and thither; Fr. _bez-er_, id.

BE, _prep._

1. By, as denoting the cause, agent, or instrument, S.


2. Towards, in composition; as, _be-east_, towards the east; _be-west_, towards the west, S.


3. Of, concerning; as, _be the_, concerning thee.


4. By the time that.


5. During, expressive of the lapse of time.


A. S. _be_, per; de; circa.

_Be than_, by that time.

BE, _part. pa._ Been.


_To_ BEAL.

V. ~Beil~.


V. ~Benshaw~.

_To_ BEAR, BER, BERE, _v. a._ _To bear on hand_, to affirm, to relate.


_To bear upon_, to restrain one's self, S. B.


BEAR, BERE, _s._ Barley, having four rows of grains, S. Hordeum vulgare, Linn.


A. S. _bere_, Moes. G. _bar_, hordeum.

BEAR LAND, land appropriated for a crop of barley, S.

_To go through the bear land with_ one, to tell him all the grounds of umbrage at his conduct, to pluck a crow with him, S.

BEARIS BEFOR, Ancestors.


A translation of Lat. _antecessores_.

BEARANCE, _s._ Toleration, S.

_J. Nicol._

BEAT, _s._ A stroke, a blow, a contusion, S. B. apparently the same with _Byt_ used in this sense by Douglas.

_To_ BEBBLE, _v. a._

Chapter 52 : Perhaps from Su. G. _ba.s.se_, vir potens, V. ~Bausy~, or _base_, spectrum, and _brun_,
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