An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language
Chapter 501 : _Dunbar._
Isl. _luber-ia_, pertundere.
LIBBERLY, _s._ Perh. the same as _libberlay_.
Isl. _luber-ia_, pertundere.
LIBBERLY, _s._ Perh. the same as _libberlay_.
_Priests Peblis._
LY-BY, _s._ A neutral.
1. An animated body.
_K. Hart._
2. A dead body.
A. S. _lichama_, Isl. _lykame_, corpus.
LICHELUS, _adj._ Perh. for _licherus_, lecherous.
_Maitland Poems._
LYCHLEFUL, _adj._ Contemptuous.
V. ~Lichtly~.
_Abp. Hamiltoun._
LYCHT, _adj._ Merry.
LICHTER, LICHTARE, _adj._ Delivered of a child, S. B.
Isl. _verda liettare_, eniti partum.
LYCHTLY, _adj._ Contemptuous.
A. S. _liht_ and _lic_, having the appearance of lightness.
_To_ ~Lichtlie~, ~Lychtly~, ~Lithlie~, _v. a._
1. To undervalue, to slight, S.
_Complaynt S._
2. To slight, in love, S.
~Lichtlie~, _s._ The act of slighting, S.
~Lychtlyness~, _s._ Contempt.
LYCHTNIS, _s. pl._ Lungs, S. A.
_Complaynt S._
_To_ LICK, _v. a._
1. To strike, to beat, S.
2. To overcome, S.
Su. G. _laegg-a_, ferire, percutere.
~Lick~, _s._ A blow, S.
_To give one his licks_, to beat one, S.
LICK, _s._ A wag, S.