Jus Primae Noctis
Chapter 2 : Jus Primae Noctis Chapter 2“I know that you wish for me to relinquish my right to bed he

Jus Primae Noctis Chapter 2

“I know that you wish for me to relinquish my right to bed her on her wedding night; that is possible. But I want to exchange it for another right, although in reality that right also belongs to me anyway.” At this juncture, Wilts.h.i.+re stopped speaking of the matter, waiting for Walker's reaction.

“My Lord, as long as you spare Winifred, I am willing to do anything.” Knowing that Wilts.h.i.+re was waiting for a pledge from him, Walker immediately declared his position on the matter with no hesitation at all.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, my Lord.”

“Actually, it’s very simple.” Wilts.h.i.+re smiled again. At that, Walker began to feel a drop of cold sweat slowing meandering down his forehead although he did not know why he would have such a reaction.

“Well then, in that case you will use the virginity of your behind to exchange for your sister's virginity!”

“What…” It was apparent that Walker had wanted to give an outraged shout, but when he opened his mouth, all he could manage was a hoa.r.s.e rasp due to the excessive shock he had suffered.

“You don’t understand? As long as you spread your legs and let me stick this into your backside, I will let your sister off. Do you understand what I mean, now that I put it like this?” Wilts.h.i.+re undid the b.u.t.tons on his form-fitting trousers and pointed to the part that protruded out with a finger while looking at the utterly flabbergasted Walker with a lewd look on his face.

“No… No… No no no…” It was beginning to dawn upon Walker than Wilts.h.i.+re was not joking and he began backing away steadily in the direction of the door. He was trying to put as much s.p.a.ce as possible between them, anxious to escape from this room --- suddenly it felt narrow and oppressively small --- as if this beautiful young man in front of him was the very incarnation of the devil. However, when his gaze fell upon the slender girl that was laid out on the bed, he was immediately rooted to the spot, as if vines had erupted from the ground and twined themselves around his feet.

“Aren't you wearing a Scottish kilt today? Very good, I've heard that Scotsmen do not wear underpants beneath their kilts. Now, go and stand in the corner over there and lift up your kilt. It will just take five minutes of your time, after that you can bring your sister back to the church to continue with the wedding, with her moral integrity as unblemished as a piece of flawless white jade [1].” On Wilts.h.i.+re's pale but fine-featured face, there had appeared an incongruous evil smile. Pointing to a corner behind the bed, he was looking forward, with considerable interest, to relis.h.i.+ng to sight of the valiant man in front of him brought to the point of collapse.

Uncontrollably, Walker's face grew red. Even his chocolate-coloured skin, acquired through spending his days in the sun all throughout the year, could do nothing to conceal the flush that swept over his face.

Perceiving Walker's hesitation, Wilts.h.i.+re intentionally cast a seemingly accidental glance at Winifred --- she had been stripped down to her petticoat, her long hair was unbound and flowed around her prostrate form, making her appear ever so delicate and defenceless, just like a tender young j.a.panese Rose bloom [2].

Keenly aware of the implicit meaning behind Wilts.h.i.+re's cold and mocking eyes, Walker's face turned pale.

“Please, not here…” After struggling with his own thoughts for several minutes, Walker clenched his jaw and managed to hiss out this sentence from the slivers of s.p.a.ce between his teeth.

“She won't wake up, it seems that someone has given your delicate little flower a sedative.”

When he saw that Walker was still standing at the same spot like a frozen block of wood, Wilts.h.i.+re rubbed his lovely fingers together impatiently and said: “I am very busy, if you keep on procrastinating… Mister Robinson, I cannot guarantee that I will have enough patience to keep waiting.”

Believing that the n.o.bleman's interest in him was merely a pa.s.sing fancy, a whim that occurred on the spur of the moment, Walker began to fear that Wilts.h.i.+re would lose interest in this notion and change his target to Winifred instead.

“Alright, come on then! We both know that this is no big deal.” The sound was very soft; what Walker was doing was merely trying to convince himself.

With a stiff posture, he walked over to the corner indicated by Wilts.h.i.+re and slowly pressed himself against the wall, resting his hands hesitantly on his kilt. However he did not lift it up as Wilts.h.i.+re had demanded.

A smile born of enrapturement blossomed on Wilts.h.i.+re's face --- it had been a long time since he had last felt so interested in anything but the prospect of raping this strong Scotsman caused him to feel as though boiling-hot blood was coursing through his veins.

He walked over lazily, extending a hand, he grasped the male s.e.x organ under Walker's kilt firmly --- there was no affection or tenderness to this action, it was purely to grab at the other party's weakness as a means of establis.h.i.+ng even more control over him.

For a spell, that warm and soft flesh trembled in Wilts.h.i.+re's palm, as if it were a sentient object that was beginning to awaken after a period of inertia.

“If you don’t wish for that little flower that is lying on the bed to become my snack for tonight, then don’t stand there like a block of wood! Lift your right leg up!” As he was berating the other party with a stern voice, Wilts.h.i.+re was lifting up the other man's thigh, which seemed to be half again as thick as his own and forcefully bending it to the man's chest. Holding it in that position, he then pressed up against him with his whole body.

“Scottish kilts are only convenient at times like this, but beyond that…” He wickedly mocked Walker as he drove the length of the second finger on his right hand straight into the narrow and simmeringly hot pa.s.sageway.

Walker's entire body jolted, as if he had suffered an electric shock. His eyes flew wide open instantly, as if he could not believe the outrageously obscene feeling that had shot through him. But when Wilts.h.i.+re started to drill his finger in and out of his body repeatedly, the feeling it produced caused him to shut his eyes quickly.

“Open your eyes! I want you to see how I shall put it in.” Wilts.h.i.+re was totally in love with the feelings of wickedness and lasciviousness that were sweeping over him in that moment, they swept away all the feelings of boredom that had engulfed him during these monotonous days in Stonehaven, and his whole body felt like it was burning up.

He quickened the pace in which he thrust his finger and then leaned in, his lips were close to Walker's cheek now... the unwilling Walker canted his head to the side to avoid his lips, but Wilts.h.i.+re followed his movement and he was quickly trapped against the wall.

The Scotsman's oral cavity carried a warm, musky taste... Realizing that the other party had already taken a bath as part of his preparations for attending his younger sister's wedding, Wilts.h.i.+re gave a satisfied smile.

Forcefully, after he pressed Walker even more firmly against the wall, Wilts.h.i.+re took out his own manhood and with his hand, he slowly guided and tried to insert it into Walker's body. At first, his attempts met with little success because the man's pa.s.sage was too narrow. Several times, Wilts.h.i.+re's p.e.n.i.s was turned away to the side and slipped out, finally he lost all patience --- with a fierce push forward, at last, he managed to fully insert it using brute force.

Veins were showing on that enormous p.e.n.i.s; as he watched saw it enter into his own body, Walker's eyeb.a.l.l.s bulged out and almost fell out of their sockets in shock. Watching the strong and courageous expression on the face of the Scotsman disappear, an all-consuming, fiery thrill --- one that Wilts.h.i.+re had not experienced for such a very long time --- sprang up in his heart.

While continuing to thrust himself into the man's body in that position, Wilts.h.i.+re snaked his hand underneath the clothes on Walker's upper body. Seeking out that tiny little fruit, he fiercely kneaded and pinched it.

“Ah…” The man who was being squeezed between the wall and Wilts.h.i.+re gave a moan. But he was immediately reminded of the fact that his sister was still lying just beside them and helplessly clamped a hand over his mouth.

Feeling that tight ring of muscle that encircled his own engorged desire give a contraction, Wilts.h.i.+re could not help but to let a smile escape, which adorned the corners of his mouth. Wearing the same smile, he began to move his own body back and forth.

Every time he penetrated him deeply, Wilts.h.i.+re could see the humiliated expression on the face of the man pinned under him, that expression became the ultimate aphrodisiac and excited him to the point where he forgot to exercise any restraint over his own pa.s.sions.

Obviously this had started as merely a game --- a way to while away the boring afternoon --- but Wilts.h.i.+re discovered that he had invested too much pa.s.sion into it and was losing control, at the same time he also did not wish to reign in his own br.i.m.m.i.n.g fervour, and very quickly, in the midst of thrusts that made him gasp for breath incessantly, he began to release his own desire...

Slowly setting down Walker's thigh, which had been yanked up high throughout the encounter, Wilts.h.i.+re pretended not to see the rage on that man's face; he looked like he was on the verge of an unrestrained eruption.

“Ah, it was indeed the first time, the big brother's virginity has been exchanged for the right to the little sister's virginity. On the whole, we can be said to be even.” Without batting an eyelash, Wilts.h.i.+re took a step back and bent his head to admire the sight of fresh blood and s.e.m.e.n flowing down Walker's thighs while he was making his vile commentary, expressing his own views on the brutal s.e.x that had taken place.

“My Lord Marquess, may I leave with Winifred now?” Both of Walker's legs were shaking slightly, but he raised his chin with that distinctive Scottish pride [3] as he asked his question.

“Do you want me to help you clean up your bottom? In addition...” Wilts.h.i.+re saw that Walker had clenched his fists and his face began to take on a murderous expression; in the end, however, he managed to curb his impulses. Walker used the handkerchief that Wilts.h.i.+re tossed over to him to carelessly wipe off the fluids that had flowed onto his legs before he walked over to the side of the bed. Bending down, he picked Winifred up, who was still unconscious.

Although it had taken only a few steps to reach the bed, Wilts.h.i.+re saw that an expression of unbearable agony had shown itself on Walker's face quite a few times in that period.

“You may not be able to ride on a horse, do you want me to have a carriage prepared to take you and your sister to the church?” Wilts.h.i.+re did not wish for this newly-discovered toy to collapse midway on the road, just like that.

“No need for that, my Lord. I have already had the privilege of fully experiencing your kindness, I do not wish to be a bother to you any further.” Walker retorted coldly.

n.o.body could tell that he had just been subjected to a violation of considerable brutality. Even now, the insides of his body was still full of that man's s.e.m.e.n and with every single step that he took, piercing, deep-rooted pains would shoot out from the region of his waist.

End of Jus Primae Noctis Chapter 2


[1]: I’ll probably translate the metaphors/references as close to the Chinese text as possible, even if it sounds a bit weird if you think about the fact that this is set in England. In this instance, Jade is not particularly favoured by the English, but it is traditionally the most precious material for the Chinese. It has been treasured since Neolithic times. The importance of Jade stone in Chinese culture is reflected in its status as a symbol of goodness, preciousness and beauty. To the Chinese, jade stone is also the embodiment of the Confucian virtues of courage, wisdom, modesty, justice and compa.s.sion.

[2]: 蔷薇花 (qiáng wēi huā): rosa multiflora, also known as j.a.panese rose.

[3]: The sentence could also be interpreted to mean that Walker has a distinctively Scottish chin. I’m tried to google for “Scottish chin” thinking that it might be a visually distinctive physical characteristic, like the Roman nose, but there are very few results. So, I’m not convinced that it’s a “thing” and I’m going with pride as the distinctively Scottish characteristic.

Chapter 2 : Jus Primae Noctis Chapter 2“I know that you wish for me to relinquish my right to bed he
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