Jus Primae Noctis
Chapter 9 : Jus Primae Noctis Volume 2, Chapter 2Paris was a wonderful metropolis.Walker had long gr

Jus Primae Noctis Volume 2, Chapter 2

Paris was a wonderful metropolis.

Walker had long grown accustomed to the dullness and quietness of Stonehaven; to him, Paris was just like a dream in vivid colour --- in the city that was full of laughter and clamour, women dressed in gaily-coloured clothes thronged the streets, standing around in small groups. Plays with scintillating dialogue were being staged one right after the other in the theatres, and the cafes were filled with gatherings of distinguished guests, with the literati composing and delivering impromptu poems that were replete with abstruse rhetoric.

Wilts.h.i.+re also seemed to have become affected by the ebullient atmosphere of the city, his veneer of being a languid gentleman receded and he was suddenly transformed into a pa.s.sionate Gallic lover. Sitting shoulder to shoulder with him as their horse carriage traipsed around the streets of Paris, listening to him constantly pointing out the various sights that pa.s.sed by their carriage window in an enthusiastic tone of voice, Walker distinctly felt that perhaps he had already embarked on the most mysterious and fascinating journey that he would ever have in his entire life.

Before they had left for Paris, Wilts.h.i.+re had gone to the tailor in Le Havre that was, by reputation, the best in town and had kitted Walker out in expensive attire from head to toe. His jacket was woven with gold thread, bringing out his flaxen coloured hair and eyes, perfectly masking the air of unsophistication that he exuded. His tall, imposing figure and strong musculature were made to appear even more striking, to the point where the pet.i.te Parisians perpetually took him to be a n.o.bleman hailing from Scandinavia.

The proprietor of the hotel had a.s.sumed that they were the scions of rich families who were in France for a leisure trip and recommended the Weiwaweisi [1] to them --- the most celebrated dance hall in Paris. The Weiwaweisi was quite famous even in London, it had a reputation for being a favourite haunt of the skirt-chasers and social b.u.t.terflies of Paris. At the moment, the two of them were en route to that place.

Wilts.h.i.+re seemed to have suddenly thought of an important question: “Walker, do you know how to dance?”

“Would any kind of dance do?” Walker turned his gaze from the nightscape playing out beyond the window.

“You know full well that I am not taking about Scottish dance or anything like that, I mean dances such as the waltz or some type of courtly dances...” When he saw that Walker's eyes had widened, Wilts.h.i.+re knew that there was no need to go on asking.

“You don’t know how to, right?” He gave a sigh, and began to doubt if they would be able to find any amus.e.m.e.nt on that night after all.

Crowded in among a tide of people, they entered the dance hall. Once inside, Walker kept on looking around curiously, taking the measure of his surroundings --- people from many spectrums of Parisian society were congregated here, such as: people of wealth, women of the demi-monde, well-born ladies and foreigners.

There was a band playing on two sides of the dance floor, and the dance floor was already quite crowded. Men were holding women in their arms and they spun around in intricate whirls, their bodies pressed as tightly together as if they were lovers.

“Whiskey?” Wilts.h.i.+re smiled as he pa.s.sed the drink in his hand to Walker. “Do you like it here?”He asked. 

Walker made no reply, he drained all of the wine in the gla.s.s in one gulp and suddenly began smiling.

“Go and ask a woman to dance, since we have come to a dance hall, why limit yourself to sitting here just to accompany me.” He requested, thinking that he would like to have a gander at the Marquess's dance posture and movements.

“As opposed to dancing with women with clammy palms, I'll rather stay here and keep you company.” Under the table, Wilts.h.i.+re extended his hand over to Walker's, covering it with his own. The expression on the Marquess's face was very sweet, like a young schoolboy who had fallen head over heels in love for the first time.

“Just go, don't tell me that you think I will get jealous because of such a thing?”

It was only when he saw a smile rapidly blooming on Wilts.h.i.+re's face that it dawned on Walker that his manner of speaking had been like a lover's. His face turned red, but other than that, he also did not know how to revise that sentence in a proper manner.

Wilts.h.i.+re's smile was exceedingly happy, he leaned his body against Walker's; imitating the gestures of drunken people, he placed his arms around Walker's waist and placed his head against his chest.

“If there weren’t so many people here…” A long while later, he raised his head and looked at Walker with his limpid eyes while saying these ambiguous words in a voice that was full of tender feelings.

Walker was just about to give him a retort when he found that Wilts.h.i.+re had already released him, and had stood up. “I’ll give you a chance to admire my excellent dancing skills.”

Although he affected a relaxed demeanour, the fact of the matter was --- poor Wilts.h.i.+re knew that if he did not immediately leave with all haste, he might find himself pinning Walker beneath him right in front of everybody within the next few moments.

As he watched the Marquess go from his side and approach a gorgeously dressed woman, Walker also looked a little bit like he was unable to make sense of the matter. It took practically no persuasion from Wilts.h.i.+re, it seemed that the woman was captivated by his appearance and very quickly she stood up and proceeded towards the dance floor with Wilts.h.i.+re.

Clearly, he should behave as if nothing had happened, but Walker found that he was unable to tear his gaze away from the two people --- the two of them were pressed so close together, it was very obvious that the woman had a lot of confidence in the power of her ample bosom to tempt men.

The most hateful thing was that the Marquess was wearing the expression of an experienced ladies' man as he held the woman in his arms, and it was with an elegant bearing --- that somehow still did not lack for pa.s.sion --- that he led the woman and they spun around the entire dance floor. Very quickly, the pair of them became the focal point of attention in the dance hall --- the men looked at Wilts.h.i.+re with their eyes full of envy, while the eyes of the women lit up with a l.u.s.tre that suggested that they had just spotted an extremely desirable prey.

Walker gave a shrug of his shoulders at himself, just as he was thinking of getting up and going to fetch another gla.s.s of wine, a tall woman stood up and got in his way.

“I’m sorry, Miss, could you let me pa.s.s?” Behind the woman was the only route from his seat to the bar, and he had no choice but to ask her to make way.

“Why aren’t you dancing?” The woman asked him in stiff English. She had a pair of coquettish eyes and evidently had great faith in her charms; her revealing clothing was also a clear indication of her status.

Walker gave a glance at the gorgeous brocade jacket he was wearing, and knew that this lady of pleasure must have thought that he was an aristocrat or hailed from a wealthy family.

“I’m sorry, Miss, I don’t know how to dance.”

The woman was stumped for a bit, but then she quickly gave a delicate laugh and said: “Your friend looks like he's royalty when he dances, but you say that you don't know how to dance?” She looked towards Wilts.h.i.+re, who was still whirling around the dance floor, with a look of disbelief on her face.

“My apologies, but it’s true.” Walker decided to give up on the idea of fetching more wine, and was turning back to return to his seat but the woman quickly walked up and tugged at him.

“Mister, do you not wish to experience for yourself the pa.s.sion of a Frenchwoman?” She narrowed her eyes and peered up at Walker, as she brashly propositioned him.

Seeing that Walker did not respond, she simply leaned her whole body into Walker's chest.

“Mister, tall and strong foreigners such as yourself are my favourites, I can charge you a little less... if you and your friend want to have me together, that’s fine too…”As she was speaking, her hand was stroking Walker's thigh, slowly sliding upwards to the join in a most provocative fas.h.i.+on. 

Walker got a fright, he tried to retreat, but in his carelessness, he tripped over a chair at his back, losing his balance and falling backwards….

Surprisingly, the back of his head did not wind up kissing the floor; instead his whole person fell into a familiar embrace.

“Are you alright?” Holding Walker with an exceptionally solicitous att.i.tude, Wilts.h.i.+re ignored the astonished glances that were unceasingly cast in their direction from all corners, and his dance partner was also looking at him from the dance floor, embarra.s.sed and at a loss. 

Even when he was holding that woman in his arms on the dance floor, Wilts.h.i.+re had not stopped keeping his attention on Walker. When he saw that a woman had accosted Walker, he had already felt like abandoning the dance, and when he saw that Walker had tripped, his first reaction had been to push people out of his way and fly to Walker's side.

“I’m sorry Miss, but please stop bothering us!” He glared at the French prost.i.tute with cold green eyes, and the malicious intent in them caused her to back away repeatedly.

The boisterous sounds of the music rang out again, this type of insignificant episode would definitely not cause the people in the ballroom to stop their merry-making. The incident was quickly forgotten by everyone and they continued their dancing and laughing.

Dragging Walker along, Wilts.h.i.+re made a change of location to a nook that was more hidden from view, and shoved some wine, that he had somehow gotten hold of, into Walker's hand.

“Women!” The Marquess lambasted. His green eyes quickly looked at Walker's face searchingly, and as if he could not help himself, he bent his head slightly…

“You’ve gone mad! Look at where we are!” Walker gasped out in fright, twisting his head away as quickly as the bird flies before Wilts.h.i.+re could make contact with his lips.

“Yes! I am mad! I have gone crazy because of you!” It seemed as though the Marquess could tolerate no more, he downed the wine in his hand in one gulp, and fiercely pinned the Scotsman under his body.

“Let me touch you!” He was panting as he spoke by the side of Walker’s ear using a tone of voice filled with unfettered eroticism.

“To h.e.l.l with it! What nonsense are you saying! There are at least a few hundred people here…” Although they were in a corner that was darker than most, and there were tables in front blocking them from view, Walker still absolutely could not agree to go along with this type of madness from Wilts.h.i.+re.

Allowing no time for explanations or protests, Wilts.h.i.+re had undone the b.u.t.tons on his trousers, and his nimble and warm fingers had rapidly found the male organ that was hidden among the underbrush. Walker could distinctly hear the satisfied sigh that the Marquess heaved right at that very moment.

“You are a lunatic! You should be locked up in a lunatic asylum!” Walker could feel that the Marquess was attempting to part his legs, in that moment, he could bear it no more and gave voice to a low shout.

“Don’t yell, other people would only think that we are fighting…” The person who had taken the offensive was clearly him, but Wilts.h.i.+re was behaving as though it were Walker who was doing something wrong.

“Do you think that everybody else is stupid?” Unable to give vent to loud shouts, Walker could only desperately tug at Wilts.h.i.+re's hair with his hand in an attempt to make him let go. And still worse, wave after wave of pleasure was was.h.i.+ng over him uncontrollably, and it was only with great difficulty that he managed to suppress the moans that were issuing forth from deep in his throat.

This night was much too wild --- and he must be having a nightmare.

Walker was panting arduously, but dazzlingly gorgeous lights of many colours were dancing in front of his eyes uncontrollably --- a few minutes later, following a fit of convulsions, he finally lay down his weapons and surrendered, and shot out his hot desire while still gripped in Wilts.h.i.+re's hand.

“Oh G.o.d, I will definitely be going to h.e.l.l!” After it was done, Walker's trembling hand simply just could not do up the tiny little b.u.t.tons, he had been s.h.i.+vering non-stop from the time this had all started.

In contrast, Wilts.h.i.+re wore an expression of satisfaction as he used a silken handkerchief to wipe his hands, appearing as refreshed and bright as if he had just devoted some time to prayer. 

“I must be mad too! Even at a place chock full of people, I actually let you…” Walker was still a bit incoherent, his state of mind was clearly in utter disarray.

“Dear, other people would not have paid us any attention, they are busy with their own affairs.” Wilts.h.i.+re held his shoulders, and pointed out to him some of the couples that were closer to them --- men and women were pressed up against each other and piled together, and the skirts of many a woman had been hiked up to their waist...

“We are certainly not the most outrageous pair, dear Walker. Don't feel guilty anymore...” When compared to Walker's disordered state, Wilts.h.i.+re appeared to be quite calm and self-possessed.

There was a certain rea.s.surance to be found in the Marquess's att.i.tude, and Walker finally lifted up his face from where he was hiding it in his hands. He stood up, and he could feel that both of his legs were still trembling slightly, beyond his ability to control.

“I’m heading back. G.o.d knows what you shall do if we should stay here any longer!” Although he was himself a man, but Wilts.h.i.+re was really too dangerous, and it would seem that he became even more excited when they were in a place with many people.

“I will certainly not allow you to be in the same s.p.a.ce as my wife or my daughters. As long as they are left alone with you for more than three minutes, a woman's reputation would be ruined.” Wearing a fed-up expression, he pulled a long face as he stalked out of Weiwaweisi, mumbling complains as he was walking.

Wilts.h.i.+re chased after him with a roguish smile on his face, and using a tone of voice that faked sweetness, he lightly reminded him: “Dear Walker, it seems that you have really become muddle-headed… tsk tsk tsk…”

Walker got a shock, and halted his steps.

“Why?” He turned his body around and looked at Wilts.h.i.+re. 

The Marquess did not answer. He caught up with him and extended his hands to help him do up those little b.u.t.tons that he had forgotten about.

The Marquess was nonchalant, as if nothing had happened, but Walker's face had flushed red in an instant --- even through the dark colour of his tanned skin, the red blush could also be seen clearly, and the Scotsman had obviously fallen into a state of confusion.

Perhaps he was trying to alleviate Walker's anxiety; the Marquess once again touched on the previous topic of conversation: “Just now, you said that you would not let your wife or daughters share the same s.p.a.ce as me… Ah, Walker, tell me, do you really think that something like having a wife or daughters will ever happen to you?”

Walker had to use almost all the self-control he had to steady his madly palpitating heart. He accepted the topic of conversation and posed a question in reply: “Why wouldn’t it? Don't tell me that your goals in life do not include marrying a beautiful and gentle wife, and then having a large bunch of lively and adorable children together?”

Wilts.h.i.+re smiled, even in the darkness of night it could be seen that his smile was very resplendent. After that, he announced with great delight: “It is very evident that this is your goal in life, but… Walker dear, perhaps it would be very difficult for you to fulfil.”

Because Walker found it impossible to understand the meaning behind Wilts.h.i.+re's words, bewilderment blanketed his face, and he said: “Why can't I? I do not suffer from impotence, I am very healthy.” No man would be able to tolerate an insult such as this; he was dead-set on arguing this point to the last.

“Of course you are very healthy. The question is, do you really think I will permit you to take a wife and have children?” Clearly, this discussion was utterly absurd, but Wilts.h.i.+re still focused on this topic and repeatedly asked: “Really? Do you really think so?”

Walker was silent for a while, finally, he said: “Perhaps… not at this time, but there will come a day when you will.”

There will surely come a day --- perhaps it would be a few years, perhaps it would be a few months, or perhaps it would be just a few days later, but the Marquess will eventually get tired with this game. He would find a new body to bear with his desires. As for Walker himself… he would go back to his old home in Stonehaven, then he would propose marriage to a virtuous woman who was not particularly pretty, and they would have a few naughty and adorable children. That would be a wise choice for him.

“Don’t even think about it!” He could vaguely guess at the ideas that lay behind the change in Walker's eyes, which now had a distant look to them, and walking behind him, Wilts.h.i.+re tenderly took him into his embrace. Both of his hands wound past Walker's neck and fell onto his chest, Wilts.h.i.+re leaned his head close and brought his lips near to Walker's ears, the distance between them was so minute that Walker could clearly feel the hot breath from his mouth as he breathed.

In the next second, the Marquess extended his tongue and in a sweet action, lightly licked at his ear. Walker's l.u.s.t, which had not completely faded since their earlier encounter, was reignited. At the moment when he started to tremble because of it, Wilts.h.i.+re opened his mouth to speak. Giving emphasis to each and every word with a pause, he said: “Don’t, you, even, think, about, it!”

Not giving Walker the chance to rebut him, in the next second, Wilts.h.i.+re kissed him on his parted lips, which were just about to argue with him. His att.i.tude was pa.s.sionate, as if he had totally forgotten that they were standing in a street in Paris.

Although it was night, and although there were no pedestrians around them, but no matter who it was who happened to walk pa.s.s, they would be able to clearly see the two men who were entwined in a pa.s.sionate kiss.

The danger of being seen caused Walker to try and struggle, but Wilts.h.i.+re forced him to the side and used both of his hands to press his back to the wall behind. Dizzy because of the lack of oxygen, Walker only felt the kiss getting deeper the longer it went on, and also that the manhood that Wilts.h.i.+re had pressed against his own body was slowly becoming erect.

“Walker…” Walker heard Wilts.h.i.+re call out lightly beside his ear, only then did he come to realise that the kiss had already ended. He slowly opened his eyes, and the sight of Wilts.h.i.+re's eyes, bright as the Morning Star, was what swam into his vision.

“Are you alright?” The Marquess asked him considerately, all the while planting light kisses on his forehead and hairline, as if he still had not fully expressed his desires.

“Let’s go!” Walker could not possibly have been any more embarra.s.sed; just now, he had actually become too intoxicated to mind his surroundings. If they had been seen… he simply did not dare to think any further.

“We shall continue when we get back to the hotel.” Amazingly enough, Wilts.h.i.+re did not try to be difficult before he let Walker off.

Walker had just opened his mouth to argue with him, but Wilts.h.i.+re smilingly took his hand and led him forwards. The cold winds constantly buffeted him, but the Marquess's palm constantly transmitted warmth to him. Walker wanted to speak up several times, but every time words reached his mouth, he forgot what he wanted to say. In this hazy and confused way, he allowed Wilts.h.i.+re to hold his hand and lead him forwards.

By the time they were back in the hotel, it was already very late. Wilts.h.i.+re refused the maid's a.s.sistance, and dragged Walker all the way to the room.

Once the door was shut, the Marquess immediately underwent a change, as if his civilised behaviour was a jacket that he had slipped out of. In his new incarnation, he was like a ravenous beast, and pounced on Walker, causing the both of them to fall on the bed. Roughly, Wilts.h.i.+re tore Walker's s.h.i.+rt open, branding Walker's chest with his blazingly hot lips, and forcefully biting down on the two little dark red protrusions.

“G.o.d knows how difficult it was for me to endure it just now, if I weren’t concerned about you…” Desire had made the Marquess's voice low and hoa.r.s.e; he rapidly shed all of his clothing, pressing tightly against Walker with his body, which felt as hot as boiling water.

Overawed by the heat of Wilts.h.i.+re's body, Walker was hardly able to speak. As the two of them tossed around in bed, his naked back constantly rubbed against the silk sheets, creating friction. His body had rapidly become extremely sensitive, and he could keenly feel every minute detail of where and how the Marquess was pressed up against him…

“Walker… Walker…” Wilts.h.i.+re's voice was interspersed with the sound of his rapid breathing; he riotously caressed Walker's thighs and b.u.t.tocks, and rubbed back and forth at the undulating lined entrance.

Under his touch, Walker felt as if his body had been ignited, and a flame was burning within him. Unable to restrain himself, he raised his head to gasp for breath, and unconsciously, the corners of his eyes became moist.

“Walker… Walker… say you want me… Walker!” The sound of Wilts.h.i.+re's voice was as cutting as the sound of paper being ripped apart, he suddenly hugged Walker tightly and wedged his own legs in between Walker's thighs, and their upper bodies were also entwined in a most lascivious manner.

Walker bit down on his lips forcefully, doing his utmost to keep his pa.s.sionate cries from escaping the confines of his throat. In an effort to unburden himself of the bottled desire that had no avenue of release, he reached out and embraced the Marquess, opening his legs as wide as possible so that Wilts.h.i.+re could bury his body deeply in the s.p.a.ce between.

But the response of his body was unable to satisfy Wilts.h.i.+re, he stubbornly stopped his movements, ignoring his erection that had become as hot as a piece of iron in a furnace, he insisted: “Say that you want me, Walker! Tell me that I’m not forcing you, you are letting me enter you most willingly!”

“h.e.l.l with it…” Walker was almost about to be driven mad. “You are even chattier than a woman! If you want to do then just do it…” Wilts.h.i.+re’s boiling hot manhood was nudging against him, and Walker could plainly feel that his own desirous and foolish organ had become fully erect as a result of the Marquess's teasing ministrations. He wailed in anguish, praying for relief, and couldn't help but to get angry at Wilts.h.i.+re's evil intentions.

“That won’t do!” Wilts.h.i.+re held out, bringing all of his willpower to bear, refusing to succ.u.mb to the l.u.s.t burning in his body, “Say you want me! Walker, it’s just a simple sentence, as long as you say it…” In an infinitely provocative way, he gave Walker's lower abdomen a rub with his s.e.x organ, seemingly a promise of the period of ecstasy that was still to come…

Walker wished to cry, but he had no tears. He wriggled his body, trying to free himself from being pinned under the Marquess's body but the Marquess's powerful hands were like iron pincers as they clamped down tightly on him.

“Yes! *** [2] I want you, I want to kill you! Will that do, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!” No longer able to endure his scorching desire, Walker hurled a round of abuse at the Marquess --- clearly, Wilts.h.i.+re had been the instigator of all of this, but for him to actually threaten Walker in this way, so as to compel Walker to open his mouth to ask for him, was indeed the nadir of despicable behaviour.

Wilts.h.i.+re began to smile. In the next moment, he was lifting up Walker's legs forcefully. Without giving him any time whatsoever to prepare himself, he quickly inserted the tip into that little opening, which had become moist and heated because of the drawn-out antic.i.p.ation.

The burning ring of muscle was abruptly spread out, Walker had a dizzy spell because of sudden attack, and in that split second, he had to clutch tightly at the mattress under him. Walker could feel every little movement as Wilts.h.i.+re pushed inside, inch by inch, until he was completely buried within Walker's body --- the moment was indescribable, Walker actually felt that he had become complete as a result of this.

Before he had a chance to be horrified at that feeling, Wilts.h.i.+re began to thrust the object that was buried in his body vigorously. In that instant, he was at the summit of both pain and pleasure, and Walker did not have the chance to think about anything before he was seized by the thrill. He could only shut his eyes powerlessly, allowing the Marquess to surge and collide into his body, penetrating so deeply that it seemed as though he wanted to touch all of his soul…

“Walker… Walker…” In the midst of all this activity, Wilts.h.i.+re constantly groaned out his name. At the pa.s.sion mixed with tenderness in his voice, Walker's senses were brought to their boiling points involuntarily, persisting until the instant that the Marquess's pa.s.sions burst forth within his body, at which timet he also finally released all of his desire, unable to contain them any longer…

Even so, Wilts.h.i.+re had no intentions of letting him off just like that. He grasped both of their manhoods, which still had traces of liquid left from their earlier pa.s.sion, and watched on by Walker's shocked gaze, he held them together in the palm of his hand...

Hi agile fingers nimbly manipulated them, and with this extremely intimate contact, Walker felt like his soul had taken leave of his body, flying into the vast and limitless cosmos…

End of Jus Primae Noctis Volume 2, Chapter 2


[1]: 维瓦维丝 (Wéi wǎ wéi sī): left in the original pinyin because I can’t find anything similar in French/English.

[2]: *** is the author’s or publisher’s censors.h.i.+p not mine. 


Chapter 9 : Jus Primae Noctis Volume 2, Chapter 2Paris was a wonderful metropolis.Walker had long gr
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