It is a Straight Road
Chapter 2 : Just a Straight Road  (Part 2)Ever since Xi Xuan was founded, the Xu family has consiste

Just a Straight Road  (Part 2)


Ever since Xi Xuan was founded, the Xu family has consistently provided sons and daughters who are pillars to the country. In Xi Xuan, only talents of extraordinary nature are given an honorary “Xi Xuan” in front of their names and in this generation Xu Zhi is one such example.

Before the age of 20, she is famous in Xi Xuan as a learned scholar who has found and corrected many inaccuracies in literature texts. Where there are gaps, she would also have expanded on many subjects and recorded the changes.

After the age of 20, her fame has spread across borders as she starts working on foreign literature especially works that involve culture, rites and arts. Within 10 years, she has set up a school in Xi Yuan that has attracted scholars from all corners of the world, to gather together to pool together their knowledge and exchange pointers.

Such is her importance that when Xi Xuan’s capital is rocked by chaos after the pa.s.sing of the late Emperor and his son staged a coup, many scholars who missed her presence at the Scholars Hall actually marched to her residence to ensure her personal safety as a precaution. Of course, many non-Xi Xuan scholars secretly lament that they have to put their life on the line when it is not even their own country’s capital that is being affected, but the thought that if there is no longer a Xu Zhi in the world….. sigh, sometimes in life, there is really little choice!

To the scholars, her pa.s.sion and sincerely in ama.s.sing knowledge through research, immersion and sharing Is undeniable. She has never hid her impatience to anything that stands between her and knowledge and many scholars call her “Crazy Xu” in private. Such is Xu Zhi, the one and only, irreplaceable Grand Scholar of the 4 lands.

Besides the scholars, she is also highly regarded by Xi Xuan’s Emperor, both past and present, who personally appoints her personal attendants so that she is well-taken care of. These attendants are usually learned n.o.bleman, whose families have fallen from favour such as those who are faced with death or slavery for the entire clan. But if one of the surviving few are fortunate enough to become one of the “people besides Xu Zhi”, then there is still hope for the family to restore its honor after 10 years of faithful service.

At dawn, her current valet, Jiang Jiu, appears at her quarters and gets a verbal report on his mistress quality of sleep last night from her maid (Bai Hua). While Jiang Jiu wonders at Bai Hua’s over-friendliness, Eldest Miss makes her appearance.

“Good morning Da Gu Niang, you look well-rested today.”

“Really?” Jiang Jiu is accustomed to her disinterested answer and did not say more. Another maid, Tong Mo (a mute), appears and without looking specifically at anyone Xu Zhi speaks. “How many years?”

Bai Hua does not comprehend. “What?”

Tong Mo makes a gesture with her hand.

“It has been 10 years? Both of you?”

Bai Hua finally catches on. “Da Gu Niang sure is forgetful. I have been with you for 6 years.”

Xu Zhi makes a non-committal sound and leaves with Jiang Jiu for their daily sparing. Xu Zhi is a highly regimented person and has kept to with her exercise routine for years. Despite practicing with her all these years however, Jiang Jiu has yet to see how the simple martial arts workout can improve one’s health, much less being helpful in actual combat. But the harmless pats in his eyes still leave Xu Zhi in a sheen of sweat, and the instant they are done, Bai Hua discreetly reappears at her side with Tong Mo, to pa.s.s Xu Zhi a wet towel.

Normally, Jiang Jiu will excuse himself at this point to attend to other matters for Xu Zhi but today, he hesitated. “Da Gu Niang, that…..Ah Wu. What do you want me to do with him?”

Xu Zhi lifts her face from the towel. “Who are you talking about?”

Jiang Jiu replies calmly. “Zhou Wen Wu – the n.o.bleman in prison. He has been transferred to our household already.”

Xu Zhi gives a comprehending ‘ohh’ and frowns. “What about him? Is he refusing to eat or causing some kind of trouble?”

“He is very quiet and…. it is not usual. For someone like him, I fear he may be plotting something. Are you sure you want to keep him Da Gu Niang?” As Xu Zhi’s right hand man, Jiang Jiu is no stranger to who’s who among the n.o.bility. From what he knows of that arrogant ex-prince, he is definitely the vengeful sort who will exact his revenge on his enemies even if he has to pay a heavy price in return.

When Xu Zhi contemplates on his question instead of asking him to ‘see as you deem fit’ as she normally would, Jiang Jiu a meaningful look at Bai Hua, who starts to speak up slowly. “If this guy is someone that Da Gu Niang forgets after 2 days, it shows that he is someone of no importance. I do not understand why you have asked His Majesty to have him, and even agree to accept one more person a.s.signed to your side as a condition. It is obvious that His Majesty sent that new guy here to spy on you.” Bai Hua does not like the new guy called Jiu Xing, and would love to get rid of him if she could.

Xu Zhi looks at Bai Hua impa.s.sively but the latter is oblivious and continues talking, unlike Jiang Jiu and Tong Mo who lowered their heads. “I really don’t understand why Zhou Wen Wu would bother to stage a coup when he is not the heir apparent to the throne. Compared to our Majesty, he has no capability, no children, and yet he dares eye the throne? In my opinion, he must be extraordinary stupid and crazy. Keeping him by your side is as good as keeping a time bomb by your side.”

“No, you are all mistaken.” replies Xu Zhi languidly. “Zhou Wen Wu is not stupid and is probably forced to do what he did. If he is truly crazy, he would have not survived till now. As for him being unusually quiet, it is because he has cooled down sufficiently to understand that my house is his only refuge in Xi Xuan.” She pauses as a thought strikes her and her eyes start to gleam. “Why have I not thought of that? The timing is just right! Ah Jiu, where have you housed Zhou Wen Wu? Bring me to him quick!”

Jiang Jiu leads Xu Zhi to a s.p.a.cious courtyard there they find Zhou Wen Wu sitting quietly by one of the windows. He has cleaned up since the last time they met and looks very much like a n.o.bleman in the a simple yet elegant robes that Jiang Jiu a.s.signs him.

Xu Zhi marches up to him and helpfully opens a window wider for him. “Ah Wu, I am so glad to see that you have settled in. I just know that you are not stupid and will come around quickly to the fact that my house is your only refuge in Xi Xuan. If you need anything, just let Ah Jiu know and he will arrange it for you. There is no need for you to stand on ceremony understand?”

At her unusual liveliness, Zhou Wen turns to smile ominously at her. “And here I was thinkingDa Gu Niang is probably going to shelf me for a year or so before you come knocking. I have not expected you to be so hungry to request for my services so soon and during daytime no less. I remember that you wrote a book 10 years ago about how there is no more sparks between the sheets for men and women after they turn 30. Are you trying to refute your own beliefs? If so, I will be happy to oblige.”

Xu Zhi smiles good-naturedly and reaches out a hand to pet his cheek. Before she can touch him however, he carches hold of her wrist. Although his grip is not painful, he definitely has regained some of his strength.

Xu Zhi did not protest and leans in nearer. “Shh, be quiet. You can tell how good I am to you by asking Ah Jiu to stop feeding you meds that  remove your strength. As my man, how can I expect you to work if you have no strength? Don’t you think you should thank me?” She gestures for Jiang Jiu to bring out a box and careful lifts something out of the box while br.i.m.m.i.n.g with some internal excitement.

She noticed Zhou Wen Wu is looking at someone behind her shoulder and follow his gaze. “He is someone that His Majesty has just given me. Probably he will replace Ah Jiu some day. He is called… his name….”

Jiang Jiu reminds her. “Jiu Xing.”

“Yes, his name is Jiu Xing and you can rest a.s.sured that he will not disclose your true ident.i.ty carelessly.” She leans in once more and lowers her voice as if sharing a secret. “Ah Wu, I really did spend quite a bit of effort getting you out in one piece. Even when his Majesty insists that I must accept yet another person at my side in exchange, I have not hesitated.”

Frankly, Zhou Wen Wu is a little taken aback by her behaviour. Isn’t Xu Zhi always aloof? Who is this friendly woman with the glint in her eyes? But this woman has the same scent as the woman who visited him in prison, and the same scent as the Xu Zhi whom he met many times in court for years. It is a comfortable scent but not something that entices. He recalls that she used to change her scent very often in her younger days and wonder briefly at her change in habit.

“Yo, Ah Wu, you want to live and see my ending and His Majesty’s ending right?”

“That is indeed my reason for existence. Xu Zhi, you will die a horrible death and Zhou Wen Cheng will show his true colors!”

Xu Zhi is not the least affected by his vehemence. “I am sure you will get what you wished for. Although Ah Wu is now my man, I cannot really keep you in the house all the time. So I have thought of a good plan. See what good stuff I have gotten for you? I think it suits you perfectly” Finished, she stuffed something into his hands, and he frowns. “What is this? Xu Zhi, why are you giving me an animal bone?”

Xu Zhi brightens. “You think this is an animal bone? It is, you know. Some people from the School think that it comes from some kind of bird. A giant bird, I think, that is big enough for someone to probably fly on its back. But there are no such records of such a giant flying creature in all of history. Besides… what do you think this is by the way?”

“A mask.”

Xu Zhi gives him an approving look as if saying ‘you read my mind’ and Zhou Wen Wu suddenly feels a weird vibe. “It is indeed a mask. In fact, all the people who have seen this think that way too. But we have ever only heard of wooden or bronze masks. This is the first time anyone has seen a mask made from bone. Wei probably has the most advance craftmans.h.i.+p but this mask bears none of the characteristics of Wei art. Besides, don’t you think the artwork is quite unique? Why have no one heard of this skill? Is there a reason behind this…”

She rarrows off, lost in her own train of thought, and even Zhou Wen Wu – a man who has met hundress, if not thousands of different people and circ.u.mstances – feels bewildered by the turn of events.

Jiang Jiu calmly calls Da Gu Niang to return to the present, and she smiles faintly at Zhou Wen Wu. “Ah Wu, His Majesty has already announced that you have died from an illness so there is no longer a Second Highness in this world. But anyone who sees your face will recognize you and I really cannot bear to lock you up in this house forever. So, I have decided to give you this one and only rare mask to you. You can wear it and that way, no one will recognize you when you leave the house.”

Jiang Jiu is quick to add. “You can leave the house if you wish, but you must be accompanied.”

Zhou Wen Wu smirks. “What can you do to me if I refuse to wear it? What is wrong to let others see how Zhou Wen Cheng tramples on fallen royals?” A kept man? This will be his bane for as long as he lives.

When Xu Zhi does not reply, Jiang Jiu speaks up. “Yes, do let everyone see how the former mighty Second Highness of Xi Xuan is now reduced to a kept man of Xu Zhi. You should know better than anyone what a sn.o.bbish lot our n.o.bles are. If you are looking for sympathy from them, I suggest you best think again.”

Zhou Wen Wu slaps the wall in anger. ”Who says I need sympathy!” This kind of living is torturous. He is breathing Xi Xuan’s air; the land beneath his feet is still Xi Xuan’s soil but, why has he never felt this level of helplessness and disgust? Clenching his fists, he reminds himself that he has yet to witness their sorry end so he cannot die! He cannot let them have the chance to bury him out of Xi Xuan so he must endure! Hasn’t he endured for 30 years? He must believe he can do it. He must do it and outlive them to witness their sorry end!

Xu Zhi speaks. “Ok, Ah Wu, I am adaptable. You need not wear the mask if you are within this house. I will get Ah Jiu to bring you around the house later to familiarize with the surroundings. You can go anywhere you want in the house except for the library.”

“So what if I visit the library? What are you going to do to me?”

“You know, I think you should avoid that place for that that place is haun… ok, let me change a description. You are already living a life without ident.i.ty or dignity; it will be a real pity if you can survive that kind of existence only to die at the hands of a phantom. I will be really sorry if you died.”

Had it been anyone else, Zhou Wen Wu would have thrown out the person with all the nonsensical talk about ghosts. But this is Xu Zhi. The Xu Zhi who never lies, never jokes, who is always exactly as she appears. The late Emperor knows it, he knows it, all the n.o.blemen in Xi Xuan know it. If there really is a ghost, how is it possible that she come into contact with such stuff? How dare any ghost hara.s.s the most important icon in Xi Xuan?

At the long pause, Jiang Jiu speaks again. “Da Gu Niang, it is not a ghost, there must be a thief in the house. I have already arranged someone to “clean” up the place already.”

While Xu Zhi and Jiang Jiu engage in a knowing look, Zhou Wen Wu decides he has enough of ghost talk. “Xu Zhi, tell me. My people… have they all been beheaded?”

“Beheaded? How can it be? Silly Ah Wu. You should not a.s.sume that our current Majesty will do what you will do in his shoes. If we only rely on brute strength like you, more than half the n.o.blemen in Xi Xuan will be wiped out, thereby causing great damage to our nation. His Majesty is benevolent and has promised those who swear allegiance to him that they will be spared.” Xu Zhi talks like a parent to an errant child. “Ah Wu, how can you compare yourself to such a kind leader? “

When Zhou Wen Wu flushes a deep red and fights to swallow his anger as she repeats Bai Hua’s words to him. “Just look at yourself. You have no capabilities, no children. You are never destined to be king. Do you think that stealing the throne is like stealing a woman? When I heard of your coup, even I was feeling sad for you. Zhou Wen Wu, you are destined to fail.”

Sensing the boiling anger in the other man, Jiang Jiu quickly steps closer to Xu Zhi. If he has not known better, he would have thought that she is here to drive Zhou Wen Wu to his grave. Frankly, if Zhou Wen Wu is to vomit blood in the next instant, he would not be surprised. And Xu Zhi continues “I suggest that you quickly resign yourself to your fate. If I have the time, I’ll bring you personally out for a breath of fresh air, how about it? I only have one condition which is you must wear the mask. Remember, wear it, ok?”

Taking a last lingering look at the mask, she sails out of the door.

Jiang Jiu quickly follows suit and closes the door behind them. His last sight of the angry Zhou Wen Wu is that this man does take after his beautiful mother. Even in the heights of anger, he is a very attractive-looking man even if Bai Hua finds him old.   Did Da Gu Niang really bring him home just for extra eye candy around the house? Completely ignoring Jiu Xing who is trailing behind Xu Zhi, he walks up to her side. “Da Gu Niang, why did you give him that artifact?”

“Oh, you think it is an artifact? To me, it is a mask and masks are meant to be worn. The people of Xi Xuan believes that our destiny is engraved in our bones, which is why Fortune Tellers are able to predict a person’s future. If the maker of the mask is a Xi Xuan person who subscribes to the same view, what do you think is his intention to make a mask out of bone? Why does he want to do that? Does he have other bones? And the animal – is it extinct? Why have I never come across it in any of the ancient scrolls?…” Xu Zhi rattles off as she talks to herself but Jiang Jiu is used to her habit and let her continue. He tries to follow her train of thought but after a while, even he gets lost and can only gap at her.

He remembers the mask. He was there at the Scholars Hall when it was first displayed and if he remembers correctly, it was excavated from a tomb. Xu Zhi has put it on and he remembers the gooseb.u.mps on his hand at the casual way she puts a burial item on her face. At that time, he has urge to catch hold of Xu Zhi and dunk her with water…

She halts suddenly and observes some musicians and dancers practicing in the distance. Jiang Jiu sees them too and wonders if they have stage this meeting with Xu Zhi. After a while, Xu Zhi asks without turning her head. “Ah Jiu, do you know how we can get him to go out for some fresh air?”

“Da Gu Niang, are you trying to make Zhou Wen Wu happy?” Has she really fallen for his looks?

“Make him happy? That is a good suggestion. So long as he is willing to wear the mask, I have to please him no? To maintain his princely pride, he will surely wear the mask if he goes out. And if he never leaves the house, how am I able to observe what happens?”

A muscle tweak on Jiang Jiu’s face. He is not going to tell her to forget about trying to please Zhou Wen Wu, or that he is going to find her another volunteer to wear her mask. Really, he has not sink so low as to force some down-and-out soul to wear a dead man’s mask. He hears her mutter. “Nothing happened when I wore it, but will it be different if someone with royal blood wears it? How about a melancholic? I must try out all scenarios one by one. Ah Wu can be a good start… “ and her eyes trail off to the dancers in the distance.

She walks towards the dancers who stop their practice and greets her politely. She never has a reason to remember their names and vaguely remember watching some performances. But as to whether or not if it is performed by this group, she has no recollections. At her silence, the group turns fidgety and waits intently for some sign from her right-hand man for clues on how to proceed.

When she takes notice of the leader of the group – a clean-cut young man with sleek, beautiful hair – standing closest to her, Jiang Jiu finally draws her attention to himself. “Da Gu Niang, are you looking for …. a light moment?”

Xu Zhi retracts her gaze to face him, but is not really looking at him. Jiang Jiu knows that at this moment, even if flowers start to sprout from his nose, even if the late Emperor suddenly crawls up from the ground, Xu Zhi is not going to bat an eyelid. Seeing but not really seeing is something that only someone who has been Xu Zhi’s valet can truly understand.

Xu Zhi, knows that understanding what makes another person tick is not her forte. “If we chase away his moodiness, will he then feel better, and then he will then go out for a stroll?”

“Perhaps.” Jiang Jiu does not bother to correct her that it is not moodiness. They are talking about anger, humiliation mixed with hatred and helplessness. Perhaps if she sticks a knife into Zhou Wen Wu, the latter would have been more grateful.

“Good. Then please go ahead and arrange a performance tonight. Choose some happy music, happy dance.” Xu Zhi is relieved that Ah Jiu will settle the rest. When she is about to turn and leave, Jiang Jiu stops her with a question. “What if he fancies one of the female dances after watching the dance?” As she blinks and considers the scenario, he suggests. “Da Gu Niang, he is only a kept man. There is a limit how far you should indulge him.”

Xu Zhi nods. “You have a point. We will do it your way.”

As she leaves, Jiu Xing follows her and soon, both are out of sight. The musician leader mutters softly. “Seems like this new comer is a wild man. Wonders how you guys will fight for her favour from henceforth.”

Jiang Jiu pretends that he did not hear the sarcasm and instructs the group to put up a good performance tonight. He wants music that can help the audience relax and if possible, music that can help one forget about hatred.

At his request, the musician smiles. “Forget about hatred? That is one high request. Even supposedly happy people like us who play music everyday is unable to get over our own hatred, much less help someone else get over his hatred. But since this is what Da Gu Niangwants, we will do our best to oblige.”

Chapter 2 : Just a Straight Road  (Part 2)Ever since Xi Xuan was founded, the Xu family has consiste
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