Qing Guo Yingxiong
Chapter 6 : “General, The Lord sends someone to tell you to go there this evening.”“Mm.” Sitting on

“General, The Lord sends someone to tell you to go there this evening.”

“Mm.” Sitting on the chair and gazing out the window in a daze, Duan Shun Jie nodded his head, not even turnin his head to glance at Chang Er who was coming to pa.s.s the order. It was as if his soul since long ago had drowned into the scenery outside the window, his body was not nothing more than an empty body.

After the utterly bad defeat at Mount Panlong, Pingnan’s troops had suffered very heavy damage. Without a doubt the numerous people who had been jealous of Ouyang Fa De’s doted on Duan Shun Jie would be unrestrained in accusing his misconduct in leaving his post without permission during the war, and also, according to the military law, the punishment for this kind of heavy crime should have to be beheading. Unexpectedly, Ouyang Fa De did not at all conduct a further investigation, only ordered to temporarily remove him from his official post in the military, punished him to shut himself in the house and to reflect on his mistakes.

But Duan Shun Jie seemingly had lost all of his vitality on Mount Panlong. Facing the numerous people’s envy, hostility, sympathy he didn’t react at all. He only sat in a daze like this day in and day out. The people thought that he was like that because he felt extremely guilty and ashamed so that he lost his soul and dropped his spirit. n.o.body guessed that his desperate state was caused by the unexpected separation with his lover.

Yan Xi Cheng seemingly vanished just like that from Duan Shun Jie’s life, just like his abrupt appearance, it was as if this person had never existed in this world.

Duan Shun Jie had asked someone to make some inquiries about the Yan’s Family, the people around there said that the manor had been abandoned for quite a long while, never heard that there was a family surnamed Yan lived there before.

Perhaps, a beauty like Xi Cheng actually was not part of this mundane world. It was merely his own wishful thinking as an ordinary man to insist on a predestined relations.h.i.+p which did not belong to him, to the point that he even involved the numerous Generals and soldiers of Pingnan’s troops to take his place in suffering the heavenly punishment.

The originally didn’t believe in G.o.ds also didn’t believe in destiny Duan Shun Jie couldn’t help but begin to have a wild imagination. He intended to take the ultimately thickened joy and agony of the encounter then blame it as the will of Heaven.

What a man ought to accomplish, what was called as pursuing glory, splendor, wealth and rank1…

All of the ambitious desire to beat others’ intentions seemingly had disappeared from Duan Shun Jie’s life altogether with the defeat and the disappearance of Yan Xi Cheng. Countless time he deeply regretted that he couldn’t die on the Mount Panlong’s war. Probably, that way he didn’t have to bear this moment’s beating heart piercing bones kind of agony. Sitting while watching the sun rise and the moon sink, Duan Shun Jie could only feel that the life without Yan Xi Cheng to accompany him would be very long as well as meaningless.

When will it end…

“General, There is a young master outside saying he wants to meet you.”

Sitting in a daze by himself in front of the window for didn’t know how long, Chang Er once again knocked on his room’s door.

“Tell him I don’t want to meet him.” Duan Shun Jie didn’t want to meet anybody no matter who they were, except for the man whom already impossible to appear in front of him. 

The heart that at the beginning wholeheartedly believed and searched in confident, at this moment already discouraged and downhearted, there no longer existed whatever trusting thread of luck.

“He said his surname is Yan, that you are a good friend of his…”

The door was hastily being pushed open, Chang Er had never seen this kind of expression on Duan Shun Jie’s face before --- It was like his whole self in an instant regained a new life, the joy and delight as if he had gone mad and the unable to believe expression. He didn’t even have the time to clearly see, Duan Shun Jie already brushed pa.s.s from his side to go straight to the front room.

“Xi Cheng! Xi Cheng! Heaven! It is really you!”

Duan Shun Jie truly couldn’t describe his feeling at the moment. The moment when he saw Yan Xi Cheng’s graceful and br.i.m.m.i.n.g with laughter’s beautiful face, seemingly the sun suddenly shone on his gloomy and desperate heart, causing him to feel that his life in this split second had brightened up to the point of dazzling.

“Xi Cheng!”

“Shun Jie.” Compared to Duan Shun Jie’s excitement, Yan Xi Cheng appeared to be a lot calmer. He was wearing simple clothing, there were also no attendants by his side, his face reflected the tiredness and sleepiness of rus.h.i.+ng from far distance.

Although this place was the front room for receiving a guest, although this place had the danger of being caught in the act by other people, Duan Shun Jie was unable to stop his impulse to tightly embrace Yan Xi Cheng --- if he didn’t do this, he was afraid that he could explode.

With much difficulty coaxing Duan Shun Jie to calm down, Yan Xi Cheng signaled him to take him to his own room, so as to avoid doing anything out of ordinary under the public gaze.

“Xi Cheng, why did you suddenly leave? I went to find you but the people said they have never heard of a Yan family!” Taking Yan Xi Cheng back to his own bedroom, closing the door, Duan Shun Jie directly pestered on Yan Xi Cheng demanding an explanation from him.

Yan Xi Cheng’s face was a layer of calmness. After elegantly sitting himself he just slowly said : “That day after you left, my father was coming. Didn’t know who told him about you and me, he immediately returned that night to take me with him. Of course I didn’t comply, but he ordered the servants to forcefully take me to go with him. I had to desperately find a chance to escape and runaway.”

Even if this was only a very few sentences, Duan Shun Jie was able to imagine Yan Xi Cheng’s pain for the sake to be with him to have broken the relations with his own family. His entire heart was touched in an instant. Stretching his hand to hug Yan Xi Cheng firmly, he could only feel that no matter how much the love he used up to love him, it would never be enough.

“You have really gone through so much trouble…”

“As for why the surrounding people didn’t know about my family, most probably because we haven’t actually resided in that house for a long time yet, maybe they still didn’t know.” Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s manner of speaking was very natural when he explained, even the slightest bit of hesitation couldn’t be seen on his face.

“I am sorry, Shun Jie. You must have been very worried about me. I have heard about you too. Don’t blame me! I… I don’t have a home anymore now. If you don’t want me, I really don’t have any place to go to.” Yan Xi Cheng was earnestly, charmingly and pitifully leaning close to Duan Shun Jie’s chest while telling his story in low voice.

He had made an oath to his Imperial Father that within a year he would surely break Pingnan. Also, Duan Shun Jie on Mount Panlong’s battle had committed such a great mistake but unexpectedly hadn’t been called to account for his fault, Ouyang Fa De obviously regarded him higher than what people had expected. This had strengthened Yan Xi Cheng’s determination to use their relations.h.i.+p to beat Pingnan to its fall from inside.

“You also have no choice, how can I blame you! I… Aside from you, I don’t care for anything.” The usually sickening and disgusting talk at this time was pouring down in torrents like the flow of water. Duan Shun Jie didn’t care at all, because this was his sincerest thoughts from the deepest part of his heart, he was not even the least bit afraid to let Yan Xi Cheng know.

“Stupid. Aren’t we together now?” Inwardly sneering at Duan Shun Jie who was truly a fool and an idiot, Yan Xi Cheng’s face didn’t forget to reveal a moved expression.

Thinking to himself, his mouth was speaking, Yan Xi Cheng’s hand also did not stay idle, s.n.a.t.c.hed a moment to lightly untie Duan Shun Jie’s sash on his waist.

“Xi Cheng, why you...” Never had thoughts that Yan Xi Cheng would be this impatient, Duan Shun Jie’s face flushed red at once. However, to face the separated for a longtime lover, no matter what, he didn’t have the heart to resist. Could only yield to his taking the liberty to undress him, then brought him to topple on the bed behind him.

It was like a scene of a very long erotic spring dream.

“Xi Cheng… Xi Cheng…” Calling out his lover’s name like in a dream, Duan Shun Jie already lost count on how many times Yan Xi Cheng entered his body, he only knew that when they met, it was still midday, and at this time, the sky’s color outside the window had turned to dusk. The two people just like that continuously for several hours entangled themselves, the entire bedroom had been filled with the scent of sweat and l.u.s.t.

“Shun Jie, you have thinned a great deal…” Exerting his power to rock his waist again and again b.u.mped into Duan Shun Jie’s hot and pa.s.sionate body, Yan Xi Cheng could feel that the body in his bosom had thinned a great deal.

That was caused by the couldn’t be dispersed longing and unstable mealtime.

Even if his heart clearly understood the cause, how could Duan Shun Jie have the nerve to say it out loud. At the present, bearing the posture of accepting a man from behind during their s.e.xual intercourse already made him feel extremely ashamed to show his face, if in this posture he was to pour out every longing in his mind, he was afraid that he might be ashamed to death.

“Doesn’t… doesn’t matter… As long as you don’t mind me getting fat, this little flesh… will grow back in no time… Ahhh…. “ The latest cry in surprise was not related to the matter he talked about, that was because Yan Xi Cheng suddenly increased his ramming rhythm as well as drained off his desire inside his body.

“Shun Jie! Shun Jie!” Perhaps caused by parting for long time reason, Yan Xi Cheng tonight was particularly frantic. Already lost count for how many times he had climaxed inside Duan Shun Jie’s body, within a brief moment after he took it out, his stood upright erection was grinding on his entrance again.

Maybe due to not haven done this for long, Duan Shun Jie was actually unable to really enjoy it. Desperately tried to resist Yan Xi Cheng who still wanted to push his tip to enter his body, he was nearly begging for mercy: “Xi Cheng, I beg you… Don’t do anymore… I cannot anymore… so painful…”

From the deepest part of his body to the pit of his stomach, there was this kind of bloated feeling. Duan Shun Jie felt that if he was being entered one more time he most probably would vomit then and there. However, looking at Yan Xi Cheng’s expression that was about to weep, he truly couldn’t let him be disappointed. 

Without gaving it much ponder, he turned his body, almost without any hesitation he opened his mouth and took Yan Xi Cheng’s erected desire into his mouth and sucked it.

In that split second, a threadlike complicated expression flashed through Yan Xi Cheng’s face, Duan Shun Jie didn’t pay attention at all. He was desperately using his clumsy technique to serve him, he couldn’t control the thing in his mouth that was seemingly alive, and because of it constantly blocked up the whole of his throat, made him miserable to the extent of nearly couldn’t breathe.

The whole mouth was filled by the salty scent of seminal fluid, Duan Shun Jie did not even feel the least bit disgusted, he was diligently moving his tongue in order to give Yan Xi Cheng more pleasure. In spite of his effort, his clumsy movement seemed like it only aroused the burning fire of l.u.s.t inside Yan Xi Cheng’s abdomen even more. 

Finally, unable to restrain himself anymore, Yan Xi Cheng’s pair of hands held Duan Shun Jie on the back of his head, and started to move his body inside his warm mouth in a front and back movement.

Duan Shun Jie’s mouth was completely blocked up, all of his senses was full of Yan Xi Cheng’s erected male s.e.x organ. Since earlier he already couldn’t manage to be shy, the entirety of his mind was being used to endure that s.e.x organ which unceasingly thrust in his pharynx and larynx, with all his might he intended to hold in the feeling of vomiting that was caused by that thrusting straight to his throat feeling.

Without giving Duan Shun Jie any chances to pull back from him, Yan Xi Cheng firmly held him and pressed the tip of his under belly for a while to confirm that the whole of his s.e.m.e.n had been released inside his mouth, after then he let him go.

His eyes was conflicted when he watched Duan Shun Jie covered his choked mouth and coughed until his face swell and became very red. Yan Xi Cheng slowly pulled him to his embrace and lightly stroked his back until he could feel that he gradually became calm and stable.

“Xi Cheng, I miss you so much!” Duan Shun Jie slowly closed his eyes, indulging himself in Yan Xi Cheng’s clean and clear male scent, he couldn’t hold in his feelings from transforming into spoken language and let them out.

It was such a pity that all along he was closing his eyes, he didn’t see that upon hearing his confession, Yan Xi Cheng was not moved and his expression was cold and indifferent.

The two people were just like that with each on their minds, intermingling and reclining on the bed. Yan Xi Cheng’s hand remained with his impure intention wavered and wobbled on Duan Shun Jie’s inner thigh, made his spell by spell gasp become a moan, and snuggled up even closer into his beloved person’s chest.

Enjoying to his heart;s content the intimacy with Yan Xi Cheng, until Chang Er knocked on his door for the third time to wake him up, only then he had no choice but to get himself up, and after exchanging several intimate kisses with Yan Xi Cheng he reluctantly left to meet the Lord of Pingnan.

“Shun Jie, your mood today is not bad!” Perhaps because he was the Lord of Chu’nan’s old friend, Ouyang Fa De treated Duan Shun Jie in a manner more of approaching a nephew than a subordinate.

Knowing that his expression at this moment must be what was known as the joy puts heart into a man, Duan Shun Jie of course didn’t dare to explain the reason of his elated mood. After giving his courtesy greeting, he silently sat by the side and waited for Ouyang Fa De to talk about the main subject.

As the result, Ouyang Fa De didn’t pull much of the casual talk, very quick he talked about the matter: “Shun Jie, you also know, the defeat at Mount Panlong battle, how many people wanted me to grant you a heavy punishment.”

Duan Shun Jie’s face also became heavy and dignified, nodding his head, he knew that leaving his post without permission during the battle was such a heavy crime that absolutely couldn’t be dismissed by a mere seclusion to ponder over his mistakes.

“I also had asked you so many times, what exactly the matter you needed to take care of to make you abandoned your military duty, you only gave me an unbending face that even if you had to die you also wouldn’t say.” Ouyang Fa De was wearing an utterly helpless face.

“Lord, I…” Duan Shun Jie’s face slowly became red. He actually didn’t have the face to explain that he was leaving the post without permission because he had a secret meeting with his intimate same s.e.x friend.

“What actually was the cause, I wouldn’t ask you and pursue further on the matter. Only wish that after you resume your post as Pingnan’s Commander-in-Chief, you wouldn’t repeat the same mistake again.” Ouyang Fa De seemingly didn’t have the intention to make things hard for him, directly told him his intention.

“Lord, you mean…” Duan Shun Jie was stupefied, he heard that Ouyang Fa De unexpectedly meant to entrust the Pingnan’s troops Commander-in-Chief position to him. How could he shoulder this, especially after the utter defeat at Mount Panlong.

Ouyang Fa De waved his hand to indicate that he shouldn’t decline again: “I don’t have a son. From the beginning I have regarded you as my own son. As long as you can live up to my expectation, to lead Pingnan’s troops to overthrow Datong’s despotic rule, it already can be counted as you have repaid me.”

If this was several days ago, the Duan Shun Jie who was towards the mortal world already lost heart lost hope, certainly wouldn’t give his consent to Ouyang Fa De and made a promise about this heavy responsibility. However, today he had met and got together with Yan Xi Cheng again, Duan Shun Jie understood that he needed enough power and influences to protect their taboo relations.h.i.+p. Naturally towards the Lord of Pingnan’s suggestion he was a little moved.

Most probably he could see that Duan Shun Jie had given his consent, Lord of Pingnan striked the iron while it’s hot and said: “You also do not decline anymore. Tomorrow I will decree an order to remove your house arrest punishment, appoint you as Pingnan’s whole troops’ Supreme Commander. Today you can return earlier to have a rest. The next days we will have to trouble you.” Patting Duan Shun Jie’s shoulder, a strike of unknown feeling skimmed over the eyes of the Lord of Pingnan. But in the end he didn’t say anything, only signaled that Duan Shun Jie already could take his leave.

The unexpected things which came one after another made Duan Shun Jie had a slight doubt and unable to enjoy the event, yet, at the thought of the still waiting in his manor Yan Xi Cheng, in an instant he was elated and became happy, hurriedly he rushed back to his manor.

Returning to his room, Yan Xi Cheng was still in the same condition as when he left him, stark naked lying on his bed. Telling the reason as why the Lord of Pingnan summoned him with a slight uneasy feeling, when he saw Yan Xi Cheng’s joyous face, Duan Shun Jie could finally confirm that this was actually very good news, instantly joined in his happiness. 

Hastily ate their meals, the two people of course rolled on the bed again. Even though he was unbearably tired and sleepy, Duan Shun Jie still couldn’t resist Yan Xi Cheng and let him mess with him for several more times. Several times on the summit of desire until he couldn’t hold out anymore, only then did they fell asleep together in their extreme weariness.

Yan Xi Cheng’s gentleness brought about a never experienced before happiness feeling for Duan Shun Jie. If asked him what was his greatest prayer at this moment, he would definitely say without the slightest bit of hesitation that to be able to stay together with him forever --- in his heart, as long as he could be together with his most beloved one, could be living peacefully together for all his life, it was much better than to be alone enjoying this mundane world’s flouris.h.i.+ng highest achievement.

Honestly speaking, when Yan Xi Cheng came to Jinling to find Duan Shun Jie, he didn’t expect that Duan Shun Jie could preserve his original power and influence --- after all, in the Mount Panlong’s battle, Duan Shun Jie had committed such an unforgivable mistake. Yan Xi Cheng at the beginning only planned to use him to get acquainted with the Pingnan’s other personage, slowly looked for an opportunity to become a member of the high level officials while waiting for the chance to make his move.

Unexpectedly, this Ouyang Fa De seemed to differently value Duan Shun Jie and think highly of him. Yan Xi Cheng couldn’t help but sigh in admiration for his own good fortune. Just on the second day after he arrived at Jinling, ignoring the opposition of the mult.i.tude old officials by his side, Ouyang Fa De insisted on having his way to confer upon Duan Shun Jie the t.i.tle of Pingnan’s Commander-in-Chief. Bestowed upon him this Pingnan’s Supreme Commander, under one man but above ten thousands’ sublime position.

Following the promotion, Duan Shun Jie became busier with each pa.s.sing day. And yet, he diligently found the time to accompany Yan Xi Cheng, sometimes when he was too busy to come to him, he would let Yan Xi Cheng accompany him in handling his official duties.

The pretty and warm cultured Yan Xi Cheng in no time had gained the favor of many Generals in the troops. Everybody knew that by General Shun’s side there was a very good friend named young master Yan. 

Today, Yan Xi Cheng was like how he used to be in many times before, accompanying Duan Shun Jie in his study room to manage the military affairs. The seeping through the bamboo screen sprinkle of sunlight spilled on Yan Xi Cheng’s fair and clean neck. Duan Shun Jie found it difficult to restrain the palpitation of his heart, inclining his head to steal a kiss, by an abrupt opened widely door, he gave out a great jump out of surprised.

“Who?” The rage that was floating on his brows, dissipated upon the sight of the person who was barging in ---Yan Xi Cheng of course couldn’t overlook the change of Duan Shun Jie’s mood, couldn’t help but curiously scrutinize the coming person.

It was actually a young little girl --- be about seventeen, or eighteen. Could clearly be seen that she was coming from a very well-off family. The beautiful and charming facial feature was lively with her pair of extremely smart-looking bright eyes.

What made Yan Xi Cheng couldn’t stand it was indeed the way she gazed at Duan Shun Jie. That unable to restrain smile was revealing her transparent admiration. This obvious expression of a girl in love, how could she hide the truth from Yan Xi Cheng who grown up with numerous girls since his childhood. 

“Si Qi? Why do you come? Also didn’t knock on the door!” A little reprimanding, Duan Shun Jie was completely using a big brother tone of speaking.

“Who is he?” Roughly because she noticed Yan Xi Cheng’s scrutinizing eyes, the girl who was called as Si Qi also unwilling to be outshone, looked straight back at him.

“Ah, this one is Big Brother Yan Xi Cheng, he is my good friend.”

“Xi Cheng, this is Ouyang Si Qi. She is Lord Pingnan’s daughter. Don’t you ever offend her! In this Jinling city, besides Lord Pingnan, her words are the law.” Duan Shun Jie happily introduced them, obviously had a nice relations.h.i.+p with Ouyang Si Qi.

Since earlier he had known that Ouyang Fa De had a daughter. There was also a rumor in the street that he would recruit his son-in-law to become his successor --- an idea flitted across Yan Xi Cheng’s mind. Yet he didn’t make a sound, gazing at Ouyang Si Qi and slightly smiled to be regarded as his greeting.

Very few people could resist Yan Xi Cheng’s smiling face, Ouyang Si Qi was only a young girl of course couldn’t withstand his charming seduction, in an instant because of his smile, her cheeks slightly became pink.

Probably he was aware of Ouyang Si Qi’s feelings of a young girl, Duan Shun Jie became a little uncomfortable. Lightly made a coughing sound, he said: “Si Qi, you came to find me, what is the matter?” If he could, he truly wanted to firmly hide Yan Xi Cheng in a place where n.o.body could see him, made him belong to him alone, except for himself, n.o.body was allowed to think about and to see his brilliant and gentle smile.

“If I don’t have any problem I couldn’t come to see you?” Ouyang Si Qi pouted her mouth. She s.h.i.+fted her attention from Yan Xi Cheng --- Hmph! Only a man with a little good looking face, how could he be compared with Big Brother Duan’s gentle, mild, bright and forthright characters.

In roundabout and tactful way she had dropped a suggestion to her father about her feelings towards Duan Shun Jie, although her father at that time put on a displeased expression while saying what was a young and blind about the whole world little girl thinking about, but with that he regarded Duan Shun Jie highly to such extent, maybe the reason was because she admired and adored him --- Ouyang Si Qi of course knew her position in her father’s heart.

“Little girl! This is not a place for you to play!” Didn’t know why, Duan Shun Jie just didn’t want to let Ouyang Si Qi and Yan Xi Cheng stay at the same place. Looking at Yan Xi Cheng as if smiling but not smiling expression while staring at Ouyang Si Qi, there was a faint uneasiness in his heart, yet, he couldn’t tell what actually he was uneasy for.

“Big Brother Duan, you old and diehard man! I came to ask when you have spare time to take me to play at Qinhuai River…” Ouyang Si Qi was not the least bit conscious of Duan Shun Jie’s complicated feeling, her pink apple shaped face even cuter with her young girl in love charm.2 

When he was about to refuse, Yan Xi Cheng pulled Duan Shun Jie’s sleeve to stop him: “Shun Jie, since I came to Jinling, I haven’t gone out to play. What if you take this opportunity to take me to go sightseeing in the city.”

Being gazed at with that as if could talk pair of eyes, how could Duan Shun Jie say the no word. It was the matter of course that he only could nod his head and agree. After deciding on the time to stroll around the lake with Ouyang Si Qi, they sent the overjoyed Ouyang Si Qi to her sedan chair to go back to her home.

“Xi Cheng, don’t you feel that a lively girl like Si Qi is more adorable?” After sending Ouyang Si Qi home, resumed to look at the official doc.u.ments with Yan Xi Cheng, Duan Shun Jie finally unable to hold himself back from asking the doubts which residing in the deepest part of his heart.

Even if either on the bed or during their private time Yan Xi Cheng had become even more gentler towards him, yet, his face, his outer appearance was of an ordinary and mediocre man. To be faced with Ouyang Si Qi’s delicate and fresh as if could nip out water face of a young lady, it was hard for him to avoid the sense of inferiority, afraid that he would be dumped by his lover.

Yan Xi Cheng gave him a sideway glance, then laughed, said: “Please!! What you have said, if heard by Ouyang Si Qi, I’m afraid that she would be sad and broken-hearted. That young lady obviously regards you as her love target, you unexpectedly worry that she would s.n.a.t.c.h your man away… Isn’t this such an extremely great joke?”

Duan Shun Jie upon hearing this flushed red in an instant --- If he said that he wasn’t aware of Ouyang Si Qi’s feelings for him, it would be nonsense, but he had never taken this matter seriously. And now by Yan Xi Cheng’s straight without concealing anything words pointed out this matter, of course he wouldn’t know how to react, just let himself be ridiculed for a long time.

Very fast, the appointed day to visit a garden arrived. Duan Shun Jie, at the deciding time, had important military affairs and was unable to get free. Facing the disappointed Ouyang Si Qi, he could only apologize again and again, but no matter what, he couldn’t convince Ouyang Si Qi to nod her head in understanding. 

The all along standing by his side and silently listened to their dispute Yan Xi Cheng opened his mouth and said : “If Miss Ouyang doesn’t mind, just let me accompany her, so as not make things difficult for you, Shun Jie.”

“This…” Duan Shun Jie was still hesitating, Ouyang Si Qi since earlier already smiled through her tears.

“It is still Big Brother Yan the nicer one, Si Qi will just go to play with Big Brother Yan. Duan Shun Jie you go die! Si Qi will never care for you anymore!!” As if wanted to show off for Duan Shun Jie to see, Ouyang Si Qi pulled Yan Xi Cheng and left. Walked for several Zhang3, she turned her head and made a grimace face for Duan Sun Jie.

As he watched the two figures unexpectedly lining together, Duan Shun Jie couldn’t describe what kind of feeling was in his heart at the moment, he could only blankly send the two people to go with his eyes.

Certainly after that, Ouyang Si Qi just naturally became the Supreme Commander’s Mansion frequent guest. At the beginning, she always dragged Duan Shun Jie and Yan Xi Cheng to accompany her to play, but after getting rejected so many times by Duan Shun Jie, she simply just asked Yan Xi Cheng to go with her. Every time, Yan Xi Cheng would always agree while smiling, as if he didn’t notice Duan Shun Jie’s face briefly darkened and dimmed.

For things to go on like this, the hearsay on the streets without a doubt would spread like wildfire. There were also many busybodies who would repeatedly come to Duan Shun Jie to hint that Yan Xi Cheng intended to make use of Ouyang Si Qi’s status to climb higher into the society. Duan Shun Jie of course didn’t believe. But still, it was hard to avoid to have a knot in his heart from the words the people had been saying, made him to feel an indistinct ache in his heart from time to time.

He had brought this problem up and asked Yan Xi Cheng. Yan Xi Cheng if not wearing a totally baffled face, would wear a face of being wronged. “Shun Jie, she is the daughter of the Lord of Pingnan. I am afraid that if I offended her, would bring a disadvantage to you in front of the Lord of Pingnan. If not for your sake, why would I have to endure her missy att.i.tude? If you don’t like it, then I will not go with her anymore.”

If after hearing Yan Xi Cheng say it this way and he still didn’t believe in him, what qualification did he have to become his lover? Duan Shun Jie blamed himself for being doubtful while unceasingly apologizing in haste. Following next, in Yan Xi Cheng’s warm and loving embrace, all of his doubt and suspicion was thrown out far far away, beyond the ninth clouds.

Left aside this minor shadow in their life to be undiscussed, Duan Shun Jie always felt that his life together with Yan Xi Cheng was joyfully sweet as if honey. Countless of very trivial circ.u.mstances, when he recalled every of them he could feel the honey sweet happiness overflowing in his mind.

Whenever he was not tied up with his routine, Duan Shun Jie would be more than willing to go with Yan Xi Cheng to roam about in every single corner in Jinling. No matter when they were boating on Qinhuai River or visiting the old temples, only a mere smile or when their fingers accidentally touched, this kind of thing already could make him forget about his surrounding, people, everything, completely immersed with Yan Xi Cheng inside their own world. 

“Xi Cheng, I don’t believe in reincarnation. My wish for this lifetime is to be with you, stay together, never to leave each other.”

Randomly on one of their strolls, the pair unexpectedly came to a quiet without any person temple on the countryside. Pulling Yan Xi Cheng to kneel down together, Duan Shun Jie gazed fixedly at the benign countenance of Bodhisattva in front of him. With the utmost honesty he faced the man beside him and stated his mind clearly.

“I… Of course I also feel the same.” Although there was a little hesitation, Yan Xi Cheng also answered in a low voice.

Pulling Yan Xi Cheng to kowtow three times in front of Buddha, getting up, a thread of silliness and naivety hung on Duan Shun Jie’s lips --- the just now confession and kowtow made him feel as if he and Yan Xi Cheng already confirmed each other’s wishes in front of Buddha.

“Xi Cheng,” Taking off a golden chain necklace that had never left his body, Duan Shun Jie put it on Yan Xi Cheng’s neck, “This chain is not valuable at all, but my Master said this is the one and only keepsake from my mother. Since I was small it had never left my body, I will just give this to you.”

Yan Xi Cheng fell silent for a long while, then he also took down the jade pendant on his neck and put it on Duan Shun Jie’s neck. Following afterwards, with a deep and intimate kiss sealed Duan Shun Jie’s unspoken solemn pledge of love.

End of Fallen Hero Chapter 6

Chapter 6 : “General, The Lord sends someone to tell you to go there this evening.”“Mm.” Sitting on
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