Qing Guo Yingxiong
Chapter 3 : Tonight, Duan Shun Jie was still like before, arrived earlier than Yan Xi Cheng to their

Tonight, Duan Shun Jie was still like before, arrived earlier than Yan Xi Cheng to their appointed place.

Waiting for a long while by the pond’s side, the figure of Yan Xi Cheng still hadn’t been seen yet.

Although he desperately convinced himself that nothing could have happened, nonetheless fear still slowly crawled up and filled all of Duan Shun Jie’s heart. His imagination ran wild, imagining the possibilities of dangers that Yan Xi Cheng might run into, the more he thought about it, the more he got anxious. He nearly couldn’t wait any longer.

Even if he only had several chances to interact face to face with him, Yan Xi Cheng with his mysterious beauty had completely occupied his thoughts. Making Duan Shun Jie afraid that he might drown in the midst of this kind of fantastic predestined relations.h.i.+p.

After spending more than an hour of unbearable time, Yan Xi Cheng finally rushed to his place with a hasty expression.

“I am sorry, something happened that delayed me, I have made Brother Duan wait for a long time.” As soon as he arrived, Yan Xi Cheng directly apologized in a haste, even to the extent that he didn’t have enough time to wipe the dripping sweat on his forehead with his sleeve.

“It’s alright, since I also come here late, I didn’t have to wait for long at all…” Duan Shun Jie feigned a relaxed manner, inwardly he let out a relieved sigh. He couldn’t help but laugh at himself for letting his imagination run wild just a mere moment ago.

“Let’s go.” Yan Xi Cheng as if being possessed by a spirit, using the lantern on his hand to point at the direction he came from.

“Go? Go where?” Once he relaxed himself, Duan Shun Jie resumed his blank and foolish expression.

Yan Xi Cheng couldn’t restrain his laughter: “Fool! Didn’t you say you wanted to come to my house?”

“Ohh…” Getting scolded, Duan Shun Jie still foolishly nodded his head, then followed behind Yan Xi Cheng.

After walking for a while, Yan Xi Cheng suddenly turned his head and smiled lightly: “Shun Jie, tonight you stay over at my house? There is a vacant room anyway.”

“Won’t it cause you a great inconvenience? I think it won’t be necessary…” Even though Duan Shun Jie also thought about being with him a little bit longer, yet the whole thought of military affairs burdened him, he couldn’t help but be irresolute.

“There is nothing to be inconvenienced about. There is only me alone in my house now.” Yan Xi Cheng remained with the same enthusiasm all along the track.

Looking at the still hesitating Duan Shun Jie, Yan Xi Cheng couldn’t help but smilingly ridicule him: “Don’t tell me that you don’t dare to sleep alone? In that case, you can sleep together with me.”

“Ah… No No No!! Really not necessary!!” Duan Shun Jie greatly embarra.s.sed, hurriedly refused the idea.

Until he saw Yan Xi Cheng’s mischievous laughter, Duan Shun Jie just realized that he had been teased again. His face involuntarily blushed at once.

“Xi Cheng, you really…” His mouth was complaining, but his heart generated a sweet feeling.

Just like that he followed behind Yan Xi Cheng and walked for not a long while, in front of his eyes appeared a building with a stretched long white wall with blue tiles.

“That is my house.” Yan Xi Cheng indifferently pointed at that house.

“Your family is really wealthy!!” Following behind Yan Xi Cheng as he crossed the courtyard, Duan Shun Jie was looking in all directions while he unceasingly exclaimed in awe.

Looking at his gasped in admiration expression, Yan Xi Cheng truly wanted to laugh --- he ordered his men to search everywhere around the area to find this little decent looking house. Apparently the residents’ main reason to flee was due to chaos caused by the war situation. The abandoned house was in a state of utter waste and had grown wild. He had to dispatch nearly half a battalion of soldiers to sweep until evening so that the house could be said as really clean.

Only like this Duan Shun Jie already had this whole face stunned look, if he saw his magnificent official mansion in Datong, wouldn’t he be stunned to the point of his eyeb.a.l.l.s falling out?

Truthfully, Yan Xi Cheng also felt very weird that he actually would invest so much effort in thinking about winning the favor of this countryside man, however, when he saw Duan Shun Jie’s dumbly sighed in awe face, he felt that his whole day’s trouble was worth it.

Most probably because there wasn’t anyone like this amusingly adorable person around him --- Yan Xi Cheng justified his actions as nothing more than his playful nature to only want to have fun.

“Young Master, you have come back? The room is ready.” Coming to welcome him was a young servant boy. As soon as he saw Yan Xi Cheng he respectfully bowed to greet.

Yan Xi Chen only slightly nodded his head, without saying anything he entered the inner courtyard.

Duan Shun Jie followed his footsteps altogether. After walking for several steps, he couldn’t restrain himself from turning his head to look back --- the servant boy was staring at him with his whole face filled with curiosity. Realizing that Duan Shun Jie turned his head, afraid of being found out, he hung his head lower.

Maybe because he had been living in the remote mountain for a longtime, he never saw his master bring a friend home even once.

Duan Shun Jie was not a mistrustful person, very easily he explained the strange circ.u.mstances.

He followed Yan Xi Cheng to enter a room, there were already two beautiful maidens moving forward to welcome him again.

“Young Master, all is well. Do you need your servant to take your clothes off for you?”

“No need. You all can go away.” Yan Xi Cheng waved his hand to ask them to leave.

“Xi Cheng, you are truly impressive!” Duan Shun Jie was unable to hold in his exclamation again. He had started to realize that Yan Xi Cheng was a high rank young master who didn’t eat the food of common people.

“What are you talking about, these few attendants, each and every one is as stupid as a pig! They don’t understand how to make a correct a.s.sessment of the situation…”      

“Xi Cheng!!” Duan Shun Jie annoyed by his looking down on his servants’ manner of speaking. “The way you said it was improper, how can you casually insult other as you please?”

Yan Xi Cheng creased his brows in an instant --- there were only people who flattered and obeyed him, was it ever anyone who dared to blame him straight to his face? He almost flared up right then and there, but facing Duan Shun Jie’s innocent and genuine expression, in the end he had to suppress his temper.

“Don’t say things that could dampen the spirit anymore. Shun Jie, do you want to have some tea?”

If his Imperial Brothers were witnessing the usually preserve and arrogant him actually allow himself to suffer such defeat, most probably he wouldn’t know to what extent they would be shocked.

“Let me pour it…” Duan Shun Jie also afraid that Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng would be angry, his speaking tone involuntarily had turned into a careful and cautious manner. But when he stretched out his hand to fetch the tea, unwittingly his hand touched Yan Xi Cheng’s fingers in the same place.

“Ah, I am sorry!” As if he got burned, he hurriedly drew his hand back, face also became so red.

Yan Xi Cheng secretly thought of an idea, he a.s.sumed an air of failing to understand the reason for the expression.

“Shun Jie, what’s wrong? Are you feeling hot?”

Smooth white and cold palm was reaching out to cover the forehead of Duan Shun Jie, the proximity of their faces was so close to the point that he almost stuck to Duan Shun Jie’s face, Yan Xi Cheng asked him.

The light indescribable fragrance transmitted to his senses, caused Duan Shun Jie to be dizzy and his eyes dimmed.

“No. No no. Nothing…” Staggeringly he retreated several steps, as if he was trying to avoid the force of fate right in front of him.

“If you feel hot, just take off your outer garment. At any rate, there aren’t any outsiders here…”

Ignoring the confused face of Duan Shun Jie, Yan Xi Cheng took off his own outer garment at his own accord --- remaining was only a layer of flimsy thin silk which was nearly transparent under the light, his body’s out line also distinctly visible…

Duan Shun Jie was unable to look straight at him, he could only uncomfortably turn his head to the other side.

The demon in Yan Xi Cheng’s heart laughed even more delightfully.

Yan Xi Cheng swiftly pa.s.sed by his hand to firmly grasp Duan Shun Jie’s hand. Deliberately using his charming voice to confuse him while saying: “Shun Jie, don’t you feel a bit tired? Do you want to lie down for a while…”


The still confused and disoriented Duan Shun Jie ambiguously replied, just like that, he was firmly dragged to the bedside.

Without any awareness, muddle-headedly lied on the bed. He could see the whole face looking so pleased Yan Xi Cheng uprightly take off his shoe, then lied beside him.

“Shun Jie…” Yan Xi Cheng inclined his body, gently he called out to him.

His line of vision met the sight of Duan Shun Jie stiffly looking up while lying. Not the least bit willing to show his nervousness even though he was breathing heavily, making Yan Xi Cheng think of teasing him even more.

“So tired… I want to sleep. Shun Jie, you also sleep early, alright!” Pretending to strike a yawn, Yan Xi Cheng closed his eyes, whole face looked drowsy and sleepy.

Duan Shun Jie still hadn’t enough time to let out a sigh of relief, Yan Xi Cheng already firmly nestled himself by his side, one of his hands frighteningly stayed on his waist…

“Xi Cheng…” The place that came into contact seemed to scatter an electric shock. Duan Shun Jie’s voice sounded so much like he was struggling.

“How comfortable… Shun Jie, let me lean on you for a while, only for a while…”

The Seventh Prince faked his voice to sound spoiled, throwing his whole person into Duan Shun Jie’s bosom.

Even though he was unimposing in appearance, Duan Shun Jie possessed a broad chest that would be yearned for to lean on by girls. Clean and warm breathing scent unceasingly came from his rising and falling chest. Unexpectedly causing Yan  Xi Cheng to feel comfortable.

Unable to move his hand and his feet, he helplessly looked at the closed eyes under the long eyelashes, the lips which contained a slight smile were pushed against his chest with that head…

Duan Shun Jie was unable to voice out even a single rejection, only his hysterical heart beat betrayed him by eagerly beating at full speed…

Nervousness, confusion, helplessness… but also a little bit of sweetness…

All of his feelings caused him to be at a loss as what to do.

Initially he only intended to tease Duan Shun Jie for a while, however, that kind of never felt before comfort as well as relaxed feeling unexpectedly truly made him sleepy…

Only for this one night. Allowing himself to be sentimentally attached and indulged in this gentle and warm chest. Yan Xi Cheng reasoned to straighten out himself.

This fool didn’t know anything about his status. Also most likely had a particular favorable feeling towards the same gender as him…

In the past, it wasn’t like there was n.o.body who harbored this kind of devious idea towards him who was beautiful and charming like a woman. But a person who actually had the audacity to put it in action…Yan Xi Cheng made a cold ‘Humph’ from the corner of his mouth.

However, this big idiot in front of him…

Yan Xi Cheng nearly laughed out loud, no matter how doubtful he also couldn’t consider this kind of Duan Shun Jie would dare to put his feelings of admiration into action.

In that case --- just wait and see me playing with you!

With the person who occupied his mind snuggled closely, Duan Shun Jie originally thought that whatever happens he wouldn’t be able to fall asleep.

The nice light scent that was coming from Yan Xi Cheng’s body, unceasingly prompted his heart’s weariness, in the end, he gradually sank and entered the dream world.

In the dream realm filled with the lingering fragrance…the dream was about beautiful scenery which Duan Shun Jie had never seen before.

Enveloped by misty scenery, he was going through hards.h.i.+p of climbing, on the high place, Yan Xi Cheng with his faintly discernible smile was looking in his direction, that smile eventually little by little turned into a mocking cold laugh…

Despite clearly understanding that he was dreaming, Duan Shun Jie still couldn’t help but feel sad and dreary in his heart.

Obviously it was without hope, why should he be reluctant to give up this remaining moment?

Struggled to break away from the miserable and sad dreamland, Duan Shun Jie opened his eyes, by then he found out that the sky was already bright --- the light of the early morning sun seeped through the window, the birds in the mountains were sweetly singing and hooting…

For a while he couldn’t recognize his location, absentmindedly sitting on the long bed in a daze. With difficulty he recalled last night’s occasion, looking at the empty s.p.a.ce by his side, by then he found out that Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s figure wasn’t there.

Stretching out his hand to feel, the half s.p.a.ce on the bed was already so cold.

Could it be that in the middle of his sleep he blurted out something he shouldn’t say, did something he shouldn’t do?

Duan Shun Jie became anxious at once, quickly raised and tidied up his clothing, in a rush he walked out the room.

Such a big yard was extremely tranquil, on the ground, the flower petals which were dropped and scattered by last night’s wind were still there --- the yard seemingly hadn’t been swept by anyone yet.

Duan Shun Jie’s heart felt like hanging on his throat at once, he dashed to cross the winding corridor, treading to the place where the male servants and maiden servants turned up to greet them good health last night…

No one!! There wasn’t anyone there! Not even a single person!

Looking around in the courtyard for nearly an hour, Duan Shun Jie finally admitted failure.

As if losing all of his power, he leaned on the wooden pillar of the corridor, acknowledging the fact that in this whole house, he was left alone.

Could it be that Yan Xi Cheng was actually the flower spirit or a willow demon? He actually could only appear at night then disappear without a trace in the daylight…

Making a mental a.s.sociation for his mysterious charm, even though Duan Shun Jie did not believe in whatever demon or random G.o.d, he also couldn’t help but begin to consider the unconventional idea that the beautiful man was a spirit that came to the mortal life.

Standing blankly in the mountain breeze for quite a while, before his eyes the sun had gradually glared and become scorching hot. Duan Shun Jie dejectedly hung his head while leaving the gorgeous but tranquil and deserted house.

Back at his campsite, Chang Er quickly welcomed him.

“Big Brother Shun, you finally came back!” Chang Er’s body was small, but his throat was not small the least bit, with one shout from him even the desolate feeling in Duan Shun Jie’s heart had been driven away.

“Was there something that happened?” No matter how much he was worried by the sudden disappearance of Yan Xi Cheng, Duan Shun Jie wouldn’t dare to forget that after all, at the moment he was shouldering a heavy responsibility.

“Yuan’s joint army is waiting for you outside! They have waited for a long time to the point of impatience!” Chang Er gestured towards the not far Commander-in-Chief’s tent. Duan Shun Jie’s heart sank to half in an instant.

“I will go change into my clothes, you go to report first.” Swiftly he made his way to his own tent, Duan Shun Jie could only temporarily get rid of his own gloomy mood.

After getting ready at the speed of lightning, Duan Shun Jie walked at a fast pace to the Commander-in-Chief’s tent.

There wasn’t any trace of worry that showed on his face, the eyes under the helmet were bright like his usual soldierly bearing. All the standby soldiers were disorderly saluting him with eyes projecting their respect. All in all, in their hearts, the time and again repeatedly gained the military merit Duan Shun Jie was truly a great general.

Sitting in the Commander-in-Chief’s tent, the first thing Duan Shun Jie did was call in last night’s on the outlook duty Deputy General.

“Was there any movement from the mountain?” Honestly speaking, deep in his heart he was never hoping for starting a war. Every time he saw the battlefield littered with corpses, the earth covered by blood situation his heart couldn’t help but be depressed and grieved. But since he had already taken the weight of his position, all he could do now was work hard to reduce the casualties on their side --- therefore certainly the enemy soldiers’ life would serve as the price.

“Report, General. Our spy has reported, today, from early morning, Datong’s army seemingly shows an indication of moving their soldiers.”

Duan Shun Jie helplessly let out a sigh. “Ai, let everyone make the preparation to meet the enemy head on.”

What should happen surely would happen sooner or later, both sides had stationed their army on Mount Panlong already for numerous days. Wasting time for nothing like this for their army provisions as well as morale was quite a harsh trial.

Asking Chang Er to lead Cong Yun to him, Duan Shun Jie rode the horse to the front of the completely equipped soldiers, slowly he rode on his horse as his on a high platform to inspect the troops like he usually did.

Reining the horse to look around at the thousands of earnest eyes which stared at him, Duan Shun Jie diligently got rid of the heavy burden in his heart. With a slow and unhurried formidable posture, he drew out the long sword from his waist. Powerfully waved it ---upon this, the originally lining up to a square shaped formation soldiers immediately excitedly began to s.h.i.+ft in disorder, in accordance to all of his trained in the battlefield tactical deployment of troops, they lined up the row to greet the enemy.

The air was filled with the sounds of rubbing metal and hoofing horses, n.o.body whispered nor glanced around. Duan Shun Jie had always been a careful and precise General when directing his troops, resulting in having eminent subordinates in his troops simply because of his strict and impartial discipline.

“Go to verify the Datong’s situation again.”

Before his eyes, the Pingnan troops had already guarded each and every strategic point, yet, Duan Shun Jie once again a.s.signed a spy to scout out.

The spy dashed as if flying. Duan Shun Jie fixed his eyes at the distant point at the top of the mountain. Slowly, he narrowed his eyes…

Left, right, both pathes were not only steep, but also dangerous. He had dispatched his men to lay out countless traps along the way. If Datong’s army wanted to launch their attack, the only option was to cross Mount Panlong --- the weary enemy army who was just crossing the mountain wading the river to come, how could they deal with the meritorious Pingnan’s troops.

Pei Jin Tian, let me see what kind of method do you have to reach the sky…

“General, there are traps on the right road!” The spy who dressed up as a firewood gatherer cut a sorry figure while kneeling in front of General Pei’s horse. “The surprise attack group has suffered heavy casualties!”

The lining up long platoon of Datong was marching forward. Pei Jin Tian was moving in the very front row. Behind him, a unit of magnificently decorated carriage followed --- the one who was sitting inside of course was the famous Datong Army’s usually mysterious G.o.d, the Seventh Prince, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng.

Upon hearing the report from the spy, Pei Jin Tian creased his eyebrows at once, he waved his hands to the troops behind him. In an instant the whole battalion halted their marching forward movement. Stopped at the mountain pathway.

“Your Highness, there are traps on the right road. What should we do now?” He respectfully bowed while facing the curtain --- ever since he suffered the whipping, he never again dared to conduct any disrespectful behavior towards Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng.

Having heard what was said, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng creased his eyebrows at once. The spy from the left road had reported that the left side bridge had been tampered with. Looks like this whoever Shun wanted to make sure that Datong’s army wouldn’t be able to cross Mount Panlong.

“Tell everybody to go up, back to the former camp and await orders.” Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng issued an order with his lowered voice.

Looking downward from the top of Mount Panlong, Pingnan Troops’ campsite arrangement was neat and tidy. There wasn’t any trace of great mobilizing of army inside the camp. On the contrary, everything was eerily tranquil, to the point of making Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng inwardly apprehensive.


Slightly narrowed his pair of eyes, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s expression didn’t reveal any obvious emotion. The nearby attendants secretly became afraid --- whenever Seventh Prince revealed this kind of face, surely someone would meet their bad luck.

Even though they would offend the honorable Crown Prince, they absolutely wouldn’t want to become Seventh Prince’s enemy. This was what caused everyone who had witnessed firsthand the fierceness of the Seventh Prince to be on guard.

“Pei Jin Tian, how do you see our army’s chances of success for today?” Exercised restraint to suppress the radiant light in his eyes, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng inclined his head to ask the Pei Jin Tian who stood by his side.

Pei Jin Tian was also an experienced and astute warrior who had rigorous schemes and deep foresight, yet, standing by this imposing and intimidating Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s side, he didn’t know why, his head actually became empty as if had stopped to think and became such a humble man who couldn’t despise but could only flatter him.

“Humble subject couldn’t see it. How does Your Highness see it?” After saying those words, he almost bit off his own tongue. Even he couldn’t understand, why the usually poised him, the number one warrior in Datong, after he suffered the whipping, towards this prettier than any woman little prince, had generated such a deep fear.

“As I see it,” Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng coldly laughed, “… those traitors from Pingnan are about to meet their end, death is near at hand. They won’t live for long anymore!”

“Pei Jin Tian, you take the control from here. I will return after I go to scout at the Pingnan troops’ camp.” Without waiting for Pen Jin Tian’s response, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng already soared high in the sky like a light wind, his figure was like the lightning which brushed over towards the mountain’s base.

Pei Jin Tian had never thought that the Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng who enjoyed his high position and lived in comfort actually would decide to personally scout on the enemy’s movement. It was too late for him to prevent, he could only gaze at the graceful figure’s back that was already several tens zhang[1] away in a mere second with his mouth widely opened, foolishly rooted on the spot…

Light as a feather flowing in the mountain breeze, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s foot’s tip nearly never touched the land. As if flying, he crossed the precipitous mountain’s cliff and arrived at the outer side of the campsite.

All along the way, pa.s.sing through the mountain path, there were many simple traps featured at every several steps. Though he could easily avoid all of them, but when Datong’s army launched the attack, these traps couldn’t help but slow down the pace of the advancing march, combining with the personal casualties, the Datong army would be crippled and the momentum would be weakened even before they had direct contact with the Pingnan troops.

The powerful tactic of the enemy made Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng become even more excited. That kind of thirst to overthrow the enemy who was evenly matched in terms of strength with him surged out and filled his thoughts.

Relying on his strange and changeful elegant air kung-fu which he possessed, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng randomly killed one of Pingnan’s soldiers at the lookout post. He changed into the Pingnan’s uniform and blackened his face to camouflage his excessively pretty and charming face. Proudly he stepped forward to enter the hinterland of the campsite.

Even though the Datong army had been glaring at them like a tiger watching its prey from the top of the mountain, the campsite of Pingnan troops remained extraordinarily quiet. The strangely few number of people allowed Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng to sniff the perilous atmosphere.

“General Shun’s maneuver is honestly really terrific!!” The brush past soldiers’ conversation made Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng to p.r.i.c.k up his ears.

“Indeed! To exert this kind of strategy. In my opinion, the Datong army definitely wouldn’t know what had happened even when they are facing their death!” The two youths burst out in laughter together, completely unaware that the eyes of a man from their back revealed a malicious deed in a split second.

Is he really that great? It will be me who will let you face death while not knowing what had happened!

Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng had never been a pract.i.tioner of Buddhism. Possessing such outstanding skill of martial arts that surpa.s.sed all, his hands had been soaked with the fresh blood of many people who tried to obstruct his way.

The t.i.tle of “Warlord of Datong”, couldn’t be gained by depending on the waving fan inside the tent. Hearing the praises and compliments from the Pingnan soldiers for this whoever “Shun”, the murderous intention inside Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s heart became visible. At that very moment he inwardly decided: If he wanted to win this war, he absolutely couldn’t let this “Shun” live.

Clarifying the location of the Commander-in-Chief’s tent, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng resolutely marched towards the confirmed direction.

“Vice General Rong, everyone already on standby in their respective place?” Inside the tent, Duan Shun Jie stood firmly in his martial attire. He was pointing at the battle formation map on the old-fas.h.i.+oned narrow table in front of him while asking the capable Vice General at his back.

“Everybody awaiting to ambush, only waiting for the Datong’s army to force their entrance, the brothers will annihilate them in one move.” Vice General Rong in his thirties was his most trusted man, although he was older than Duan Shun Jie, towards his superior, he would show a completely reverent and respectful expression.

“Good! But what have the Datong Army been doing? Why in such a longtime they still haven’t made any advancement?” Duan Shun Jie nodded his head to express his admiration, yet still couldn’t conceal the uncertainty in his mind.

“Who knows what kind of medicine they sell inside of their bottle guard[2]! This Pei Jin Tian could be said as an old fox. Too bad for him this time he has to face General Shun, perhaps, he couldn’t help but to return in low spirits.”

“We may not look down and underestimate the force of Datong’s army! After all, everything still has to be carefully a.s.sessed.” Even though the plan has already been arranged thoroughly, Duan Shun Jie still wouldn’t dare to lower his guard and treat them lightly.

“Who are you!” The loud shout from outside transmitted to the tent. Duan Shun Jie and Vice General Rong simultaneously turned their head --- the curtain at the tent’s door was lifted, from there, a tall man dressed in Pingnan troop’s uniform emerged abruptly. A soldier who was supposedly to guard the tent was standing awkwardly behind him, evidently ashamed because he had failed to stop the intruder from charging in.

It turned out to be his own man --- Duan Shun Jie let out a relieved sigh, in a low voice he asked: “From which battalion? What’s the matter?”

The man was wearing his helmet very low, nearly blocked his eyes from view, his whole face was blackened by the smeared ash, and the oversized armor also made his figure couldn’t be seen clearly.

“Shun?” The man’s voice was very strange, low and hoa.r.s.e to the point of unnatural, there was a mixture of feeling extremely shocked and as if taken aback in the voice.

“Who are you?” Duan Shun Jie was alarmed and on guard, his hand gripped the hilt of the sword on his waist.

“You are Shun?!” The man asked one more time, his whole voice was as if heaving a sigh.

At the moment when Duan Shun Jie wanted to draw his sword to interrogate this man head on, that stranger already turned his body and walked out the tent with large steps, leaving the three people inside the tent with baffled expressions.

When Duan Shun Jie regained his senses and went out the tent to pursue, even that person’s shadow already couldn’t be seen, it seemed like he was merely an illusion.

“Tell all the brothers in every barracks, take precautions and strengthen the guards. Dispatch two more squads to reinforce the lookout post!” Firmly he issued an order to be on guard, Duan Shun Jie, no matter what, still couldn’t erase the uneasiness in his heart.

Since earlier he had ordered his men to excavate the ground at their campsite. They only had to wait for Datong’s army to attack them then they could take their advantage during the confusion to humiliate the leader by bullying the subordinate. The absolutely perfect plan, at the moment only needed to wait for the enemy to walk right into the trap --- at such a crucial time, unexpectedly someone broke through their campsite, without saying anything just turned his body and left --- no matter how he saw it, it was still extremely abnormal.

Vertically jumped into the rugged mountain path, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng carefully avoided the intensive traps. He couldn’t restrain the corner of his mouth from forming a cold and cruel smile.

Shun… Duan Shun Jie…

He wouldn’t have guessed that General Shun was actually the very man who could only foolishly smile at his beauty. Even if Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng didn’t believe in the existence of fate, at this moment, it was difficult for him not to feel a bit of the mystery of fate.

It has been destined by Heaven! Only I could be the winner of this war.

He was antic.i.p.ating this General Shun to die under his sword before he cleared away the Pingnan troops. But now…

Based on the unexplainably vague relations.h.i.+p between him and this Shun, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng already had the confidence to completely overthrow the whole Pingnan troops’ force.

Even until he had changed into afresh prince’s clothing, and sat upright in the magnificent carriage surrounded by the army’s banner, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng still couldn’t restrain the corner of his mouth from carrying such a strange smile.

“Your Highness, please issue an order to attack!”

“No, change of plan. The army will withdraw!” The unexpected instruction from inside the carriage caused Pei Jin Tian to nearly dropped his chin.

“Your Highness…”

“Instruct them to retreat. All the army withdraw.” To chop the nail and slice the iron, unhesitatingly, his tone was not allowing any explanations to be offered. Although there was a thick and long curtain between them, Pei Jin Tian almost could picture the obstinate expression of that beautiful face at the moment.

Helplessly while transmitting the withdraw instruction, he still was unable to unload his filled by doubt hesitation --- why after returning from Pingnan’s campsite, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng made a decision not to attack, furthermore, had this whole confident face that the victory was within his grasp’s expression?

Applying a not so refined gesture to lean on the carriage’s wall, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng was a.s.suming a form of leisure and carefreeness. At the moment his head had not ceased to ponder over how to thoroughly defeat Shun, as well as to thoroughly defeat Pingnan’s troops.

The feeling of amusing himself by playing with this foolish Duan Shun Jie, at present had totally changed into a cruel desire to thoroughly conquer him and completely defeat him.

Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng’s eyes revealed the same blood thirst as a wild wolf, occasionally it would transform into a crafty smile, causing the young male servant by his side’s heart to fill with fear and trepidation in the face of disaster all along.

Returning to the stationed campsite, Xuan Yuan Xi Cheng obviously had made a decision --- also resumed his indifferent appearance, not showing his full of confidence face. Whoever couldn’t see that he actually held such a trump card.

End of Fallen Hero Chapter 3.

Chapter 3 : Tonight, Duan Shun Jie was still like before, arrived earlier than Yan Xi Cheng to their
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