Rise of Humanity
Rise of Humanity - Chapter 16

Chapter 16: 16

" Sword Sect’s Fang Jiange?"

Zhong Yue’s emotions stirred and he deeply watched the white-clothed Qi Refining warrior . This white-clothed man strode the air and traveled the sky as if walking on land . The old mountain-like turtle followed behind him, its steps shaking the earth and swaying mountains .

The old turtle’s speed was much faster than before . It must have been because the sword light it was carrying earlier was too heavy, making its movements difficult due to the crushing pressure . But now when it lifted its incomparably study legs it could move a thousand feet away in a single step . It was much faster than Zhong Yue’s sprinting speed . It moved like a great shifting mountain!

It was easy to imagine how heavy Fang Jiange’s sword light was!

Not long later, the old turtle was already amidst the mountain ranges of the demon ruins, its turtle back towering high like a moving mountain . Countless demons wailed and roared around the altar in the depths of the ruins . They poured forth and assaulted the old turtle like a flock of ants, their momentum shocking the sky and shaking the lands!

Celestial elephant demons, eagle demons, fire demons, spider demons, one-eyed demons, aberration demons, and so on . Every kind of demon race from the demon ruins was there, numbering hundreds of thousand and even millions, making for a terrifying picture!

There was no lack of evolved demons among them, their strength powerful to the extreme . When it reached the old turtle’s body, the dark mass of demons held onto the turtle’s leg and climbed on like a flock of ants . "Zheng Zheng Zheng" Their hands held all kinds of weapons and they hacked them at the old turtle!


The old turtle opened its mouth and roared loudly, the sound waves creating so much pressure that they made ripples in the air . The mountains on its four sides were all assaulted by the tangible sound waves and shook in loud rumbles . The rocks on the mountains were unexpectedly ejected in the air by the sound waves, and shot out all around in the eight directions!

The countless demons on the old turtle’s back were also sent flying, their five viscera and six bowels broken to pieces, and even their brains had been exploded by the sound waves!

The demons within eight or nine li of the old turtle all met with disaster, as if they found themselves in an incomparably violent explosion . "Hu La La" They were all lifted by the sound waves and sent flying, making for a magnificent and spectacular scene!

Even standing at the demon ruins exit in the distance, Zhong Yue and the rest of the disciples could still sense the amazing sound waves oppressively press down on their chest, almost making them cough blood!

It was easy to imagine how strong the pressure that had crushed the demons near the old turtle was!

Suddenly, several shadows flew up from inside the demon herd . It was impressively the Qi Refining warriors hidden inside the mass, and as soon as they rose in the air, they each invoked their own spirit and attacked the old turtle!

Many strange shapes appeared in the sky . There were elephant divinities with four head and eight arms, eagle gods with eagle heads, a human body, and four wings, one-eyed demon gods with a body wholly lit in crimson blazing fire, spider demon gods stepped on spider webs . There were many kinds of them, they all were the spirits of those demon Qi Refining warriors .

They hadn’t cultivated to the level of merging spirit with soul yet, and even less to the level of body and spirit merging into one, but even so, the manifestation of so many spirits was also an extremely terrifying scene shaking the mountains . They had used the opportunity of the old turtle’s outburst to ready their own attacks and cut off Fang Jiange’s helper!

In the sky, Fang Jiange’s gaze didn’t waver and locked on tightly on the blood fog above the sacrificial altar . The demon god inside the blood fog appeared more and more distinct, while the blood fog became more and more faint .

Clang .

Fang Jiange lifted the sword in his left hand . He gently flicked his thumb, and it exposed over an inch of the sword blade inside the scabbard, exposing a bright shine and diffusing golden light .

The sword light gently shook and emitted the crisp sound of a sword cry . Beams of sword qi soared in the sky, the gorgeous sword lights as brilliant as a peacock spreading its tail .

The spirits manifested just now by the demon Qi Refining warriors didn’t even have time to rush and assault the old turtle before the beams of sword qi fell down . Elephant heads, eagle heads, one-eyed demon god heads, spider demon god heads and so on, all dropped down like the rain!

Fang Jiange took his thumb back, and the sword light over an inch long fell back inside the sword sheathe . The sword qi filling the air also immediately disappeared, while bodies after bodies fell down from the sky .

The demon Qi Refining warriors that had been hiding inside the tide of millions of demons had shockingly been all chopped off, all cleanly killed!

"This level of sword qi…"

Zhong Yue was amazed by the scene to the point his eyes were dazzled and his soul was shaking . He muttered: "In the future I also have to become a Qi Refining warrior like that!"

Little Xin Huo snorted inside his sea of consciousness: "This Fang Jiange indeed has some small skill and isn’t so much of a country bumpkin . If you continue to cultivate the methods I taught you, it’s not impossible for you to become a Qi Refining warrior like him . If you became the Soul Fire inheritor, then surpassing him would be just around the corner! Too bad, your Fuxi blood lineage is too thin…"

"I will already be very satisfied if I could become a Qi Refining warrior like Fang Jiange . " Zhong Yue said smilingly .

Xin Huo shook his head like a small flame swaying in the wind, and said: "You’ll be satisfied with only this? You’re really underestimating the visualization picture I passed on to you…"

"Brother apprentice Zhong, why are you dumbly staring like that?"

Ting Lanyue had led the other disciples as they quickly sprinted toward the demon ruins exit, but when she turned her head back she saw Zhong Yue still looking at the battle in the depths of the demon ruins . She said while still running: "A battle between Qi Refining warriors, if it accidentally rippled here you and me would die without even a burial, why aren’t you quickly running out yet?"

Zhong Yue withdrew his gaze and was about to follow everyone out of the demon ruins when he suddenly glimpsed the huge corpse of the celestial elephant demon woman . His thoughts moved and he visualized a Jiao dragon . The Jiao dragon totem appeared with the sound of a dragon cry, then opened its mouth wide and bit the ankle of the celestial elephant Qi Refining warrior . It spared no effort as it dragged the body .

Ting Lanyue and the others were all rendered speechless when they saw this .

"Sister apprentice Ting, brother apprentice He, does this celestial elephant Qi Refining warrior’s corpse have high value?" Zhong Yue asked .

He Chengchuan didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: "Brother apprentice Zhong, do you still want to live? Although the body of a celestial elephant Qi Refining warrior has considerable value, is it more important than your own life? If the Qi Refining warriors’ attacks rippled all the way here, all of us will die! This celestial elephant’s corpse is extremely heavy, it’s really not so easy to carry…"

He didn’t continue talking, because the Jiao dragon visualized by Zhong Yue was holding the demon’s corpse by the ankle, and the speed it was dragging this body wasn’t slow .

He Chengchuan was dumbstruck in his heart: "Evolved celestial elephant demons have a body with a skeleton made out of pure dark gold, which is much heavier than dark iron . I’m afraid that the skeleton of a celestial elephant Qi Refining warrior is over ten thousand pounds! Add on her flesh on top of that, this kind of weight…The Jiao dragon visualized by apprentice brother Zhong is surprisingly able to drag it, how tenacious is his mind power really?"

"This time we have gone through a lot and we snatched our lives from the jaws of death, how can we go back empty-handed?"

Zhong Yue laughed: "After we carry this celestial elephant demon’s body out, we can sell it and split the profit between all of us . Unfortunately, the other brother and sister apprentices…"

Ting Lanyue, He Chengchuan, and the other disciples sank into silence, their expression sad . Old sir Pu had a hundred disciples under him, and this time the hundred came here to practice, but only the dozen of them could return alive . The others all had already become blood sacrifices of the demons and had died on the altar .

Ting Lanyue took a long breath in . Her mind power spilled out and gave him a hand in towing the celestial demon Qi Refining warrior’s body towards the exit . She quietly said: "This thing can only be blamed on the treacherousness of the demon ruins’ demons, and the negligence of the Sword Sect higher ups . It only became a great disaster because of this . I’m afraid almost a thousand upper yard disciples died inside the demon ruins, two Sword Sect elders also died here…"

He Chengchun repeatedly shook his head and said: "What brother apprentice Zhong said is right, I’m afraid there’s a demon spy among the leaders of our Sword Sect . This great disaster is only due to traitors colluding with the demons! A thousand upper yard disciples just like this…"

Ting Lanyue grimly said: "Fellow apprentices, let’s not talk about traitors among the sect higher ups after we leave these demon ruins . Otherwise it’d be easy to attract great misfortune, do you understand? There are naturally Sword Sect leaders who understand this matter clearly . This kind of things is better left for themselves to solve!"

Everyone shivered within their heart, and they nodded .

There were traitors among the high levels of the Sword Sect, but Zhong Yue and the rest were only insignificant upper yard disciples . They were lucky already to escape the present calamity . If they wantonly spread out this matter about traitors, they would inevitably attract dark murderous intents!

On the verge of leaving the demon ruins, Zhong Yue turned his head back and saw demon qi move back and forth in front of the sacrificial altar like an air stream, floating ceaselessly . A black robed man could be faintly seen inside the demon qi, and behind him the shape of the Celestial Elephant Old Mother was becoming more and more tangible inside the blood mist!

A demon god spirit able to shoulder heaven and earth stood inside the blood fog . The Celestial Elephant Old Mother had many heads, an elephant head, a spider head, a single-eyed head, an eagle head and so on, for a total of eight heads, while her lower body was like a spider . Her many eyes were half open and half closed, and she didn’t appear to have entirely woken up!

The blood and flesh of the thousand upper yard disciples and the blood essence of the two Sword Sect elders were condensed by this demon god spirit and vaguely shaped into her flesh and body!

Around the sacrificial altar, there were millions of low level demons continuously worshiping this demon god spirit on the eve of awakening . They kowtowed and did their utmost to wake the Celestial Elephant Old Mother!

"Heh heh heh, Fang Jiange your strength made some progress again, you’re worthy of being ranked second among the four great experts of the Sword Sect’s younger generation . "

The black-robed man inside the black fog moved at flying speed and said laughing: "Do you think that you can cut the Celestial Elephant Old Mother’s spirit with your strength alone?"

"You’re not a demon . "

Fang Jiange stopped his footsteps and leaned his head to the side as he said: "You’re someone from my Sword Sect . The demon qi and the black robe are only there to dissimulate your identity, who are you really?"

He slowly drew out his treasure sword . Beams of golden light surrounded the sword and spun around it with a vibrating noise, like the rumble of thunder .

Fang Jiange had a calm expression as he strode forward: "You probably won’t tell, but it doesn’t matter . As long as we fight, you’ll be forced to use the skills you most excel at . I’ll be able to tell who you are then . "

The black-robed man laughed loudly . His body suddenly collapsed and transformed into black smoke before disappearing: "It’s not so easy to keep me here . Fang Jiange, the Celestial Elephant Old Mother woke up, I hope you can continue to live!"

On the altar, the gigantic demon god spirit slowly opened its eyes one by one, her vision falling upon Fang Jiange .

"Livestock…" The demon god spirit opened her mouth and said .


An incomparably fierce murderous intent suddenly burst in Fang Jiange’s eyes . Breathtaking sword light instantly covered heaven and earth, then a dazzling golden sword qi cut across the vast sky, shocking heaven and shaking the earth as it went through the Celestial Elephant Old Mother’s body!

"Did she escape or did she die?"

The Celestial Elephant Old Mother’s spirit crumbled in loud rumbles, fresh blood crashing down like a waterfall . Fang Jiange sheathed his sword back in his scabbard and looked all around . Beneath, demons had died in numbers that couldn’t be counted, while the Celestial Elephant Old Mother’s spirit disappeared without a trace .

"Mountain Bearer, carry my sword, we’re going back . "

Fang Jiange threw the sword light and it landed on the old turtle’s back . The old turtle groaned and crawled toward the exit . It raised its head and said: "Jiange, I’m afraid the Celestial Elephant Old Mother has already revived . "

"A trivial spiritual soul only, it can’t cause much waves . The search for the Celestial Elephant Old Mother’s spirit, let’s leave this kind of chore to those old bones in the Sword Sect . "

Fang Jiange looked indifferent: "What interests me is the traitor, and what he really wants to achieve by awakening the Celestial Elephant Old Mother . "


Sword Sect’s Fang Jiange?.

Zhong Yue’s emotions stirred and he deeply watched the white-clothed Qi Refining warrior . This white-clothed man strode the air and traveled the sky as if walking on land . The old mountain-like turtle followed behind him, its steps shaking the earth and swaying mountains . .

The old turtle’s speed was much faster than before . It must have been because the sword light it was carrying earlier was too heavy, making its movements difficult due to the crushing pressure . But now when it lifted its incomparably study legs it could move a thousand feet away in a single step . It was much faster than Zhong Yue’s sprinting speed . It moved like a great shifting mountain!.

It was easy to imagine how heavy Fang Jiange’s sword light was!.

Not long later, the old turtle was already amidst the mountain ranges of the demon ruins, its turtle back towering high like a moving mountain . Countless demons wailed and roared around the altar in the depths of the ruins . They poured forth and assaulted the old turtle like a flock of ants, their momentum shocking the sky and shaking the lands!.

Celestial elephant demons, eagle demons, fire demons, spider demons, one-eyed demons, aberration demons, and so on . Every kind of demon race from the demon ruins was there, numbering hundreds of thousand and even millions, making for a terrifying picture!.

There was no lack of evolved demons among them, their strength powerful to the extreme . When it reached the old turtle’s body, the dark mass of demons held onto the turtle’s leg and climbed on like a flock of ants . Zheng Zheng Zheng Their hands held all kinds of weapons and they hacked them at the old turtle!.


The old turtle opened its mouth and roared loudly, the sound waves creating so much pressure that they made ripples in the air . The mountains on its four sides were all assaulted by the tangible sound waves and shook in loud rumbles . The rocks on the mountains were unexpectedly ejected in the air by the sound waves, and shot out all around in the eight directions!.

The countless demons on the old turtle’s back were also sent flying, their five viscera and six bowels broken to pieces, and even their brains had been exploded by the sound waves!.

The demons within eight or nine li of the old turtle all met with disaster, as if they found themselves in an incomparably violent explosion . Hu La La They were all lifted by the sound waves and sent flying, making for a magnificent and spectacular scene!.

Even standing at the demon ruins exit in the distance, Zhong Yue and the rest of the disciples could still sense the amazing sound waves oppressively press down on their chest, almost making them cough blood!.

It was easy to imagine how strong the pressure that had crushed the demons near the old turtle was!.

Suddenly, several shadows flew up from inside the demon herd . It was impressively the Qi Refining warriors hidden inside the mass, and as soon as they rose in the air, they each invoked their own spirit and attacked the old turtle!.

Many strange shapes appeared in the sky . There were elephant divinities with four head and eight arms, eagle gods with eagle heads, a human body, and four wings, one-eyed demon gods with a body wholly lit in crimson blazing fire, spider demon gods stepped on spider webs . There were many kinds of them, they all were the spirits of those demon Qi Refining warriors . .

They hadn’t cultivated to the level of merging spirit with soul yet, and even less to the level of body and spirit merging into one, but even so, the manifestation of so many spirits was also an extremely terrifying scene shaking the mountains . They had used the opportunity of the old turtle’s outburst to ready their own attacks and cut off Fang Jiange’s helper!.

In the sky, Fang Jiange’s gaze didn’t waver and locked on tightly on the blood fog above the sacrificial altar . The demon god inside the blood fog appeared more and more distinct, while the blood fog became more and more faint . .

Clang . .

Fang Jiange lifted the sword in his left hand . He gently flicked his thumb, and it exposed over an inch of the sword blade inside the scabbard, exposing a bright shine and diffusing golden light . .

The sword light gently shook and emitted the crisp sound of a sword cry . Beams of sword qi soared in the sky, the gorgeous sword lights as brilliant as a peacock spreading its tail . .

The spirits manifested just now by the demon Qi Refining warriors didn’t even have time to rush and assault the old turtle before the beams of sword qi fell down . Elephant heads, eagle heads, one-eyed demon god heads, spider demon god heads and so on, all dropped down like the rain!.

Fang Jiange took his thumb back, and the sword light over an inch long fell back inside the sword sheathe . The sword qi filling the air also immediately disappeared, while bodies after bodies fell down from the sky . .

The demon Qi Refining warriors that had been hiding inside the tide of millions of demons had shockingly been all chopped off, all cleanly killed!.

This level of sword qi….

Zhong Yue was amazed by the scene to the point his eyes were dazzled and his soul was shaking . He muttered: In the future I also have to become a Qi Refining warrior like that!.

Little Xin Huo snorted inside his sea of consciousness: This Fang Jiange indeed has some small skill and isn’t so much of a country bumpkin . If you continue to cultivate the methods I taught you, it’s not impossible for you to become a Qi Refining warrior like him . If you became the Soul Fire inheritor, then surpassing him would be just around the corner! Too bad, your Fuxi blood lineage is too thin….

I will already be very satisfied if I could become a Qi Refining warrior like Fang Jiange . Zhong Yue said smilingly . .

Xin Huo shook his head like a small flame swaying in the wind, and said: You’ll be satisfied with only this? You’re really underestimating the visualization picture I passed on to you….

Brother apprentice Zhong, why are you dumbly staring like that?.

Ting Lanyue had led the other disciples as they quickly sprinted toward the demon ruins exit, but when she turned her head back she saw Zhong Yue still looking at the battle in the depths of the demon ruins . She said while still running: A battle between Qi Refining warriors, if it accidentally rippled here you and me would die without even a burial, why aren’t you quickly running out yet?.

Zhong Yue withdrew his gaze and was about to follow everyone out of the demon ruins when he suddenly glimpsed the huge corpse of the celestial elephant demon woman . His thoughts moved and he visualized a Jiao dragon . The Jiao dragon totem appeared with the sound of a dragon cry, then opened its mouth wide and bit the ankle of the celestial elephant Qi Refining warrior . It spared no effort as it dragged the body . .

Ting Lanyue and the others were all rendered speechless when they saw this . .

Sister apprentice Ting, brother apprentice He, does this celestial elephant Qi Refining warrior’s corpse have high value? Zhong Yue asked . .

He Chengchuan didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: Brother apprentice Zhong, do you still want to live? Although the body of a celestial elephant Qi Refining warrior has considerable value, is it more important than your own life? If the Qi Refining warriors’ attacks rippled all the way here, all of us will die! This celestial elephant’s corpse is extremely heavy, it’s really not so easy to carry….

He didn’t continue talking, because the Jiao dragon visualized by Zhong Yue was holding the demon’s corpse by the ankle, and the speed it was dragging this body wasn’t slow . .

He Chengchuan was dumbstruck in his heart: Evolved celestial elephant demons have a body with a skeleton made out of pure dark gold, which is much heavier than dark iron . I’m afraid that the skeleton of a celestial elephant Qi Refining warrior is over ten thousand pounds! Add on her flesh on top of that, this kind of weight…The Jiao dragon visualized by apprentice brother Zhong is surprisingly able to drag it, how tenacious is his mind power really?.

This time we have gone through a lot and we snatched our lives from the jaws of death, how can we go back empty-handed?.

Zhong Yue laughed: After we carry this celestial elephant demon’s body out, we can sell it and split the profit between all of us . Unfortunately, the other brother and sister apprentices….

Ting Lanyue, He Chengchuan, and the other disciples sank into silence, their expression sad . Old sir Pu had a hundred disciples under him, and this time the hundred came here to practice, but only the dozen of them could return alive . The others all had already become blood sacrifices of the demons and had died on the altar . .

Ting Lanyue took a long breath in . Her mind power spilled out and gave him a hand in towing the celestial demon Qi Refining warrior’s body towards the exit . She quietly said: This thing can only be blamed on the treacherousness of the demon ruins’ demons, and the negligence of the Sword Sect higher ups . It only became a great disaster because of this . I’m afraid almost a thousand upper yard disciples died inside the demon ruins, two Sword Sect elders also died here….

He Chengchun repeatedly shook his head and said: What brother apprentice Zhong said is right, I’m afraid there’s a demon spy among the leaders of our Sword Sect . This great disaster is only due to traitors colluding with the demons! A thousand upper yard disciples just like this….

Ting Lanyue grimly said: Fellow apprentices, let’s not talk about traitors among the sect higher ups after we leave these demon ruins . Otherwise it’d be easy to attract great misfortune, do you understand? There are naturally Sword Sect leaders who understand this matter clearly . This kind of things is better left for themselves to solve!.

Everyone shivered within their heart, and they nodded . .

There were traitors among the high levels of the Sword Sect, but Zhong Yue and the rest were only insignificant upper yard disciples . They were lucky already to escape the present calamity . If they wantonly spread out this matter about traitors, they would inevitably attract dark murderous intents!.

On the verge of leaving the demon ruins, Zhong Yue turned his head back and saw demon qi move back and forth in front of the sacrificial altar like an air stream, floating ceaselessly . A black robed man could be faintly seen inside the demon qi, and behind him the shape of the Celestial Elephant Old Mother was becoming more and more tangible inside the blood mist!.

A demon god spirit able to shoulder heaven and earth stood inside the blood fog . The Celestial Elephant Old Mother had many heads, an elephant head, a spider head, a single-eyed head, an eagle head and so on, for a total of eight heads, while her lower body was like a spider . Her many eyes were half open and half closed, and she didn’t appear to have entirely woken up!.

The blood and flesh of the thousand upper yard disciples and the blood essence of the two Sword Sect elders were condensed by this demon god spirit and vaguely shaped into her flesh and body!.

Around the sacrificial altar, there were millions of low level demons continuously worshiping this demon god spirit on the eve of awakening . They kowtowed and did their utmost to wake the Celestial Elephant Old Mother!.

Heh heh heh, Fang Jiange your strength made some progress again, you’re worthy of being ranked second among the four great experts of the Sword Sect’s younger generation . .

The black-robed man inside the black fog moved at flying speed and said laughing: Do you think that you can cut the Celestial Elephant Old Mother’s spirit with your strength alone?.

You’re not a demon . .

Fang Jiange stopped his footsteps and leaned his head to the side as he said: You’re someone from my Sword Sect . The demon qi and the black robe are only there to dissimulate your identity, who are you really?.

He slowly drew out his treasure sword . Beams of golden light surrounded the sword and spun around it with a vibrating noise, like the rumble of thunder . .

Fang Jiange had a calm expression as he strode forward: You probably won’t tell, but it doesn’t matter . As long as we fight, you’ll be forced to use the skills you most excel at . I’ll be able to tell who you are then . .

The black-robed man laughed loudly . His body suddenly collapsed and transformed into black smoke before disappearing: It’s not so easy to keep me here . Fang Jiange, the Celestial Elephant Old Mother woke up, I hope you can continue to live!.

On the altar, the gigantic demon god spirit slowly opened its eyes one by one, her vision falling upon Fang Jiange . .

Livestock… The demon god spirit opened her mouth and said . .


An incomparably fierce murderous intent suddenly burst in Fang Jiange’s eyes . Breathtaking sword light instantly covered heaven and earth, then a dazzling golden sword qi cut across the vast sky, shocking heaven and shaking the earth as it went through the Celestial Elephant Old Mother’s body!.

Did she escape or did she die?.

The Celestial Elephant Old Mother’s spirit crumbled in loud rumbles, fresh blood crashing down like a waterfall . Fang Jiange sheathed his sword back in his scabbard and looked all around . Beneath, demons had died in numbers that couldn’t be counted, while the Celestial Elephant Old Mother’s spirit disappeared without a trace . .

Mountain Bearer, carry my sword, we’re going back . .

Fang Jiange threw the sword light and it landed on the old turtle’s back . The old turtle groaned and crawled toward the exit . It raised its head and said: Jiange, I’m afraid the Celestial Elephant Old Mother has already revived . .

A trivial spiritual soul only, it can’t cause much waves . The search for the Celestial Elephant Old Mother’s spirit, let’s leave this kind of chore to those old bones in the Sword Sect . .

Fang Jiange looked indifferent: What interests me is the traitor, and what he really wants to achieve by awakening the Celestial Elephant Old Mother . .


Rise of Humanity - Chapter 16
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