Rise of Humanity
Rise of Humanity - Chapter 11

Chapter 11: 11

"The aberration demons can even talk?"

Zhong Yue was startled . The aberration demons he had met in the Blue Sky Hall rushed mindlessly and fought without a word, so he thought this kind of creature only followed their slaughtering instincts . He never thought the aberration demons were surprisingly able to speak .

It also made him startled when those aberration demons compared Ting Lanyue and the female disciples to small cows . How could small cows be as adorable as those female disciples? He really couldn’t wrap his head around how the aberration demons linked the female disciples together with cows .

Ting Langyue issued a muted shout: "Fellow brother and sister apprentices, get ready for battle! Brother apprentice Zhong Yue, your strength is the lowest among us and you don’t have any battle experience . Follow me!"

Zhong Yue blinked and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry .

Ting Lanyue and the other upper yard disciples had rolled up their sleeves and readied themselves for war . Ting Lanyue said in a low voice: "Brother apprentice Zhong, the aberration demons you’ve met inside the Blue Sky Hall were young immature aberration demons . They can’t even speak and their soul is very weak, they die as soon as you touch them . The demons here though are adult aberration demons, their fighting strength is many times higher and their soul is also powerful . There’s no way to easily cut their soul like you did in the test . "

Zhong Yue focused his eyes and saw that the herd of aberration demons was already less than a hundred feet away from them . Those aberration demons were indeed different compared to the demons he saw in the Blue Sky Hall . They were bigger, stouter, and appeared to be stronger and faster!

On top of that, the demons used in the Blue Sky Hall as a test for the disciples only had sickle-like bones on their arms with no muscles nor blood, while the the arms of the aberration demons rushing towards them now shone with metallic glints!

This meant that their arms weren’t sickle blades made out of bone . The metal accumulated inside their bones had solidified and transformed their arms into metallic sickles, greatly increasing the threat they posed!


Ting Lanyue’s mind power exploded as soon as she shouted . She used the Secrets of the Surging Thunder Sword, and a vague blue thunder light surrounding her became a qi sword three feet long, piercing toward a demon!

The other upper yard disciples also acted on their own, each manifesting the Secrets of the Surging Thunder Sword . The sound of thunder erupted and thunder swords flew out one after another to do battle with the aberration demon tribe!

"The aberration demons have amazing digestive powers, mature aberration demons can even eat iron ore . The black iron inside the ore gets purified inside their body and merges into their bones!"

Ting Lanyue explained to Zhong Yue while killing demons: "Those demons are only ordinary adult aberration demons, the most dangerous are the mutant aberrations . The mutant aberration demons have aberration totem patterns on their skin from the moment of they’re born, and by the time they reach adulthood their bones are entirely replaced by dark iron . Bronze muscles and iron bones, impervious to swords and spears . This kind of aberration have a skeleton with a weight around two to three thousand pounds and can burst out with a power equivalent to several dozens thousand pounds . Ordinary soul weapons can’t damage them even a fraction! Fortunately this kind of aberration demons are very few in number, you might not find one even out of a million . Only major aberration demon clans have the possibility of having such mutant demons . It’s impossible for this small tribe we’ve met to give birth to such grade of aberration demon . "

While talking she’d already killed five adult aberrations in quick succession . Her movements were sharp and flashed like lightning . Her strength was indeed valiant and she was worthy of being recognized as the eldest sister apprentice among the hundred of upper yard disciples!

The other upper yards disciples were also doing their share of demon fighting while they tempered their Surging Thunder Sword . This tribe wasn’t big and only had a little over two hundred adult aberration demons . Apart from Ting Lanyue who had the strength to kill them off, there were another two or three disciples with uncommon fighting power who could manage to kill their opponents after a dozen bouts, with the help of the Surging Thunder Sword .

Especially He Chengchuan, his strength wasn’t inferior to Ting Lanyue and his movements were terrifyingly sharp .

The other upper yard disciples weren’t having it so easy . They were roughly equally matched with the adult aberration demons, and some sustained injuries . But so far no one had used treasures like totem poles or soul weapons yet, so they clearly weren’t being backed into a corner .

"Killing aberration demons is also a good opportunity to gather dark iron, especially the demons’ two sickle blades, they contain extremely pure dark iron . It’ll be an exceptionally good material to refine soul weapons with!"

Ting Lanyue continued to instruct: "Brother apprentice Zhong, the heart is the weakness of the aberration demon . However there’s a layer of bone surrounding the heart inside an adult aberration’s body . You can only pierce through the bone cover and stab their heart by using sword qi with shape but no substance, like the thunder sword qi of the Surging Thunder Sword . The Surging Thunder Sword is the best technique to deal with those aberrations!"

Zhong Yue watched the battle skills and tricks of those upper yard disciples, and absorbed their strong points . After all those disciples were seasoned fighters who had gone through the baptism of several real battles, and their fighting skills indeed exceeded his own by a big margin .

Suddenly Xin Huo’s hasty voice came from within his sea of consciousness: "Zhong Yue, there’s a mutant aberration demon among this group, you must absolute make sure to be careful!"

"Mutant demon?"

Zhong Yue’s heart jumped and he was about to warn Ting Lanyue, He Chengchuan and the rest, but he suddenly heard a freakishly ear-grating strange laugh . An aberration demon that was fighting a male upper yard disciple trembled and suddenly grew several feet taller, becoming sixteen or seventeen feet tall . He was sturdy and waved his sickle blades in a flash of light, streaking a blinding blade light across the air!

The head of the male disciple who was fighting him soared in the air, his face still showing an expression of disbelief!

"Looks like there’s no human race Qi Refining Warrior this time, I don’t need to hide anymore then!"

This aberration demon laughed loudly . It leaped up as if he had grown wings and could fly, and landed in a flash beside another male upper yard disciple . This male upper yard disciple had quick reflexes and emitted surging thunder with a thought, transforming it into a thunder sword and stabbing it at that aberration demon’s chest!

This aberration demon didn’t pay it any mind . The thunder sword exploded on his chest but didn’t harm him in the slightest .

The next moment, that upper yard disciple’s head was directly cut off . The aberration demon stretched his hand and grasped this disciple’s body, lifted it, put it in front of his mouth, and drank blood from the open neck .

"Mutant aberration demon!"

Ting Lanyue, He Chengchuan and the rest of the upper yard disciples reacted immediately . Their anger and rage exploded and they stirred their Surging Thunder Sword almost all at the same time . That aberration demon was suddenly submerged in thunder sword lights!

The many thunder sword lights became a huge thunder sphere surrounding the aberration demon . Ting Lanyue’s elegant eyes looked at this scene . The mutant aberration demon was standing motionless inside the thunder ball, its head raised up as it drank blood . The disciple’s body it was holding was shriveling down at a pace visible to the naked eye .

This mutant demon unexpectedly didn’t have even one hair injured under the assault of a hundred disciples’ Surging Thunder Sword!

"Fellow brother and sister apprentices, use your totem poles and restrict his mobility!"

Ting Lanyue shouted loudly . He Chengchuan and the rest of the disciples quickly drew their own totem pole . "Duo Duo Duo" They stuck the poles in the ground, forming a large circle surrounding the aberration demon .

Not every upper yard disciple had a totem pole, but even so there were over fifty totem poles stuck down .

Zhong Yue was well aware of the totem pole’s fierceness . During his fight with the Tian Feng clan disciple, two totem poles had put so much pressure on him that he couldn’t even move . But this time over fifty poles were used at the same time!

This kind of pressure was probably over twenty times greater than back then!

The totem poles’ might exploded one after another . Ripples surged on all sides and immobilized demons one after the other . "Shua Shua Shua . " The demons were crushed by the pressure and lay on the ground, unable of moving .

The thunder sphere disappeared and revealed the mutant aberration standing inside the totem poles’ encirclement with a malevolent expression on his face . He surprisingly didn’t collapse!

The mutant demon moved his head with difficulty . Ominous light shone from his eyes when he locked his stare on Ting Lanyue . He stuck out his long tongue and licked his lips: "This little cow is very fierce, I really like conquering little cows like you…"

Fine cold sweat appeared on Ting Lanyue’s bright forehead . She saw that a disciple intended to infuse his soul weapon and kill the demon, and hurriedly shouted: "Mutant aberration demons have a body stronger than steel and its difficult to hurt them even with a soul weapon . We absolutely didn’t cultivate the Surging Thunder sword to perfection, it’s completely useless against him! Everyone organize yourselves in groups of ten and escape separately! One successful escape is one more safe disciple!"

Her voice hardly fell when inside the circle of totem poles, weird patterns started to emerge on the aberration demon’s skin . That was precisely the mutant aberration demon’s inborn totem patterns . Ting Lanyue’s expression couldn’t help changing and she yelled: "Why aren’t you hurrying to escape yet!"

She was well aware how terrifying the mutant demon was . Not only his strength was boundless, and his body hard as iron, it also had inborn totem patterns . At this moment the inborn totem patterns were emerging . This was a sign that this mutant demon intended to stimulate the power of his totem and forcefully break out of the totem poles’ encirclement!

With this mutant demon’s strength it would probably be child’s play to massacre the upper yard disciples . On top of that his speed was difficult to imagine, and if they delayed a slight moment she was afraid no one would be able to escape alive!

He Chengchuan and the others also saw the urgency of the situation and immediately scattered in groups of ten, making off in every direction .

Zhong Yue followed behind Ting Lanyue as they dashed madly . He inadvertently looked back and saw the totem lines on the aberration demon’s body shine with light and shake constantly . The totem poles kept swaying and were starting to loosen from the ground . The aberration demon could escape from the totem poles’ repression at any moment now!

Everyone dashed madly for their lives with extreme speed, but during the short moment Zhong Yue had turned his head back, a totem pole was pulled out from the ground with a "Hu" sound and flew up in the air . Then it exploded with a bang and became wooden shards .

Bang Bang Bang!

Clouds of dust rose in the air and totem poles were repressed one after another by the demon’s inborn totem patterns, flying up and exploding into pieces!


The mutant demon’s silhouette moved like a ghost and directly chased after Ting Lanyue and Zhong Yue’s group of disciples!

Zhong Yue suddenly visualized his sea of consciousness: "Xin Huo, with my current strength can I fight this mutant demon?"

Inside the sea of consciousness, the little kid Xin Huo faintly stared for a split moment when he heard, and said indifferently: "Fight this demon? This demon possesses the protection of his inborn totem patterns, those totem patterns are stronger than the kind you see on ordinary divine totem poles . With your current strength your chances of victory couldn’t be any lower! However…"

Little Xin Huo paused and Zhong Yue immediately urged him: "However what?"

"However, if you can transform your mind power into the appearance of Sovereign Sui, then there’s some hope of victory . Transform your mind power into the state of Sovereign Sui, and attack this demon with this country bumpkin Surging Thunder Sword . Emperor Sui’s image can enhance the Surging Thunder Sword’s power and give you the strength to resist . "

Xin Huo continued: "But I’m not sure about your chances of winning, after all you’re not a pure blood from the Fuxi god race . A Fuxi god race pure blood could naturally get rid of this demon with a wave of his hand . "

Zhong Yue suddenly stopped his steps . Ting Lanyue and the others continued to run and didn’t notice that Zhong Yue wasn’t following them anymore .

"The things god race pure bloods can do, they are not necessarily impossible for me either!"

Zhong Yue turned and started to run back as he welcomed the mutant demon’s advance .

The mutant demon roared like thunder and one line after another brightened on his totem patterns . "Shua Shua Shua . " His speed became even faster and his two sickle arms danced in the air with dazzling light .

Zhong Yue’s strides became greater and greater . The mind power inside his sea of consciousness surged forth from between his eyebrows and shaped itself in the form of Sovereign Sui behind his body, with a dragon head and dragon horns, serpent tail, and human body . It was a thousand feet high and stood behind Zhong Yue’s back!

Zhong Yue suddenly felt infinite strength well up inside him, as if he stood above the whole of heaven and earth!

"Secrets of the Surging Thunder Sword, spring thunder expelling the winter, thunder light illuminating the world!"

Zhong Yue yelled violently and thunderclaps suddenly exploded under his feet, pulling him up in the air . He flew through the air and in the next moment thunder light emerged out of nowhere!

At this moment, Ting Lanyue suddenly turned her head back and saw that Zhong Yue wasn’t with them anymore . She couldn’t help but be alarmed: "Brother apprentice Zhong never cultivated any profound method, he can’t run as fast as us…"

She promptly retraced her steps, but after running back a short distance she suddenly saw a young man controlling thunder to fly in the air . She raised her head and watched as his two hands grasped the void, as if he held a giant invisible sword . He violently slashed this invisible sword at the mutant demon!


With this sword came a burst of thunder light, resembling a thunder tree!

Ting Lanyue’s mind rumbled: "True legacy of the Surging Thunder Sword!"

The aberration demons can even talk?.

Zhong Yue was startled . The aberration demons he had met in the Blue Sky Hall rushed mindlessly and fought without a word, so he thought this kind of creature only followed their slaughtering instincts . He never thought the aberration demons were surprisingly able to speak . .

It also made him startled when those aberration demons compared Ting Lanyue and the female disciples to small cows . How could small cows be as adorable as those female disciples? He really couldn’t wrap his head around how the aberration demons linked the female disciples together with cows . .

Ting Langyue issued a muted shout: Fellow brother and sister apprentices, get ready for battle! Brother apprentice Zhong Yue, your strength is the lowest among us and you don’t have any battle experience . Follow me!.

Zhong Yue blinked and didn’t know whether to laugh or cry . .

Ting Lanyue and the other upper yard disciples had rolled up their sleeves and readied themselves for war . Ting Lanyue said in a low voice: Brother apprentice Zhong, the aberration demons you’ve met inside the Blue Sky Hall were young immature aberration demons . They can’t even speak and their soul is very weak, they die as soon as you touch them . The demons here though are adult aberration demons, their fighting strength is many times higher and their soul is also powerful . There’s no way to easily cut their soul like you did in the test . .

Zhong Yue focused his eyes and saw that the herd of aberration demons was already less than a hundred feet away from them . Those aberration demons were indeed different compared to the demons he saw in the Blue Sky Hall . They were bigger, stouter, and appeared to be stronger and faster!.

On top of that, the demons used in the Blue Sky Hall as a test for the disciples only had sickle-like bones on their arms with no muscles nor blood, while the the arms of the aberration demons rushing towards them now shone with metallic glints!.

This meant that their arms weren’t sickle blades made out of bone . The metal accumulated inside their bones had solidified and transformed their arms into metallic sickles, greatly increasing the threat they posed!.


Ting Lanyue’s mind power exploded as soon as she shouted . She used the Secrets of the Surging Thunder Sword, and a vague blue thunder light surrounding her became a qi sword three feet long, piercing toward a demon!.

The other upper yard disciples also acted on their own, each manifesting the Secrets of the Surging Thunder Sword . The sound of thunder erupted and thunder swords flew out one after another to do battle with the aberration demon tribe!.

The aberration demons have amazing digestive powers, mature aberration demons can even eat iron ore . The black iron inside the ore gets purified inside their body and merges into their bones!.

Ting Lanyue explained to Zhong Yue while killing demons: Those demons are only ordinary adult aberration demons, the most dangerous are the mutant aberrations . The mutant aberration demons have aberration totem patterns on their skin from the moment of they’re born, and by the time they reach adulthood their bones are entirely replaced by dark iron . Bronze muscles and iron bones, impervious to swords and spears . This kind of aberration have a skeleton with a weight around two to three thousand pounds and can burst out with a power equivalent to several dozens thousand pounds . Ordinary soul weapons can’t damage them even a fraction! Fortunately this kind of aberration demons are very few in number, you might not find one even out of a million . Only major aberration demon clans have the possibility of having such mutant demons . It’s impossible for this small tribe we’ve met to give birth to such grade of aberration demon . .

While talking she’d already killed five adult aberrations in quick succession . Her movements were sharp and flashed like lightning . Her strength was indeed valiant and she was worthy of being recognized as the eldest sister apprentice among the hundred of upper yard disciples!.

The other upper yards disciples were also doing their share of demon fighting while they tempered their Surging Thunder Sword . This tribe wasn’t big and only had a little over two hundred adult aberration demons . Apart from Ting Lanyue who had the strength to kill them off, there were another two or three disciples with uncommon fighting power who could manage to kill their opponents after a dozen bouts, with the help of the Surging Thunder Sword . .

Especially He Chengchuan, his strength wasn’t inferior to Ting Lanyue and his movements were terrifyingly sharp . .

The other upper yard disciples weren’t having it so easy . They were roughly equally matched with the adult aberration demons, and some sustained injuries . But so far no one had used treasures like totem poles or soul weapons yet, so they clearly weren’t being backed into a corner . .

Killing aberration demons is also a good opportunity to gather dark iron, especially the demons’ two sickle blades, they contain extremely pure dark iron . It’ll be an exceptionally good material to refine soul weapons with!.

Ting Lanyue continued to instruct: Brother apprentice Zhong, the heart is the weakness of the aberration demon . However there’s a layer of bone surrounding the heart inside an adult aberration’s body . You can only pierce through the bone cover and stab their heart by using sword qi with shape but no substance, like the thunder sword qi of the Surging Thunder Sword . The Surging Thunder Sword is the best technique to deal with those aberrations!.

Zhong Yue watched the battle skills and tricks of those upper yard disciples, and absorbed their strong points . After all those disciples were seasoned fighters who had gone through the baptism of several real battles, and their fighting skills indeed exceeded his own by a big margin . .

Suddenly Xin Huo’s hasty voice came from within his sea of consciousness: Zhong Yue, there’s a mutant aberration demon among this group, you must absolute make sure to be careful!.

Mutant demon?.

Zhong Yue’s heart jumped and he was about to warn Ting Lanyue, He Chengchuan and the rest, but he suddenly heard a freakishly ear-grating strange laugh . An aberration demon that was fighting a male upper yard disciple trembled and suddenly grew several feet taller, becoming sixteen or seventeen feet tall . He was sturdy and waved his sickle blades in a flash of light, streaking a blinding blade light across the air!.

The head of the male disciple who was fighting him soared in the air, his face still showing an expression of disbelief!.

Looks like there’s no human race Qi Refining Warrior this time, I don’t need to hide anymore then!.

This aberration demon laughed loudly . It leaped up as if he had grown wings and could fly, and landed in a flash beside another male upper yard disciple . This male upper yard disciple had quick reflexes and emitted surging thunder with a thought, transforming it into a thunder sword and stabbing it at that aberration demon’s chest!.

This aberration demon didn’t pay it any mind . The thunder sword exploded on his chest but didn’t harm him in the slightest . .

The next moment, that upper yard disciple’s head was directly cut off . The aberration demon stretched his hand and grasped this disciple’s body, lifted it, put it in front of his mouth, and drank blood from the open neck . .

Mutant aberration demon!.

Ting Lanyue, He Chengchuan and the rest of the upper yard disciples reacted immediately . Their anger and rage exploded and they stirred their Surging Thunder Sword almost all at the same time . That aberration demon was suddenly submerged in thunder sword lights!.

The many thunder sword lights became a huge thunder sphere surrounding the aberration demon . Ting Lanyue’s elegant eyes looked at this scene . The mutant aberration demon was standing motionless inside the thunder ball, its head raised up as it drank blood . The disciple’s body it was holding was shriveling down at a pace visible to the naked eye . .

This mutant demon unexpectedly didn’t have even one hair injured under the assault of a hundred disciples’ Surging Thunder Sword!.

Fellow brother and sister apprentices, use your totem poles and restrict his mobility!.

Ting Lanyue shouted loudly . He Chengchuan and the rest of the disciples quickly drew their own totem pole . Duo Duo Duo They stuck the poles in the ground, forming a large circle surrounding the aberration demon . .

Not every upper yard disciple had a totem pole, but even so there were over fifty totem poles stuck down . .

Zhong Yue was well aware of the totem pole’s fierceness . During his fight with the Tian Feng clan disciple, two totem poles had put so much pressure on him that he couldn’t even move . But this time over fifty poles were used at the same time!.

This kind of pressure was probably over twenty times greater than back then!.

The totem poles’ might exploded one after another . Ripples surged on all sides and immobilized demons one after the other . Shua Shua Shua . The demons were crushed by the pressure and lay on the ground, unable of moving . .

The thunder sphere disappeared and revealed the mutant aberration standing inside the totem poles’ encirclement with a malevolent expression on his face . He surprisingly didn’t collapse!.

The mutant demon moved his head with difficulty . Ominous light shone from his eyes when he locked his stare on Ting Lanyue . He stuck out his long tongue and licked his lips: This little cow is very fierce, I really like conquering little cows like you….

Fine cold sweat appeared on Ting Lanyue’s bright forehead . She saw that a disciple intended to infuse his soul weapon and kill the demon, and hurriedly shouted: Mutant aberration demons have a body stronger than steel and its difficult to hurt them even with a soul weapon . We absolutely didn’t cultivate the Surging Thunder sword to perfection, it’s completely useless against him! Everyone organize yourselves in groups of ten and escape separately! One successful escape is one more safe disciple!.

Her voice hardly fell when inside the circle of totem poles, weird patterns started to emerge on the aberration demon’s skin . That was precisely the mutant aberration demon’s inborn totem patterns . Ting Lanyue’s expression couldn’t help changing and she yelled: Why aren’t you hurrying to escape yet!.

She was well aware how terrifying the mutant demon was . Not only his strength was boundless, and his body hard as iron, it also had inborn totem patterns . At this moment the inborn totem patterns were emerging . This was a sign that this mutant demon intended to stimulate the power of his totem and forcefully break out of the totem poles’ encirclement!.

With this mutant demon’s strength it would probably be child’s play to massacre the upper yard disciples . On top of that his speed was difficult to imagine, and if they delayed a slight moment she was afraid no one would be able to escape alive!.

He Chengchuan and the others also saw the urgency of the situation and immediately scattered in groups of ten, making off in every direction . .

Zhong Yue followed behind Ting Lanyue as they dashed madly . He inadvertently looked back and saw the totem lines on the aberration demon’s body shine with light and shake constantly . The totem poles kept swaying and were starting to loosen from the ground . The aberration demon could escape from the totem poles’ repression at any moment now!.

Everyone dashed madly for their lives with extreme speed, but during the short moment Zhong Yue had turned his head back, a totem pole was pulled out from the ground with a Hu sound and flew up in the air . Then it exploded with a bang and became wooden shards . .

Bang Bang Bang!.

Clouds of dust rose in the air and totem poles were repressed one after another by the demon’s inborn totem patterns, flying up and exploding into pieces!.


The mutant demon’s silhouette moved like a ghost and directly chased after Ting Lanyue and Zhong Yue’s group of disciples!.

Zhong Yue suddenly visualized his sea of consciousness: Xin Huo, with my current strength can I fight this mutant demon?.

Inside the sea of consciousness, the little kid Xin Huo faintly stared for a split moment when he heard, and said indifferently: Fight this demon? This demon possesses the protection of his inborn totem patterns, those totem patterns are stronger than the kind you see on ordinary divine totem poles . With your current strength your chances of victory couldn’t be any lower! However….

Little Xin Huo paused and Zhong Yue immediately urged him: However what?.

However, if you can transform your mind power into the appearance of Sovereign Sui, then there’s some hope of victory . Transform your mind power into the state of Sovereign Sui, and attack this demon with this country bumpkin Surging Thunder Sword . Emperor Sui’s image can enhance the Surging Thunder Sword’s power and give you the strength to resist . .

Xin Huo continued: But I’m not sure about your chances of winning, after all you’re not a pure blood from the Fuxi god race . A Fuxi god race pure blood could naturally get rid of this demon with a wave of his hand . .

Zhong Yue suddenly stopped his steps . Ting Lanyue and the others continued to run and didn’t notice that Zhong Yue wasn’t following them anymore . .

The things god race pure bloods can do, they are not necessarily impossible for me either!.

Zhong Yue turned and started to run back as he welcomed the mutant demon’s advance . .

The mutant demon roared like thunder and one line after another brightened on his totem patterns . Shua Shua Shua . His speed became even faster and his two sickle arms danced in the air with dazzling light . .

Zhong Yue’s strides became greater and greater . The mind power inside his sea of consciousness surged forth from between his eyebrows and shaped itself in the form of Sovereign Sui behind his body, with a dragon head and dragon horns, serpent tail, and human body . It was a thousand feet high and stood behind Zhong Yue’s back!.

Zhong Yue suddenly felt infinite strength well up inside him, as if he stood above the whole of heaven and earth!.

Secrets of the Surging Thunder Sword, spring thunder expelling the winter, thunder light illuminating the world!.

Zhong Yue yelled violently and thunderclaps suddenly exploded under his feet, pulling him up in the air . He flew through the air and in the next moment thunder light emerged out of nowhere!.

At this moment, Ting Lanyue suddenly turned her head back and saw that Zhong Yue wasn’t with them anymore . She couldn’t help but be alarmed: Brother apprentice Zhong never cultivated any profound method, he can’t run as fast as us….

She promptly retraced her steps, but after running back a short distance she suddenly saw a young man controlling thunder to fly in the air . She raised her head and watched as his two hands grasped the void, as if he held a giant invisible sword . He violently slashed this invisible sword at the mutant demon!.


With this sword came a burst of thunder light, resembling a thunder tree!.

Ting Lanyue’s mind rumbled: True legacy of the Surging Thunder Sword!.

Rise of Humanity - Chapter 11
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