The Game Warrior
The Game Warrior - Chapter 40

The martial world, Dali town, moon lake and the peach forest .

This was a pink ocean, with blossoming peach all over the mountain and blurry smoke floating over it . Whenever wind blew, flower branches would sway, the fog would stir, the flower petals would fly and the sweet fragrance would linger . It was like a fairy woodland outside of the world .

In the sea of flowers, there was also a lake of clear water . The water was silent as if an ancient pool . The green reminded people of spring, with the blue sky, white clouds and warm winter sun being reflected in the water .

Just in this quiet and beautiful view which made people dream, Dugu Hong was waving his sword, causing the crowds of bees buzzing in the air . It was really disturbing .

In the blink of an eye, three days had passed . Dugu Hong’s sword speed was no slower than that of Niuhuang .

Niuhuang couldn’t help checking Dugu Hong’s system talent . The result deeply struck him .

Dugu Hong’s innate understanding was 18 points, with extra one bonus added for belonging to the Song People . In addition, self-awareness added 5 points, point accumulation added 6 points . Together with the three little equipment, Dugu Hong’s overall talent was as high as 34 points . This was not over . Being a Song citizen allowed him extra +5% experience, +1 level of reading skill, though Dugu Hong’s reading ability was as low as level 3 . In total, these gave Dugu Hong additional 9% experience . . .

Unless someone had the best talent, hardworking quality and a top level savvy outfit, he could not catch up to Dugu Hong’s understanding talent .

Niuhuang was lying on the grassy green field at the moment, with a fine grass in his mouth, looking up at the sky, the white clouds, the red flowers and the green water . . . He kept murmuring, “Wow . Look at this scenery, this beautiful lake and mountain view . The water is just right and the mountain in rain is even more amazing . . . ”

“No wonder ancient people were able to create so many beautiful poems . . . In the Peach Blossom Land there is a peach blossom plot; A peach blossom lover lives in Peach Blossom Cot . The peach blossom lover plants peach trees in days fine; He sells his peach blossoms for money to buy wine . When he is not drunk, he would sit before the flowers; He would lie beneath them to spend his drunken hours . From day to day half-drunk, half-sober he’d appear; The peach flowers blossom and fall from year to year .

I would grow old and die among flowers and wine . Rather than bow before the steed and carriage fine . The rich may love their dust-raising carriages and bowers; The poor only enjoy their cups of wine and flowers . If you compare the poor with the rich low and high, You’ll find the one on earth, the other in the sky . If you compare the poor with the carriage and steed, The poor have leisure while the rich gallop with speed . Others may pity me so foolish and so mad; I laugh at them for those who can’t see through are sad . Can you find where the tombs of gallant heroes stand? Without flowers or wine they turn into ploughland . ”

Niuhuang secretly glanced at Dugu Hong: "Unfortunately, modern people have no time or mood to enjoy the view . Even those playing games are busy as if they are at work . . . ”

Dugu Hong had no expression and continued cutting the bees . He looked at Niuhuang with confusion, “When did you become so sensitive? You don’t want to practice anymore?”

Niuhuang was so angry that he whispered, “The cow never understands music!”

He raised his voice all of a sudden: "What’s the purpose for playing games? All you want is to enjoy time and the world after all the time and efforts you spend in games!”

"There is no difference between real life and game . Look at the view around you . Don’t you feel touched? There is no such scene in reality! Computer games are not just about killing the monsters and upgrading your personal levels . When it’s time to enjoy life, then forget about practicing for the moment . Reality is already . . . ”

Niuhuang suddenly stopped, because Dugu Hong’s face became increasingly ugly, “So what? Am I not right? You are not a professional gamer, are you?”

Dugu Hong had a weird expression . He started to think about it . What was that emotion bursting up from his heart . . . Was it anger? Was it disappointment? Was it regret? He felt what Niuhuang said was especially harsh, though he knew Niuhuang had a good intention .

Dugu Hong didn’t know if he guessed it right . It was the nameless anger fire after one’s wound being uncovered—so ashamed that one was incited to anger .

Moreover, he naturally began to counterattack: "You and I are actually very similar . . . "

"?" Niuhuang slightly glimpsed .

"When two people with similar personalities work together, and one of them is not as good as the other one, he instinctively denies his past and gradually moves in the opposite direction to avoid being blown . . . ”

"What do you mean?" Niuhuang frowned .

"What do you mean?" Niuhuang frowned .

"That means, if you come here alone to kill monsters for leveling up, you probably will not give up practicing for this view . It is only because I am practicing here, you pretend to be emotional . I didn’t come up with this . This is from behavioral psychology . . . ”

"You! I am really worried . . . " Niuhuang was mad, his eyes were reddish, and his teeth were gnashing his lips . "Convincing you is like a dog catching a mouse—not his business!”

Dugu Hong had no expression: "There is a saying you may not know - master is always lonely!"

His look, together with what he said, were really stinking .

Niuhuang was about to despise him . Dugu Hong slightly turned his ear: “Hey, there are people fighting over there . ” And he immediately walked towards fight .

"Don’t pretend to talk about other things . How could this be possible . . . ” But Niuhuang also stopped . There were indeed some people fighting against each other, at a place not far away .

After taking a few deep breaths, he also walked over carefully .

It was like what happened in the mountain temple . Both sides of the fight were all npc . One side were in white, white hats, white clothes, white pants and white feet . The other side were in black, black hats, black clothes, black pants and black feet .

It was like what happened in the mountain temple . Both sides of the fight were all npc . One side were in white, white hats, white clothes, white pants and white feet . The other side were in black, black hats, black clothes, black pants and black feet .

The classics never became out of date . So Dugu Hong and Niuhuang recognized the two sides at first glance . They were the two races in the classic two-dimensional game called "The Legend of the Sword and the Chivalrous Man" - white seedlings and black seedlings .

Although there were only three fighters on each side, the two sides were fighting extremely fiercely . When Niuhuang arrived, a white seedling disciple cut off a black seedling disciple’s head even with a knife sticking in his back .

The body of the black seedling disciple didn’t disappear right away . A cranial red bug, that was of the size of two fingers and had three pairs of wings, a squat body, flew out from his brain .

The bug’s speed was furious, as if a red lightening in the air, rushing straight into the white seedling disciple .

The death of the black seedling disciple seemed to have given his two companies a blow . They two opened their mouths, from which flew out two bugs, one with the bee’s body and scorpion’s tail and the other was a flying snake with five legs . It seemed that these bugs had entered a state of violence due to the death of the black seedling disciple .

"The seedlings are really good at making deadly bugs!” The two observers already forgot about their argument and looked into each other . They both could tell the fear in each’s eyes .

The martial world, Dali town, moon lake and the peach forest


This was a pink ocean, with blossoming peach all over the mountain and blurry smoke floating over it . Whenever wind blew, flower branches would sway, the fog would stir, the flower petals would fly and the sweet fragrance would linger . It was like a fairy woodland outside of the world

In the sea of flowers, there was also a lake of clear water . The water was silent as if an ancient pool . The green reminded people of spring, with the blue sky, white clouds and warm winter sun being reflected in the water

Just in this quiet and beautiful view which made people dream, Dugu Hong was waving his sword, causing the crowds of bees buzzing in the air . It was really disturbing

In the blink of an eye, three days had passed . Dugu Hong’s sword speed was no slower than that of Niuhuang

Niuhuang couldn’t help checking Dugu Hong’s system talent . The result deeply struck him

Dugu Hong’s innate understanding was 18 points, with extra one bonus added for belonging to the Song People . In addition, self-awareness added 5 points, point accumulation added 6 points . Together with the three little equipment, Dugu Hong’s overall talent was as high as 34 points . This was not over . Being a Song citizen allowed him extra +5% experience, +1 level of reading skill, though Dugu Hong’s reading ability was as low as level 3 . In total, these gave Dugu Hong additional 9% experience

Unless someone had the best talent, hardworking quality and a top level savvy outfit, he could not catch up to Dugu Hong’s understanding talent

Niuhuang was lying on the grassy green field at the moment, with a fine grass in his mouth, looking up at the sky, the white clouds, the red flowers and the green water . He kept murmuring, “Wow . Look at this scenery, this beautiful lake and mountain view . The water is just right and the mountain in rain is even more amazing . ”.

“No wonder ancient people were able to create so many beautiful poems . In the Peach Blossom Land there is a peach blossom plot; A peach blossom lover lives in Peach Blossom Cot . The peach blossom lover plants peach trees in days fine; He sells his peach blossoms for money to buy wine . When he is not drunk, he would sit before the flowers; He would lie beneath them to spend his drunken hours . From day to day half-drunk, half-sober he’d appear; The peach flowers blossom and fall from year to year I would grow old and die among flowers and wine . Rather than bow before the steed and carriage fine . The rich may love their dust-raising carriages and bowers; The poor only enjoy their cups of wine and flowers . If you compare the poor with the rich low and high, You’ll find the one on earth, the other in the sky . If you compare the poor with the carriage and steed, The poor have leisure while the rich gallop with speed . Others may pity me so foolish and so mad; I laugh at them for those who can’t see through are sad . Can you find where the tombs of gallant heroes stand? Without flowers or wine they turn into ploughland . ”.

Niuhuang secretly glanced at Dugu Hong: "Unfortunately, modern people have no time or mood to enjoy the view . Even those playing games are busy as if they are at work . ”.

Dugu Hong had no expression and continued cutting the bees . He looked at Niuhuang with confusion, “When did you become so sensitive? You don’t want to practice anymore?”.

Niuhuang was so angry that he whispered, “The cow never understands music!”.

He raised his voice all of a sudden: "What’s the purpose for playing games? All you want is to enjoy time and the world after all the time and efforts you spend in games!”.

"There is no difference between real life and game . Look at the view around you . Don’t you feel touched? There is no such scene in reality! Computer games are not just about killing the monsters and upgrading your personal levels . When it’s time to enjoy life, then forget about practicing for the moment . Reality is already . ”.

Niuhuang suddenly stopped, because Dugu Hong’s face became increasingly ugly, “So what? Am I not right? You are not a professional gamer, are you?”.

Dugu Hong had a weird expression . He started to think about it . What was that emotion bursting up from his heart . Was it anger? Was it disappointment? Was it regret? He felt what Niuhuang said was especially harsh, though he knew Niuhuang had a good intention

Dugu Hong didn’t know if he guessed it right . It was the nameless anger fire after one’s wound being uncovered—so ashamed that one was incited to anger

Moreover, he naturally began to counterattack: "You and I are actually very similar . ".

"?" Niuhuang slightly glimpsed

"When two people with similar personalities work together, and one of them is not as good as the other one, he instinctively denies his past and gradually moves in the opposite direction to avoid being blown . ”.

"What do you mean?" Niuhuang frowned

"That means, if you come here alone to kill monsters for leveling up, you probably will not give up practicing for this view . It is only because I am practicing here, you pretend to be emotional . I didn’t come up with this . This is from behavioral psychology . ”.

"You! I am really worried . " Niuhuang was mad, his eyes were reddish, and his teeth were gnashing his lips . "Convincing you is like a dog catching a mouse—not his business!”.

Dugu Hong had no expression: "There is a saying you may not know - master is always lonely!".

His look, together with what he said, were really stinking

Niuhuang was about to despise him . Dugu Hong slightly turned his ear: “Hey, there are people fighting over there . ” And he immediately walked towards fight

"Don’t pretend to talk about other things . How could this be possible . ” But Niuhuang also stopped . There were indeed some people fighting against each other, at a place not far away

After taking a few deep breaths, he also walked over carefully

It was like what happened in the mountain temple . Both sides of the fight were all npc . One side were in white, white hats, white clothes, white pants and white feet . The other side were in black, black hats, black clothes, black pants and black feet

The classics never became out of date . So Dugu Hong and Niuhuang recognized the two sides at first glance . They were the two races in the classic two-dimensional game called "The Legend of the Sword and the Chivalrous Man" - white seedlings and black seedlings

Although there were only three fighters on each side, the two sides were fighting extremely fiercely . When Niuhuang arrived, a white seedling disciple cut off a black seedling disciple’s head even with a knife sticking in his back

The body of the black seedling disciple didn’t disappear right away . A cranial red bug, that was of the size of two fingers and had three pairs of wings, a squat body, flew out from his brain

The bug’s speed was furious, as if a red lightening in the air, rushing straight into the white seedling disciple

The death of the black seedling disciple seemed to have given his two companies a blow . They two opened their mouths, from which flew out two bugs, one with the bee’s body and scorpion’s tail and the other was a flying snake with five legs . It seemed that these bugs had entered a state of violence due to the death of the black seedling disciple

"The seedlings are really good at making deadly bugs!” The two observers already forgot about their argument and looked into each other . They both could tell the fear in each’s eyes

The Game Warrior - Chapter 40
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