Different World Business Symbol
Different World Business Symbol - Chapter 20

March 12, 2018curiosOZ

Haruto solidifies for a while、and reacted quickly。Asking while pretending to be calm。

「Why desert people?By the way, I’ve seen a lot of desert people lately……is it related?」

「Just as expected。You’re very sharp……。It’s a complicated situation……I will summarize。」

Eugene starts talking after saying that。

「It’s about four months ago。A desert citizen named Aisha entered the country。That woman didn’t pay a residence tax and somehow became a second-class resident。Perhaps her gold is gone。Then she escaped。So now, she’s become a slave。I bought Aisha from the government for 200 million yen。So far so good?」

Haruto nods while taking care that his expression doesn’t give out anything。Seeing Haruto nodding、Eugene continued talking。

「So I tried to sell Aisha for 500 million doria。I also got a buyer、but a problem occurred at the point of sale。She escaped。I never thought that she could chop the chain。」

Haruto was reminded of the chains used on the slave’s prison。Even if you try to bite such things、it’s normal to have your teeth fell out。

「It’s okay up to here。Because it’s my fault。But the situation worsened further。That woman、was the daughter of the chief of the desert people。」

Eugene resumes talking after taking a breath。

「It was discovered 10 days after Aisha escaped。The desert people came、and asked me for a search。I desperately tried searching and couldn’t find her。Because I have no choice, I consulted the Congress、the Congressmen and some trustworthy merchants、mercenaries、and it was decided to search with the policemen。」

Eugene looks at Haruto and speaks again。

「Haven’t you worked it out?」

「I’m sorry。I’ll let you know when I know something。」

Haruto lied in a dignified manner。

「Really……I’m sorry for stopping by so late at night。Well then。」

Eugene says so, and left。When Eugene disappears、Haruto heads to the bedroom and with the door closed、he opened the closet。

「You should have heard it with your hearing。Or you’ll tell me about your circumstances。」

Aisha nodded quietly。


「That、in reality……it’s a lie when I said that I want to see the world of the west……」

「I wonder。So then、why did you come to Claris?」

Aisha answered timidly。

「That……I ran away from marriage。」

「Marriage ne~……you sure is the chieftain’s daughter?Is it a political marriage or something?」

Haruto says so、but Aisha shook her head a little worried。

「Some men have been introduced、and they told me that I can choose from them。Of course everyone is an influential person, so there are elements of it being a political marriage。Anyway, they said that I can marry anyone that I want。I did not want to get married yet、but because it was too noisy……」

「So you ran away from home」

Haruto sighed deeply。

「Is that even better?」

Roa raises her hand and questions。

「What are you talking about from a little while ago?」

By the way, Roa did not listen to Eugene’s story。Haruto explained to Roa、and Roa has rounded eyes。

「So Aisha-san was the daughter of the chieftain!Isn’t that amazing!」

Haruto said to the surprised Roa。

「It’s not something to be surprised about。She learned the Kris language as a policy in their home。She should be rich if she can learn a foreign language as a house policy。You can imagine that she was born and raised in a wealthy house to some extent。」

Haruto turns to Aisha。

「By the way, you said that it was okay to be married、but you’re still 16、or maybe 17?Why the rush?」

Aisha answers to Haruto’s question。

「The desert people at the age of roughly 12 or 13, it was natural to be engaged。Everyone is married at about the age of 15。I don’t think you can complain if it’s an ordinary household、but because I’m the chieftain’s daughter……」

「I see。Because the desert is harsh、this means that you have to get married sooner and leave lots of children。」

In the words of Haruto、Aisha nods。

「So is the story of you escaping true?」

「E (Yes)、oh well。I was starving……。I’m sorry。」

Aisha lowered her head。Haruto returns it with a smile。

「It should be fine。Roa is a fool、because she tried to become a shoplifter。It’s cute if you compare it。」

Roa looked like she wants to say something, but because it is a fact, she can’t argue。

「Is being hunted by slave hunters a lie?」

「No, slave-hunting is a figure of speech……the policeman caught me since I am a slave, so it’s not a slave hunt in a sense?」

「The policeman only earnestly fulfilled his duties。Apologize to the policeman。」

Haruto made a wry smile。

「I have no choice but to stick with you……will you blame me?」

「I do not have a grudge but……is there no way to avoid marriage?」

Aisha looks at Haruto and Roa with pleading eyes。Because they’ve been living together for one month、the aftertaste of abandoning someone feels bad。

Haruto and Roa thinks to themselves with their arms crossed。

「I wish there was a way to legally stay in Claris……。」

When Roa heard those words、she had her eyes wide open。

「That’s it!It’s soap。You can show soap to the chief。So you can ask her to stay at Claris to learn how to make soap。」

Aisha grasped Roa’s hand。

Aisha grasped Roa’s hand。

「I see!!Soap will benefit the entire clan。To learn how to make soap, it is not good if they can’t understand the Kris language, so it’s meaningless for ordinary desert people to go。I am reluctant to get married、but I am fluent in Kiris, and I can raise my name。Nice、That’s nice、Roa!!」

Aisha swings around Roa’s arms。Roa is screaming「It’ll break, it’ll break!!Please stop it!」。

「As expected of Roa。I mean Aisha is drunk and acting silly、but I did not think up to that degree。」

「Noー、Even so。」

Roa proudly brags。

「Oh well、although it’s thin as a measure, we cannot think of anything more after this。If the chief did not like the soap, just give up and get pregnant。Now then、from here on is full of intrigues。」

Haruto has a bad smile。

「This time, it’s a chance。If I can successfully negotiate with the desert people。So to get the maximum benefit、we will take the initiative in this story。Aisha、Roa、let’s cooperate。The peace between the desert people and Claris is in our hands。」

Three people continue to devise measures for three days。


「This time everyone got together……but you might have guessed it already、I am protecting Aisha。」

Haruto looked around at Eugene、Branch、and Adonis while saying that。

This is a room in a luxury hotel in Claris。Because it is completely soundproof、it is the perfect place for a secret meeting。

「I see。Were you deceiving me at that time。」

Eugene looked at Haruto who was laughing fearlessly。He was deceived by a man whom he thought was in his camp。He did not feel good about it。

「I am sorry about that。However until I confirmed the story with Aisha, I could not report it。After all, she said that she was being chased by slave hunters。」

Haruto answered Eugene who snorted。He opened his mouth after being fueled by wine。

「Let’s say I’m convinced。So then、what does this mean?Explain it to me in an easy to understand manner。」

Eugene said while looking at Adonis and Branch。He did not like having Adonis and Branch sitting here in the same place。

Haruto shrugs his shoulders。

「What do you mean?I don’t really understand。It’s an important decision that will influence Claris, and the desert people。It would be natural to invite the three most influential lawmakers, no?」

When Haruto spoke for a while、Eugene screwed up his eyebrows。It’s because Haruto’s judgment is correct。

「I wonder if it’s about time?Should you go to the main topic?」

「Yes yes、I bothered you to come all the way here。Here is Aisha、here you go。Is that what we’re talking about?」

Branch and Adonis looked at Haruto when he said that。Haruto looks at the three people again and spoke of the matter。

「I would like you to add me during the negotiations with the desert people。That’s all。」

Listening to Haruto’s words、Eugene’s eyes opened wide with amazement、Branch looked at Haruto like looking at an interesting thing、Adonis laughed peculiarly。

「Such a condition、do you think I could agree?」

Eugene looks at Haruto with sharp eyes。With Eugene’s sharp eyes、Haruto is frightened for a moment、you’ll lose if you get dragged in the pace of your opponent、so take hold of yourself and answer。

「I don’t want to trouble you to agree。Aisha is a desert citizen、and she’s telling me that she was enslaved。I’m the only one that can stop her。」

「I don’t want to trouble you to agree。Aisha is a desert citizen、and she’s telling me that she was enslaved。I’m the only one that can stop her。」

Hostility began to mix on the faces of the three people。Of course。because Haruto threatened three people just now。From here onwards is the crucial point、Haruto had invoked his blessing。

「You、do you know what you’re talking about?」(You seem to be going overboard . A young man who has just started business。I will crush you depending on your reply。)

It seems that he has been hated considerably。He needs to rewind from here。Haruto carefully chooses his words。

「I’m sorry。It’s almost like I’m threatening you。I’ll try to properly explain。」

Haruto considered Roa’s and Aisha’s『excuses』and spoke。

「Aisha ran away from marriage . She is saying that she does not want to go back and get married . As long as she’s in the desert, the story of marriage will haunt her . To avoid it, she had to legally stay here on Claris . To that end, to the chieftain who is her grandfather, I need to present merit that would allow her to stay on Claris . In other words, to stay on Claris to learn soap techniques . There is only this option . Didn’t you guys even acknowledge the value of my soap? However, to do that, we have to make peace, and it’s easier for me to go directly。That’s how it is . 」

That’s why、it should make sense。Haruto sees the state of the three people。It seems that all three are thinking about it . The hostility that filled the room until a while ago is considerably diluted。

「What are your merits?What’s the reason for cooperating with Aisha?」(What’s up with this guy?I won’t reply until I understand that at the least。)

To Adonis’ question、Haruto answered with a smile。

「It’s simple。I can sign a monopoly agreement with the chief of the desert people。And I’m not going to teach the skills for free。I am going to receive some percentage of profit。To be able to talk with the chieftain of the desert people is already great。」

Being an ordinary single merchant won’t make you meet the chieftains。But there is no problem if you are a diplomat。It is also a time to make connections。

「I see。However, I cannot afford to accept it so easily。In any case, you are a newbie。」(I should have no profit。I’ll lose a lot in this case。)

Reading the thoughts of Eugene、Haruto smiled . He took out a paper from his pocket and showed it to the three people。

「This is my treaty。You’ll understand if you read it……you’ll also get a few benefits。」

The three people saw the paper Haruto handed over、their eyes going round。And they smiled。

「I see。It’s well thought out。But why was it thought so far?」(This treaty is really perfect……。Even Claris and the desert people will be convinced if that is the case、we cannot stop nodding if these benefits are presented . But I wonder if this kind of thing is really done individually?)

Haruto answered both Branch’s words and real intention。

「I am from the East。So I can speak the desert people’s words、and I am also familiar with the circumstances of the east。」

It’s a big lie。In fact, I heard it from questioning Aisha、and reading the past notarization records in the library、and also consulted with Roa many times。It truly is two heads are better than one。

「Ho~、so you can speak their language。Alright, I understand。I will support you as a diplomat。」(There is no good diplomat in Claris anyway。The Congress will also keep silent even though they’re familiar with the circumstances of the East。And in this case, I can recover some damages。)

「I also agree。」(There is no reason to oppose it)

「I agree with it。」(Oh well、even if it fails it will not hurt me)


「A~a、i’m tired。」

「Thank you for your hard work。」

Roa massages Haruto’s shoulders who is sitting on the chair。

「It went by successfully?」

「Ah、it was perfect。Thanks to you and Aisha。」

Aisha is the only daughter of the chieftain、so she was familiar with the circumstances of the desert people。There are also secret information that even the intellectuals of Claris didn’t know。

「No no。I only told you what I know。Roa analyzed the information、and it was also Haruto who negotiated it?」

It was Roa who made 70% of the treaty。The Blessing of Gold is geared towards making money、that is to say, it is a protection measure against loss。Using this Divine Blessing can also be adjusted to benefit both parties。There is also the fact that the person’s head is good。

「No no。I only told you what I know。Roa analyzed the information、and it was also Haruto who negotiated it?」

It was Roa who made 70% of the treaty。The Blessing of Gold is geared towards making money、that is to say, it is a protection measure against loss。Using this Divine Blessing can also be adjusted to benefit both parties。There is also the fact that the person’s head is good。

「By the way, what’s it like?You were half-threatening。」

「Well、it looks like they became a bit wary。It’s okay as long as I don’t destroy their vested interests。Rather, it’s more convenient for me to increase my worth among them。」

In this case, the three people will try to attract Haruto to their side even more . Haruto lied to Eugene、so he showed the two people that Haruto is not yet fully in Eugene’s faction . Adonis and Branch will then try to approach Haruto、and Eugene will also try to pull in Haruto even further . What matters is not to become like the bat。

「Being a popular man is tough。」

「But two of them are men though。」

Roa burst into laughter。

「You can earn credit if you succeed in this。It’s not a dream to become a member。」

Apart from business with the desert people、there is also the purpose of making an achievement . What you need to become a Claris’ Congress member are an asset and an achievement . As his assets continue to build by selling soap、the problem is the achievement . Someone who can benefit Claris、and whether they are to be trusted . It’ll show with the peace treaty this time。

Haruto does not want anything to do with politics。He just wants insurance。Maybe someday the government will order him to teach how to make soap。They might even multiply the tax on soap。He only want some degree of political power to avoid potential trouble。

「Let’s sleep as much as possible。I’m tired。」

He went to bed early that day。


Haruto’s trip to the desert is in one week、the bill passed after passing through Congress . It’s unheard of for a man who hasn’t been a citizen for a year to become an ambassador . The Congress was a lot rougher . At the top of the three factions, Eugene、Adonis、and Branch pressed down the lawmakers around them、and reached a unanimous agreement through their persuasion。

「It is rumored that Haruto handed out bribes to the three people。」

Roa is frowning。Haruto returned it with a smile。

「You’re not all wrong。There’s also the rumor that I am the Kingdom’s spy . It is probably better than the rumor that I was trying to bring up a war between the desert people and Claris。」

Haruto shrugs his shoulders。Recently, there are a lot of malicious rumors about Haruto。Well、that’s to be expected。

「But the sale of soap is rather rising。Why is it?」

「It’s the flame business method。The rumors about me also spread soap at the same time。This is an unexpected harvest。」

However、it’s the first time that the flame business method is effective。Many of the companies that tried to do so eventually failed。But in this time of peace, it will hopefully go well。

「Well~、you’re a schemer Haruto。To think of using bad publicity。I like that kind of cunning。」

Aisha laughs giddily、Roa looks at Aisha while she grasped Haruto’s sleeve。

「Haruto-san is mine。」

「But I don’t remember becoming yours。Aisha、this is just a coincidence?」

「Once again、saying such a thing。」

Aisha does not believe Haruto’s words。Haruto is uneasy about what she’s thinking。

「Anyway、for the time being, the trip to the desert is decided。Aisha、tell me about your grandfather’s personality。Next is the preparations for the negotiations with the desert people。」

Again, the three people consulted with each other for three days。

Different World Business Symbol - Chapter 20
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