Different World Business Symbol
Different World Business Symbol - Chapter 15: business

MTL: uniquegasuki

Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)

Before they knew it, summer had gone and autumn came .

The production of soap had begun . The type of soap that will be sold is in bar form . While it was quicker to manufacture bottled soap, a filled bottle of soap was heavy and a pain to use . And thus, they determined that it was better to sell bars of soap .

There are 170 barrels of olive oil . 1 barrel can produce 30 bars of soap thus 5,100 could be made in total .

There are 6 pots that can be used to manufacture soap . 2 people are stationed to a single pot . When the group in charge of cooking isn’t preparing meals, their job is to mold the soap into bars .

A barrel of olive oil would fill a single pot just right and 30 bars could be made from that . In a single day, soap can be manufactured 3 times or 540 per day . About 5,100 could be produced in 9 days and it takes the soap around 12 days to dry . As such, the process of making soap takes about 20 days .

However, that was only in calculations . This is the first time the children had made soap . As they were not used to the work, there were failures and their production speed was slow .

In 1 month they were able to manufacture 4,000 bars .


「Hmm, it is more or less like this in the beginning I suppose . The production speed will gradually pick up and the remaining 1,100 will finish drying in 10 days, right . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto reads the report that Lora has written up . For the time being, things are in the trial phase . Based on this month’s report, it is best for them to raise production speed by increasing the number of slaves and obtaining more pots .

Lora shows a wry smile,

「That isn’t so . No matter how many pots there are…… taking into account for injuries (accidents), there will still be 1,000 pieces remaining . 」 (Lora)

Haruto made a wry smile . The children are still 10 years old . It is better that they do not get injured .

「This is yesterday’s financial (estimate) report for July 30 . 」 (Lora)

・Mercenary’s Salary: 300,000

・Slave’s maintanance expenses: 400,000

・Olive Oil: 1 . 3 Million (170 barrels)

・Seaweed Ash: 120,000 (120 barrels) ※ an increase of 30 barrels per week .

・Rent and Maintenance for Shop: 100,000

・Fee for Carriage (wagon): 30,000

・Total: -2 . 25 Million

「Th-this is rough……」 (Haruto)

The 5,100 bars of soap would sell for a gross profit of 2 . 55 Million . Taking into account the 5% sales tax that leaves them with 2 . 42 Million or 140,000 after expenses . And then, with the deduction of the 10% income tax that leaves them with a net income of 120,000 .

「Don’t worry . Even if the debt is over 10 Million, we will not stop supporting you . There is no need to worry about going bankrupt . It won’t be long before the children’s production (soap) speed improves and the calculation are more accurate . I believe that it is possible to produce 10,000 pieces per month . With double the number of pots and slaves, we could produce 20,000 pieces . In that case, the debt would be gone in the blink-of-an-eye!!」 (Lora)

Lora was over exaggerating . By the way, her calculations didn’t take into account taxes; the actual amount would be lower .

「Well, I suppose so . We are just starting out and we do buy the olive oil in bulk so it is cheaper . Things will be alright, it will work out . 」 (Haruto)

「That’s the spirit . In the past, the Summers company had a debt of 1 Billion . Haruto-san, you will be able to manage . 」 (Lora)

Her encouragement gave him the motivation to keep going . Haruto issued Lora a command .

「Okay, tomorrow the store will open . If I recall, Sol can handle the carriage (wagon) . I want you two to transport the soap to the store’s storage house (warehouse) . You hear me!」 (Haruto)

「Yes!」 (Lora)

Lora spring out of the shop .


August 2, Early Morning .

「Then, I leave it to you . 」 (Haruto)

「Yes, understood . 」 (Lora)

There is already an order for 3,000 bars of soap . Lora is off to deliver the order for the 3,000 bars of soap . This is a grantee profit .

「I will go sell the other 1,000 . 」 (Haruto)

「Please sell them all before I return, okay!」 (Lora)

「I’ll try . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto replies with a smile . Although selling 1,000 pieces will be tough, he felt selling that many would be possible .

He saw Lora off and opened the door . It seems that the advertisement had an effect as a number of unexpected customers gathered to see the new item .

「Welcome . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto smiled and begun his service .


「Troubling……」 (Haruto)

「Troublesome indeed……」 (Lora)

After the 3rd day of their shop’s opening, Haruto and Lora a puzzled as to what should be done .

「This was unexpected . It was my mistake……」 (Haruto)

「It couldn’t be helped . I didn’t expect this either . 」 (Lora)

Lora said and sighed .

「I can’t believe we sold out in 3 days . 」 (Haruto)

The two let out a sigh at the same time . Their expression seems pleased .

100 pieces were sold on the first day and they assumed things were off to a good start . Haruto felt fairly good about the situation .

On the 2nd day, they sold 300 pieces and that made them a little concerned about their current stockpile of soap . However, they still had 700 left in the back and 10 days later 1,000 more would be completed . “Somehow things will hold out”, they thought .

On the 3rd day, a flood of customers rushed came and in half a day they sold all 700 pieces .

「As of now, how many can we have ready?」 (Haruto)

「At present, 300 pieces are dried and we are currently rushing to produce more . 」 (Lora)

300 pieces…… this amount is not enough .

「Is this situation not favorable . We can increase production and satisfy the demand!!」 (Haruto)

「Yeah! That’s the spirit, let’s do our best!!」 (Lora)

At the moment Lora raised her voice, Wujek appeared . He seems to be in a good mood .

「You sold 1,000 pieces over the counter (sales)! Is that not great; it is amazing that you have made 500,000 in 3 days . At any rate, that amount could save 25 starving families in a rural area . Well, it is not like those 25 families exist . 」 (Wujek)

Although the remark sounded grand and all, after calculating expenses, they merely make a profit of a few thousand Doraria .

「You will be needing more slaves, yes? And, pots also . We can have it ready in a hurry . I’ll lend you as much money as you want . I have prepared the necessary documents here . Come, complete the contract without delay . 」 (Wujek)

Wujek waves around the paper in his hand . A rather good guy this person is .

On this day, Haruto gained an additional 10 Million in debts, 30 more slaves, and an order for 10 more pots .

On this day, Haruto gained an additional 10 Million in debts, 30 more slaves, and an order for 10 more pots .


「Well now, that is quite an amazing amount of debt . 」 (Lora)

「Ahaha, it is 20 Million in total……」 (Haruto)

Haruto sighs as he looked at the loan document . Although there is hope of him being able to return the money, it didn’t change the uneasiness he felt about the debt .

「It will be alright . The debt is not over 100 Million . Here, is some ice cream . 」 (Lora)

Lora hands Haruto ice cream . As it is in the middle of Summer, eating ice cream in this hot weather is delicious .

「Ahhh, it is harsh without air conditioning . Well, it is cooler than the Summer in Tokyo; that must be due to the dry air here . But still, ice cream exist here . 」 (Haruto)

While eating ice cream, Haruto recalled Japan .

「This ice cream was created by Almus the 1st . Amazing is it not!」 (Lora)

Almus the 1st had created both dough-sweets and ice cream it seems . He developed a country and was a dessert making superhuman .

Haruto suddenly turns to look at Lora . Because it is summer, she is wearing the revealing maid uniform . 3 months ago Lora was thin and boney but now she has put on some meat . From the side, Lora’s swelling chest and wholesome thighs can be seen . Seeing the sweat drip from her nape is kind of sexy .

Upon noticing Haruto’s glance, Lora blushed and she became flustered . Haruto adverted his gaze in a panic and changed the topic .

「Ahh, the debt…… recently, I been having dreams about myself being sold off as a slave……」 (Haruto)

「Whahaha, you worry too much . We buy olive oil in bulk and we can also buy seaweed ash for cheap from several villages . The pots will be completed next month and then the months following our finances will be balanced . 」 (Lora)

While laughing, Lora encouraged Haruto . By chance that Haruto goes bankrupted, he recalled that Lora would end up at a brothel .

「You’re right . Why am I concerning myself over it all . If I am anxious than those under me would also be uneasy . I have no choice but to stay strong!!」 (Haruto)

「That’s the spirit!!」 (Lora)

Haruto gets up .


「Here you go, this is last month’s financial report . 」 (Lora)

September has come and it has gotten slightly cooler . Nevertheless, the summer heat still lingers . While wiping his sweat, Haruto looks at the written report .

・Income: 2 . 38 Million (5,000 bars of soap)

・Expenses: Slaves (3 Million), Pots (450,000), Slaves Maintenance (1 . 2 Million), Rent & Maintenance (100,000), Carriage Fee (60,000), Olive Oil [830 barrels] (5 . 8 Million), Seaweed Ash (800,000)

・Total: -9 . 03 Million

「It seems we don’t have enough inventory . 」 (Lora)

「Yup, it might not be enough . 」 (Haruto)

The amount of olive oil should be multiplied by 5 . If they can produce 24,900 pieces than they would receive a profit of 12 . 45 Million or 11 . 83 Million after the sales tax . When the initial investment of the slaves and pots are deducted, the profit will be 7 . 96 Million or 3 . 87 Million on hand after all expenses are subtracted . Lastly, they will be left with a net income of 3 . 48 Million after the income tax .

「Now then, shall we go and bring the new slaves to the factory . 」 (Haruto)

「Yes!」 (Lora)


Before them is the 30 newly purchased slaves . For some reason, starting from the right, it became A,B,C,D,E .

「Alright, state your name!!」 (Haruto)

Of the slaves; 20 are from the Empire, 5 are from the Kingdom . As for the remaining people; 3 are from the Northeast, 2 from the North . The male to female sex ratio is 5:1 .

「Listen to your senior’s workers, okay . If you work properly, you will be guaranteed a meal every day . And if you work hard, there is a chance you will be released from slavery . Oh yeah, I won’t permit bullying . Those who break the rules will be punished . Get along, alright . 」 (Haruto)

There are 45 slaves . With this many people, there is a possibility that bullying might occur . Pudding and Rusk seem confident so there probably won’t be a problem .

「Lora, I’ll leave the explanation part to you . 」 (Haruto)

「Lora, I’ll leave the explanation part to you . 」 (Haruto)

「Yes!」 (Lora)

It is nice that Lora is good with children . That gave Haruto piece of mine .

「Oh, that’s right . Here is 2nd month’s salary . Please, accept it . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto distributed 5 large copper coins to each of the 15 children .

「It is okay to buy what you want with it . 」 (Haruto)

Fundamentally, paying a child slave 1,000 Doraria per month, that much would be considered an extraordinary amount of money .

「Is this alright?」 (Urs)

Urs, the person who has gained the leader status spoke up .

「Haha, you’ve earned it . Think of it as a bonus . Use is wisely, aright . 」 (Haruto)

The children looked upon Haruto with sparkling eyes . Nowadays, the children have become lively and their former dead-like eyes seem to have been lost . Haruto has not done anything bad to them thus they look to him with respect .

(I can’t have them exposing the method to manufacture soap now . I need to raise their loyalty towards me . )

In this world, there is no one that wouldn’t be pleased with receiving money .


October . It has become slight chilly . Lora is wearing the maid uniform with the long sleeves . The only saving grace is her short skirt . Haruto found that very disappointing .

「Here you go, this is last month’s financial report . 」 (Lora)

「Ah . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto looks over the paper .

・Income: 9 . 5 Million (20,000 bars of soap)

・Expenses: 7 . 96 Million (the same as the previous month)

・Total: 1 . 54 Million

At last, they turned a profit .

「The newly bought children are not accustom to making soap yet thus we failed to produce 4,900 pieces . However, I believe it won’t be long before their production speed increases . 」 (Lora)

Lora gladly said .

「Would it be better to increase the number of slaves?」 (Haruto)

「No, I think it is better that we should stay with the current 45 people and hold off on increase the number of slaves as the slaves’ lodging house is steadily filling up . I believe that we should wait for the production speed to rise first . 」 (Lora)

「I see, understood . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto now has room to breath . For the past several months, he had been in the red and that had left him mentally exhausted .

「Haruto-san, we have turned a profit; would you like to go out?」 (Lora)

「Hmm, yeah . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto and Lora when outside .


The two walk down the street while holding hands . Bit by bit, the leaves are falling from the trees . It is already autumn .

「Haruto-san, would you mind going to the place where we first met?」 (Lora)

「Yeah, let’s go have a look . 」 (Haruto)

The two arrived at the back alley where they had first met .

「How nostalgic . Haruto-san tried to go to the slums . 」 (Lora)

「If you didn’t call out to me that time, I might be laying dead somewhere . Thanks . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto says with a smile . Lora shakes her head no .

「That…… when all is said, you have helped me more . 」 (Lora)

Lora said in a reserved voice .

「Then, we are even . 」 (Haruto)

「That…… when all is said, you have helped me more . 」 (Lora)

Lora said in a reserved voice .

「Then, we are even . 」 (Haruto)

For a while, the conversation reached a stalemate .

「Lora you have been a great help to me . You process the taxes I don’t know how to do and you give me helpful advice on my debt . If it wasn’t for you, I would be selling soap at a street stall like an idiot . I’m grateful to you…… you have been a big help . You have also saved me . We are even . As such, it is strange for me to be the owner and you the slave . 」 (Haruto)

「Haruto-san……?」 (Lora)

Lora is bewildered by Haruto’s sudden outburst of words .

「I want us to stand as equals . Therefore……」 (Haruto)

Haruto takes out 2 sheets of paper . One of them is Haruto’s and Lora’s slave contract, the other is a slave contract cancellation document .

「Sign this . You will be release from slavery . I will pay the liberation tax . 」 (Haruto)

Lora stared at him in wonder . Although in this world it isn’t rare for an owner to free their slave, that usually occurs when they have served as a slave for several years . It is unprecedented that a slave contract would be canceled in a matter of a few months .

「Eh, are you sure?」 (Lora)

「Yeah, please sign it . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto hands the cancellation paper and a pen to her . Upon his forceful approach, Lora signs the document .

「With this, you are no longer a slave but rather my partner . 」 (Haruto)

「Eh! That sounds like a… . . marriage proposal?」 (Lora)

With a reddened face, she joking pretends to hide her face . Anyhow, he meant it as a business partner .

「Well, that isn’t out of the question . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto said . At that moment, Lora’s face was dyed as red as the color of her hair .

「Ma-marriage……」 (Lora)

「Well, it doesn’t have to be now . Whenever you’re ready . 」 (Haruto)

「Yes! It is alright . There is no problem . I will welcome it anything!!」 (Lora)

With her redden face, Lora hops up and down . The tension is high . As he watched her, Haruto showed a wry smile .

「By the way, today is my birthday! It has been a long time since I have been this glad on my birthday!!」 (Lora)

Lora thinks back to her days as a beggar . There were several times when she thought she would die but Lora was able to pull through by hanging onto the idea of getting revenge on Reinard . She had started to believe that she would never have another happy birthday .

「What . This is the first I’ve heard of it . Then, I will give you a present . Don’t avoid it!」 (Haruto)

「Eh!?」 (Lora)

Haruto makes a broad grin and brings his face closer to Lora’s . He stares at Lora’s face . Her long eyelashes and her lovely ruby red eyes . And then, her soft lips……

Lora knew what was coming next, she slightly lifts her head and closed her eyes .

The two’s lips touch .


Income: 10 Million (Loan), 11 . 88 Million (Soap Sales)

Expense: 21 . 62 Million, 500,000 (liberate tax), 360,000 (sales tax) 2 . 19 Million (income tax)

Turnover: 12 . 79 Million

Debt: 20 Million

Remaining Balance: 2 . 51 Million

Assets (Actual): -17 . 49 Million

Other Assets:

45 Slaves


Lora Summers: Accountant & Director of the Slave Board

Mercenaries: Rusk and Pudding

Storehouse/Warehouse 1 (attached to the shop): 400 bars of soap

Storehouse/Warehouse 2 (attached to slave lodging house):

Pots 17, Olive Oil 995 barrels, Seaweed Ash 100 barrels

Different World Business Symbol - Chapter 15: business
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