Different World Business Symbol
Different World Business Symbol - Chapter 11: confession

MTL: uniquegasuki

Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)

「Haruto-san, please wake up . 」 (Lora)

Already expecting to hear her voice, Haruto opens his eyes while slightly looking forward to seeing Lora in her underwear .

「Good morning, THAT OUTFIT!!」 (Haruto)

Haruto raised his voice the loudest since he had arrived in this world . What he saw wasn’t Lora in her underwear . It was……

「It’s a maid outfit……」 (Lora)

Certainly, that is a maid uniform . The red color theme matches with Lora’s red hair .

「Come now, Haruto-san may like underwear but in truth that is rather plain . It can’t always be underwear . That is why, with the silver coin I received…… Haruto-san?」 (Lora)

As he stared at Lora who was dressed in maid attire, Haruto showed a dumbfounded expression but her voice brought him back to reality . In truth, Haruto’s love for maid(s) is only second to soap . Seeing Lora in a maid outfit was instantly effective on Haruto .

「It’s good . 」 (Haruto)

「Eh?」 (Lora)

「Perfect! It suits you . That makes you look 10x cuter . I’m falling for you all over again . You are to wear that from now onwards . No, you must alway wear a maid uniform . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto says in his excitement . Lora is shocked by his sudden change in behavior .

「I’m glad you’re satisfied? That’s good . Did you just declare your love for me again?」 (Lora)

He was careless and blurted out something major . As much as he could, Haruto tried to pretend to be calm .

「I did . It is only natural . Would a guy hand over that much money if he didn’t? Would a guy sleep alongside a someone that he didn’t like; would they live together? No way . I thought you were a bit cute since the first time I met you . I cannot admit that there weren’t any ulterior motive when I had decided to purchase you . On the other hand, up until now, I had dismissed your advances because I was embarrassed . Naturally, I was concerned about being someone who is obsessed with a woman (clingy) . That is why I ignored you . And, I was lying when I said I prefer a voluptuous body over your scrawny body . But, it isn’t that I like small breast . It is fine as long as it isn’t needlessly big . The reason I said that was because I was flustered by your suggestion to serve me at night . I am not really particular about body types . Anyhow, our family circumstances are similar and we are quite compatible . I love the color red . Red is a good color . Umm . I like the distances between are height . It definitely has to be no more than a 20cm difference . How many centimeters tall are you? Probably, 145cm . I’m 170cm tall . Just perfect, understand? Of course, you do!!」 (Haruto)

(T/N: creepy…)

「……」 (Lora)

「……」 (Haruto)

An awkward silence follows . Their face are bright red .

「Haruto-san . 」 (Lora)

「What is it?」 (Haruto)

「Haruto-san, you are quite talkative when you’re flustered . 」 (Lora)

「Shut it!」 (Haruto)

With her face still red, Lora smiles .

「I also love Haruto-san . I also thought about you at times after our first encounter . It struck me later on when you saved me . I fell completely in love with you then Haruto-san . 」 (Lora)

Upon hearing Lora’s confession, Haruto’s face further redden .

「Really, well perhaps, but you are still a child so I’m not too sure . Your love might not be as everlasting as you may believe . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto replies, after having cooled down . Lora begins to take off her maid outfit .

「W-why are you undressing?」 (Haruto)

「At this rate, I will be assaulted by an excited Haruto-san . I have decided to wear ordinary clothes until Haruto-san has calmed down . Now, Haruto-san, please go wash your face . 」 (Lora)

Hearing this, he realized his mistake . The direction the conversation was flowing, it was only natural that Haruto had misunderstood .

「You are right . Good judgment . I’ll go wash my face . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto says . He exits the room .


「Have you calmed down?」 (Lora)

「Ah, sorry for troubling you . 」 (Haruto)

With a reddened face, a calm Haruto returns to the room . Lora had taken off her maid outfit and is now wearing normal clothing .

「Will you wear it once more?」 (Haruto)

「I’ll decide on that after we have collected our belongings and set up the furniture . I don’t want it getting dirty, you see . 」 (Lora)

“Are maid clothes not meant to be worn for such occasions?”, Haruto thought but didn’t say out loud .

「Let’s quickly gather up our belongings . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto and Lora begin to collect their baggage . Although, there wasn’t much . A small safe, soap, and clothing; that was all .

After collecting their things, they descended down the stairs . Hannah, Marceau, and Maria were waiting at the bottom .

「We would like to help you with your move . The more the merrier, right . 」 (Marceau)

Marceau says, with his evil looking eyes .

「This is a chance for us get to know each other better . 」 (Hannah)

Hannah says, with an inviting expression .

「Lora-oneechan, help me study!!」 (Maria)

Only this person was different .

For a brief moment, Haruto was stunned by the last reply . “Did I really leave that much of an impression?”, he thought . Haruto recalls having chat with them, every now and then, whenever he had his meal . And, Lora & Maria are on good terms . That probably also raised their opinion of Haruto .

「Are you sure?」 (Haruto)

「Is it not obvious . On the other hand, it would be impolite if you didn’t call on us . 」 (Marceau)

Haruto decided to accept their offer to help .


「Huh? This was the shop that had belonged to the fellow that got caught for tax evasion . If I recall, this place was seized by that Wujek Malthus, guy…… wait, don’t tell me you two borrowed money from Malthus . 」 (Marceau)

Marceau frowns when he saw Haruto and Lora’s new home .

「Yes it is . Is this a problem?」 (Haruto)

Upon Haruto’s reply, Hannah showed a worried expression .

「Were you two fooled by Malthus?」 (Hannah)

「We have a contract so it should be alright, maybe……」 (Lora)

Certainly, Wujek is dubious and merciless . It would be a lie if Haruto said he didn’t have any doubts about that person .

「Well, that guy hasn’t violated any laws . As there is a contract, it should be okay . 」 (Marceau)

Marceau says . 『But on that subject』, just what has Wujek done up until now?

After that matter was settled, they carried in the furniture . Since the new home was a short distance away from the furniture shop, the process of moving everything advanced smoothly . However, there was one problem .

「Lora…… enough, go play with Maria . 」 (Haruto)

「Gahhaa」 (Lora)

Lora herself was aware of her own incompetents and thus, she quickly withdraws .

Even without Lora’s help, they finished transporting the few pieces of furniture that needed to be carried in by the end of the morning .

「Alright! It’s over . We finished faster than expected . How about lunch; it will be my treat . 」 (Marceau)

Marceau says . However, while feeling guilty, Haruto had to refuse the offer .

Marceau says . However, while feeling guilty, Haruto had to refuse the offer .

「I will have to decline as I have another matter I must attend to later…… I’ll have to skip lunch . 」 (Haruto)

Marceau has an expression that implies he doesn’t comprehend the meaning behind Haruto’s words . “Just what does he have to do later that requires him to skip lunch?”, Marceau was thinking .

「Haruto suffers from severe motion sickness . He will end up vomiting whatever he eats……」 (Lora)

Upon hearing Lora’s explanation, Marceau showed a sympathetic expression .

「I see, that is terrible . Lora-chan, how about you; will you be eating?」 (Marceau)

「With pleasure . Marceau-san’s cooking is delicious . 」 (Lora)

She response by showing a wide grin, putting Marceau in a good mood .

「I will go over to Wujek’s place . We will meet up here afterward . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto parted ways with Lora and company .


「Thus, will you lend me your dragon-carriage?」 (Haruto)

「How sudden,」 (Wujek)

Wujek replies, with his legs crossed .

「I don’t mind as long as you pay a rental fee . 」 (Wujek)

「Can you lend it to me for free; do we not have a connect?」 (Haruto)

「Since when were we close?」 (Wujek)

Wujek was baffled by Haruto’s acting overly familiar with him .

「Stingy . That is why your reputation is poor . How much will it cost?」 (Haruto)

「20,000」 (Wujek)

In all honesty, Haruto didn’t know if 20,000 was expensive . Although, after having spent so much money yesterday, Haruto wasn’t unwilling to pay up . He hands Wujek 2 silver coins .

「What are your plans?」 (Wujek)

Haruto tells Wujek the reason . And thus, Wujek made a broad grin .

「I see . Seaweed…… then, go to Ake village . 2 years ago, a storm damaged their ship(s) . I had lent them money to buy a new ship; however, the catch has been rather poor and their repayment of their debt has been delayed . By some chance, If you purchase seaweed from them, it could help . I would profit and everyone would be satisfied . I’ll write you a letter of introduction right now . 」 (Wujek)

Because Haruto did not have a fishing village in mind, this information was helpful . Being aware of how much he already owes Wujek, Haruto determined to not increase his debt and thus, he made his decision .

「By the way, can you operate a dragon-carriage?」 (Wujek)

Upon hearing this, Haruto realized he forgot about who would drive the carriage . Wujek smiled when he heard Haruto’s response of being not able to .

「Then, I will lend you Pudding . 」 (Wujek)

Once again, Haruto has borrowed from Wujek .


He politely declines their offer of having Pudding drop him off . Haruto then walked to their appointed meet up location .

「Haruto-san!」 (Lora)

Lora was waiting at the meeting spot . She was wearing the maid outfit .

「Were you able to borrow the dragon-carriage?」 (Lora)

「Ah, incidentally, I was introduced to a fishing village while I was there . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto travels to the slave trading building along with Lora . Along the way, he would turn to peek at her as they walked .

「So, how is it; the maid uniform that is? Is there a problem?」 (Haruto)

Being mindful, Haruto couldn’t bear but ask . (T/N: bare butt ass,)

「Well, the skirt is a little on the short side . 」 (Lora)

Being mindful, Haruto couldn’t bear but ask . (T/N: bare butt ass,)

「Well, the skirt is a little on the short side . 」 (Lora)

「What are you saying, is there any need to be bashful……」 (Haruto)

Lora was amazed . Haruto’s expression was easy to read . There was no longer any need for him to hide it or be defensive about it .

When they arrived at the slave trading building, Pudding waved at them from onboard the dragon-carriage .

「Oh, a maid!! Lora-chan was it? It looks good on you . How cute . Perhaps, it this your hobby?」 (Pudding)

Upon seeing Lora wearing a maid outfit, Pudding became excited . Haruto nods, causing the tension to raise even more .

「I might be able to enjoy drinking (alcohol) with you . 」 (Pudding)

「At what age are you able to drink alcohol in Clarice?」 (Haruto)

As Haruto is a minor, he doesn’t drink alcohol . This countries age limit for alcohol consumption could be different . Perhaps, in Clarice, those younger than 15 years of age are able to drink . He tries asking Pudding .

「Huh? There is no age restriction . In the first place, everyone from age 3 to age 12 would freely drink it . Perhaps, you two haven’t had some before? Then, shall we go drinking together!! Lora-chan, you’ll serve us snacks in you maid uniform, right?」 (Pudding)

Being startled, Lora trembled . She turns to look at Haruto .

「You are right, we can when everything is settled . You can tell me about a mercenary’s life . 」 (Haruto)

「Haruto-san……」 (Lora)

Lora made a hopeless expression .


「This may be my end . 」 (Haruto)

「Keep it together!!」 (Lora)

From inside the dragon-carriage, Haruto groans as he lays on Lora’s thigh . 30 minutes have passed since they departed . Chances are, what has kept Haruto going was Lora and her maid outfit .

「It will be another 20 minutes . 」 (Pudding)

「Guh, 20 minutes…… another 1,200 seconds…… I might not make it, uh!」 (Haruto)

「Stop with the chatter!! Pudding-san, please do not give Haruto anymore despair . 」 (Lora)

Haruto’s complexion is pale; he is at his limit .

「This is not good…… Lora, this may be my end……」 (Haruto)

「Haruto-san!!」 (Lora)

Cold sweat is wiped from Haruto’s face as Lora desperately attends to him . For remainder’s sake, this is merely motion sickness .

「If you two can pull off that act, then he is lively enough . 」 (Pudding)

Saying this, Pudding increases the speed of the carriage . And thus, as the dragon-carriage beings to shake, Haruto’s groans grew louder . Compared to the two-person comedy act, the person himself does seem to be on the brink of death .


「We have arrived!!」 (Haruto)

Haruto tumbles down from the dragon-carriage; his vitality has returned . Lora showed a relieved expression when she saw this .

「Thank goodness . It seems not having lunch played a major role this time . 」 (Lora)

「Nope, it was in part to Lora and her maid outfit, was it not?」 (Pudding)

Pudding interjected .

A young man appeared along with a line of clamoring villagers . In turn, Haruto surveyed the vicinity . There was a considerable amount of people in sight .

「You guys (and gals), what brings you’ll here to Ake village?」 (young man)

The person’s tone of voice was slightly stiff as they were wary of the 3 people who had descended from the dragon-carriage . This comes to no surprise because Haruto & company’s presence here caused quite a commotion .

「My apologize for intruding . In truth, I have business with the villagers here . I have a letter of introduction from Wujek Malthus with me . Will the village chief come receive it?」 (Haruto)

Haruto reacted by showing an inviting and friendly smile . Upon hearing Wujek’s name, the young man’s expression changed .

「I see . That debt collector…… the village chief is over that way . 」 (young man)

Saying so, the young man starts walking . The party hurried after him .

「I see . That debt collector…… the village chief is over that way . 」 (young man)

Saying so, the young man starts walking . The party hurried after him .

Haruto observes the surrounding people . Compared to the people in town, the villagers are tanned and thin . Their loss in weight is probably the result of the strings of poor catch (fishing) and the current debt they are in .

They are lead to a building one sized larger than the others in the village . Inside, there is an elderly person who looked as if they would drop dead at any moment .

「Ji-san (gramps), an associate of the debt collector has come to visit . 」 (young man)

The young man brazenly introduces them . Pudding aside, Haruto and Lora thought this young man’s matter of speaking was similar to Wujek . This caused Haruto to make a wry smile .

「What is it? This village doesn’t have any money . Please, extent the deadline . 」 (village chief)

It seems the chief thinks that Haruto and company are here to collect the debt . Haruto speaks up to straighten out the misunderstanding .

「We have come here to make a request . First of all, read this letter . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto hands over Wujek’s letter of introduction . The village chief opens the letter and starts to read it . At first, the chief was expecting the worst but gradually, light returned to his eyes .

After he had finished reading the letter, the chief stared at Haruto with his mouth hanging opening .

「This letter, mentions that you have a job request for us . What is it that I can do for you?」 (village chief)

It seems the person is interested . Rather than the work, they want money . If they don’t return the debt, then they will become Wujek’s slave .

「It is nothing difficult . I want you to sell me seaweed . 」 (Haruto)

「Seaweed?」 (village chief)

He is puzzled by Haruto’s words . This world & culture doesn’t seem to be one that eats seaweed . Therefore, the person was confused as to why Haruto would want seaweed .

「After gathering the seaweed, bake the seaweed until it turns to ash and then place that ash in a barrel . I will purchase one barrel worth for 1,000 Doraria each . 」 (Haruto)

The village chief’s eyes opened wide . They saw seaweed as nothing more than a waste product . It is only natural that the chief was surprised that it was worth 1 big copper coin .

「What are you going to…… never mind, I have heard your request . How many should I have prepared?」 (village chief)

It seems that they will accept Haruto’s request . Although a big copper coin isn’t much, because there is a food shortage, this job is something worth doing .

「For now, how about you have 10 barrels delivered to town every week . Is that acceptable?」 (Haruto)

「No problem . That will be easy . 」 (village chief)

He shakes hands with the village chief . Haruto then takes out 2 contract sheets .

「I will need your signature . And, please don’t mix anything in except for seaweed ash, understand . If you do, you will have to pay a fine and I must stress that you please don’t do it . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto joking says . The village chief smiled and then gave a response .

「That does sound tempting and all but, I will have the ash properly delivered; so, please tell me your address . 」 (village chief)

Haruto wrote down his address and then handed the chief the other contract sheet .

「Will you stay the night?」 (village chief)

「No, I’m in a rush . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto turned down their invitation and then boarded the dragon-carriage .

Five minutes later, he regretted having declined the invitation .


Income: 0

Expense: 0

Debt: 5 Million

Current Balance: 3 . 83 Million

(Actual) Assets: -1 . 17 Million

Other Assets:

16 Slaves

Different World Business Symbol - Chapter 11: confession
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