Different World Business Symbol
Different World Business Symbol - Chapter 2: – library

MTL: uniquegasuki

Editor/ Proofreader: (not proofread)

「Where am I again?」 (Haruto)

Haruto opened his eyes and then looked at his surrounds . He was supposed to be in his room with packed cardboard boxes scattered around . Haruto questioned himself as to why he is here…… and then he recalled what had happened . Yesterday, he had been transported to another world .

「When it is…… umm, what time is it?」 (Haruto)

Haruto went to open the window and confirm the time of day . The sun was shining above him . He had completely overslept .

「Well, there is no need to worry about being late for school . 」 (Haruto)

His expression became serious . Wanting to wash his face, Haruto exited the door and went downstairs . Upon descending the stairs, he saw the innkeeper .

「Good morning, is there a water well where I can wash my face at?」 (Haruto)

When he greeted the innkeeper, she responded by smiling wryly .

「Eh, hello . The water well is in the backyard . 」 (innkeeper)

Haruto expressed his gratitude and then head for the backyard .


Haruto arrived in the backyard . There he saw a little girl airing out bed sheets . Watching the little girl hopping around the clothe line while she aired out the sheets was dangerously fascinating . He regained his barrings and then called out to her .

「Need any help?」 (Haruto)

The little girl turned towards Haruto and then spoke .

「Uhh, this is Maria’s job . Honored guests are not allowed to help . 」 (Maria)

Haruto felt admiration towards the levelheaded yet young child . The little girl is probably the innkeeper’s child, if so, this is a peaceful place .

While Haruto was daydreaming, Maria finished airing out the sheets . Being intrigued by Haruto, she looked up at him .

「Onii-chan, you have bed-hair, did you just wake up?」 (Maria)

Upon Haruto’s reply, Maria giggled .

「Ahahahaha, sleepyhead, onii-chan . 」 (Maria)

Haruto responded by smiling wryly . It is true that he had overslept . Chances are, Maria’s nickname for Haruto will be, “sleepyhead onii-chan” .

He ignores Maria, who is repeatedly calling him “sleepyhead onii-chan”, and goes over to wash his face at the water well . Fortunately, the water well had a fixed pulley . Now then, all Haruto has to do is use the pulley & rope…… to reel up the bucket? However, there was no such thing . “The device”, had no handle attached to it? Instead, there is a hollowed out crevice with a gem inserted in it . “How is this used?”, he thought . Unsure of what to do, Haruto decided to ask Maria about it?

「Hey, Maria . Do you know how to use this? I would like you to teach me how to use it . 」 (Haruto)

Maria proudly puffed up her chest .

「This here is a winding-up magic tool . It is very expensive . 」 (Maria)

Upon hearing that it was a magic tool, Haruto was astonished . Having been transported to another world, it wasn’t so strange for him to come across magic and sorcery .

As Maria explained to him once more about the magic tool, she grinned and laughed .

「Eh, sleepyhead onii-chan does know? Hmm, should I teach you about it? Oh yeah! Today, Maria will be going to the library to study . I will teach you if you tag along . 」 (Maria)

Haruto willingly gives his consent . Originally, he had planned to go gather information . Besides, if Haruto studies with Maria, he could learn this world’s written characters .

「Ah, thank you . Then, I will teach you . Place your hand on the magic stone and then pray for it to turn . Every time you want it to turn, imagine it turning . If you want it to turn faster, imagine it quickly turning . 」 (Maria)

Chances are, a magic stone is different from a normal gem . While half doubting it, he placed his hand on the magic stone and tried praying .

And then, a blue light shone from the stone as the winding-up machine slowly began to turn . Shortly after, Haruto washed his face with the water that he had obtained . Although, washing his face without soap left him feeling unsatisfied . Haruto decided that today he will go buy soap .


After having washed his face and becoming wide awake, Haruto noticed that he was hungry . He hasn’t eaten since yesterday . Realizing it was too late for breakfast… he decided to go for lunch .

「Would you happen to known any inexpensive place that serves good food?」 (Haruto)

Haruto asked Maria to recommend him a restaurant to eat at . In truth, he didn’t expect too much from the little girl . If he needed to, Haruto could alway ask Lora but that would cost him a referral fee .

「A place to eat, there is one across the street . Otou-san works there . It is famous for being cheap and delicious . 」 (Maria)

It seems that the guests who stay at the inn that the wife manages will go to eat at the restaurant run by the husband . “That is quite the coordination they have going on”, Haruto thought .

While Haruto thanked Maria for the recommendation, he suggested that they may as well go to the restaurant together . Thinking that he should first ask Maria’s father for permission before they go to the library together, Haruto and Maria decided to go to the restaurant together as it was the most convenient choice .


When he tried to exit the inn along with Maria, the innkeeper called out to them .

「Ah, Maria . Have you finished airing out the laundry? You’re… Asuma-san, correct? Why are you together with Maria?」 (innkeeper)

As best as he could, Haruto displayed a properly smile .

「I met her in the backyard and we then happened to get along . Currently, we are going to the restaurant together . 」 (Haruto)

Upon his response, the innkeeper showed a surprised expression .

「You mean with the extremely shy Maria…… ah, if you are going to 『Undine』, show them the key and you will get a discount . 」 (innkeeper)

Now that is a good deal . Haruto felt grateful to Lora for introducing him to this inn .

Anyhow, the restaurant is called Undine . The inn was named after the wind spirit and the restaurant was named after the water spirit . “Their naming sense is good”, Haruto thought .

「Thank you very much . Well, I will be leaving now . Let us go, Maria . 」 (Haruto)

「Um, let’s go, sleepyhead onii-chan . 」 (Maria)

The innkeeper raised her eyebrows when she heard that .

「Maria! No matter how kind Asuma-san may be, it is impolite to call him that . 」 (innkeeper)

「……alright . 」 (Maria)

Maria was downhearted . The innkeeper’s lecture continued .

「Okay then, don’t trouble Asuma-san . 」 (innkeeper)

「Um, I know . Let’s go onii-chan . 」 (Maria)

Maria gives a lively reply . Haruto grasps Maria’s hand and then they left for the restaurant .


The restaurant is fairly spacious and the interior is similar to the inn . There are many customers and the store seems to be thriving . Together, Haruto and Maria went to wait at the counter . A short while later, a man with evil looking eyes appeared .

「Oh, if it isn’t Maria . And, you are……」 (???)

「Oh, if it isn’t Maria . And, you are……」 (???)

Haruto took out the key and then began to speak .

「I’m a guest staying at the inn . I invited Maria along with me to have lunch . This is a nice place you have here . 」 (Haruto)

The man showed an expression that conveyed he understood .

「Oh, you are one of Hannah’s (ハンナ) guest . Sorry about that, my name is Marceau (マルソー) . I am this shop’s manager and Maria’s father . 」 (Marceau)

Although Marceau’s has a sweet smile, his evil looking eyes are frightening . It has been identified that the innkeeper’s name is Hannah . Haruto reminded himself not to forget it .

「So, what will it be? I recommend the grilled skewers . 」 (Marceau)

While saying this, Marceau showed Haruto the menu and pointed out the grilled skewer . For a brief moment, Haruto could only see the written word, 『grilled skewer』, before it went back to being the wiggle worm like writing . Haruto then began to doubt his proficiency with this world’s language .

「Hello, okyaku-san! Okyaku-san!」 (Marceau)

(“okyaku” more or less means “customer” in Japanese)

Marceau called out to Haruto who was deep in thought . He had completely zoned out . Maria who was sitting beside Haruto, she looks up at him with a worried expression .

「Ah, excuse me, I was lost in thought . I will have the grilled skewer, please . 」 (Haruto)

「Maria will have the same thing as onii-chan!!」 (Maria)

「Alright, coming right up . 」 (Marceau)

A little while later, Marceau returned with the grilled skewers . There are onions, red bell peppers and pork meat on the skewer .

「Here, please be careful as it is hot . 」 (Marceau)

And just like that, Haruto bites into the meat on the skewer . The seasoned meat is delicious, he thought as the lemon like acidic flavor spreads in his mouth . Haruto can see why it was recommended as it really is delicious .

「By the way, okyaku-san, where are you from? I’ve never seen your face before around here . 」 (Marceau)

Haruto told Marceau that he came from a distant land, the same answer he gave to the innkeeper .

「Umm, are you something like a traveler? About the food here, how would you rank it among the cuisine you have tasted along your journey?」 (Haruto)

Haruto was worried about how he would response . He couldn’t flatter them by saying, 「It was the best thing I ever tasted . 」 . However, if he had said it was mediocre, they might have been offended . Haruto carefully selected his words .

「Well, I don’t know without tasting the other dishes, but this skewer would enter my top 10 . 」 (Haruto)

Upon hearing Haruto’s response, Marceau showed a fiendish smile .

「No need to be shy, I will give you another on as a freebie . 」 (Marceau)

This person seems to be the type that is weak to flattery . Now that Marceau is in a good mood, it is the perfect time to ask permission for the matter about the library .

「Eh? is it really alright, okyaku-san, are you not busy sightseeing?」 (Marceau)

Marceau seems curious . Well, it is only natural as it does sound suspicious .

「A promise is promise . Anyhow, I may as well check out this country’s library . 」 (Haruto)

In truth, Maria will be the one teaching Haruto about this world’s written characters .

「I see . Maria, you had better behave and not cause our dear guest trouble . 」 (Marceau)

「Um,」 (Maria)

With a mouthful of meat and grease on her face, she cutely nods . Haruto could see Maria’s resemblance to Hannah .


The meal costed 4 copper coins…… Haruto paid with one big copper and then he received 6 copper coins in change . Haruto and Maria exited the restaurant and headed to the library .

「Hey, Maria, what sort of books do you read at the library?」 (Haruto)

Being curious about what a 9 maybe 10-year-old child would study at the library, Haruto tried asking her .

「Hey, Maria, what sort of books do you read at the library?」 (Haruto)

Being curious about what a 9 maybe 10-year-old child would study at the library, Haruto tried asking her .

「Various types of arithmetic books . You see, Maria will succeed otou-san and okaa-san and then expand the business . 」 (Maria)

(“otou” means “father”, “okaa” means “mother” in Japanese)

To be this young and yet is already planning her future, she truly is a good child . The past Haruto could learn a thing or two from her .

「Hey, Maria . Would you be willing to teach me the written characters? I will be eternally grateful if you do . 」 (Haruto)

「Eh, Maria is will be busy with her studies . 」 (Maria)

「Please, Maria-sensei . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto earnestly asked Maria . A 15-year-old boy is begging a little girl to be his teacher . This was quite a pathetic scene to view .

「It can’t be helped . Sensei is very strict!!」 (Maria)

She seems to be pleased with being called 『sensei』 . Similar to Marceau, Maria is also weak to flattery .

Meanwhile, they arrived at the library . The place is considerably large . It is probably 3 times bigger than the public library in his hometown .

「This is the city-state union’s largest library . 」 (Maria)

Maria puffs up her chest . He recalls the explanation Lora had given him about the city-state union’s most prominent town, Clarice . In other words, there will be a collection of expensive books that reflects this city’s assets .

Inside the library, there was another door and it was being guarded by two soldiers . There was a woman at the reception desk nearby . A person cannot enter the library without going through the reception desk as the security was tight . Haruto goes over to talk to the receptionist .

「Excuse me, I would like to enter the library . 」 (Haruto)

「Then please, take out your citizen registration card or your entry permit . 」 (receptionist)

Haruto took out his entry permit & Maria took out her registration card, and they handed it over to the receptionist . The identification plates were returned to them shortly after the woman had confirmed them .

「Now then, Haruto-sama and Maria . I have confirmed it . Please, take your time . 」 (receptionist)

The woman said this without showing any emotion .


「This place is very spacious . 」 (Haruto)

Having entered the building, it is obvious now how big the library is . There are rows of books as far as the eye could see because this place is naturally a library .

「Well, first off I will teach you the written character with a picture book . 」 (Maria)

Maria bought over a picture book . As Haruto thought, he only sees the written characters as nothing more than wriggly earthworms .

「So, what is the title?」 (Haruto)

「The Hero Atlus’ (アトラス) Adventure . 」 (Maria)

Maria points to the book’s front cover . Once again, Haruto is overcome with a mysterious sensation . The written title, 『The Hero Altus’ Adventure』, that he didn’t know, he briefly saw it and then lost sight of it .

「What’s wrong, onii-chan?」 (Maria)

Maria looked over to Haruto with a worried expression . He had blanked out once again .

「It’s nothing . Can You read it to me?」 (Haruto)

「Umm, okay . You can ask me about the parts you don’t understand . Long, long ago…… and they lived happily ever after . Onii-chan, I’ve finished reading . Onii-chan?」 (Maria)

「Ah, excuse me, will you lend me that book? I want to try and review . 」 (Haruto)

Haruto received the book . Normally it is impossible to understand a language’s grammar and vocabulary by reading a book once . However, Haruto was able to understand it by having someone read it to him just once . Thinking this was impossible, he looked over the picture book to be sure . The text that he previously couldn’t see, he was able to clearly understand how the sentences were constructed .

(What is the meaning of this…… when did I become such a genius? But, if I calmly think about it, it is strange that I am able to communicate with another world’s language in Japanese . Is it possible that am I unconsciously speaking in this country’s language? But for that to happen…… oh yeah, I was transported to another world . If that were the case, something like this is not improbable . I will try to consciously speak to Maria in Japanese . Let us see if my hypothesis is correct . )

(What is the meaning of this…… when did I become such a genius? But, if I calmly think about it, it is strange that I am able to communicate with another world’s language in Japanese . Is it possible that am I unconsciously speaking in this country’s language? But for that to happen…… oh yeah, I was transported to another world . If that were the case, something like this is not improbable . I will try to consciously speak to Maria in Japanese . Let us see if my hypothesis is correct . )

Haruto closed the picture book and then turned around . He strongly thinks of himself talking in Japanese .

『Maria, how old are you?』 (Haruto)

Haruto heart begins to rapidly beat . Was he able to do it……

「Onii-chan, what did you just say?」 (Maria)

She showed a puzzled expression . Haruto’s hypothesis seems to have been correct .

『Sorry, I spoke to you in the language of my hometown . 』 (Haruto)

「Eh? I’m asking, what are you saying?」 (Maria)

She gave the same response and it caused Haruto to become flustered .

(Oh no…… I don’t know how to toggle it on & off . What to do…… should I consciously think to communicate with Maria?)

「Sorry, I spoke to you in the language of my hometown . 」 (Haruto)

「Oh, onii-chan was being clumsy . Do be more careful . 」 (Maria)

He felt relieved as this time he got through to her . Although he doesn’t know how it works, Haruto plans to make use of it . Haruto tries to use its function to memorize the written characters .

「Maria, will you help me out a little longer?」 (Haruto)

Maria continued to teach Haruto the written characters . Although it was called teaching, Maria was merely reading aloud as Haruto simply searched for the written characters . After spending 3 hours studying, Haruto was able to read simple sentences .

「Wow, onii-chan is amazing!」 (Maria)

Maria shows a surprised expression on her face . A guy who moments ago couldn’t read a word became able to read the same sentence after having it read aloud .

「That is because Maria is skillful at teaching . Thank you . I will go read the dictionary . 」 (Haruto)

Saying so, he separated from Maria and went to fetch a dictionary . Now that he is able to read simple sentences, it is time for him to do some self-studying . When Haruto opened the dictionary, he couldn’t understand most of the vocabulary . But, he doesn’t give up and moves to read the annotation beside the words . After understanding the meaning, he memorized the information . The dictionary that was once cloaked in darkness gradually began to clear up .

「Onii-chan, it is time to leave . 」 (Maria)

Haruto responses to her and finishes up reading the dictionary . Before they know it, it was already time for the library to close .

「Sorry, I was in a daze . Well, shall we return?」 (Haruto)

Haruto and Maria exited the library . Having learned to comprehend the written writing, how Haruto saw the place changed because now he was able to read the signboards around town .

「Onii-chan, will you buy me that!」 (Maria)

The things that Maria pointed to, on the signboard, it read 『doru-sweet (ドルフィッツ)』 . Doru-sweet is a city-state union candy, made from wheat flour・suger・eggs, that has been coated with dough and rolled into a ball before being placed on a skewer and then cooked . Haruto acknowledges it as he recalled having promised her a reward .

「Excuse me, 2 doru-sweets, please . 」 (Haruto)

「Alright, that will be 600 Doraria . 」 (shopkeeper)

Haruto paid exactly 600 Doraria for the dora-sweet . Maria showed a delighted smile when she held the dora-sweet in her hand .

「Thank you, onii-chan . 」 (Maria)

After seeing Maria eating her doru-sweet, Haruto tried his doru-sweet . He found the crispy dough coating to be delicious . In high spirits, Haruto and Maria both return to Sylph’s pavilion .


Remaining Balance: 388,000

Different World Business Symbol - Chapter 2: – library
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