The Daily Life of the Immortal King
The Daily Life of the Immortal King - Chapter 68: The Team Battle Can Be Lost, but Wang Ling Must Di

The most heaven-defying body movement was no movement...

In this world, there was no attack that Wang Ling couldn't dodge with a sidestep; if there was, then he would just sidestep it again...

He felt that his hard practice over the years had not been in vain; even the old Secretary couldn't tell what kind of body movement skill it was, which suggested that he had executed his "One-Hundred Percent Sidestep Body Movement" very smoothly. Of course, he didn't think it was a big deal; he had just combined the best body movement with his own ideas in the simplest way.

Those "Demon Steps,""The Evil and Wild Phantom,""The Speed of Shooting Up Ninety Thousand Li" 1 ... after breaking down these elaborate actions, the real body movement was in fact nothing more than a sidestep.

The greatest truths were the simplest, which had been Wang Ling's style all along.

Looking at the showy and monstrous body movements on the market, he felt that most body movement skills had been demonized. Furthermore, the more complex they looked, the more expensive they were. What "Left and Right Jump," what "Three Thousand Thunder," what "Snake Skin Phantom"... these body movements were just beautifully wrapped versions of the sidestep and dodge; they were so complicated that they were like Superman's underwear worn on the outside — nice to look at, but useless and which did nothing to make one greater or stronger.

"...Classmate Wang Ling, you were too cool! Bloody hell, how did you dodge an attack on three fronts with just a sidestep?" Master of Dopey had been stunned by Wang Ling's move and was so excessively shocked that his brain processes had come to a screeching halt. For the first time in his life, he felt that his intelligence was useless.

He couldn't even completely understand how Wang Ling had dodged the attack from three sides all at once — he just thought that the other boy's sidestep had been very strategic, that favorable conditions and good luck had coincidentally come together so perfectly in the direction of Wang Ling's move that no one could describe it.

Of course, Wang Ling wouldn't admit that this sidestep was actually also a kind of body movement. But when he thought calmly about it, he felt that even if he said it was, probably no one would believe him... so, out of habit, he ascribed it all to good luck.

And the most messed up thing with this answer was that it was acceptable to these friends from No. 60 High School, since Wang Ling's usual existence was very weak to begin with and the impression most people had of him was: average grades, poor family... and most importantly, he had especially good luck.

The best evidence of this was at the start of the semester, when Wang Ling this guy had obtained an SSS grade with his killer eye... if there hadn't been a bug in the system at that time, how could he have gotten this grade so easily?

And so, the friends in the top and mid lanes as well as in the jungle all sent him congratulatory messages.

Feather Lin: "Classmate Wang Ling, well done! That was a very powerful strike!"

Super Chen: "Double-click 666 2 , buddy, all good!"

Lotus Sun: "Hehe, Classmate Wang Ling, as expected of our No. 60 High School mascot!"

Wang Ling: "..."


Twenty-two minutes into the contest, the income gap had widened to nearly three thousand gold coins. No. 59 High School was still in a disadvantageous position and the situation had continued to snowball from there. The main reason for this was the previous failure to capture the bot lane, which had straightaway thrown Tang Jingze and the others into disarray; furthermore, until now, they hadn't found a good opportunity to turn the tide around.

"Brother Tang, we can't go on like this. Shall we find another opportunity to attack the lane?" Liang Zheng and Liang Fei, who were in charge of the duo bot lane, started sending voice messages.

"After the last failure, the two guys on the other side have been pressing against our turret, now the turret's health is down to half... if it goes down anymore, there won't even be any foreskin left!"


Tang Jingze looked at his items inventory list, which had been at a disadvantage since the failed gank. On the opposite side, Lotus Sun's inventory list already contained a third blank sword. As soon as she had a fourth one, she would be able to build a great magic sword. On the other hand, he had only just built his second blank sword...

This woman... was really too strong!

The huge income disadvantage was a real f**king pain for Tang Jingze; if they continued to be pressed down in this way, he felt it would be too late for them once Lotus Sun built her sword Mysterious Sea, which cost 5,800 — after being converted digitally, its ATK was over 900 and it dealt 200% critical impact. With just a few blows, it would be able to pierce a defense turret.

"You haven't used your teleport yet, right?" Tang Jingze said.

"Not yet!"

"The ward 3 on the bot lane! We'll teleport there together!"

Tang Jingze was not superstitious... Take a risk, even a bicycle may become a motorcycle. Where we fall, that's where we shall climb back up!

Talk the talk, walk the walk!

After the people from No. 59 High School agreed on the next course of action, an astounding scene occurred — on both sides of the reed marsh on the bot lane, two red beams burst out of the ground.

The female host shouted excitedly, "Now the students from No. 59 High School have decided to teleport and flank the bot lane! Once again they are attacking the bot lane! What they are facing are the eyes and expectations of all the students of No. 59 High School. After the last defeat, Tang Jingze as the captain of the team is well aware of how important this fight is to the team! Can he still smile in the face of danger?!"


The sudden appearance of the two teleport beams startled Wang Ling.

"Watch out, they're coming again!" Lotus Sun warned them.

"Hold on, we're on the way!" Super Chen said.

"Both of you are not carrying teleport, how are you going to get here quickly?" Master of Dopey was about to cry. In order to ensure their laning advantage, both Lotus Sun and Super Chen had chosen "ignite" instead of the "teleport" skill, and Feather Lin carried the "flash" skill 4 .

Looking at the two "heal" skills he and Wang Ling were holding, Hero Guo was in tears.

These skills were completely useless in helping them out!

The loading time for teleport was very short, and Tang Jingze, Fang Huaqing and the three young masters of the Liang family almost immediately appeared on the bot lane. Their plan was to turret dive 5 and kill both Wang Ling and Hero Guo.

"Big brothers, let's take it easy! Can't you restrain yourselves?"

Under these circumstances, the only thing Hero Guo could think of was to delay them.

"Sorry, brother... our rule is, if you can do it, stop yammering about it." How could Tang Jingze be willing to give away this opportunity? He pointed his blank sword at Wang Ling, already unable to suppress his hunger and thirst. "Kill this pretty boy first, then kill the birdman inside."

Wang Ling: "..."

Hero Guo had also heard it and was insulted. "..." F**k! Just because he had a parrot, he was given the nickname birdman?

While they were speaking, five people stood up, gleaming blank swords in their hands as they prepared to release all the resentment in their chests. They advanced with fierce slashing motions in the name of boosting No. 59 High School's fighting spirit.

Now that everyone had been converted into digital versions of themselves, they didn't have to worry at all about really killing people. And even if someone was cut, there wouldn't be any pain; at the most their health bar would be depleted, but once the health bar was empty, they could just be reborn at the base.

It could be said that Tang Jingze had been terribly suppressed in the last few days. After struggling to seize this opportunity in the game, he certainly wasn't going to let Wang Ling off easily now... the team battle could be lost, but Wang Ling had to die!

"..." Sensing this grievance, Wang Ling couldn't help sighing in his heart. Why were they targeting him? He was just an innocent support!

Facing a five-person offensive, Hero Guo didn't have Wang Ling's calm inner quality at all and he shrieked wildly, terrified.

"F**k! Support, brothers and sisters! Where is the support?! Help!"

This hysterical cry for help made Tang Jingze feel much better. This type of experience could only be felt in a game, since killing someone with a knife in real life was a crime... even so, the murderous intent of these five people was still very strong. The aim of this teleport was to take heads — whether it was Hero Guo or Wang Ling, both were destined to die!

When the five individuals were just about to jump into the turret's attack range, planning a dominant dive... suddenly, three people pressed forth from the reed marsh in the back!

Lotus Sun and Super Chen, who had originally been far away in the top and mid lanes, along with Feather Lin in the jungle, had arrived!

The Daily Life of the Immortal King - Chapter 68: The Team Battle Can Be Lost, but Wang Ling Must Di
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