Low Dimensional Game
Low Dimensional Game - Chapter 28: Order and Civilization

Chapter 28: Order and Civilization

“You must be the one to avenge the lives of your loved ones with your own hands,” Lu Zhiyu said, leading Ahenaten away from the hut. “I am only here to provide you guidance from the glorious Goddess of Light, Maria.”

“But why won’t the gods kill off the evil wolf-men?” Ahenaten asked, clearly unsatisfied with Lu Zhiyu’s answer. “Why did the gods watched the orcs killed my parents and my clansmen? How could gods who stood by and watched these things happen still be called gods?”

“What do you think gods are? Your servants?” Lu Zhiyu turned back and looked at Ahenaten. “They gave you lives, intelligence and power. They also gave you lush lands and a world to explore. Do you still want them to watch over every second and every aspect of your lives? Fulfil your every wish and desire? You are too greedy!” Seeing that Ahenaten didn’t say anything in response, Lu Zhiyu continued. “The gods gave you hope and a future, but it is up to you to decide which path to take.”

He lowered himself to look Ahenaten in the eyes and said, “The gods are just, Ahenaten. Humans and orcs, as well as every living being in this world, are the children of the gods. They created this world, but they gave you the power to choose your own destiny. The gods are not responsible for your lives, you are. Remember, you hold your destiny in your hands!”

“Then why are you here?” Ahenaten paused then asked. “Why did they send you? Who are you?”

“I am Faross, the archangel of Maria, the Goddess of Light,” Lu Zhiyu said. “I am tasked with maintaining the balance of this world. If this course of events continue, humans will be wiped out by the orcs. Thus, I am here in hopes that you can carry the responsibility of uniting the human race and stopping the invading orcs. You shall become the king of all humans!”

“Of course, you have the choice to accept or refuse this fate.”

Ahenaten looked at Lu Zhiyu, then at the burned village around him and the corpses on the ground. His eyes burned with hatred. He felt as if he could see thousands of humans dying under the orcs’ blades. He felt as if he could hear their dying cries.

“No, not like this, our kind cannot be wiped out!” Ahenaten looked toward Lu Zhiyu, “Archangel Faross, you have my word, I agree. What do you need me to do?”

Lu Zhiyu shook his head, “I do not need you to do anything. You have to grow and become more powerful. You are too weak now!”

“Is it mighty strength?” Ahenaten asked hurriedly. “Like my father who has the strength of the gods?”

Lu Zhiyu shook his head. “One man cannot fight an entire army no matter how strong he is, while an army will have to submit to order. Power does not only lie within strength. What I wish of you is to create order and civilization among the scattered human race. Order and civilization. That is what can save your kind.”

“Order and civilization?” Ahenaten asked as if he couldn’t understand the words.

Lu Zhiyu held out a hand to grab Ahenaten’s. The two walked toward the east, toward where the sun rose. Lu Zhiyu raised his staff. He summoned a dimensional door with a flash of light. The two stepped through the formless screen and arrived somewhere in the distance.

The northern part of the continent had already entered winter. Lu Zhiyu gave Ahenaten a cloak. Ahenaten fumbled to wrap the cloak around himself, but he never took his eyes off of the grand city in the distance, “What is that?”

“That is the capital of the orcs,” Lu Zhiyu said. “It’s called Sarga. Twelve kings have built up this city over the course of two hundred years. Twelve generations of kings that have come and gone. Many tribes fought for the right to call this city theirs. Two hundred years of fighting and expansion gave birth to this city in front of you.”

“A city?” Ahenaten asked, his eyes reflecting his excitement and awe. “Will our kind have this too?”

“Of course,” Lu Zhiyu said with a nod. “You will be the first King of Men. You will lead mankind to an age of cities. You will spark the flames of civilization, and your name will be on the tongue of every man, woman, and child for hundreds of years to come.”

“Come with me!”

He started walked again with Ahenaten following him closely. A moment later, the two appeared on top of the city wall of Sarga, looking down on the city unfolding beneath. The city was bustling with people. There were many people walking on the streets, such as soldiers who were carrying weapons and civilians in simple clothing. They dressed simply, mostly a few pieces of cloth covering their bodies. Only the nobles could own fancy clothing made from pelt.

The orcs had developed the class structure and segregation of duties. There were merchants, commoners, nobles, farmers, hunters, troops, craftsmen and the like. Craftsmen were responsible for erecting opulent buildings. There were sharp bronze swords in the hands of every soldier. What they were wearing were all incredibly pretty in Ahenaten’s eyes as they were clean and tidy. There weren’t only wolf-people residing in the city. There were dog-, tiger-, and lion-people as well. Different races mingled in the streets.

The city seemed endless to Ahenaten. There were many streets and seemingly an infinite amount of people living within. Ahenaten felt at awe. The desire for progress was coded into the very bones of humans.

Soon, the two were discovered by the patrols on the wall. “Who are you? What are you doing here? How did you come up to the city wall!”

Hearing the soldier’s call, more guards swarmed over and raised their weapons at the two. Seeing a spear was aiming at him and a guard was charging towards him, Ahenaten started to shake in fear. Lu Zhiyu turned to look at him with his masked face. He waved his staff and the two disappeared in a flash of light. This was why Lu Zhiyu made the staff and carved the channeling array to summon the dimensional door on it. It allowed him to react quicker to an emergency situation like this.

“This is their language,” Lu Zhiyu said. “It is called Sofawk. Words and language gave the orcs the ability to communicate and develop culture. This is the basis for a unified civilization!”

They were standing under a large statue of the Orc King. The pedestal that held the statue was covered in words that described the accolades of the Orc King. Ahenaten couldn’t understand what Lu Zhiyu told him, but Lu Zhiyu knew that he would remember his words.

Lu Zhiyu then took Ahenaten to the market. The crowded market and the different vendors fascinated the young boy. This was the center of commerce for orc cities in the north. One could find almost anything there. Lu Zhiyu walked the boy through the market, telling him more about gold, currency, wealth and merchants.

“Gold? What is gold?” Ahenaten asked when Lu Zhiyu brought it up.

A gold coin appeared in his hand, and he handed it to the boy. “This is the currency of the orcs. I’ll give it to you as a souvenir!”

Low Dimensional Game - Chapter 28: Order and Civilization
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