Secret Wardrobe Of The Duchess
Secret Wardrobe Of The Duchess - Chapter 13: Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Chapter 13

“Wretched girl! How could you say such thing to Irene who took you in when you had no place to go?”

“Boohoo, oh my. How can you do this to us? This is all misunderstanding. This is all wrong. Boohoo, you know your uncle is not that kind of man. Martin just introduced people to your father out of good will. Those moneylenders fooled your father, not us. We are, we are victims.”

Rubica wanted to cover her ears. She thought it was so strange that how her kind father and shameless uncle could have been brothers. Mr. and Mrs. Berner were acting like they were being greatly oppressed. She could barely stop her body trembling hard.

“Then let us go to the city hall with this document.”

It made Mrs. Berner’s moaning stop.

“A trial will clear up everything….”

“A trial, among family!”

Martin Berner turned pale and yelled. Most people would have given up at that point. But Mr. and Mrs. Berner were way too much shameless. They were thinking of Rubica as someone they could control by yelling.

However, Rubica didn’t look down at Mr. Berner’s yell. She didn’t get afraid. She just stood there with thin smile. It was like she had experienced much greater chaos.

Actually, Edgar had worried that she might be weakened because of her kind heart and hesitate, but she didn’t. She didn’t yell and she didn’t lose temper. She just spoke what she had to point out in low voice.

The problem was them. Edgar had seen plenty of people like those Berners. They didn’t give up even when the opposite person was right, as long as they were sure they are of higher rank. And they immediately listened when someone like Edgar spoke a word.

He wanted to get rid of those noises now.

“I absolutely agree with Rubica. Sir Berner, I am not accusing you for the crime of deceiving your niece only because you are Rubica’s relative. Know that I am being merciful here.”

Rubica was so disappointed to see her uncle, who hadn’t let her even speak a word without interrupting, was not even speaking a word to Edgar. But unlike the perfect duke who had everything, Rubica had been living at the mansion without having anything. It was the truth. And the dirty scheme Mr. and Mrs. Berner had committed would have stayed buried if it hadn’t been for Edgar.

“Anyway, as it has been proved the contract you signed with Rubica’s parents was false, Rubica is the owner of this mansion. Then, Rubica, what do you want to do with your baronet title?”

Rubica had no choice but to admit that her own rights that had been taken away from her for long time had been given back to her by the arrogant man next to her. That fact made her feel bitter.

But she decided to focus on informing her uncle and his wife who had taken the rights that should have been her long time ago that she wasn’t that weak girl anymore.

“When a woman of title marries a man of higher title, her own title is normally returned to her family.”

“Yes, Rubica. Your father worked so hard to get that baronet title. Let me and Isaac inherit it. You know Isaac is studying hard at the academy. He will be able to become a baron.”

Mr. Berner spoke hopefully, but Rubica looked at him coldly. It wasn’t going to happen. Isaac didn’t study hard with the money his parent sent him. He just played hard and died in a quarrel at gambling house one day.

What he did was enough to confiscate baronet title from Berners. It didn’t happen only because the kingdom appreciated the deed of Rubica’s father.

Mrs. Berner trusted the fake academic records her son sent, until she heard the news of his death. But Rubica decided not to break her dream now. Mrs. Berner wasn’t going to believe her anyway, even if she told the truth.

But she was right about one thing. That title was precious. Before, Rubica had thought of them as her family, but not anymore.

“Your Grace, would baronet title of Berner Family be bad for the name of Claymore Family?”


Duke Claymore read her intention and made it clear. The smile on her lips appeared to be kind, but Rubica could feel his eyes were busily grading her every word and action. But Rubica didn’t care. She had to announce her will first.

“Then I will have my baronet title belong to my husband’s family.”

Silence fell again. Mr. and Mrs. Berner doubted their ears for a moment. They just couldn’t believe it.

“What are you talking about?”

“You, you cannot dare to do this to us!”

Mr. Berner was now about to get foam in his mouth any moment. Many things changed depending on the title. However, Rubica kept coldly staring at him.

‘I haven’t even started yet.’

She decided to get back everything they had taken away from her.

“I can.”

She replied firmly. She knew talking long would only let them gain control again. The Kingdom of Seritos acknowledged women’s right of inheritance, even in limited form. Rubica was the owner of the title.

As the king had issued special permission that ordered her marriage, Martin Berner couldn’t claim its ownership.

“Your Grace, as I have many good memories about this mansion, I would like to come here from time to time.”

“Then it will become our villa.

In just a few minutes, Mr. and Mrs. Berner lost all the privileges baronet title had given them and the mansion. They had never belonged to them, but they acted like they had lost what were rightfully theirs. Rubica wasn’t going to care about them anymore, whether or not her aunt wailed aloud and her uncle protested. Their words and tears could shake her heart anymore.

She held Edgar’s hand tightly.

His blue eyes swayed, puzzled. Rubica ignored Mr. and Mrs. Berner and looked at Edgar’s eyes straight.

Compared to Duke Claymore, her title was so lowly, but as her uncle had said, her father had labored hard to earn it. She wasn’t going to present it to him like that. Even though it was nothing to the duke, it meant a lot to her.

“Could you give me the 100 thousand Gold you promised them as my dowry?”

That was bold. Carl the Butler cleared his throat. He thought he had been right to make all servants live the room. He worried that Rubica’s mind had become ill after being exploited by her uncle and his wife for too long.

But Rubica was not crazy.

She knew how miserable life of a woman without dowry was, and she also knew how important money would be to run to safety after the war break out. But for now, she smiled sweetly toward Edgar.

“Of course, you don’t have to give it to me if you grudge money.”

Grudge money….

She said that in small voice so that only Edgar could hear her. That offended Edgar’s pride. That was what Rubica was after for. In her previous life, she would sometimes speak like that when she borrowed books and things from proud priests.

Most of them would get mad and give her what she wanted.

Edgar was no different. Plus, he was willing to buy heart with money if he could.

To someone, that money was bigger than a decade’s wage, but to Edgar, it was cheap price for marriage without trouble.

“I would be glad to give it to you.”

“Thank you.”

Rubica let out a sigh of relief. She relaxed a little only then and turn to Mr. and Mrs. Berner. Now that she had 100 thousand Gold, they immediately changed their attitude. Mrs. Berner even smiled kindly at Rubica. She hadn’t seen that smile ever since she let her uncle become her patron.

“Rubica, about that 100 thousand Gold…..”

But Rubica ignored her. Instead, she called Angela who had been nervously standing there.

“Angela, I will place 50 thousand Gold in trust fund in your name.”

Rubica couldn’t believe it. She thought Rubica had more than enough right to kick her parents out of the mansion, both naked.

And she had also been so mean to Rubica, even though it had been to stop her mother abusing Rubica. But there was calm but kind smile on Rubica’s lips now.

“I will put it in Jackal Bank. You cannot touch the money, but I will let you use the interest.”

Angela’s parents brightened up immediately. Interest of 50 thousand Gold. It would be enough for the four of them to live properly to pay for one person’s tuition for the academy.

Mr. Berner rubbed his hands in content. The best way would be to use 50 thousand Gold immediately, but getting such pension didn’t sound bad. However, Rubica wasn’t done.

“But there is one condition.”

“A condition?”

“Angela, you must go to the academy and study.”

Angela’s jaw dropped. She couldn’t believe what Rubica was saying.

‘You want ME to learn?’

And her parents were shocked for different reasons. They had naturally thought to pay for Isaac’s tuition with Angela’s trust. The tuition of Aron’s Academy was very expensive. Interest of 50 thousand Gold wasn’t enough to pay for two people’s tuitions.

“But…. Rubica, the academy is for smart people…”

“She’s right. Rubica, Angela cannot study at the academy. She is not that smart.”

Secret Wardrobe Of The Duchess - Chapter 13: Chapter 13
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