Sword Art Online
Sword Art Online - Phantom Bullet Chapter 9

Chapter 9

The place I landed at was at the most northern area of GGO’s capital, «SBC Gurroken», on the corner near the presidential tower.

Under the depressing sunset sky, the bustling neon lights continued to move through the crowds. The contents above seemed to be corporate advertisements. If this was ALO, the players would be complaining loudly about how this would ‘destroy the world view’, but the depressing scenery does match the theme of a futuristic wasteland city. And of course, the most glaring one of these neon lights was the advertising of the upcoming 3rd «Bullet of Bullets» tournament. My body started to tremble the moment I saw those bright red words. Of course, this wasn’t out of fear, but out of excitement—or at least I would hope to believe.

I heaved a sigh and turned around, and subconsciously flung the black hair on my shoulders. As my hair came to rest back on my shoulders, I found myself sighing at my actions, but still managed to convince myself that in the end, this is the proof that I’m already used to my own avatar.

I intended to complete my registration at the tournament and then move slightly far away from the presidential estate, but there were a few stares aimed at me from both sides of the road. This felt somehow unbearable. I wanted to glare back at them, but decided against it in the end.

Actually, they weren’t really noticing me. It was just that my avatar here looked just like a girl—a pretty girl at that too. If our positions were switched too, even I would be looking.

Normally, there wouldn’t just be stares, but also two or three players coming over to talk me up. However, the guys will immediately keep their distance once they saw me approach. I guess the reason was because everyone saw me fighting like a berserker with the photon sword and charging at the enemies yesterday during the preliminaries of BoB.

The tournament only revealed the names and number of times participated in the tournament from the data of the participant, and «Kirito» was a gender-neutral name. That’s likely why everyone in GGO felt that I was «a girl who is also a psycho; a savage killer that deliberately chooses to swing a saber, instead of a gun».

I didn’t really wish to be viewed as such a person, but that misunderstanding was worth it if I could let the other players in the BoB finals hesitate. Besides, my aim wasn’t to win, but to meet that guy with the broken mantle—«Death Gun».

The «Death Gun»’s name wasn’t amongst the 30 finalists, but he was definitely participating in the finals. If his aim was to show off his power in the world of GGO, the BoB in the game would be the best stage for all to see. Death Gun’s real name—even though it’s weird, should be the name of the other character in the system.

First, I have to find his name, and then talk to him again in the tournament. Once I find out the name he used in SAO, I can use that information to find out his name in the real world. Kikuoka Seijirou said that he should be able to access the player account data that had become classified. Once we get to know that person’s real name, we should be able to find out whether he really killed «Zekushiido» and «Usujio Tarako», no, if he could really kill.

However, during this process, I need to go through my own past crime.

That fear still hasn’t disappeared.

But this is a necessary emotion to prevent myself from choosing a path to run away, to forget.

I clenched both fists, stomped hard on the ground with the soles of my battle boots, and headed towards the large tower of the presidential estate that was gradually appearing in front of me.

As for a tournament against others, I would get excited during ALO, and even during SAO.

Unexpectedly though, I would have to take part in this tournament with fear.

As I showed a self-depreciating smile, I headed up the wide stairs that lead to the tower, and found that there was a familiar sand-colored muffler swaying about at the entrance hall in front of me.

Without even looking at her clear blue short hair and the long legs that extended out from under the jacket, I knew that it was the avatar of my final opponent in the preliminaries yesterday –the sniper «Sinon». She was the only person I knew of in GGO, but I was still hesitating over whether I should head forward to greet her.

As I was immediately lost the moment I dived into this world yesterday, I had to brace myself and ask Sinon, who I just met, and at that time, I didn’t realize immediately that she mistook me as a female player because of my appearance and somehow ended up acting as «a beginner girl who didn’t know what to do at all». Other than asking her to explain the game mechanics and helping me to choose my equipment, I even went overboard by witnessing her avatar wearing only her underwear in the rest area.

No—That wasn’t all.

During the tournament, I suddenly met the shooter «Death Gun» and was approached by him. I learnt that he was «a survivor of SAO» and also a member of the red guild «Laughing Coffin», which really shocked me. Thus, in the finals against Sinon after that, I nearly gave up on it. Basically, I was walking weakly during the start of the battle, trying to get Sinon to shoot the fatal round at me so that I could lose the battle.

However, Sinon didn’t hit me.

She shot 6 rounds that were burning in blueish-white flames due to anger, then gave up her advantage, and met me straight on and shouted.

She said, stop joking around, I should die alone if I wanted to, and even said that it’s my right to think that this was just a match in a game, but I should not force my values on others—

To be honest, these words hurt me deeply.

Actually, I said something similar to someone else a long time ago.

It was four years ago. At that time, I was just promoted to second year of middle school, and was very lucky, or rather, unlucky to be chosen as a player of the «Sword Art Online Closed Beta», and everyday, I would dive into what I didn’t know was a death game, the floating game city Aincrad until the next morning.

It was really a little embarrassing for me to say that, but the «Kirito» that later became a legendary warrior wouldn’t really interact with people back then as compared to now even though I used to be a little famous for being amongst the top in PvP events, so I didn’t have any people I could call friends in games. However, amongst the people I knew, there were still a few players who I thought that I could become friends with. One of them was a mild-mannered, tea-haired swordsman I would often meet in a duel event. He was skilled in using a one-handed sword.

This person would often fight with great logic and sharp senses, and I’ve always hoped to meet him in the finals of the tournament. I had been secretly wishing to fight him in the finals, but when that stage finally arrived—I received a great shock. At the last moment of this intense battle, he deliberately took the slash that he should be able to avoid. I guessed that he deliberately lost to earn some quick cash from gambling, and basically blasted him with those words Sinon said to me.

I was scolded like how I scolded him during the final stage of the BoB tournament, so I sincerely apologized to Sinon. Even though we faced off against each other head on, it should be hard for Sinon to accept it. No matter what, she’s a sniper, and her greatest weapon is to shoot those long distance sure-kill bullets. During the battle royale tournament today, I suppose she would be trying her best to shoot that bullet of revenge right between my forehead.

Because of the above mentioned reasons—or rather, because I caused all of them, I was hesitating over whether I should say hello to Sinon, who was a few steps in front of me.

But after a few seconds, I shook off my hesitation and took huge steps up the stairs before calling her by her name.

“Yo, Sinon, please guide me through today too.”

That muffler of hers that looked like a tail stopped, and the aqua blue hair looked cat like the way it pointed upwards. The sniper girl who spun around with the right foot as her axis gave an irritated expression that showed that she hated me to the bone, and then coldly snorted.

“…Please guide me through. What do you mean by that?

The anger in her blue eyes made me immediately regret it, but I didn’t call her just for naught. It’ll be bad if I said something wrong and made her ignore me. Thus, I said with a rather serious expression,

“Of course…I hope we can both fight with all we got.”

“Stop being disgusting.”

--Looks like I made a mistake right off the bat. However, I didn’t give up as I continued,

“Speaking of which, why did you dive in so early? There’s still 3 hours before the tournament.”

“Wasn’t that because a certain someone caused me to nearly miss the registration yesterday.”

Sinon looked away and grumbled before glancing at me, who’s giving off cold sweat.

“…Speaking of which, aren’t you logged in now too? Why are you talking like I’m the one who had nothing to do.”

“The-Then, let’s use this time effectively! How about we get a drink before the battle begins…no, exchange information…”

I really won’t dare to say this to a real person in the real world. No, considering that I already have a girlfriend in Asuna, it’s unforgivable even in the virtual world. However, I dare to swear to god that this isn’t about trying to get a date in the VR world, but to fulfill my duty and mission, and also a necessary step to ensure Sinon’s own safety.

--In the end, Sinon seemed like she didn’t notice my complicated entanglement as she glared at me for a few seconds before snorting and nodding her head with the minimum action.

“Alright then, I’ll be the one telling you all the information again.”

“I-I, well…it’s not that I didn’t have this intention…”

I managed to mumble vaguely and had to run to keep up with Sinon, who was walking away in front of me.

After completing our registration at the hall of the presidential estate through the machine there, Sinon brought me over to a large spacious underground area. As the lights were dimmed to a minimum all around, I could barely see the faces of the players that were gathered at different tables. The few large-screen panel monitors on the ceiling were dazzling with their original colors.

Sinon went into a booth that was far inside and then looked at the menu displayed on a simple metallic board. She then pressed a small button beside the iced coffee label. Soon, the similarly metallic table opened up a hole, and a glass that was filled with black liquid appeared from within. Compared to having to order our food with the NPC and waiting for them to serve it up in Aincrad, this method is somewhat simple, but it also does fit the game atmosphere of GGO.

I pressed the button for ginger ale and grabbed the glass that appeared before gulping down half. While waiting for the imaginary bubbles to disappear from my throat, I decided to start off.

“…The battle royale finals is to put 30 players in the same map, and to begin a gunfight once we meet the opponent, and the winner will be the guy that lasts till the end…am I right?”

In the end, Sinon glared at me through the coffee glass, and said,

“See, you’re intending to let me explain, right? Speaking of which, this information is written on the e-mail the operating company sent to the participants.”

“I-I did look through it…”

Actually, I did look through it briefly. I intended to read the specifics after logging into the game, but before that, I met Sinon who was a veteran, so I guess it’ll be faster for her to teach me directly…I wouldn’t dare to say that, so I merely coughed dryly to continue on.

“Well…I just want to check if there’s anything wrong with my understanding…”

“You actually dared to say that.”

That extremely cold voice of hers caused my heart to freeze in half. Luckily, Sinon placed the glass back at the table and quickly started to explain the rules of this round.

“…Basically, it’s like what you just said, the final round is really held with all 30 players fighting each other on the same map. The starting positions are randomized, but every player will be at least 1,000m away from each other, so there won’t be cases of the enemy appearing right in front of you all of a sudden.”

“1... 1,000 meters? That means that map is rather big…?”

I couldn’t help but interrupt, and the blue laser-like eyes shot back at me.

“Did you really look through the e-mail? This was written in the first paragraph.. The map of the final round is a circle with a 10km diameter. It has hills, forests and deserts, so nobody will have superior equipment or abilities.”

“10-10km!? That’s rather big…”

It’s about the size of the first level of the floating city Aincrad. However, that means that in this area that’s large enough for 10,000 people to hunt, there are only going to be 30 people that will be separated from each other by 1,000m.

“…But, can we really meet our enemies like this? There’s a possibility we can’t even see anyone until the tournament time’s up…”

“This is a game where we fight each other using guns, so there’s a need for such a wide map. Sniper rifles have 1km shooting range, and assault rifles have about 500m. If all 30 people are all packed in a small map, everyone would be shooting madly, bang bang, when it starts, and more than half the participants would be dead already.”

“Hahaa, I see…”

I nod my head in agreement, and Sinon continued with her detailed explanation. Maybe behind this sharp and cold avatar is a kind and gentle girl—if she finds out that this is what I thought, she’ll definitely walk away without finishing off, so I still continued to listen to her explanation.

“—Well, just as you said, you can’t fight if you can’t meet an enemy. Some people will also use this to hide until the last person remains. Therefore, the participants are automatically given a device called a «Satellite Scan Terminal».”

“Satellite…is it some spy satellite or something?”

“That’s right. Every 15 minutes, the satellite in the air will be set to scan through. At this moment, everyone’s terminal will receive the location of all the players. And the name of the players will be indicated if you touch the flashes on the map.”

“Fmu…so, there’s only 15 minutes to hide at one spot? So we’re likely to be ambushed once our locations are shown on the map, right?”

“That’s the case.”

I smiled and asked Sinon, who’s nodding away.

“But isn’t this rule bad for snipers? Aren’t you suppose to hide and cover like a taro and snipe at the enemy?”

“Describing me as a taro is too much.”

Sinon glared at me with those explosive blue sparkling eyes, and then coldly snorted and gave a proud smile.

“15 minutes is enough for me to fire one bullet, kill one person, and move 1km.”

“Is…is that so..?”

I don’t think that would be an exaggeration. If I try to ambush Sinon through the satellite information, it’s likely that she will snipe me from afar instead. I remembered this dearly in my heart, coughed dryly for a bit, and then sorted through the information I received.

“Eh—this means that I have to continue to move and take down the enemies once the round begins, and then hang on until I’m the last one…something like that. And every 15 minutes, the map terminal on my hand will show the locations of all the players, so I can tell then who’s alive and who’s not—well, is my understanding correct?”

“That’s basically it.”

Sinon nodded her head in affirmation and finished up her iced coffee before forcefully putting the glass onto the table and got ready to get up.

“Then, there’s nothing else, right? I’ll fire the trigger without any mercy the next time I meet you…”

“Waa, hold on hold on, I’m just getting into the main point.”

That really sounded like a line from a certain civil servant, I secretly thought as I hurriedly reached out to tug at the corner of Sinon’s jacket.

“…What else do you want?”

Even though she showed an extremely irritated expression as she deliberately looked at the military watch on her left wrist, I continued to nod my head without looking dejected, and Sinon sighed hard before sitting down again. She placed both elbows on the table, and then pressed her small chin against the fingers that were intertwined together, telling me to continue with the movements of her eyebrows.

“Erm, well, I’m…I’m thinking about asking something that’s a little weird…”

I stuttered as I finished and quickly waved my left hand to call out the menu window.

VRMMO that were in the specifications of «The Seed» have an almost similar menu window, so I changed it into a mode where others could see it and quickly scrolled the tab down.

I showed the page with the names of the 30 players the operating company sent to the participants of the BoB finals. Of course, we could see the names of the finals of group F, first place ‘Kirito’ and second place ‘Sinon’.

After glancing at the screen I showed her for a moment, an angry twitch appeared on Sinon’s nose as she frowned like a cat—no, like a jaguar.

“…What, are you gloating your victory over me in the finals yesterday?”

On hearing that spiteful low growl of hers, I hurriedly gasped and shook my head with a serious expression.

“That’s not it, I didn’t mean that.”

Perhaps she noticed my change in attitude? Sinon frowned her beautiful eyebrows and said,

“…Then what do you want from me? Showing this participant list all of a sudden.”

“Among the 30 people on the name list, how many do you not know?”


I ignored Sinon, who was giving an extremely surprised look as I moved my fingers down the name list that’s not really long.

“Please tell me. This is very important to me.”

“…Well, it’s not like I can’t tell you…”

Though she still had a bit of suspicion, Sinon still continued to look at the purple holographic window on the table, and her blue eyes quickly scanned through from left to right.

“Erm…it’s already the 3rd BoB, so I know pretty much all the people there. Those first-timers in the finals…other than a certain infuriating light saber user, there are 3 other people I don’t know.”

“3 of them? Their names?”

“Nn…«Jyuushi X» and «Pale Rider», and…this «Sterben» guy, right?”

Sinon stiffly read a few names, and I read through the names on the window to check personally. Except for the «Jyuushi X», the other names were written in the English alphabet. I closed my eyes and repeated these three names a few times.

At this moment, Sinon looked half-shocked and half anxious as she said to me.

“Oi, what’s going on? You’ve been asking the questions up till now, and yet you haven’t explained anything to me.”

“Ahh… yeah…”

I used an ambiguous reply to buy time as my mind continued to think.

The 3 names Sinon told me—

One of them should be the reason why I came to this world. He’s related to the two mysterious deaths, and also a survivor of SAO who’s affiliated to the red guild «Laughing Coffin»—the character commonly known as «Death Gun».

The reason why I deduced this was because up till now, Death Gun kept his real name rather privy. If possible, he would really want to use «Death Gun» as a character name, but in that case, he’ll get lots of spam e-mail, and will even cause lots of trouble. Also, if the real character becomes overly famous, the rumor of the «Death Gun» he would have painstakingly built up will disappear. Thus, he has to hide his real name up till now, and Sinon definitely won’t know of this person’s existence.

Now, the problem will be, which one of them is the real «Death Gun»…

Just when I was pondering, a white slender hand entered my vision. That hand was prodding at the surface of the table with the thumb.

Looking up, I saw Sinon narrow her eyes as she glared me me.

“…I’m really going to be angry. What the heck are you doing? Is this some strategy to make me angry and get me to make a mistake in the finals?”

“No…that’s not it, I didn’t mean that…”

On feeling that sharp high-temperature flame-like stare, I bit my lips tightly.

I really couldn’t decide immediately whether I should explain the truth to her. I believe the rumor that ‘There’s a player in GGO who calls himself «Death Gun» and has been shooting on streets and in bars, and the players who were shot by him never logged in again’ would be rather widespread, but there’s still no player who would believe that they were killed. Of course, Sinon in front of me should be the same too.

To be honest, I didn’t really believe this completely. For a player to fire bullets in a game to kill someone in real life—is completely impossible no matter what reasoning Kikuoka and I used when we discussed this a few days ago.

But right now, I can’t even laugh at Death Gun’s ability. If that guy was really an important member of the old «Laughing Coffin», he’ll definitely be one of the killer players who were enthusiastically taking away the lives of many players in Aincrad. Maybe he developed a certain way of killing that far surpassed Kikuoka and my own imaginations during that terrifying experience. This possibility still exists.

If I tell all I know to Sinon and also that the power of the Death Gun may be real—you may die, you shouldn’t take part in the tournament this time, will she listen to me? No, absolutely not. That image of Sinon as she showed me the side of her desperate face because she nearly missed the registration after shopping with me. This girl should have some important reason why she has to take part in the BoB tournament…

The blue eyes that were glaring at this silent me—suddenly softened.

Her light-colored lips said without moving too much,

“…Don’t tell me that the reason why your face suddenly became weird during the preliminaries yesterday was also because of that?”


Sinon and I exchanged looks, and for a moment, we couldn’t say anything.

However, I forgot all my reasoning and thoughts as I nodded away like I was prompted to. A teeny-weeny voice came from my own mouth,

“…Ahhh…that’s right. Yesterday, I was suddenly called by someone who used to play a similar VRMMO in the underground dome…I thought that he would be taking part in the battle today. I’m afraid that one of the three people was him…”

“Were you friends?”

I shook my head hard on hearing Sinon’s question, messing my hair up in the process.

“No, quite the opposite…we’re enemies. Me, and him, we seriously tried to kill each other before. But…I can’t remember that guy’s name back then. I have to recall it. I want to meet this player in the finals… find out why he is here, and what he is doing…”

After explaining till here, I realized that my words may have confused Sinon. In a normal VRMMO game, even players in opposing guilds are technically still rivals playing the same game. It’ll be too much of an exaggeration to use the title «enemy».


The sniper with the aqua blue hair didn’t laugh at my words, but widened her small eyes, and then muttered with a weak voice that the system could barely identify.

“…You tried to kill each other…enemies…”

And then, she used the same soft volume to raise another question that’s enough to pierce through my consciousness.

“…Is it because your play styles didn’t match, or your relationship between each other worsened when you were in a party because of some trouble? Or…”

On hearing till this, I shook my head in reflex.

“No, we were really betting our lives and trying to kill each other. That guy…that guy’s guild did something unforgivable, and both sides couldn’t come to a peaceful resolution. We had no choice but to settle this with swords. I wasn’t regretful about doing this, but…”

I know this will only bother Sinon, but my mouth just couldn’t stop. I grip the hands that were placed on the table, trying to look deep into those blue eyes, and try to force out my voice from the dry throat.

“…But, I-I just continued to run away from the responsibility I should have taken, and never had I thought about the meaning behind this action. Until today, I was forcing myself to forget…but now, I can’t continue to escape. I have to solve this problem head on.”

These words seemed to be said right back at myself. Of course, Sinon shouldn’t be able to understand at all. The moment I shut my mouth, Sinon looked down as well. The thought that she got a weirdo here deep inside her heart should be even greater now, I think.

“…Sorry for such ridiculous words. Just pretend that you never heard them. Anyway, it’s just my past grudge…”

I deliberately forced a smile and prepared to simplify things.

But Sinon muttered to interrupt my words.

“—‘If your bullet can really kill a player in the real world, can you squeeze the trigger without hesitation’.”


I quickly gasped.

This was the question I asked from deep inside me to Sinon during the tournament preliminaries finals yesterday. Actually, I still don’t understand why I asked this, but at that moment, I did ask back instantly, as fast as a spark, on hearing Sinon ask ‘how do I get to be as strong as you’.

An attack in the virtual game world killed a player in the real world. From the way nobody believed in the rumor of the «Death Gun», it’s likely that this is impossible in theory. However, this rule occurred in the world that doesn’t exist now.

At this moment, I could only remain silent, and Sinon stared at my eyes with a sharp gaze—and opened her small lips to say,

“You are…Kirito, perhaps you’re, from that game…”

This seemingly voiceless question immediately vanished as it melted in the dry air of the bar. The wavering blue eyes looked down before shaking silently.

“…Sorry, I shouldn’t be asking about this.”

“…No, it’s alright.”

I could only answer this with regards to this unexpected apology, and we continued to look at each other under this tense silence.

I don’t intend to tell Sinon that I was an ex «Sword Art Online» player, a «survivor of SAO». But if I don’t say so, she will never be able to understand my explanation just now.

This Sinon should be able to understand the meaning of the word «enemy» I used, and she would be able to understand the detailed meaning of «killing each other».

I just waited silently for the girl to show that disgust and annoyance in her eyes.


Sinon didn’t look away, and she didn’t leave her seat. She leaned forward and stared at me. The sapphire eyes of hers, for some reason, seem to be giving some sort of…maybe a glint, a plea for help, or maybe that’s just my imagination.

The next moment, Sinon closed her eyes tightly, and then bit her lips tight.

I didn’t even have the time to be shocked as the tense atmosphere between us disappeared. After exhaling deeply, the sniper girl gave an obscure smile and whispered to me softly,

“…Well, it’s about time to head back to the waiting dome, or else we won’t have time to check our equipment and warm-up.”

“Ah…ahh, that’s right.”

I nodded my head, and Sinon stood up. I looked at the simple digital watch on my left wrist, and found that the time was soon going to be 7pm. There’s still an hour before the finals tournament start.

As we arrived at the simple elevator at the corner of the huge bar, Sinon pressed the down button, the metal gate let out a creaking sound as it slides aside, and the elevator appeared. The moment we entered, I was the one who pressed the bottom most button.

In this cramped space that’s had an imaginary descending feeling and the sound of machinery, a soft voice rang.

“I know you have your own difficulties.”

Behind me, Sinon seemed to walk towards me, and there was something pointing at the center of my back. That’s not a muzzle—but a fingertip. She said with a slightly forceful tone.

“However, your promise with me is another thing altogether. I’ll definitely return that humiliation during the final battle yesterday with interest, so you must not let someone other than me shoot you down.”

“…I understand.”

I nodded my head slightly.

The biggest aim I had when I dived into GGO was to interact with «Death Gun» and solve the mystery behind the murder, but this incident now isn’t just about Kikuoka Seijirou’s request, but also related to me. Thinking through it calmly, I should avoid this duel with the scary sniper Sinon and achieve my aim.

But I met Sinon in this world, talked to her, and built a new relationship in this battle. I really can’t ignore or belittle her actions. That’s because, even in another virtual world, even if the thing attached on my waist is a light saber without a physical blade, «Kirito» is still a swordsman.

“…I’ll survive until the time I fight you.”

The moment I said this, the finger behind my back left my body, and a soft voice rang again.


Before I could even ask why she said thanks, the elevator came to a sudden halt. After the door opened, what immediately came in from the front of the slightly dark elevator were the smell of iron and smoke—the smell of battle came over at me and engulfed me.

Sword Art Online - Phantom Bullet Chapter 9
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