The Chronicles of the Immortal God
The Chronicles of the Immortal God - Chapter 67: Drain

Chapter 67: Drain

“Dragon-slaying quest?” Eleanor was confused as she tried to process what Wang Hao said. She then turned pale when she realized what Wang Hao was implying.

“Don’t tell me, you are aiming for the dragon at the Solstice Kingdom?”

“Yeah, that’s actually the reason I am here.” Wang Hao rubbed his head sheepishly. “This is my first mission, so I wanted it to be big.”

“Can I ask what your practitioner stage is?” Eleanor asked hopefully. Upon seeing Wang Hao destroying the formation, she knew that he must be really powerful.

“I am the First Stage, but I can fight against the Second Stage practitioners.’

“Errr...” Eleanor was surprised by what Wang Hao said.

“But you destroyed that formation easily! Only those at the Fifth Stage can destroy it!” Eleanor could not believe what Wang Hao said. “You must be joking right?

“I am not joking.” With her ability, Eleanor felt that what Wang Hao said was genuine.

“But how were you able to...”

“I have a lot of special items.” Wang Hao decided that the best way to describe his spatial and energy abilities were to say that its was the cause of special items.

“Like a sacred artifact?”

“Yeah, something like that. Hmmm...” Wang Hao then looked towards the two kids. They stared back at Wang Hao hopefully. “I think we should leave this place now. They could be looking for us already.”

Eleanor sighed sadly. “Because we are here at the site of their deaths, I am sure I will be hunted too, including Anna and George. So we have no choice but to join you.”

“But how will you three clear your names?”

“ not know.” This was the first time Eleanor felt unsure about what to do. “How about this. We join with you first and we just wait until this matter cools down. By that time, I could have a plan already.”

“Let’s go then.” Wang Hao held out his hands towards Eleanor and the two kids. “I know a fast way to travel. If you just hold my hands, I can bring you with me.”

“Ok Big Brother!” Anna and George clung playfully on Wang Hao’s right arm. As for Eleanor, she was blushing, not daring to move at all.

“Hey, what’s the problem Eleanor?”

“Actually, I have never held hands with a man before.” Eleanor twisted shyly on her spot as she looked towards Wang Hao’s left hand. “But for this situation, I suppose I can do it.” She then grabbed Wang Hao’s right hands tightly.

Wang Hao could feel the softness of Eleanor’s hand. Her dainty fingers caressed the back of his palm, producing some tingly sensations for him. He just stayed quiet as he activated his teleportation.

If it’s the normal space practitioner, when they teleport with someone else, that person will be bound to be dizzy. But Wang Hao is no ordinary space practitioner. With the power of the Space-time Gyroscope, he can consider those that he touches to be a part of his own body. He includes these objects in his frame of reference.

This then makes the objects as stable as him when they teleport together. They stopped teleporting after an hour. At the distance, they could see a small village. The village was composed of huts instead of brick houses. Smoke could be seen to be rising from some huts.

This village seems to be a primitive settlement.

Upon seeing Wang Hao’s confused look, Eleanor supplied him with some details.

“The more advanced villages and cities are located near the capital of the Empire. The farther the distance to the capital becomes, the less advanced the villages become.”

“That’s reasonable.” Wang Hao then raised his hand to stop themselves from walking towards the village. “Before we go in, I need to let out two people first.”

He waved his hands, and Boner and Fatty Zhou appeared. Boner still looked pensive while Fatty Zhou looked pissed upon seeing Wang Hao.

“You f**king brat! I will kill you !” Fatty Zhou started to rush towards Wang Hao. Wang Hao waved his hand again, and Fatty Zhou was back on his space pocket.

“That fatty is still angry to me? He and Boner clearly heard all that was happening outside while I kept them. I already offered him a good working relationship this time....”

Eleanor just felt nothing this time. She realized that Wang Hao was a man full of surprises. She has no need to be surprised, since she knew that Wang Hao will just surprise her again.

“Oh, this is one of the abilities of my artifact. It gives me the ability to store living and non-living objects.” Eleanor just nodded numbly.

“As for this guy here.” He pointed towards the tied-up Boner. “His name is Boner. He will be assisting us from now on.”

Eleanor bit back a choke. Boner? Really?

“Do not ask me why his name was like that, it’s a long story.” Wang Hao waved his hand dismissedly. “As for now, we need to enter this village. Now, what should be our identity?” He started to untie Boner’s bindings. Wang Hao knew that Boner will not attack them since Wang Hao is Boner’s hope to be free.

Once freed, Boner said what he had been thinking. “I will act as Wang Hao’s follower. As for the two kids, just be Eleanor’s siblings. As for Eleanor and Wang Hao,” He then looked towards the two of them. “You two must act as a pair of lovers!

“Pffffttt...” Wang Hao had to hold back the sound of surprise in his throat. Eleanor on the other hand, was blushing deeply.

“Why must we do that!” Eleanor asked while being flustered.

“Because from what I see, Wang Hao will not hide his handsome face. He needs to use his face to do what he needs to do. He said it’s vital for the mission. So, we need someone to act as a deterrent to any females wanting to get him. And that will be you, Princess Eleanor.”

“But don’t we need to hide Eleanor’s face? Even her siblings too?”

Boner nodded. “We are going to hide their faces with hooded robes. That will keep them from being recognized.” He then started talking passionately.

“But look at Princess Eleanor’s body! She has the perfect curves! Look at that full breasts and shapely hips! Even though her face was hidden, her perfect body was enough to deter any admirers!”

Wang Hao scratched his head in annoyance. He was sure that Boner was scheming something. But who was he to disagree? This could even grant his some chance to get closer to Eleanor...

“That won’t do!” Eleanor fully disagreed with Boner’s suggestion. “Pretending to be lovers even though you are not is a big taboo for me!”

Wang Hao’s smile cramped as he heard her. He then replied, “So do you have a counter plan?”

“Of course, I do!” Eleanor said confidently. “I can just say that Wang Hao is my older brother! That’s better right?”

“I suppose so..” Unexpectedly, Boner gave his approval.

Wang Hao could only sigh in disappointment as he knew that all the ero scenes that he envisioned had been crushed mercilessly.

They then started walking towards the village entrance. Once arriving at the entrance, Wang Hao started to see more features. He felt that the atmosphere seemed tense. The residents in the village were holding some sort of weapons. Even the children were wary too.

Upon the arrival of Wang Hao’s group, all of the villagers near the entrance looked at them suspiciously. They tensed as they held their weapons.

“Halt! Who goes there!” The crowd parted as a middle-aged man appeared. He had an eyepatch over his left eye. His long, curly hair fluttered wildly as he brandished his spear towards Wang Hao. “State your reasons for coming in here! If not....” Electricity then started to crackle on his spear.

“We do not come with ill intent.” Boner stepped forward as he said, “Some bandits ambushed us. Now we lost our belongings and our carriage. We had no choice but to find a settlement to rest in. We are lucky to find one in here. Can you let us rest in the village? It will be a great favor to us.”

“Favor? Bah!” The man spat towards Boner. “As if you can entice me with those fake promises!”

As the man continued cussing towards them, Wang Hao just smiled as if he was expecting it. He reached under his robes as he snatched an object on his space pocket. Once he got it, he showed it towards the man.

“How about this? I give you this medicine, and you will let us stay here for a night.”

The man stared at the medicine that Wang Hao was holding. He suddenly cried, much to the great surprise of Wang Hao.

He clasped Wang Hao’s hands as he excitedly shouted, “Thank you very much for this, Benefactor! This will be a great help for my wife!”

Wang Hao then knew that he hit the jackpot. It seems like this man’s wife was ill. The medicine that Wang Hao held was certainly going to heal that woman.

“So we get to stay the night then?”

“Of course of course!” The man nodded vigorously. “But just that is not enough! Ha! I have decided!” The man stared at Wang Hao as he declared,

“All the unwed females in this village shall have the right to have their children with him! Suck him dry!”


The Chronicles of the Immortal God - Chapter 67: Drain
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