The Chronicles of the Immortal God
The Chronicles of the Immortal God - Chapter 65: Oh Hello There

Before Fang Lin ventured for the sect expedition, let’s turn back time 6 months earlier, around the time Wang Hao exited the gates.


Wang Hao whistled as he left the confines of the Immortal God Sect. He was obviously pleased with the success of his escapades. Now, he only needed to find a way to go to the Tian Ji Empire. He unfurled his map as he observed the nearest path that he should take. From looking at the map, he realized that he must wait for the leaving carriages tomorrow morning.

Wang Hao cannot wait for that long. So, he just spammed his teleportation ability. He continuously used teleportation to travel farther and farther. Even though he can only cover 10 meters at a time, this was a better alternative than waiting for tomorrow.

When Wang Hao was already far away the sect, he sensed an incoming danger. He teleported away, effectively dodging a sneak attack. Wang Hao saw the ground where he previously stood was burning with gray flames. Everything that the gray flames touched started to disintegrate into ashes that scattered into the air.

“Flames of Decay!” Wang Hao exclaimed as he saw these flames. “But this kind of flames can only be used by half-step Sixth Stage Practitioners! S**t!”

Flames of Decay are formed in the dantian of the Fifth Stage Practitioners that were about to reach the Sixth Stage or in other words, half-step already. These flames serve as a trial for these practitioners. These flames will disintegrate anything they touch into ashes.

Because of this ability, the dantian and lifeforce of the half-step Sixth Stage Practitioners will be whittled bit by bit. Only when they successfully establish their Immortal Foundation or their Demigod Crystal that they can extinguish these flames.

If they fail to do that, the flames will kill them. But these flames can also be used as a powerful weapon. In Wang Hao’s case, the Flames of Decay was being used to disintegrate him into ashes.

“Who goes there!” Wang Hao shouted towards the direction where the flames came from. “If you think you can kill me easily, you cannot! I can just dodge your sputtering flames!”

“Sputtering flames?” The space suddenly distorted as a gray-robed man came out. This is the original body of No. 5! He seemed disdainful as he looked towards Wang Hao.

“Sputtering flames? I was just playing with you!” Suddenly, the ground beneath Wang Hao started to be filled with the Flames of Decay. Soon, Wang Hao was covered by the gray flames.

Inside the flames, Wang Hao’s panicked voice could be heard.

“Mr. Gray man, I don’t feel so good…” No. 5 then waited for him to disintegrate into ashes.

But to No. 5’s surprise, Wang Hao’s figure started to teleport away.

“Does this mean this brat cannot be affected by my flames? How can that be?”

Of course, Wang Hao cannot be affected. The Flames of Decay was primarily composed of Death and Destruction Energy. Wang Hao can stand there all day, and he will just feel a slight tickle.

No. 5 then thought that this Wang Hao could have some kind of immunity against magical attacks. He then decided to just finish it with brute force.

No. 5 took a step, and he was already behind Wang Hao. Before Wang Hao could speak, No. 5 clenched his fist and threw it towards Wang Hao’s back!

Do not underestimate the brute strength of a practitioner. Every time a practitioner rises up in stage, their physical bodies will also experience some qualitative changes. In No. 5’s case, he knew that his punch can easily blast Wang Hao into smithereens!


But instead of flesh exploding upon impact, what No. 5 felt was the feeling of a hammer striking a rubber ball. He felt no feedback at all. Wang Hao seemingly stayed in place, not even being moved by that punch.

No. 5 then looked towards Wang Hao. He saw that Wang Hao spat some blood when that punch of his hit him. No. 5 then knew he can damage Wang Hao.

“You may have a powerful armor ablating the damage, but I will just pummel you until you are dead!”

He then struck Wang Hao with another punch to his stomach. But this time, instead of staying in place, Wang Hao was blasted into the sky, heading at towards the western direction. In no time at all, No. 5’s punch made Wang Hao disappear into the horizon.

“S**t!” No. 5 cursed to himself. “I failed to kill that Wang Hao! He seems to be as tough as a cockroach!” He then looked unwillingly towards the direction Wang Hao blasted to. “Too bad I have to stay near the Immortal God Sect for that Fang Lin! Hmmph, after this battle stage, I will personally hunt you down!”

No. 5 licked his lips excitedly. Of all the things the Fang Clan made him do, hunting was his most favorite.

But before he could leave, he saw a book lying on the ground. When No. 5 scrutinized it, he realized that it was an erotic book.

“Ugghh… This must be a property of that Fatty. Well, I will just keep it for now. I could use this to blackmail that Fang Lin..” No. 5 then picked the book up as the space distorted around him and he disappeared.


Forest of Death, Tian Ji Empire.

The Forest of Death can be considered to be one of the most dangerous locations in the Tian Ji Empire. It was said that many who venture into this forest end up dead. Their bodies will then wander the forest as undead abominations.

As such, this forest were avoided by many, except for the practitioners whose power was related to death.

At the entrance of the forest, three sets of footsteps echoed. The anxious and nervous feeling emanated by these footsteps clearly shows that its owners were in a serious situation.

As the moonlight touched down on the forest, the faces of the footsteps owner’s were revealed. They were composed of two children and one young lady.

The young lady was around 20 years old. Her black hair flowed behind her freely as she ran. Her beauty can be compared to that of a regal queen. Once you see her, you will only feel an urge to kneel in front of her. Her face was flushed red as she clearly overexerts herself from running.

As for the two children, they were composed of one boy and one girl. The boy and the girl looked similar to the elegant lady. The girl however seemed the cuter and more innocent version while the boy’s beauty geared towards the masculine side.

Each of their hands were being held by the elegant lady. They continued running across the forest, clearly intent on running away from something.

“Sis Eleanor, can we not enter here? It’s the Forest of Death! Muuuu…. Anna is scared!” The little girl, whose name was Anna wailed as she tried to slow down Eleanor.

“Please Big Sis! It’s scary in here!” The little boy decided to join in too.

“Shut up George! You too Anna!” Eleanot raised her voice as she shouted towards the two.

“Do you know the sacrifices that Mother and Father made just for us to escape alive? We better not waste it! Our pursuers are getting near us! Only with us getting inside the Forest of Death can deter them!”

“Muuu… Mama! Papa! Waaahhh!!!!” Anna could not take it anymore as she started crying. George then hugged the little girl as she continued sobbing.

Eleanor’s expression softened as she saw her siblings interacting like this. Suddenly her expression changed. But before she could warn her siblings, she felt a dome like structure covering them.

The structure was a thin film that covered all the area around Eleanor like a dome. She tried breaking it, but it did not even budge.

“Haha, Eleanor, you cannot break this prison formation no matter what you do!” At the other end of the dome, a crack opened, and three people went inside. One of them was a middle-aged man with balding hair. He had a moustache that seems to say that he was an elegant person. He held a scroll with him, as if he was controlling the formation by himself.

The other two with the moustached man were clearly people of high rank. Both of them wore golden robes with the symbol 天机 (Tian Ji) embroided on the back. They both have handsome faces, but it was warped by the lewd expressions they are wearing now.

“Why are you doing this Robert and Ronald! You are both princes of the Tian Ji Empire! Why are you two doing this to us! We are the same, we are all prince and princesses of the Empire!” Eleanor anxiously said.

“Haha, times have changed now Eleanor.” The prince on the left, Robert drawled. He stared at Eleanor’s body, checking out her perfect assets. “Situations dictated that we have to kill your family. Too bad I liked your father.”

“F**k you!”

“F**k me? Hahahahaha!” Robert let out a hysterical laugh. He looked towards Eleanor while wiping his eyes. “Do you know why you three are still alive now? It’s because me and my brother have been lusting after you three! We will f**k you!”

Robert then continued speaking with his excited voice. “I wanted to have a taste of you, Eleanor, while Ronald wants to have some ‘fun time’ with George and Anna. If we have our fun at the capital, our reputation will be broken. So we just led you three here.”

“Now, let’s have some fun!”

“No!” Eleanor started pounding the dome. “Help! Please help us!”

“Hahahaha! That won’t help! This formation can withstand strikes of anyone under the Fifth Stage! As long as none of them arrives, you won’t escape here!”


But before Robert and Ronald could get near the helpless trio, they heard a strange noise.

“Wooohhhh! This is fun!”

They looked at the sky and they saw an approaching object, falling towards the dome. This object was obviously Wang Hao.

The truth was, the first punch by No. 5 did not hurt at all. Wang Hao just absorbed it and then he spat some blood to make himself look hurt. This then made No. 5 think that Wang Hao has an armor. This made him punch Wang Hao once more.

But this time, instead of absorbing it, Wang Hao made the kinetic energy of the punch ‘stick’ with him, that launched him away. The energy of a half-step Sixth Stage Practitioner was preserved in that strike. With Wang Hao’s clever positioning, he was able to make his launch direction to be towards the Tian Ji Empire.

Because of this power, Wang Hao was able to reach the border of the Tian Ji Empire in just 10 minutes. Once there, he then decided to drop down. He scanned the land below him. It was then that he noticed the prison formation in the Forest of Death.

“Jackpot! If I hit that formation, I am sure no powerhouse in the Tian Ji Empire will hear me impacting on the ground!” He then started plummeting towards the formation.

But that was where Wang Hao made a mistake. He assumed that the formation in front of him can sustain a strike of anyone below the Sixth Stage. But it can only withstand attacks below Fifth Stage.

Right now, Wang Hao’s body contains the kinetic energy of a punch of a half-step Sixth Stage Practitioner. What happened next was self-explanatory.

The formation shattered into pieces when Wang Hao collided against it. He then continued plummeting downward, hitting two people in the process. These unfortunate fellows were Prince Robert and Ronald.

What remained of them were only their scattered remains. That attack of No. 5 sure packed a punch.

As for the mustached man, he panicked and decided to run away after seeing the deaths of the two princes.

Wang Hao shook the dust of his robes as he stood up. He then looked towards the confused Eleanor and her siblings. He smiled as he greeted them cordially.

“Oh hello there!”

The Chronicles of the Immortal God - Chapter 65: Oh Hello There
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